Look, here is my .02. It is a very difficult time. I can’t stand extremists on both sides. The SJWs drive me crazy, as much as the far-right conspiracy theorist crowd. I would like to believe that the majority of us try to look at things logically and fall somewhere in the middle. Most importantly WE need to understand a few things on this board. (Including myself)
- We are all human
- We are all Americans that love our country
- We should treat everyone with respect and try to understand appreciate the other persons viewpoint
- We should all do research before having knee jerk reactions
- We all the want the best for our family, friends, community and our country. Sometimes we just see a different way or method of getting there. Can be attributed to life experiences and how we were raised
- We all love sports
- We all love the Longhorns. Well, except you Bell! Ha!
C’mon man, let’s be supportive and try to understand each other and be cordial in our dialogue. It’s nice to appreciate differences.