I am 56 and could not agree more with your post. We will all see how that works out for Seattle and Portland. The leftist Dems think by getting rid of police they are accomplishing something
. The only accomplishment will be total and complete anarchy, increase in rapes and murders, and mass exodus from the cities. The banks will leave their cities, if there are no police, as well as law abiding people hauling ass. Businesses will close down. Without police, there is no law and order or a civilized society. They think the police are the problem because they arrest people. They will experience their utopia and it will fail, miserably. I only hope old people and little children do not get harmed in the fallout. I see now that NY's Mayor, who is hard left, is now blaming guns for increase in murders instead of his own policies. The left cannot take responsibility for their actions. NY Mayor stopped all the good policing actions and now there is an increase in crime, 200% increase in murders. It will become what Chicago is very soon. Welcome back to the 70's New York!
By the way, I stand for the Flag and only kneel for the Cross. If I see anyone kneeling or protesting the Flag during the National Anthem, I turn the channel. NFL, Major League Baseball, and NBA are all dead to me. I love college football but they better not start this protesting the Flag or it will be dead to me. The Left politicizes everything and it is really getting old. Ask a person who fled Cuba what socialism was like and they will tell you the horror of it.