List of "coincidences"
65.9 Million for Barack Obama in 2012
65.8 Million for Hillary Clinton in 2016
81+ Million for Joe Biden in 2020?
15 million more people voted for Joe Biden than Barack Obama!?
Obama was filling up sports stadiums. Biden couldn't fill up a McDonalds parking lot.
Biden handily loses OH and FL.
Biden wins 477 counties. Trump wins 2,497, including 18 of the 19 bellwether.
House Republicans win all 27 of the highly-contested seats and flipped an additional 3 from D to R in CA!
Donald Trump gained 11 million more votes in 2020 than 2016, but still "lost" states he won in 2016 - MI, PA, GA, AZ, and WI - by less than 300,000 combined?
In order for Joe Biden to garner 81.2 million votes, every single Democrat voter (51.8M), over half of Independent voters (24.1M), and nearly 10% of registered Republicans (4M) would have had to cast a ballot for Joey and the Tramp on 03NOV2020.
AND in order for Donald Trump to gain 11 million more votes in 2020 and still lose MI, PA, GA, AZ, and WI - by less than 300K total, he would have had to make MAJOR GAINS in blue states, which would have flipped at least ONE of them to red. This DID NOT HAPPEN.