Leitao deserves a chance.

I think Herman needs to do some work on whether or not this was a one time incident or is the kid a thug. If it is the former, I would give him a second chance. People do learn hard lessons in life. Sometimes a huge mistake like this can serve as a wakeup call and he will never go down that path again.
I agree, he needs a chance but just NOT at Texas.
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I'm all for him having a second chance for his glaring fail in judgment, and I hope he gets it together and succeeds in life, but IMO it should be at another school. No biggie if some don't agree, and I know some don't.

Bjt if he matriculates at Texas and winds up playing football, it won't be the first UT football player whose presence on the team I questioned that I cheer for.
Uhm no it doesn't. But I'm not going on a witch hunt?

Ok, so there is literally more than 3 people. But it isn't much. Thats exactly what you would have to do, is go on a witch hunt. The very vast majority are glad he is gone. My guess is a blind random ask of longhorn fans and over 90% would say yes the right move was made to move on. Maybe 95% or more
You don't know shit about leading kids that make wrong turns in life. Give up on children making poor decisions and you sir, are a coward.

Also oblivious to the things that go on behind one of the chief responsibilities in being a head coach. If our head coach looks a kid in the eyes and feels he can trust him because he is accountable and willing to grow from it then You should trust it. In the end, wrong turns can potentially become great stories. This is a misdemeanor by law and certainly doesn't give you a right to take a huge dump on either of them. You don't know shit about what really happens or has happened with every head coach at most major universities. This just happens to be semi public.
Well said dude. We have to help assist our younger generation to get back on the right path not shoot them down and treat them like scum.
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Damn UT is too good to give a kid a second chance?

Not so much to do with UT. Just the fact that the lesson learned here should be, you fuc* up, you face consequences. Not everything in life is back to normal b/c dad bought you a good lawyer.

Doesn't really bother me either way but I understand the side of having some form of set back (not coming here) while still getting a 2nd chance (somewhere else).

As I stated above, i just lol at how the "optics" of this would be if he were going to blow u or aggy. Wouldn't be the same tune being sung in here.
Excellent point. Our values are either consistent or not values at all. Just guidelines that are subject to the win/loss record. Obviously it's not the worst offense ever committed but how crazy would this board be going if he were attending another program.

Each case should stand on its own. This board in the past bitched that charlie Strong kicked so many guys out for even just some weed smoking. Texas isn't running a program for just choir boys and no one wants rapists or women abusers in the program or anything. Some seem to be under the illusion UT has not ever had any questionable guys on the roster even under Mack Brown. I don't seem to recall many complaints back then
One of my pet peeves is calling a crime a "mistake." Uh, no. A mistake is when you turn left, and you should have turned right. He intentionally had pills to sell and $1300 cash on him if the reports were accurate. Whether the conduct is labeled a felony or a misdemeanor does not charge the behavior, and it was intentional, not a mistake.

I will support, of course, whatever the powers that be decide to do about this kid, and the deferred adjudication puts them in a tough decision spot. All I'll say is if he were an OU recruit, this board would be outraged. The question is whether this program's core values mean one strike you're out if you sell drugs no matter how talented the player is or whether the conduct is a felony or a misdemeanor in the eyes of the criminal law. A second chance here will set a precedent for future law-breaking athletes, and that may be acceptable for the coach and athletic administrators. I understand the relevance of his past behavior, his remorse, his explanation for this episode, and his demonstrated character before this criminal behavior. This is their decision, not mine, and I will not criticize whatever it is.
Making a stupid decision at the age of 17 can be looked at as a mistake.
Each case should stand on its own. This board in the past bitched that charlie Strong kicked so many guys out for even just some weed smoking. Texas isn't running a program for just choir boys and no one wants rapists or women abusers in the program or anything. Some seem to be under the illusion UT has not ever had any questionable guys on the roster even under Mack Brown. I don't seem to recall many complaints back then

I agree each case should stand on its on.

