Just read

I think they both outscore the Ags. Baylor would boat race them. It's not an empty threat, you were to big of a pussy to send me an email address. You should have done it. You would have been 6 games away from some petty cash.

Lol yeah right dude, I told you to agree to the terms on the board so you couldn't hide and you wanted to go in private and email. All I asked was to set the terms on the board for everyone to see and you waffled. Its cool you need it more than I do.
Neither do the rankings in my post. That's all this year. And so far... based on the formula for SOS that the committee prefers (that they admit actually underrates the Big 12 schedules more than the other conferences)... TCU has the tougher schedule to date, both already played and overall.

Like I said, it might be an imperfect way to look at it, but stating outright that A&M has earned their ranking and TCU hasn't is kind of silly when the committee's SOS ranking formula disagrees, even before they adjust for the Big 12.

TCU hasn't won any of these games convincingly (except one), they are not the same team they were last year. Playing a tough schedule and boat racing all the teams on that schedule is much different than squeaking by those same teams on that schedule. You have to use some context and common sense. Our toughest game so far is Saturday and that will really tell us were we are. Should be a good game but I honestly don't know how this one turns out.
Lol yeah right dude, I told you to agree to the terms on the board so you couldn't hide and you wanted to go in private and email. All I asked was to set the terms on the board for everyone to see and you waffled. Its cool you need it more than I do.
Send me your email and will put together another wager on the aggy's..... the board isn't involved and I pay my debts.... I needed your email to send the digital sig and the bet was what it was, "best total D", there was nothing to waffle on. Like I said..... It was pocket money and the Ags are still sub top 50 in Total D. Playing zero powerful offenses. Texas shit the bed, although, Texas has played 5 Top 25 offenses. Aggy only has 2 top 25 offenses on the schedule as they are currently ranked and those are both road games down the road.
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TCU hasn't won any of these games convincingly (except one), they are not the same team they were last year. Playing a tough schedule and boat racing all the teams on that schedule is much different than squeaking by those same teams on that schedule. You have to use some context and common sense. Our toughest game so far is Saturday and that will really tell us were we are. Should be a good game but I honestly don't know how this one turns out.

Common sense and context is what I'm suggesting as well. You made it sound like it was a given that TCU hadn't "earned" their ranking and A&M did. I know that SOS isn't the be-all-end-all. But it counts for something. Just like I know that blowing out teams isn't the be-all-end-all (seeing as how that's not what happened for last year's National Champ throughout the regular season... and I know that my own Longhorns had some close calls during their NC season as well). TCU has also played more games on the road than A&M so far, which isn't the whole story, but does count for something. My whole point is, suggesting that A&M has clearly done something to earn their ranking and TCU hasn't (which is what you said) is something you pulled out of nowhere.
The Ag's haven't played a quality foe, yet.

ASU is not a good team, offense has improved 36th/defense is 61st
Ball State 52nd offense in the country/118th defense
Nevada 81st offense/88th defense
Arkansas 46th offense/53rd defense
Miss State 50th offense/47th defense

Extremely average and they are what 15-15 combined. Yup, they earned their ranking alright. Hurumph
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You're in the top 10 by association only. Which is why you guys cling so tightly to these conference discussions. It's your main source of pride without any hardware.
Yep. Welcome to college football. I'm not naïve enough to think that because the SEC is overhyped, its members get preferential treatment in polling.
But its really no different than teams like USC and Texas getting overinflated top 10 preseason rankings based on their historical image.
So you aggys shouldn't falsely claim your top 10 rankings are earned and TCU's and Baylor's aren't. Welcome to the discussion.
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I think it depends on the ambition of the coach. I'd put USC only slightly better than Alabama, but I could see Saban leaving Alabama for USC if only because change makes him hungrier and keeps his competitive juices flowing.

That might not be the case for Bob Stoops and he likely wouldn't consider himself for the job.

BTW I wouldn't be surprised to see Jeff Fisher seriously consider that job. As a SC guy he is a coach that makes a lot of sense.

If I Were Saban, I'd go to USC just to get out of the land of Alabama.
being ranked in top ten..."at some time in the season"....does not hold much water.You got the benifit of over hyped secsecsec rankings at the beginning of the year before those teams were exposed (SC ranked 9th last year?) when you beat one of those over ranked guys you get a bump.....then the season unfolds and everyone sees the Emperor has no clothes....High early rankings dont mean crap. The rest of the sports world has finally dropped that secsecsec hype as seen this year in the rankings. That should be good news for ya'll actually. You are ranked high this year......lets see if you can hold on to it. Frankly, t5he ags have a super opportunity to show the world they want to be one of the big boys this week.Bama isnt what they have been, but they are still Bama. Win this one and beat LSU and you will finally have something to talk about. It is all right there for you.....Are ya'll really all that or will this be yet another year that only ya'll think you are great?
I will give respect to atm when they deserve it. When they finally hold a trophy up that matters then I will say they deserve a little respect. Until them, they are all talk no action.

BTW - I hear from aggsy all the time about how arrogant Texas fans are. You are right, we are.

But Aggsy are also some of the most arrogant fans I have ever met as well, don't believe me, look at how you treat Baylor fan and Tech fans. It's the same way we treat you.

But here is the difference, Texas has actually won something, you haven't, that is why we think you are bigger asses than we are. We at lease have something we can point to as our reason for being arrogant, you are just a bunch of pricks.

You LOL, because you have ZERO response to facts. Like finishing way down in your conference and worse each consecutive year and also not having won a title in forever.

And you'd rather argument semantics and early season rankings. And how bad you would beat so and so (hint, if you played TCU or BU you'd get embarrassed, but you don't have to worry because you will be embarrassed soon enough.......lucky you pulled out that win that a pathetic Arky gifted to you as it is)
IMO Bama will out physical a&m and they have much more depth than the ags have. a&m won't be able to run on Bama and if they have to lean on Allen or Murray to pass their way to victory, I smell a lot of turnovers. My only concern is Coker is average. People like to talk about Kyle Field being a difficult place to play, but it's really not. a&m has lots of losses there. I think the Tide wins by at least 10.