Much like three of the service academies require a congressional appointment for entry into their programs, allowing each congressional office to set their own processes for such appointments, why not require a similar congressional appointment for each person or family seeking entry into the United States under claims of political asylum. Then we can dispense with the whole issue of criminals vs terrorists vs wholesome, productive people who will make us a better country. Immigration officials can provide information on such persons to Congress on a regular basis and each congressional office can develop their own criteria for reviewing and processing such applications - limited in total only by the maximum number of immigrants to be allowed in each year. Then, if any such immigrant commits a crime or terrorist act we can headline the nightly news with the name and party affiliation of the congressional representative who recommended the person's approval. And if one of them finds a cure for cancer we can do the same. Or, if they simply blend in, assimilate and become good citizens as we would hope they would do, there would be no issue either way. That way our congressional representatives can stop bullshitting us about who's on which end of the spectrum and put their own asses on the line for meaningful and effective vetting processes.