For the elder statesmen and women on here


Well-Known Member
Aug 20, 2014
With this country basically going down in flames by the hour I’m just curious what some of the older folks on here think about all of this mess? I’m 49 but I just shake my head and have lost all confidence that things will ever go back to the normal we knew.

I see today where Seattle is closing police precincts and apparently phasing out law and order, something you would not expect to see ever. This country seems like it’s on the verge of mass chaos with no end in sight?
If you were to hear someone propose just two months ago that we should defund the police they would've immediately been deemed a mental degenerate. Today, anyone proposing to defund the police is considered to be reasonably and appropriately mainstream. You can't make this up. Just pure propaganda and lies repeated in so many cultural institutions like media, entertainment and academia. Conservatives focus so much energy trying to win political battles that they have totally overlooked the cultural war that they're losing miserably.
you just got to Hold Fast Brother, ain't no one coming, just worry about yourself and family is all ya can do, I think in time it will go away, maybe not! This is the new world.... If I could tell my Great, Great Grandpa, that he should have picked his own Cotton, cause they made it hard on future Generations to try and live another future,
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With this country basically going down in flames by the hour I’m just curious what some of the older folks on here think about all of this mess? I’m 49 but I just shake my head and have lost all confidence that things will ever go back to the normal we knew.

I see today where Seattle is closing police precincts and apparently phasing out law and order, something you would not expect to see ever. This country seems like it’s on the verge of mass chaos with no end in sight?
I'm the same age as you but I'm not crying and having "good ole days" syndrome. Every day is a gift and I enjoy life. Right now is difficult but other generations have dealt with far worse throughout history. We will be fine. Get busy living or get busy dying.
I'm the same age as you but I'm not crying and having "good ole days" syndrome. Every day is a gift and I enjoy life. Right now is difficult but other generations have dealt with far worse throughout history. We will be fine. Get busy living or get busy dying.
Observing the obvious isn’t having good ole days syndrome when was the last time you recall cities closing police precincts and doing away with arrests, defunding the police etc? I’m living life everyday, going to work but this country is a huge mess right now
Look, here is my .02. It is a very difficult time. I can’t stand extremists on both sides. The SJWs drive me crazy, as much as the far-right conspiracy theorist crowd. I would like to believe that the majority of us try to look at things logically and fall somewhere in the middle. Most importantly WE need to understand a few things on this board. (Including myself)
- We are all human
- We are all Americans that love our country
- We should treat everyone with respect and try to understand appreciate the other persons viewpoint
- We should all do research before having knee jerk reactions
- We all the want the best for our family, friends, community and our country. Sometimes we just see a different way or method of getting there. Can be attributed to life experiences and how we were raised
- We all love sports
- We all love the Longhorns. Well, except you Bell! Ha!

C’mon man, let’s be supportive and try to understand each other and be cordial in our dialogue. It’s nice to appreciate differences.
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I had to tell My granddaughter who is half black, she come and ask me the weekend if I still loved her? I loaded her young ass up in the boat with the boys and took her fishing and told her to ask what she wanted, had to give her the truth of the matter this is what breaks ya heart about all this shit, we came back and she felt better, I told her to not pay attention to the fools in this world and that I loved her very much, ask my wife the same thing and my wife started to have misty eyes, so all this is what beating families to death, dealing with the corno is heart enough without this protest shit going on..if we don't get this Virus fixed , it won't matter who's life Matters
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Observing the obvious isn’t having good ole days syndrome when was the last time you recall cities closing police precincts and doing away with arrests, defunding the police etc? I’m living life everyday, going to work but this country is a huge mess right now

I say f*ok em. Surround the city with the 2nd Infantry division, give everyone that wants out until August 1st, lock the mfer down and let them do whatever they want. You just can't leave.

When they're raping and killing each other in the street, everyone will realize that shutting down local law enforcement is not a solution. Of course, we will never know, because the media won't cover anything that contradicts their political agenda.
Seriously, how awesome would it be to have a news organization to only provide us verifiable facts. No spin, no political bias, no sensationalism, no red or blue, only the red, white and blue.... Man, how awesome would that be. We do live in a great country and we should all be appreciative of the freedoms we have to discuss topics like this without retribution.

I honestly think that social media has been a curse on our society too. We want the likes, the echo chamber of our friends to support our cognitive bias without trying to understand the situation at hand, or the ability to truly listen to someone with differing opinions.

Anyway, tomorrow, I ask all of you to treat your fellow citizens and Americans with respect, be polite and I guarantee it will make you feel better about today.

