Ketch's 10 Thoughts From The Weekend (A question for the ages...)

Eric Allen was never the best player on an all-time great team. By the time we got to 1995, you can say that about Woodson and the back end of the dynasty. He was that good.
Woodson was a great, great player. He was by no stretch of the imagination the best player on the 1995 Dallas Cowboys. His best seasons were 1997 on. Also, the 1995 Cowboys were not an all time great team. 92 and 93, sure.
The fallout would have lasted a day. That's the part everyone missed on.
you might be correct...I have no idea if CDC and Eltife thought it would last only a day (or a bit longer but still not long) or would have a lot longer and more impactful shelf life.

You might find this article of interest, which has no direct bearing on this topic, but which does describe some of the history of racism at UT, especially in sports. There were some interesting things I did not know.
Can you give me just one example of something like this happening?

I've written about this in the past and I write about it in real rime. He lost the narrative. That was avoidable.

There are 2 different issues at play:
1. Media. 2. Recruiting across athletics.
I agree Texas could have managed the PR but it’s the negative recruiting that would be more of an issue. Maybe I’m old school but Texas being an elitist institution with no regard for minorities goes back a long way. It’s the narrative OU used forever and Baylor milked it good for years. Houston uses it pretty well also.
Woodson was a great, great player. He was by no stretch of the imagination the best player on the 1995 Dallas Cowboys. His best seasons were 1997 on. Also, the 1995 Cowboys were not an all time great team. 92 and 93, sure.
a. I didn't say his best season was in 1995. I said by the end of the 1885 season, you could make the clkkaim he was the best player on it.

b. The 1995 Cowboys were the last championship squad. We can quibble all you want about the quality of the team, but it's officially part of the dynasty.
you might be correct...I have no idea if CDC and Eltife thought it would last only a day (or a bit longer but still not long) or would have a lot longer and more impactful shelf life.

You might find this article of interest, which has no direct bearing on this topic, but which does describe some of the history of racism at UT, especially in sports. There were some interesting things I did not know.

You should know the things in my head. I've seen some things. ;)
There are 2 different issues at play:
1. Media. 2. Recruiting across athletics.
I agree Texas could have managed the PR but it’s the negative recruiting that would be more of an issue. Maybe I’m old school but Texas being an elitist institution with no regard for minorities goes back a long way. It’s the narrative OU used forever and Baylor milked it good for years. Houston uses it pretty well also.

I just don't think there's an example.
Mind blown at Gattaca not in Top 10, that's top 3 for me.
Ketch as usual great 10 thoughts. My son argues with me all the time regarding Terry he totally agrees with you, I feel like a run to elite 8 led CDC to feel like he deserved the chance plus the optics would have been bad maybe not for more than a week but still really bad. Also Who knows how it would have turned out if he hired someone else, maybe that hire would have been like Smart.
The Hawke list was pretty damn good number 1 was a no doubter, but I think magnificent 7 should be in top 10.
As for Darren Woodson I hate the cowboys but I agree he should he in HOF.
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Ketch as usual great 10 thoughts. My son argues with me all the time regarding Terry he totally agrees with you, I feel like a run to elite 8 led CDC to feel like he deserved the chance plus the optics would have been bad maybe not for more than a week but still really bad. Also Who knows how it would have turned out if he hired someone else, maybe that hire would have been like Smart.
The Hawke list was pretty damn good number 1 was a no doubter, but I think magnificent 7 should be in top 10.
As for Darren Woodson I hate the cowboys but I agree he should he in HOF.

I thought the Magnificent 7 was just kind of ok. Might just be me though. ;)