For the elder statesmen and women on here

Look, here is my .02. It is a very difficult time. I can’t stand extremists on both sides. The SJWs drive me crazy, as much as the far-right conspiracy theorist crowd. I would like to believe that the majority of us try to look at things logically and fall somewhere in the middle. Most importantly WE need to understand a few things on this board. (Including myself)
- We are all human
- We are all Americans that love our country
- We should treat everyone with respect and try to understand appreciate the other persons viewpoint
- We should all do research before having knee jerk reactions
- We all the want the best for our family, friends, community and our country. Sometimes we just see a different way or method of getting there. Can be attributed to life experiences and how we were raised
- We all love sports
- We all love the Longhorns. Well, except you Bell! Ha!

C’mon man, let’s be supportive and try to understand each other and be cordial in our dialogue. It’s nice to appreciate differences.
I have to agree with previous poster, I think you misjudge when you say “everybody loves this country”.
With this country basically going down in flames by the hour I’m just curious what some of the older folks on here think about all of this mess? I’m 49 but I just shake my head and have lost all confidence that things will ever go back to the normal we knew.

I see today where Seattle is closing police precincts and apparently phasing out law and order, something you would not expect to see ever. This country seems like it’s on the verge of mass chaos with no end in sight?
Life is expendable and no longer precious.
Abortion in the name of expediency is the norm. Late term abortions are legal. God has been removed from the marketplace. The Bible notes that God cannot be mocked. We reap what we sow. So? As you think about it many of the reasons are “in your face.”
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My wife and I are observant Latter Day Saints (Mormons). And we always pay a full tithe which is 10% of our monthly income. It's hard to explain the blessings of tithing but its been a blessing for us during this pandemic and these uncertain racial times. And it's not like we can afford it. And I've lost my head to one of my worst shortcomings is cussing I come from a family of f word smiths and when I get upset I have a relapse. I was raised Protestant and I converted a some time ago. Still working on it lol.

Literally, we probably know each other. My mom and Aunt are LDS, and she goes to the Eden Ward. She attended the High Country ward for many years. If you lived in Vista, than you know the Sprenz family who have now passed, but their son Kevin is one of my best friends. Some of the best men I know were LDS living in the high country area.
Literally, we probably know each other. My mom and Aunt are LDS, and she goes to the Eden Ward. She attended the High Country ward for many years. If you lived in Vista, than you know the Sprenz family who have now passed, but their son Kevin is one of my best friends. Some of the best men I know were LDS living in the high country area.

I was raised Episcopalian and actually attended St Margaret's on Stahl road for awhile. My 2nd wife who I'm happily married to is LDS and I converted in 2004 the same year we moved to CA.
You mean ya paying Gods son 10% of what you make and then following the diet of the Church? Gods son must be getting rich off the Latter Days, no wonder ya cranky Cali, your not eating enough good Mexican foods and Steaks and triple patty wit Cheese and Japs Burgers..thats some restraint! I don't think Jesus charged to preach to the people his wisdom, maybe you paying the Elders Cadillac payments, just my thoughts, I still like ya Bro! Good to have ya on here, but think of all the Shiner you could buy at 10& a month...LOL Stay safe out there Bro

Well we eat cheeseburgers out here just like everyone else. But at 65 I'm to old to eat a triple patty with cheese lol
I'm the same age as you but I'm not crying and having "good ole days" syndrome. Every day is a gift and I enjoy life. Right now is difficult but other generations have dealt with far worse throughout history. We will be fine. Get busy living or get busy dying.
And that is as delusional of an answer as you will ever hear. This country is In turmoil and if you have kids or grandkids like I do you should absolutely be worried about the way this country is headed. I really think the rise of social media was when this country started to head south.
Social Media are the Devil's spawn!


Irresponsible social media, kooky youtube channel's, and media people like Tucker Carlson, have played on people's fears during this pandemic.