In the 60's there were mass demonstrations.....really the crowds were larger then. There was flag burning, bra burning, and draft card burning. ( for those that dont know, there used to be a military draft.) The National guard was called out to a demonstration at Kent State.....things went south...and they opened fire on the crowd with live ammo. Several were killed. In 1970 I was stationed at Ft Bragg (home of the 82nd Airborn). A huge demonstration was planned for Washington DC and we went on Full alert....Base lockdown. We were awaiting instructions to deliver the 82nd to DC and put the town under Martial Law.The Capitol of the US and we were touch and go. It was 8 hours before we were told to stand down.

In those days the military was hated. It was an Article15 offense to be caught in town in uniform because all uniforms were subject to attack.Ask any Vietnam vet how he was treated coming home from Nam.

Damned bad times....but we didnt have to deal with the Corona.
Look, here is my .02. It is a very difficult time. I can’t stand extremists on both sides. The SJWs drive me crazy, as much as the far-right conspiracy theorist crowd. I would like to believe that the majority of us try to look at things logically and fall somewhere in the middle. Most importantly WE need to understand a few things on this board. (Including myself)
- We are all human
- We are all Americans that love our country
- We should treat everyone with respect and try to understand appreciate the other persons viewpoint
- We should all do research before having knee jerk reactions
- We all the want the best for our family, friends, community and our country. Sometimes we just see a different way or method of getting there. Can be attributed to life experiences and how we were raised
- We all love sports
- We all love the Longhorns. Well, except you Bell! Ha!

C’mon man, let’s be supportive and try to understand each other and be cordial in our dialogue. It’s nice to appreciate differences.

^^^^^^^ this x 10 and I hate extremists on both sides to.
Seriously, how awesome would it be to have a news organization to only provide us verifiable facts. No spin, no political bias, no sensationalism, no red or blue, only the red, white and blue.... Man, how awesome would that be. We do live in a great country and we should all be appreciative of the freedoms we have to discuss topics like this without retribution.

I honestly think that social media has been a curse on our society too. We want the likes, the echo chamber of our friends to support our cognitive bias without trying to understand the situation at hand, or the ability to truly listen to someone with differing opinions.

Anyway, tomorrow, I ask all of you to treat your fellow citizens and Americans with respect, be polite and I guarantee it will make you feel better about today.


Man you're on a serious roll tonight Chris.
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Man you're on a serious roll tonight Chris.

Ha! Thank you sir, I really appreciate it. I will be the first to admit, unfortunately, that I have been a complete jack wagon to a few on here and sometimes I let my emotions get the best of me. Guess that’s a part of being human.

I really think we all want the best, but just have a different way of expressing it sometimes. Hope you and your family are doing well.
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Ha! Thank you sir, I really appreciate it. I will be the first to admit, unfortunately, that I have been a complete jack wagon to a few on here and sometimes I let my emotions get the best of me. Guess that’s a part of being human.

I really think we all want the best, but just have a different way of expressing it sometimes. Hope you and your family are doing well.

My wife and I are observant Latter Day Saints (Mormons). And we always pay a full tithe which is 10% of our monthly income. It's hard to explain the blessings of tithing but its been a blessing for us during this pandemic and these uncertain racial times. And it's not like we can afford it. And I've lost my head to one of my worst shortcomings is cussing I come from a family of f word smiths and when I get upset I have a relapse. I was raised Protestant and I converted a some time ago. Still working on it lol.
With this country basically going down in flames by the hour I’m just curious what some of the older folks on here think about all of this mess? I’m 49 but I just shake my head and have lost all confidence that things will ever go back to the normal we knew.

I see today where Seattle is closing police precincts and apparently phasing out law and order, something you would not expect to see ever. This country seems like it’s on the verge of mass chaos with no end in sight?
I am 56 and could not agree more with your post. We will all see how that works out for Seattle and Portland. The leftist Dems think by getting rid of police they are accomplishing something. The only accomplishment will be total and complete anarchy, increase in rapes and murders, and mass exodus from the cities. The banks will leave their cities, if there are no police, as well as law abiding people hauling ass. Businesses will close down. Without police, there is no law and order or a civilized society. They think the police are the problem because they arrest people. They will experience their utopia and it will fail, miserably. I only hope old people and little children do not get harmed in the fallout. I see now that NY's Mayor, who is hard left, is now blaming guns for increase in murders instead of his own policies. The left cannot take responsibility for their actions. NY Mayor stopped all the good policing actions and now there is an increase in crime, 200% increase in murders. It will become what Chicago is very soon. Welcome back to the 70's New York!

By the way, I stand for the Flag and only kneel for the Cross. If I see anyone kneeling or protesting the Flag during the National Anthem, I turn the channel. NFL, Major League Baseball, and NBA are all dead to me. I love college football but they better not start this protesting the Flag or it will be dead to me. The Left politicizes everything and it is really getting old. Ask a person who fled Cuba what socialism was like and they will tell you the horror of it.
My wife and I are observant Latter Day Saints (Mormons). And we always pay a full tithe which is 10% of our monthly income. It's hard to explain the blessings of tithing but its been a blessing for us during this pandemic and these uncertain racial times. And it's not like we can afford it. And I've lost my head to one of my worst shortcomings is cussing I come from a family of f word smiths and when I get upset I have a relapse. I was raised Protestant and I converted a some time ago. Still working on it lol.

