Kansas vs K st gettin they brawl on

I will acknowledge that I am a "poor sport" in terms of competition. I just am. I truly hate losing more than I like winning. Not proud of it, but that's who I am. Don't play games with me because i will use every dirty trick in the book to get in your head and slap the side of your skull walls with my dick. And then I'll tell you all about it during and after. I refuse to let my nephews win ANYTHING they challenge me in. I say "challenge me"--- because I stopped years ago challenging people in things mostly because nobody wanted to play anymore. But when my nephews say "hey uncle clob, I bet I can kick your butt in NFL playstation", I drop 100 on their little heads. Dude, I will beat you at patty cake. I've been this way my whole life and I think it's a blessing as well as a curse. A blessing in that, competition brings out the best in me. And a curse because, competition brings out the gigantic, win at all costs, get every edge I can, fvck with your head and heart, walk right up to the line of cheating, ass hole in me.

So ya, I completely know what's he talking about.
I’ve had that same mentality myself my whole life. Many a times growing up me and my buddies would end up in fist fights over pickup basketball games or anything competitive at that. I think kids nowadays are so used to getting a trophy for anything that it just kills that competitive spirit sometimes.