Lost jobs from Coronavirus chaos

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You can call him whatever you want , what do i care? I have a tendency to listen to the advice of people who know better than I do in a certain subject. And i supplement that with my own research. If we cant trust the experts, then who do you trust? I dont trust politicians, they are always more worried about how decisions will affect their electability- guys like Fauci dont have those concerns, their only job is to just do their job. The guy is highly respected and you dont serve under as many presidents as he has without being one of the world's best at what he does.

Projections and models are based on the best information available, a for a novel virus there will be a lot of new information coming up all the time that can affect those models as the data changes. Since those models are based on the best data available, there really is no better way to make predictions. So while you can reserve the right to be skeptical about the best possible thing we are capable of, the alternative is to believe what? Fringe internet scientists?
Answer this, if these so called experts said that we need to enact these same measures every Flue Season (October 1st thru March 31st) to reduce the average number of Flu Deaths from 60,000 per Season to 30,000 per Season, would you be on board with that?! That would mean no sports, no in classroom school, no dining in restaurants, social distancing, no church, etc. (the same measures that are currently in place). I say no way in hell...……..
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Dewey...I know that is not what you meant, but the way what you wrote reads it sounds kinda like you are ok with trading 30,000 lives so you can watch football.

You do make a great point, but that does read ...uh....strangely....
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Answer this, if these so called experts said that we need to enact these same measures every Flue Season (October 1st thru March 31st) to reduce the average number of Flu Deaths from 60,000 per Season to 30,000 per Season, would you be on board with that?! That would mean no sports, no in classroom school, no dining in restaurants, social distancing, no church, etc. (the same measures that are currently in place). I say no way in hell...……..
Not to mention ...a severe reduction in jobs which would bring everything down every year.
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Dewey...I know that is not what you meant, but the way what you wrote reads it sounds kinda like you are ok with trading 30,000 lives so you can watch football.

You do make a great point, but that does read ...uh....strangely....
I see what you are saying and that is clearly not what I meant. My point is, nobody is asking us to completely change our way of lives for 6 months out of every year in order to save 30,000 lives (I'm just using that number hypothetically). Yet, this virus comes along and that is exactly what we are being asked to do with currently no end in sight. We have to live our lives knowing the risks just like we do every flu and pneumonia season. I'm pretty sure the measures we are currently undertaking would reduce those deaths, but I can guarantee a very high percentage of people would not be in favor of it. Those deaths do not stop down our way of life, just life deaths from car accidents don't (which by the way have gone up significantly specifically due to new government regulations on vehicles).
Dewey...I know that is not what you meant, but the way what you wrote reads it sounds kinda like you are ok with trading 30,000 lives so you can watch football.

You do make a great point, but that does read ...uh....strangely....
I’ll tell you this @oldhorn2, when this is all said and done and you don’t get “THE VIRUS” Im going to come shake your hand, even if Dr. Fauci doesn’t approve.
Some small businesses survivalist guidelines in the new big government era:

1. Never pay retail again. Lowball the starving.
2. Pay cash. The debt model is dead unless you're a bank.
3. No more vaccines.
4. Expand the vegetable garden.
5. Hunt and fish for meat.
6. Dictate sub contractor pay.
7. Write down taxes to exploit government benefits til the system dies.
8. Keep value out of the banking system.
9. Learn to do most simple tasks replacing convenience.
10. Vote for the politician advocating the end of all government entitlements and bailouts.
Bell....I may have had it. We were on the last plane out of Barcelona that the US allowed. The airport at Barcelona was an absolute madhouse. People willing to pay any amount to get on planes out of Spain. One lady paid 3400 bucks to get on the plane we were on( we paid 30,000 miles)...crazy stuff. We expected to be quananteened in Newark when we got there, but we just walked right into general population with no questions asked. Spain was an epicenter for the virus at the time. We came home and got a bit sick 5 - 10 days after getting home.

boreing story, but feel free to come shake my hand any time. ….only one thing wrong with you and that is that no matter what, OU still sucks...
Bell....I may have had it. We were on the last plane out of Barcelona that the US allowed. The airport at Barcelona was an absolute madhouse. People willing to pay any amount to get on planes out of Spain. One lady paid 3400 bucks to get on the plane we were on( we paid 30,000 miles)...crazy stuff. We expected to be quananteened in Newark when we got there, but we just walked right into general population with no questions asked. Spain was an epicenter for the virus at the time. We came home and got a bit sick 5 - 10 days after getting home.

boreing story, but feel free to come shake my hand any time. ….only one thing wrong with you and that is that no matter what, OU still sucks...

Me and Trooper Salute You!

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Answer this, if these so called experts said that we need to enact these same measures every Flue Season (October 1st thru March 31st) to reduce the average number of Flu Deaths from 60,000 per Season to 30,000 per Season, would you be on board with that?! That would mean no sports, no in classroom school, no dining in restaurants, social distancing, no church, etc. (the same measures that are currently in place). I say no way in hell...……..

