I think Ketch finally gets it

In high school, I only witnessed 2 teammates getting swats (for cutting through a yard on one of our distance runs during off-season football. Otherwise, we respected our coaches and were fearful of the consequences of screwing up. And the "2nd consequences" from our parents. Of course this was back in the day.
Didn't Berkley beat us!
The goons tear down statues of Lincoln because they are so ignorant of history that they dont even know who he was.
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So just curious were you this upset when Mack asked fans to get there early and stay late? Basically telling you what to do. I’ve been told our fans leave early so that pretty much means they don’t sing the Eyes either?

If they sing or not makes no difference we’re a losing program and have been since the end of the Mack era. They were singing it until this year.

Drew, you missed on this one my friend.
Drew, you missed on this one my friend.
Just wondering are we mad at people telling us what to do? I was just going off of a comment. Mad at being told what to do. It is what it is. I know this place pretty good. Actually it’s not at all what it used to be on here but hey things change. I read these post and I understand views but pretty much everyone on here has the same. Which honestly makes for a boring place and a circle jerk. Probably best if I start heading out.
Just wondering are we mad at people telling us what to do? I was just going off of a comment. Mad at being told what to do. It is what it is. I know this place pretty good. Actually it’s not at all what it used to be on here but hey things change. I read these post and I understand views but pretty much everyone on here has the same. Which honestly makes for a boring place and a circle jerk. Probably best if I start heading out.

The correlation you made is hollow.

If you don't want to sing the song whatever. But to completely vacate the field? I don't blame the kids at all, they're kids. They were given an opportunity and did what they thought was right.

I said it way back in the summer. If adults don't step in a set guidelines, etc., it will come to a head like this. Change is good and necessary, but change just for the sake of change is a dangerous proposition. The EOT change is just for the sake of change. And it hasn't gone well.

You can go back and find the posts. I said the same thing back in June after the "demand" letter came out.
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