Has Texas Lost Its Appeal?

The losers lament. If you are winning, you are cheating. We aren't winning, we aren't cheating. Why UT would be the only school not cheating when that is the only way to do business (or at least that is the sense I get from this thread) is beyond me. Win and they will come. And btw Oldhorn - look how many tried to hijack this thread with Baylor references - not me!o_O
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The losers lament. If you are winning, you are cheating. We aren't winning, we aren't cheating. Why UT would be the only school not cheating when that is the only way to do business (or at least that is the sense I get from this thread) is beyond me. Win and they will come. And btw Oldhorn - look how many tried to hijack this thread with Baylor references - not me!o_O
Gonna laugh when bailor gets removed from d1 sports due to corruption. What a stellar witness those baptists have.
Gonna laugh when bailor gets removed from d1 sports due to corruption. What a stellar witness those baptists have.
I've got no witty comeback. We are screwed. And to your second point - yes, its pretty sad when the worst scandal (or at least rivaling Paterno) involves leadership at a Christian institution. Just shows we can all be blinded by earthly riches and success, and lose our way. Now you've gone and made me hijack the thread. Sorry about that.
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I took 5 official recruiting visits to 5 powerhouse schools. I was offered improper gifts and/or money by 4 of the 5.
I grew up in an upper middle class home with both parents who were business owners. If they would offer me things, they offer almost every AA high school kid stuff.
Not that I doubted you, but this survey in the Dallas Morning News appears to back you up. 16 DFW recruits interviewed anonymously, 1/2 admitted that a coach committed a violation during their recruitment.
Please, Arlington Texas has a larger population than Cinncinnati or Cleveland.... It's an afterthought in Texas.
The original post was stating Ohio was small which isn't true, wasn't talking about cities...But Cleveland is bigger than Arlington by the way but who cares.
Point made was incorrect and fake news. Use spell check on Cincinnati by the way smart guy.
The original post was stating Ohio was small which isn't true, wasn't talking about cities...But Cleveland is bigger than Arlington by the way but who cares.
Point made was incorrect and fake news. Use spell check on Cincinnati by the way smart guy.

No, point is.... Ohio is small compared to Texas. Get over it.

What did Tressell get busted for? Hmmmm.... couldn't have been cheating.
No, point is.... Ohio is small compared to Texas. Get over it.

What did Tressell get busted for? Hmmmm.... couldn't have been cheating.
What the hell did Tress have to do with the conversation? Man you have issues brother.
Texas record this decade 46-42 might want to win some games to have such an attitude.
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What the hell did Tress have to do with the conversation? Man you have issues brother.
Texas record this decade 46-42 might want to win some games to have such an attitude.

Yes, population arguments are silly, however, compared to Texas, Ohio is small. Ohio population 11.5 million, Texas population, 27 million. The population of DFW alone is 7 million.

Yes, Texas needs to win, and yes, our record is not where any longhorn fan would want it...concerning the spelling of cincinnati..who gives a $h1t.
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I've got no witty comeback. We are screwed. And to your second point - yes, its pretty sad when the worst scandal (or at least rivaling Paterno) involves leadership at a Christian institution. Just shows we can all be blinded by earthly riches and success, and lose our way. Now you've gone and made me hijack the thread. Sorry about that.
Read Mark Twain: The Man Who Corrupted Hadleyburg. It was ever thus.
To new recruits due to turmoil and lack of facilities, maybe the young guys gotta go to a winner school and play FB< I still can't imagine a recruit turning down a good school cause of a damn weight room, all this damn recruit madness, we oughta make them sign a contract and if they don't play good then their asses are gone, they wanna be big time then treat them that way, rather do it Pop Snyders way anyway,less BS, maybe we shoulda kept MB and told him to snap outa his BS and start coaching, hindsight 20/20

Things like weight rooms etc. indicate to recruits how the school feels about trying play big time football. Most top recruits only have one thing on their mind and it is not academic statue. It is what can you do for me to help my NFL chances. Poor to shoddy facilities say that emphasis is not caring enough about him having the best opportunity for the NFL. It is the sams as as chemistry student not having enough beakers or test tubes.