It's more Washington Redskins

so dumb....

at some point the Participation Ribbon Cancel Culture needs to be told NO and sent to their rooms
In this case, it's the capitalist culture that made the difference. Snyder was prepared to stand pat until it really started costing him money. And beyond the flap over the team name, there are some bad things going on with the team's ownership. His minority partners, who own about 40 percent of the team, wanted the name changed but even now that it's being changed, they don't want to work with Snyder any more and are trying to sell their stake in the team. Think about that: This year aside, owning an NFL team is like having a cash machine, and those guys--FedEx founder and CEO Fred Smith, NVR founder Dwight Schar, and Robert Rothman, chairman and CEO of Black Diamond Capital--want out. Not a good look for Danny.
So the sponsors just realized it might be racist? No, they caved like bitches to those idiots on the left.
I don’t see FedEx folding because they decided to not back the retarded AOC’s of the world.
You can make this political all you want but that opinion is simply not rooted in fact. Nike, FedEx and Pepsi don't make decisions based on what only half of their consumers want them to make.

The "left" has been against the name for decades and nothing has ever changed.

The change that prompted the companies to make their move is the response to George Floyd's death. That event was an eye opening event in which 74% of Americans now say there is an underlying racial problem in the country.

Just FYI, 74% means this isn't a left/right's an American issue. FedEx, Nike, Pepsi and others are responding to the majority of their customers - not the radical fringes of both sides of the political debate.
Exactly...and Pepsi and Nike.

As much as people want to politicize this...this isn't about anyone's opinion other than the corporate sponsors who united against the Redskins nickname. Not to mention all of the outlets that announced they would no longer sell Redskins gear on their websites. This always was and always will be about money - not politics.

Dan Snyder had no other choice but to make the name change.
Um... it's about the money because of politics.
Um... it's about the money because of politics.
I will point you to my post above:

You can make this political all you want but that opinion is simply not rooted in fact. Nike, FedEx and Pepsi don't make decisions based on what only half of their consumers want them to make.

The "left" has been against the name for decades and nothing has ever changed.

The change that prompted the companies to make their move is the response to George Floyd's death. That event was an eye opening event in which 74% of Americans now say there is an underlying racial problem in the country.

Just FYI, 74% means this isn't a left/right's an American issue. FedEx, Nike, Pepsi and others are responding to the majority of their customers - not the radical fringes of both sides of the political debate.
I will point you to my post above:

You can make this political all you want but that opinion is simply not rooted in fact. Nike, FedEx and Pepsi don't make decisions based on what only half of their consumers want them to make.

The "left" has been against the name for decades and nothing has ever changed.

The change that prompted the companies to make their move is the response to George Floyd's death. That event was an eye opening event in which 74% of Americans now say there is an underlying racial problem in the country.

Just FYI, 74% means this isn't a left/right's an American issue. FedEx, Nike, Pepsi and others are responding to the majority of their customers - not the radical fringes of both sides of the political debate.
Meh. It's politics.
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Not everyone is left/right. I think there’s still a silent majority who don’t go around spewing their opinions.
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Navajo Nation is submitting "Code Talkers" for the new name. I kind of dig it. I hate Washington, but I kind of like that name.
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Redskins is politically incorrect & now carries threat of greatly reduced or eliminated sponsor revenue.
New name means more PR, continued sponsorship, & fans will have to buy new logo articles. Big $$$.
From owners point of view, what's not to like?
so dumb....

at some point the Participation Ribbon Cancel Culture needs to be told NO and sent to their rooms

They need to have a much much stronger statement than a simple no.. They are detached from reality and absolutely represent censorship designed to suppress truth and advance the lie that they actually represent..

Life is messy and only a spiritual infant seeks to label everything that challenges them or makes them uncomfortable as offensive or inappropriate..

What I find offensive are people that are so weak that they are capable of only approaching life from the least part of themselves and for whom reason is simply the last desire of their appetites.. and they live in and are ruled by those appetites and want everyone else trapped in that place with them....

All these pitiful people are being manipulated and clearly afraid of exploring their boundaries and the boundaries that they hide with in are fictitious and transparent and really employed in an attempt to wrongly appropriate power..

Another real issue is how the left has in essence normalized this behavior and they have done so only because they feel that they can tactically benefit from doing so..

It in their minds this gives them an ace up the sleeve which can be brought into the hand strategically as they deem necessary.. but it again does so by trapping those subservient to this ideology in the lefts lie.. so human lives are really reduced to political resources..

That is how in fact the left views human life.. Not as something to be cherished and revered but rather as something to be manipulated.. Just as the cancel culture is false so too is the Me Too Movement.. All accusations are to be believed unless of course a conservative is making them against a liberal..

If something, or some idea, needs to be canceled then certainly action should be taken on both sides.. One key problem that we have before us is that their is no substantive procedure that offers any meaningful level of analysis as to whether something truly needs to be canceled or not. We say its so so it is so.. and that doesn't seem to be a very strong substantive approach to determining the validity of a charge

I think things, ideas and actions, like defund the police, the CHOP, Black lives Matter that don't give a damn about black lives, the squad, socialist agendas, trying to take God out of society, abortion which represents over 19 million deaths in the black population alone since Roe was affirmed in 1973 need to be canceled or at the very least rethought..