I was one that bitched about smoking weed as it is no different than drinking. Being a drug dealer, lets face it just b/c he hadn't got caught doesn't make it his first time. You don't get caught with handfuls of xanax and cash money b/c you just got in the game. His dad is rich and high profile, he was a great athlete, and he thought he was above it all. Pretty good chance thats exactly how it went down.

Does that mean he is an awful person? of course not. Does it mean he should have some consequence? Of course it does. I'm sure Tom is doing his part to figure out if he wants to allow him on the team, its just funny to me to see the "oh he should definitely get a 2nd chance" crowd and then see the bashing of other schools that do the same thing.
Just my opinion but it sounds like Leato has already developed a bad case of the entitlement disease so many athletes have.IF Herman allows him to join the team he needs to make very clear to Reese that if he so much as farts in class he's history.
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Just my opinion but it sounds like Leato has already developed a bad case of the entitlement disease so many athletes have.IF Herman allows him to join the team he needs to make very clear to Reese that if he so much as farts in class he's history.

This fits the very definition of entitlement athlete. And even more so of entitled rich kid. Anyone can say "you don't know the details" but I don't have to. I know how whats goings on.

Hopefully, either here or else where, he gets his act together.
I will never judge a kid on a "mistake", but you don't accidentally start selling pills. From what we can all understand is that he comes from a family that's pretty well off. With Herman not saying anything definitive I believe he will allow him to enroll. Think about if this was a normal kid that got caught.
I agree each case should stand on its on.

I was one that bitched about smoking weed as it is no different than drinking. Being a drug dealer, lets face it just b/c he hadn't got caught doesn't make it his first time. You don't get caught with handfuls of xanax and cash money b/c you just got in the game. His dad is rich and high profile, he was a great athlete, and he thought he was above it all. Pretty good chance thats exactly how it went down.

Does that mean he is an awful person? of course not. Does it mean he should have some consequence? Of course it does. I'm sure Tom is doing his part to figure out if he wants to allow him on the team, its just funny to me to see the "oh he should definitely get a 2nd chance" crowd and then see the bashing of other schools that do the same thing.

I'm too lazy to do it, but someone should keep a running list of everyone that's cool with a drug dealer on the team for the next time any of our rivals do it and they start chirping about what scum Stoops/Sumlin are.
Each case should stand on its own. This board in the past bitched that charlie Strong kicked so many guys out for even just some weed smoking. Texas isn't running a program for just choir boys and no one wants rapists or women abusers in the program or anything. Some seem to be under the illusion UT has not ever had any questionable guys on the roster even under Mack Brown. I don't seem to recall many complaints back then

Not the point I was trying to make. My point was we would mock any other program for this but seem to justify it when is serves our own ends. If you don't want to have a program of choir boys I'm fine with that. Programs and fan bases should just be consistent with their message and values whatever they are.
So we are comparing murder to possession of drugs? I lol at that.

Not at all. But he wasn't just in possession homie. 3-4 pills is possession.

20 pills and $1309.00 in cash is selling. Don't get that twisted.

And also don't lose grasp of the argument I'm making to your ridiculous argument. You said people make dumb decisions at 17 and they are mistakes. That's completely not true.

Throwing a football at your friend's house and knocking over their grandmother's urn and breaking it is a mistake because of a dumb decision of playing indoors.

Bringing a pill bottle that is supposed to be for amoxicillin filled with 19 xanax and having $1300 Cash is a deliberate decision to sell narcotics.

End of discussion.
Not at all. But he wasn't just in possession homie. 3-4 pills is possession.

20 pills and $1309.00 in cash is selling. Don't get that twisted.

And also don't lose grasp of the argument I'm making to your ridiculous argument. You said people make dumb decisions at 17 and they are mistakes. That's completely not true.

Throwing a football at your friend's house and knocking over their grandmother's urn and breaking it is a mistake because of a dumb decision of playing indoors.

Bringing a pill bottle that is supposed to be for amoxicillin filled with 19 xanax and having $1300 Cash is a deliberate decision to sell narcotics.

End of discussion.

