Lets hope this is an answer


Well-Known Member
May 30, 2015
Tomorrow the first vaccines from Pfizer will be used tomorrow. From what I read the first will be in asst living facilities and front line workers. All reports says that it should be successful. Let's hope this is the start in the right direction we desperately need.
Using assisted living facility people as guinea pigs. Perfect.

How many front line workers have gotten this virus?

No its been tested in the UK with positive results so far. I don't know how many front line workers have contacted the virus but they are vulnerable. Of course I will study the risks involved. If after going over my medical history, and the medications I'm currently taken if I'm considered healthy enough yeah I'll take it.
Question, because I honestly don't know. If you get this vaccine, are you immune forever? Or do we need to inject it to find out what happens?

Well no then yes. No you're not immune forever. It builds an immunity that helps you fight it. I like what I've read so far. You should look it up and see what you think.
Australians are popping positive for HIV after the vaccine is administered. Of course it's a false positive.
Britain's are experiencing terrible symptoms. Some bad, some not so bad.

I agree with nueces. My body my choice.
I'm counting on you guys to take the vaccine and tell us how it works then I might take it depending on how it works for you. I figure if you guys turn into zombies I'll be okay.

Having a zombie type effect during next fb season. If it goes like this year there's no telling what I'll do. I might go crazy and kill innocent people who won't deserve it. And lord knows what else I'll do.
I’m not gonna take it but I’m hoping this starts the process of getting things in this country back to normal. I’m really sick of the way things are right now.
What if you have already had it? Is a vaccine necessary at that point?

Good question. I'll have to look into that. But I imagine you could still get it. One thing I have learned is that you get 2 shots 60 days apart. And then you may have to get a shot once a year like you do with the flu.
I don't take any shots.

I'm about over this Rona. Cough and congestion are lingering. Had one bad day, but even then the flu was worse. My buddy, who is in much better shape than I am, had 4 shitty days.
This. I've had it as well. The flu is much worse. If you develop pneumonia from rona, you will likely develop pneumonia from the common cold. Viruses have a purpose.
No its been tested in the UK with positive results so far. I don't know how many front line workers have contacted the virus but they are vulnerable. Of course I will study the risks involved. If after going over my medical history, and the medications I'm currently taken if I'm considered healthy enough yeah I'll take it.
Honest question. Define “positive results”. If recovery rate for a healthy person age 70 and younger with no underlying issues is 99.5% and the effectiveness rate of the vaccine was tested to be 95%, how does one know if it has “worked”? Perhaps there’s a study I missed.
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Tomorrow the first vaccines from Pfizer will be used tomorrow. From what I read the first will be in asst living facilities and front line workers. All reports says that it should be successful. Let's hope this is the start in the right direction we desperately need.
Dude give it a rest. There are a lot of folks on here pretty pissed off about Covid being politicized for the election. If you think it’s great news, good for you. What’s next? You know the flu vaccine is only 30% effective but kills thousands upon thousands every year. You’re just the type of sheeple they’re looking for.
I thought that the vaccine was almost a year away, due to the president's horrible mismanagement of Covid. That's what Vice President Sleepy Joe said.

I did hear that they are moving the oval office to the basement.
More Covid overhype hilarity. Anyone thinking there’s not more at play here than just a silly virus is delusional. Trump was standing in the way of the agenda. I find it hilarious that the left labeled Trump a want to be dictator even though Trump was not wanting any shutdowns or restrictions on the people but Newsome and Cuomo are the epitome of dictators, causing businesses and people to go literally broke by not allowing them to work all the while being worshipped by the Left.
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What if you have already had it? Is a vaccine necessary at that point?
No but you’ll still need to wear a mask for the rest of your life because you can still be a “carrier” according to dick face Fauci, who by the way is never seen with a mask. They’re already talking about new strains of covid, they will milk this hoax for many years to come and thru many election cycles.
Reading reports of the test dummies the first shot is not bad, but the second shot is a mother f@(#er and the after affects are teeth shattering literally.
Wasn't the genesis of the Walking Dead a rollout of a bad vaccine?

I believe that was the plot for I am Legend. The Walking dead plot starts with a mold/fungus that mutated and got into the nervous system of dead people and re-annimated them.

Other common zombie themes are Comets, Metor showers, toxic waste, aliens, and Voodoo. Voodoo being my favorite (see Weekend at Bernie's II).

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