You mean ya paying Gods son 10% of what you make and then following the diet of the Church? Gods son must be getting rich off the Latter Days, no wonder ya cranky Cali, your not eating enough good Mexican foods and Steaks and triple patty wit Cheese and Japs Burgers..thats some restraint! I don't think Jesus charged to preach to the people his wisdom, maybe you paying the Elders Cadillac payments, just my thoughts, I still like ya Bro! Good to have ya on here, but think of all the Shiner you could buy at 10& a month...LOL Stay safe out there Bro

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I am 56 and could not agree more with your post. We will all see how that works out for Seattle and Portland. The leftist Dems think by getting rid of police they are accomplishing something
. The only accomplishment will be total and complete anarchy, increase in rapes and murders, and mass exodus from the cities. The banks will leave their cities, if there are no police, as well as law abiding people hauling ass. Businesses will close down. Without police, there is no law and order or a civilized society. They think the police are the problem because they arrest people. They will experience their utopia and it will fail, miserably. I only hope old people and little children do not get harmed in the fallout. I see now that NY's Mayor, who is hard left, is now blaming guns for increase in murders instead of his own policies. The left cannot take responsibility for their actions. NY Mayor stopped all the good policing actions and now there is an increase in crime, 200% increase in murders. It will become what Chicago is very soon. Welcome back to the 70's New York!

By the way, I stand for the Flag and only kneel for the Cross. If I see anyone kneeling or protesting the Flag during the National Anthem, I turn the channel. NFL, Major League Baseball, and NBA are all dead to me. I love college football but they better not start this protesting the Flag or it will be dead to me. The Left politicizes everything and it is really getting old. Ask a person who fled Cuba what socialism was like and they will tell you the horror of it.

Got some old people down here in my neighborhood that will shoot ya ass for Fing with the flag and walking on their newly mowed grass, we all Nam Vets here in my Hood! Send them Seattle punks down here....
I'm a Libertarian. In party terms, a Coolidge republican. I'd suggest 2 books, both by Amity Shlaes: The Forgotten Man, and The Great Society. About the FDR and LBJ eras. My personal thought is that the civil rights movement believed that desegregation would solve all our problems. When that didn't work, they became increasingly angry. So now we have discrimination, we call it affirmative action. 2 other books, Douglas Murray's The Madness of Crowds and Charles Murray's Human Diversity. Then we can talk.
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desegregation....yep....that was the answer.I know that the younger crowd on here may believe it, but they cannot comprehend it. In the '60's blacks were effectively prevented from voting in Mississippi. They could not attend the Universities of Arkansas or Alabama. They could not go into a restaurant labeled "white only" or they would literally be put in jail. UT did not have a single black football player until the 70's Believe me, those people had a legitimate gripe.

Flash forward to today. This is simply the second wave. I say this unrest was inevitable. The difference today is that because now we have not only social media , but a completely unbridaled National media that no longer even has to pretend to be unbiased. This media is easily manipulated. There is huge global interest in this country failing.

However, I think it is very myopic to sit back and say" why is this happening? Things were fine the way they were." Things were not fine the way they were. In the end we will get back to what will be considered "normal".

This has been going on in this country since the beginning. Don't ever forget that we live in the best country the world has ever known.
Got some old people down here in my neighborhood that will shoot ya ass for Fing with the flag and walking on their newly mowed grass, we all Nam Vets here in my Hood!

Damn.... @StrangerHorn, I have got to make that drive down to Corpus from the Hill Country one of these days. Just to do some fishing, sip some Shiner and listen to the stories about Vietnam....

The Forgotten Man, and The Great Society.
@TX1972 both of those are excellent books and I endorse your recommendation of them.
I'm now living in Henderson county, SE of DFW. Homes here are hot on the market due to families moving out of the city. Some city folk have lake homes here already and are making it their primary residence.
Myself, I was primed to live and travel the RV lifestyle, but have put that on the back burner.
I'm now living in Henderson county, SE of DFW. Homes here are hot on the market due to families moving out of the city. Some city folk have lake homes here already and are making it their primary residence.
Myself, I was primed to live and travel the RV lifestyle, but have put that on the back burner.
I did a lot of oil and gas work out in Henderson/Anderson/Leon Counties in the 90’s. Pretty country out there but as a young guy in his 20’s back then the dry county thing was brutal but we made due
I'm now living in Henderson county, SE of DFW. Homes here are hot on the market due to families moving out of the city. Some city folk have lake homes here already and are making it their primary residence.
Myself, I was primed to live and travel the RV lifestyle, but have put that on the back burner.

