It's more Washington Redskins

In popular culture and movies, cowboys would fight and kill Indians. So time for Dallas to change its name too?

Patriots were bloodthirsty lawbreaking white men. No place for that in our society.

There were Texans who were slaveowners so that’s got to go.

List goes on and on and don’t even get me started on how offensive the Packers and Rams are to the gay community.
Exactly...and Pepsi and Nike.

As much as people want to politicize this...this isn't about anyone's opinion other than the corporate sponsors who united against the Redskins nickname. Not to mention all of the outlets that announced they would no longer sell Redskins gear on their websites. This always was and always will be about money - not politics.

Dan Snyder had no other choice but to make the name change.
Corporate sponsors tha united against the nickname?
Try cowering from the cancel culture.
This not some noble mission but rather companies that buckled out of fear of losing business. The woke crowd that hates capitalism has learned they can exploit capitalism Achilles heel....revenue.
It is a long process to not only pick the new name but clear the trademark process, create a logo and get it ready for the public unveiling.

I'm not sure what they're going to do this season, if there is a season. They clearly can't play this season with the Redskins logo on their helmets and uniforms but I seriously doubt they have a new name ready to go and even if they do, there's zero chance Nike can produce the uniforms in time for the team. So I'm guessing we'll see the same colors but with no logos?
Corporate sponsors tha united against the nickname?
Try cowering from the cancel culture.
This not some noble mission but rather companies that buckled out of fear of losing business. The woke crowd that hates capitalism has learned they can exploit capitalism Achilles heel....revenue.
That's capitalism. The companies made a business decision not to be associated with the name Redskins and pulled threatened to pull their financial support if it wasn't changed. It's as simple as that. Dan Snyder sure as shit wouldn't change the name without losing out on the funding. If you don't like it, you have a recourse. You can choose to no longer support Nike, FedEx and Pepsi (along with Amazon, WalMart and other retailers who pulled Redskins gear from their shelves). Again, that's capitalism in a free society. In short - that's America.
IMO, there are plenty of things to take a stand against in cancel culture, but this isn’t one of them. This has been bubbling for years, and it’s easy for me to see why “redskin” would be offensive to people. It’s not like our nations history is being’s the mascot of a football team. And not a very good team at that. My life won’t change one iota from this.
That's capitalism. The companies made a business decision not to be associated with the name Redskins and pulled threatened to pull their financial support if it wasn't changed. It's as simple as that. Dan Snyder sure as shit wouldn't change the name without losing out on the funding. If you don't like it, you have a recourse. You can choose to no longer support Nike, FedEx and Pepsi (along with Amazon, WalMart and other retailers who pulled Redskins gear from their shelves). Again, that's capitalism in a free society. In short - that's America.

You are blind to reality. You make it sound like it's simple as 1+1=2. The magic of capitalism.
You are missing the point. A small group of people using a social platform are exploiting the system. This isn't like we are finding out that the Redskins partnered with the klan or Nazi Germany in the past and the entire nation is disgusted. This is a small group that is complaining and companies buckling. The way you represent it is that companies made the decision on their own about what was best for the company. This isn't true. The company's made their decision because either they were directly threatened or felt they were going to be threatened.
IMO, there are plenty of things to take a stand against in cancel culture, but this isn’t one of them. This has been bubbling for years, and it’s easy for me to see why “redskin” would be offensive to people. It’s not like our nations history is being’s the mascot of a football team. And not a very good team at that. My life won’t change one iota from this.
This isn't where it ends. It would be nice but cancel culture doesn't stop. The team founders statue came down. The team founder is being removed from the ring of honor. The team founder name is being scrubbed from the official record. Cancel culture comes for EVERYTHING.
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The thought of a billionaire making more money on new swag doesn’t really excite me.

The bigger picture for me is how anyone can be offended by a non-offensive logo. The world we live in takes another hit.

I get the bigger picture...and am disappointed by certain aspects of our culture these days...but again... its a business. The last company I worked for is a technology company and they changed / modified their name 5 times in 20 years..... Pro football is a business.... Snyder can do as he pleases.. he paid for the privilege to do what he wants...
This isn't where it ends. It would be nice but cancel culture doesn't stop. The team founders statue came down. The team founder is being removed from the ring of honor. The team founder name is being scrubbed from the official record. Cancel culture comes for EVERYTHING.

I get you and I hear the point it’s a slippery slope. Question for me is where you draw the line and take a stand. I don’t have a problem with the name change - I get that. But I suspect you and I would agree on some of the items further down that slippery slope. My concern with society is we are being so black and white on everything....good/bad, right/left, Democrat/Republican. I think both sides are guilty of that polarizing and it’s bad for our country. For me, I see the points behind this change. Doesn’t mean I agree with everything cancel culture is after.
You know...I was torqued up about this for a while....but then I thought about it, as a Cowboy fan, I hate the Redskins...always have. At the same time sports is a business and businesses change their name all the time. It’s Dan’s business under a franchise agreement with the N FL They can do what they want. If the fans/market bail...then they bail. Move along. Think of all the money he is going to make with the new swag he is going to sell..

Don’t think for a second the Cowboys will not enter this same conversation. A bunch of racist white guys running around killing Indians.
You are blind to reality. You make it sound like it's simple as 1+1=2. The magic of capitalism.
You are missing the point. A small group of people using a social platform are exploiting the system. This isn't like we are finding out that the Redskins partnered with the klan or Nazi Germany in the past and the entire nation is disgusted. This is a small group that is complaining and companies buckling. The way you represent it is that companies made the decision on their own about what was best for the company. This isn't true. The company's made their decision because either they were directly threatened or felt they were going to be threatened.
You are the one who is missing the point. Those companies didn't make their decisions based on "a small group of people using a social platform" to exploit the system. They made their decision because it was in their best financial interest to do so. That is the ONLY reason most companies make decisions and to believe otherwise is naive.
Because their sponsors told them it was racist. Again, this isn't about what you, I, or anyone else thinks...this is being driven solely by the sponsors saying they can no longer support the team with their money as long as the nickname is the Redskins.

So the sponsors just realized it might be racist? No, they caved like bitches to those idiots on the left.
You are the one who is missing the point. Those companies didn't make their decisions based on "a small group of people using a social platform" to exploit the system. They made their decision because it was in their best financial interest to do so. That is the ONLY reason most companies make decisions and to believe otherwise is naive.

I don’t see FedEx folding because they decided to not back the retarded AOC’s of the world.
Probably won't be any of the obvious or natural choices:
Washington Budgetbusters
Washington ForSale
Washington Redtape
Washington Swampdwellers

My favorites:
Washington Establishment
Washington Gridlock
Washington Powerelite
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