Joe Mixon Shenanigans

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I'm with you 100% ... but throwing in the "Christian" fanbase?
Every time a $ooner football player abuses a girl, those ou scumbags victim blame the girl. Every time. I don't take my comment back one bit. They're sh*tty human beings.
Do a google on Amelia Molitor.

I remember when the video was released to the OU press. Even those guys who are huge sunshine pumpers, came out and said it was a damning video. Some changed their tune and said they hoped OU cut ties altogether with Mixon. Others said they hoped the video never came out, because it would be bad and he'd never play a down at OU.

I just googled to look for that article, and instead the first one I came across had this:
One employee told a 911 dispatcher, “Some girl just got clocked in the face. I would like to report an assault.”

Quality stuff eh??? That is why your program is fighting to keep it locked away. That's sad. And your fans blaming the girl or ignoring it altogether are even worse.
So in other words you have no idea how she's doing? Got it. Thanks
Just assuming she's still being slurred, insulted, harassed and otherwise denigrated by your immoral fanbase like all of the other girl victims your football players abuse. You're welcome.

And it's called Google. Check into it.
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