I live in Hood County on Lake Granbury. I moved here 5 years ago to semi-homestead and escape the city.

With this country basically going down in flames by the hour I’m just curious what some of the older folks on here think about all of this mess? I’m 49 but I just shake my head and have lost all confidence that things will ever go back to the normal we knew.

I see today where Seattle is closing police precincts and apparently phasing out law and order, something you would not expect to see ever. This country seems like it’s on the verge of mass chaos with no end in sight?

Everything moves in cycles. We are at the tail end of a debt super cycle and this means depression plus inflation. I have been working on becoming anti-fragile as I am still too young to retire and probably never will. Gen X is fvcked in a major way. I have been working to diversify my income, generate my own food, and learn new ways of survival. My house is almost paid off. My wife thinks I am crazy and still lives in the old world where jobs paid well and required only 40 hours a week. We haven't had that world in decades.

IMO, we have entered a period that will be unlike any other in history. It will be a combo of the last 2 debt super cycles. Think civil war/french rev. and great depression ww2. We are going to have war all over the globe soon. I mean real war. The hot spots are everywhere. Epic periods in history do not happen in a matter of weeks or even years, it takes time for this stuff to unfold. The main war will be in the ME east to China. That place is a crazy farm. It's going to be ugly. The US will fight China soon in the S China Sea. No telling how ramped up it will be. Ya, we are on the verge of WW3. The next 10-15 years will be war + inflationary depression. We entered the full blown version of the depression a few months ago but it's been in the works since Sept, 11 2001. The Covid was a trigger for a real depression. Texas is 4.5 billion in the red. I imagine the next wave will be mass government spending cuts and massive tax increases preceded by mass money printing. Get ready, the riots will be a distant memory quick like.
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I'm now living in Henderson county, SE of DFW. Homes here are hot on the market due to families moving out of the city. Some city folk have lake homes here already and are making it their primary residence.
Myself, I was primed to live and travel the RV lifestyle, but have put that on the back burner.

Get ya RV and park it in the Alaska away from everyone and live it and tell everyone to go get Fu%%ked..shit! ya may not be here tomorrow Hill! I am making peps to go to my Brothers place and call it quits myself, got to settle some stuff and I am gone, we been shipping our stuff in 1 container at a time for the last 5 months cause it was so expensive, almost through....
Get ya RV and park it in the Alaska away from everyone and live it and tell everyone to go get Fu%%ked..shit! ya may not be here tomorrow Hill! I am making peps to go to my Brothers place and call it quits myself, got to settle some stuff and I am gone, we been shipping our stuff in 1 container at a time for the last 5 months cause it was so expensive, almost through....

That's a plan, if it can hold off for 5 years. Hopefully, living in a rural area without too many cuckoos, it'll be ok.
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I am 83, have lived my whole life as a person who is respectful toward everyone, served my Country in the Corps, never been arrested for anything, paid my taxes on time, etc but now find out that I am nothing more than A Racist Old Man because I was born White.
You should like a good sumbitch to me Sir
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Look, here is my .02. It is a very difficult time. I can’t stand extremists on both sides. The SJWs drive me crazy, as much as the far-right conspiracy theorist crowd. I would like to believe that the majority of us try to look at things logically and fall somewhere in the middle. Most importantly WE need to understand a few things on this board. (Including myself)
- We are all human
- We are all Americans that love our country
- We should treat everyone with respect and try to understand appreciate the other persons viewpoint
- We should all do research before having knee jerk reactions
- We all the want the best for our family, friends, community and our country. Sometimes we just see a different way or method of getting there. Can be attributed to life experiences and how we were raised
- We all love sports
- We all love the Longhorns. Well, except you Bell! Ha!
C’mon man, let’s be supportive and try to understand each other and be cordial in our dialogue. It’s nice to appreciate differences.
Sadly, I don't think "We are all Americans that love our country." The anarchists (BLM, ANTIFA) clearly seek the overthrow of our government.
Seriously, how awesome would it be to have a news organization to only provide us verifiable facts. No spin, no political bias, no sensationalism, no red or blue, only the red, white and blue.... Man, how awesome would that be. We do live in a great country and we should all be appreciative of the freedoms we have to discuss topics like this without retribution.

I honestly think that social media has been a curse on our society too. We want the likes, the echo chamber of our friends to support our cognitive bias without trying to understand the situation at hand, or the ability to truly listen to someone with differing opinions.

Anyway, tomorrow, I ask all of you to treat your fellow citizens and Americans with respect, be polite and I guarantee it will make you feel better about today.

Social Media are the Devil's spawn!
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