However there is a site, snopes fact checker, that is truly unbiased I've come to use it and find it to be accurate.
Well some good news out here in Placer County CA. The county board of supervisors has installed a 4 tier program which is based from high risk to low risk. Were at tier 3 which is substantial but things such as churches, restaurants, movie theaters, etc are open with modifications. For example restaurants customers are allowed to eat indoors again, a welcome relief for us but only at 25% capacity. And that's how it is with everything not just what I mentioned above. Well the county commissioner resigned in protest. And Governor Newsom does have the authority to override if things reverse which is ok with me. But we've had a low number of cases and casualties so maybe were going to be ok.

Hey after 6 months it's a start in the right direction and like everyone else we need some hope.
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In the 60's there were mass demonstrations.....really the crowds were larger then. There was flag burning, bra burning, and draft card burning. ( for those that dont know, there used to be a military draft.) The National guard was called out to a demonstration at Kent State.....things went south...and they opened fire on the crowd with live ammo. Several were killed. In 1970 I was stationed at Ft Bragg (home of the 82nd Airborn). A huge demonstration was planned for Washington DC and we went on Full alert....Base lockdown. We were awaiting instructions to deliver the 82nd to DC and put the town under Martial Law.The Capitol of the US and we were touch and go. It was 8 hours before we were told to stand down.

In those days the military was hated. It was an Article15 offense to be caught in town in uniform because all uniforms were subject to attack.Ask any Vietnam vet how he was treated coming home from Nam.

Damned bad times....but we didnt have to deal with the Corona.
Wait a minute you old fart---- in 70 you were at Bragg and you were "delivering" the 82nd airborne---- ? Did I get that right? Or you WERE 82nd airborne and waiting to be delivered?
Were you 1st or 2nd BCT or were you company A avbat?
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I was not in the 82nd....I was In Transportation Corps. My company had the mission to haul the 82nd where ever they needed to go..... Most of the Army is support troops.
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desegregation....yep....that was the answer.I know that the younger crowd on here may believe it, but they cannot comprehend it. In the '60's blacks were effectively prevented from voting in Mississippi. They could not attend the Universities of Arkansas or Alabama. They could not go into a restaurant labeled "white only" or they would literally be put in jail. UT did not have a single black football player until the 70's Believe me, those people had a legitimate gripe.

Flash forward to today. This is simply the second wave. I say this unrest was inevitable. The difference today is that because now we have not only social media , but a completely unbridaled National media that no longer even has to pretend to be unbiased. This media is easily manipulated. There is huge global interest in this country failing.

However, I think it is very myopic to sit back and say" why is this happening? Things were fine the way they were." Things were not fine the way they were. In the end we will get back to what will be considered "normal".

This has been going on in this country since the beginning. Don't ever forget that we live in the best country the world has ever known.
The government practices racial discrimination. Our beloved alma mater is one of the worst, trying to attain "diversity" with affirmative action. I'm against diversity of ability. Two wrongs will never make a right.

Irresponsible social media, kooky youtube channel's, and media people like Tucker Carlson, have played on people's fears during this pandemic.

However there is a site, snopes fact checker, that is truly unbiased I've come to use it and find it to be accurate.
Yes your hero’s Chris Cuomo, Anderson Cooper and Wolf Blitzer aren’t biased and don’t play the covid fear card on a daily basis :rolleyes:
The government practices racial discrimination. Our beloved alma mater is one of the worst, trying to attain "diversity" with affirmative action. I'm against diversity of ability. Two wrongs will never make a right.
Heck Andrew Cuomo is single handily putting NYC restaurants out of business. Why not let the people make their own choices? Post signs warning of the dangers and then let folks live and make their own choices.
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Heck Andrew Cuomo is single handily putting NYC restaurants out of business. Why not let the people make their own choices? Post signs warning of the dangers and then let folks live and make their own choices.

Cuomo - "Look what Trump has made me do to you".
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Cuomo - "Look what Trump has made me do to you".
lol exactly. Even New Yorker's has the confuse now over why he's still mandating the strict shutdowns.
If I was a candidate I'd come out and say I'll lift shutdowns my first day in office. Winner!!! No way in hell people going broke are going to continue to vote for the people shutting them down.