No, because history shows that those measures are not necessary for the standard flu. And because of that, there's no data or modeling suggesting that it would be necessary so your hypothetical question wouldnt happen. Especially since we have vaccines for them. There is no history with a novel virus. Hence the word novel. There's no vaccine. So it's really an unworthy comparison to make. You can do your own research, but info is limited on a novel virus, much more info about the seasonal flu though. There is a well known phrase "Trust but verify".
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Your comment was that "they'll be able to make informed decisions", Bell (and anyone else) doesn't get to make it. So my interpretation of your comment is that you ARE giving complete control. Regardless - stay safe. I don't want to watch LHN Network reruns on October 10 - we need the real deal!

I dont give anyone control, i dont have any authority over anything but myself. I can submit to it or i can defy it. I know what defiance gets me though. So i make my choice. But as far as they'll be able to make informed decisions- that's authority we all live under. Those are real people with real authority. But complete control? I mean, no? this isnt north korea. I still do whatever the hell i want, but i also listen to good advice and stay in.
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Today, according to our Dallas County Fuhrer, Clay Jenkins, 50% of Dallas Hospital beds are unused, and the Kay Hutchinson Convention Center, which was converted to a hospital for the overruns on the way, has yet to receive its first patient. Hmmmmm.
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I dont give anyone control, i dont have any authority over anything but myself. I can submit to it or i can defy it. I know what defiance gets me though. So i make my choice. But as far as they'll be able to make informed decisions- that's authority we all live under. Those are real people with real authority. But complete control? I mean, no? this isnt north korea. I still do whatever the hell i want, but i also listen to good advice and stay in.
Better watch it, it’s closer than you think
No, because history shows that those measures are not necessary for the standard flu. And because of that, there's no data or modeling suggesting that it would be necessary so your hypothetical question wouldnt happen. Especially since we have vaccines for them. There is no history with a novel virus. Hence the word novel. There's no vaccine. So it's really an unworthy comparison to make. You can do your own research, but info is limited on a novel virus, much more info about the seasonal flu though. There is a well known phrase "Trust but verify".
This makes no sense, at least not to me. You are basically saying you are okay with 60,000 deaths every year due to the Seasonal Flu and not taking extreme actions like we are today for The Chinese Virus to reduce that number? So extreme measures are necessary for this, but not for the Seasonal Flu? 60,000 deaths per year isn't a big number? I'm just trying to understand your stance on why it's necessary and apparently okay to kill millions of jobs and destroy lives now, but not during the Seasonal Flu. I for one am not okay with the measures currently being taken and do not currently believe the data we are being fed, because it is obviously skewed and incomplete.
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This makes no sense, at least not to me. You are basically saying you are okay with 60,000 deaths every year due to the Seasonal Flu and not taking extreme actions like we are today for The Chinese Virus to reduce that number? So extreme measures are necessary for this, but not for the Seasonal Flu? 60,000 deaths per year isn't a big number? I'm just trying to understand your stance on why it's necessary and apparently okay to kill millions of jobs and lives now, but not during the Seasonal Flu. I for one am not okay with the measure currently being taken and do not currently believe the data we are being fed, because it is obviously skewed and incomplete.
This is what concerns me, the snowball effect. How can you protect people from being exposed to the Coronavirus but not the flu. Is that where we’re headed next? Shutdowns and digital tracking
Oh and btw I was very distraught yesterday when I went thru the Taco Cabana drive thru only to realize they cut their menu in half and ARE NOT serving enchiladas. Hope that’s not permanent.
Can someone explain this to article to me? It seems to me this quack is claiming that 80% of children in NYC are infected with Coronavirus but haven’t been tested because they’re healthy, meaning not showing signs? Well where’s the problem? This whole shutdown is getting funnier by the day.
Exactly! Per the Doc:

'Most of them, probably 80 to 90% of them, are asymptomatic. So, these numbers are so skewed. I think that the mortality rate is way, way less than 0.5% for children who have it because it is so prevalent. You have to remember thousands of kids die from flu a year. This is much, much less virulent in children.'
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Exactly! Per the Doc:

'Most of them, probably 80 to 90% of them, are asymptomatic. So, these numbers are so skewed. I think that the mortality rate is way, way less than 0.5% for children who have it because it is so prevalent. You have to remember thousands of kids die from flu a year. This is much, much less virulent in children.'
Well they like to convince the sheeple that positive Coronavirus test = death sentence but those pesky facts show an entirely different story. Straight fear and panic mongering
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This makes no sense, at least not to me. You are basically saying you are okay with 60,000 deaths every year due to the Seasonal Flu and not taking extreme actions like we are today for The Chinese Virus to reduce that number? So extreme measures are necessary for this, but not for the Seasonal Flu? 60,000 deaths per year isn't a big number? I'm just trying to understand your stance on why it's necessary and apparently okay to kill millions of jobs and destroy lives now, but not during the Seasonal Flu. I for one am not okay with the measures currently being taken and do not currently believe the data we are being fed, because it is obviously skewed and incomplete.