I think also that Black on Black murder rates (and white on white murder rates too), the lack of charter schools and meaningful educational opportunities in lower economic areas regardless of their make up..(Not going to hear about that in black history month).. or really any standard history class.. need new and better approaches to resolve another tragic reality in our Nation.. How do you move forward when you purposely hide from reality..??

The left in attempting to continually assert their moral superiority really just makes meaningful progress a far more difficult undertaking and is done clearly because they see themselves as the victim of what they would say is right wing fanaticism.. and this only results in the daily degradation of the social climate in our Nation..

I think one of the biggest issues facing us is that liberals now have clearly chosen "to treat for profit propaganda as news and in so doing have redefined liberalism as an essentially militaristic movement.. rather than initiating discussion, or advocating for more humane policy" they sadly particularly over the last 11 years tend to yield all to quickly to the most absurd and militant of those voices..

If we don't return to common sense and to identifying ourselves as Americans rather than one falsely created victim class after another, "driven not by who we hate but by what we can do to strengthen our communities and country" there are going to be catastrophic consequences.. Reasonable people have had enough..!!
That explains why I'm seeingg a huge uptick on Nike Redskins apparel in my ebay store the last 48 hours! :cool:
It is a long process to not only pick the new name but clear the trademark process, create a logo and get it ready for the public unveiling.

I'm not sure what they're going to do this season, if there is a season. They clearly can't play this season with the Redskins logo on their helmets and uniforms but I seriously doubt they have a new name ready to go and even if they do, there's zero chance Nike can produce the uniforms in time for the team. So I'm guessing we'll see the same colors but with no logos?
Not sure about the turnaround time on trademark paperwork, but as with anything else, the mega-rich usually buy their way to the front of the line.

Nike has an army of seamstresses and advanced machinery that can easily produce hundreds of new uniforms overnight.

That's capitalism. The companies made a business decision not to be associated with the name Redskins and threatened to pull their financial support if it wasn't changed. It's as simple as that. Dan Snyder sure as shit wouldn't change the name without losing out on the funding. If you don't like it, you have a recourse. You can choose to no longer support Nike, FedEx and Pepsi (along with Amazon, WalMart and other retailers who pulled Redskins gear from their shelves). Again, that's capitalism in a free society. In short - that's America.
You do understand that the impetus for this change has a political component, yes? The offended consumer remedy you outline here - no longer supporting Nike, Fedex, Pepsi, Amazon, Walmart, et al - is the exact reason why all of those companies pressured Snyder to change the name and logo asap. They anticipated significant loss of revenue from this surging political movement and acted to protect their bottom line. Snyder did the same.

Yes, of course capitalism is in play here, that’s obvious. Your arguments sound willfully ignorant of the very specific political engine that got this Redskins ball rolling. These decisions by Nike, Amazon, Walmart, Fedex, Pepsi, and Snyder didn’t occur in a vacuum.
Washington Task Force (government's answer to any problem)

Then they could just be the WTF's for short.
You can make this political all you want but that opinion is simply not rooted in fact. Nike, FedEx and Pepsi don't make decisions based on what only half of their consumers want them to make.

The "left" has been against the name for decades and nothing has ever changed.

The change that prompted the companies to make their move is the response to George Floyd's death. That event was an eye opening event in which 74% of Americans now say there is an underlying racial problem in the country.

Just FYI, 74% means this isn't a left/right's an American issue. FedEx, Nike, Pepsi and others are responding to the majority of their customers - not the radical fringes of both sides of the political debate.

I put a total value of zero on any poll. And to go one further I don’t know a single person that believes that to be true. Black, White, orange, green, etc.
You can make this political all you want but that opinion is simply not rooted in fact. Nike, FedEx and Pepsi don't make decisions based on what only half of their consumers want them to make.

The "left" has been against the name for decades and nothing has ever changed.

The change that prompted the companies to make their move is the response to George Floyd's death. That event was an eye opening event in which 74% of Americans now say there is an underlying racial problem in the country.

Just FYI, 74% means this isn't a left/right's an American issue. FedEx, Nike, Pepsi and others are responding to the majority of their customers - not the radical fringes of both sides of the political debate.

And why does the left have such a problem with it? Virtually no American Indians have a problem with it. Hell they helped design the logo. They don’t need any help fighting their battles.
"Cowboys" are the antithesis to "Indians" and far more a racial construct than the "The Eyes." It should be thrown into the cancel culture hopper. Sarcasm or not, you decide?
That’s the point - anything, any name can (supposedly) ‘offend’ someone, some group, some person, some train of thought or belief. Seems like only Christians are now supposed to ‘just take the abuse’ from all kinds of groups, causes, haters, etc. - for doing nothing but try following Christian beliefs & principles promised in the U.S. Constitution. I’ve been a Christian all my life and there may be a day when we have to assert ourselves more to stop mistreatment we get - from some media, to some politicians - to defaming and destroying our statues, art, burning our churches, - and these are not things that happened 150, 100 or 50 years ago - they’re happening now - not ‘then’ but ‘now’. And this is not a ‘white’ issue. Not a black or brown issue - At my church I see every race, all of God’s beautiful people. The things that have been going on are abusing a very large multicultural group. Sometimes I just wonder about where this is going and what’s coming. God bless us all.