In the New Braunfels paper a couple of weeks ago there was an article interviewing owners of a couple of restaurants here in town. Basically the owners were saying that they had applied and received the stimulus package loans etc. that were made available to businesses etc. but that they had gone through that money now and with restaurants still at restricted capacity, they are at a crossroads with what to do? They're going broke and nobody can give them an estimated timeline of how long these silly restrictions will be in effect. I can understand their dilemma.
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Know who is not going out of business, this morning I drove past Franklins to see if I could get a little lunch, damn that line is still long as hell. Ended up eating Bill F'n Millers, so disappointing.
And that is as delusional of an answer as you will ever hear. This country is In turmoil and if you have kids or grandkids like I do you should absolutely be worried about the way this country is headed. I really think the rise of social media was when this country started to head south.
It's not social media so much as the socialist high school teachers. They think they can "improve" us.
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And that is as delusional of an answer as you will ever hear. This country is In turmoil and if you have kids or grandkids like I do you should absolutely be worried about the way this country is headed. I really think the rise of social media was when this country started to head south.
You're just so scared because your orange daddy tells you to be. You're saying the same thing as every other generation, yet here we all are. Pathetic. Must suck to live your life in fear.
You're just so scared because your orange daddy tells you to be. You're saying the same thing as every other generation, yet here we all are. Pathetic. Must suck to live your life in fear.
Agreed. Wearing a mask for fear of dying when statistics say differently is purely fear based. I won't live my life in fear.
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And that is as delusional of an answer as you will ever hear. This country is In turmoil and if you have kids or grandkids like I do you should absolutely be worried about the way this country is headed. I really think the rise of social media was when this country started to head south.

I think there will be a Civil War coming at some point, it has to as History repeats itself constantly...hope not......we gotta start sorting out this countrys problems soon....
Facebook and Twitter ruined the news industry. They made it so anyone could write anything and gain a huge following without being held accountable. News stations had to sell their souls for likes and re-tweets to stay in busines..

What scares me the most is the misinformation campaigns are only going to get worse. The technology to create realistic fake video of people is getting better everyday. In 5-10 years it may be impossible to believe anything you see or hear because it can be manipulated with technology.
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You're just so scared because your orange daddy tells you to be. You're saying the same thing as every other generation, yet here we all are. Pathetic. Must suck to live your life in fear.
Where in there did I say I live my life in fear? I simply said I’m worried for the younger generation. Go back to comprehension 101 dipshit.
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I always laugh at these keyboard warriors . . . throwing insults left and right, beating on their chests and all. That crap might fool young fellas . . . but us older guys just giggle at it.

The meanest, toughest and most honest man I ever knew never insulted another man or woman in his entire life. If you had the mis-fortune of crossing him however, he'd just smile at you and then decide whether he was gonna let you live or die. He didn't play silly little word games.

The point is . . . be careful who you insult because that person might not play silly little word games either. Have a nice day everybody.
I always laugh at these keyboard warriors . . . throwing insults left and right, beating on their chests and all. That crap might fool young fellas . . . but us older guys just giggle at it.

The meanest, toughest and most honest man I ever knew never insulted another man or woman in his entire life. If you had the mis-fortune of crossing him however, he'd just smile at you and then decide whether he was gonna let you live or die. He didn't play silly little word games.

The point is . . . be careful who you insult because that person might not play silly little word games either. Have a nice day everybody.

It's an absolute joke to hear you going on about internet tough guys. A few months ago you were the one to declare a call to arms against BLM. Just last week someone read some of your replies and said you were a walking
argument for gun control. He's right.
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I like this thread, every time I read it, I get the urge to go to the gun store. I want a 300 blackout.

I seriously think I'm going to break 10K in gun buys this year.

Speaking of badass I was at the Bracken gun range last weekend and the dude next to me had an air rile and he was killing targets 100 yards with an air rifle shooing a .45 slug. It had almost zero percussion and he could shoot it without ear protection (though he was still wearing it). I have to admit, I was pretty impressed. He said he has used it to drop some pretty big pigs so I will take his word for it, since I don't know what kind of power they have. I was just impressed with the size of the slug and the distance it was shooting.
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