And he didn't wake up that day and just decide to do it. He had been selling (and I assume eating) them for a while. I've been young and dumb and in the game. I know exactly how it works. This wasn't a one time "oooopsie". This was I'm a rich kid, high profile athlete and i can get away with anything i want, including being dumb enough to do it at school.
I think Herman needs to do some work on whether or not this was a one time incident or is the kid a thug. If it is the former, I would give him a second chance. People do learn hard lessons in life. Sometimes a huge mistake like this can serve as a wakeup call and he will never go down that path again.

... Bull Shit !!!
never ceases to amaze me the head in the sand b/c he is coming here and how bad other schools we dislike would be hearing it by taking him.

Full disclosure I have no issue with the kid getting in. But this is so true. Our own fans would unleash hell on other programs if they were taking the same kid. Then again that's just fans in general. It's bullshit/cheating/criminal....unless it's 'my team'. Pick a side and stick to it fellas.

Just asking, do you think UT admin has never allowed a player they knew had a little dealing history?

Another outstanding point. Hilarious how many Texas fans have their heads up their asses on the amount of questionable characters who've rolled through the 40. Geoff mentioned the 05 team the other day. Hell I was told a shit ton of stories from players when I was in school. If this is the worst Reese does in his life, he'll be a f'ing choir boy compared to some before him at Texas. The ignorance on this stuff from fans cracks me up.

IF Herman allows him to join the team he needs to make very clear to Reese that if he so much as farts in class he's history.

And this is the best point of all with this entire thing. If Herman is anything close to what he claims to be on 'sitting the f up' and being elite, the kid is toast. Herman isn't doing anything any other coach at all levels do, especially at the college level. They all think they can fix anything, anybody, and everybody. Of course this kid was getting in without the felony charge. Good for him. If he slips up, he'll be gone and forgotten.
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If he's big on character he fvcked this one up royally.

Selling xanax is not a "mistake". Jesus.
Agree. But, there may be more to the story. And, if there is, I'm sure Tom got the story.

I look at it like this...he recruited him. Reese was not a Charlie holdover. Obviously, he can't come if it's a felony. So Tom knows at some level that a misdemeanor charge is game changer. Now, I have to believe that the decision was made awhile back. No way he allows Reese to come on board unless he's damn sure this is one time deal and there's zero chance that Reese messes up while on the 40. Otherwise, he is likely making mistake. I just don't believe he's looking at it now (that it's misdemeanor charge) and he's taking room temperature.
Not at all. But he wasn't just in possession homie. 3-4 pills is possession.

20 pills and $1309.00 in cash is selling. Don't get that twisted.

And also don't lose grasp of the argument I'm making to your ridiculous argument. You said people make dumb decisions at 17 and they are mistakes. That's completely not true.

Throwing a football at your friend's house and knocking over their grandmother's urn and breaking it is a mistake because of a dumb decision of playing indoors.

Bringing a pill bottle that is supposed to be for amoxicillin filled with 19 xanax and having $1300 Cash is a deliberate decision to sell narcotics.

End of discussion.
Still you comparing murder to sellin Xanax. That's a stupid comparison no matter how you slice it. I'm not sure why the technical term of mistake bothers you so much. It's a figure of speech when people do stupid shit and get caught and realize the severity of what they just did. They realize they made a mistake thinking what they did was a good idea.
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Agree. But, there may be more to the story. And, if there is, I'm sure Tom got the story.

I look at it like this...he recruited him. Reese was not a Charlie holdover. Obviously, he can't come if it's a felony. So Tom knows at some level that a misdemeanor charge is game changer. Now, I have to believe that the decision was made awhile back. No way he allows Reese to come on board unless he's damn sure this is one time deal and there's zero chance that Reese messes up while on the 40. Otherwise, he is likely making mistake. I just don't believe he's looking at it now (that it's misdemeanor charge) and he's taking room temperature.

Well there's no way he can be damn sure this is a one time deal. As I stated above, what he did isn't even close to a one time deal. its a I got caught one time deal.

I agree with the above poster, this isn't about him being for sure this was a one time deal, or the change to a misdemeanor charge. This is about him thinking he can be the one who straightens him out.

I hope for Reese that wherever he goes, his attitude/behavior changes.