No, that's not what I said. On the flip side i can say that you think people unnecessarily dying is a perfectly acceptable side effect of opening up too early. Which is fine, it's a thing a lot of people feel, even if they wont admit it. Also, you call it china virus, so you have exposed yourself as a trumper. It's unfortunate, I would have liked this discussion to be outside of politics, or the dumb antagonistic shit politicians say to get a rise out of people. Rather if we can have discourse together without even knowing where the other person stands politically would be cool. Just an intersection of opinion an ideas without the antagonism we see in washington.

Yes extreme measures were necessary for this, but not the seasonal flu. 60k deaths is a big number. Doesnt mean the flu is more deadly than corona virus though. Keep a few factors in mind: seasonal flu kicks in usually around october. From october-april is where we get those 60k deaths in the flu season. imagine if covid hit us in october? holy shit. We have lost 25k people to covid19. First death confirmed February 29. It's been 6 weeks, and we have 25k now. The flu doesnt kill 25k people in 6 weeks. So that's one thing. Another thing is that our deaths are "only" 25k due to the extreme measures we have taken. Statistical models and common sense would tell us due to incubation time and rate of infection that we'd have at least twice the deaths, and who knows, maybe 3-4x more infections with the same measures that we take for the seasonal flu. (virtually none). Does this make sense to you or is that fake news? Cause i truly honestly feel that makes perfect sense. We'll know more as more data is made available- but i will say the data we are seeingout of different health agencies and countries, who dont necessarily coordinate, their data is pretty consistent, for the most part.

So that's my stance. Maybe you understand, maybe you'll be intentionally obtuse. Who knows.
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Well they like to convince the sheeple that positive Coronavirus test = death sentence but those pesky facts show an entirely different story. Straight fear and panic mongering

That seems hyperbolic. I dont get that sense at all. Nothing ive seen seems to suggest that. Almost all the news i have seen regarding your chances of survival if you catch covid, and are symptomatic, are extremely high. It will likely suck though. Of course, i dont have a single source where I get my information, and i suppose a lot of people do though. ANd that one source can be shitty. sucks for them.
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Like that means anything. Google and apple have been tracking us since gps was put in our phones. The NSA has been spying on our texts, emails, phone calls en masse since at least 2007 when phones got smart. If you know the mountain of data that's been collected about you already, this wouldnt even register. Contact tracing has been put to great use in south korea and taiwan. Check out their infection rates to verify their efficacy.
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Here’s a perfect example of what 99% of this crap comes down to. Do as I say not as I do. If you haven’t seen it Chris Cuomo has been doing his show from his basement because he has apparently tested positive for “The Virus” He also tested positive for the flu in December but nobody gives a shit about that.

Anyway , while his brother Andrew is on tv everyday in New York Chris is on tv with his own battle, showing the public how real this all is. So, you never see Andrew Cuomo wearing a mask or hazmat suit in his daily briefings and it appears Chris Cuomo has been caught with his pants down while “self quarantined” and “totally”separated from his family. Lol this charade has gone on long enough.

this has got to be very embarrassing for Brothers Cuomo and CNN.
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No, that's not what I said. On the flip side i can say that you think people unnecessarily dying is a perfectly acceptable side effect of opening up too early. Which is fine, it's a thing a lot of people feel, even if they wont admit it. Also, you call it china virus, so you have exposed yourself as a trumper. It's unfortunate, I would have liked this discussion to be outside of politics, or the dumb antagonistic shit politicians say to get a rise out of people. Rather if we can have discourse together without even knowing where the other person stands politically would be cool. Just an intersection of opinion an ideas without the antagonism we see in washington.

Yes extreme measures were necessary for this, but not the seasonal flu. 60k deaths is a big number. Doesnt mean the flu is more deadly than corona virus though. Keep a few factors in mind: seasonal flu kicks in usually around october. From october-april is where we get those 60k deaths in the flu season. imagine if covid hit us in october? holy shit. We have lost 25k people to covid19. First death confirmed February 29. It's been 6 weeks, and we have 25k now. The flu doesnt kill 25k people in 6 weeks. So that's one thing. Another thing is that our deaths are "only" 25k due to the extreme measures we have taken. Statistical models and common sense would tell us due to incubation time and rate of infection that we'd have at least twice the deaths, and who knows, maybe 3-4x more infections with the same measures that we take for the seasonal flu. (virtually none). Does this make sense to you or is that fake news? Cause i truly honestly feel that makes perfect sense. We'll know more as more data is made available- but i will say the data we are seeingout of different health agencies and countries, who dont necessarily coordinate, their data is pretty consistent, for the most part.

So that's my stance. Maybe you understand, maybe you'll be intentionally obtuse. Who knows.
Of course it's The Chinese Virus, it came from China. Also, you do realize that if someone has it and dies, they count it as a death due to the Virus? Yet, the reason for death may be part of multiple issues that converge at once. And oh by the way, there were a Total of 16,621 deaths attributed to the Flu&Pneumonia during the 4 weeks from March 7th - April 4th. No big deal though I guess...……………..

Here’s a perfect example of what 99% of this crap comes down to. Do as I say not as I do. If you haven’t seen it Chris Cuomo has been doing his show from his basement because he has apparently tested positive for “The Virus” He also tested positive for the flu in December but nobody gives a shit about that.

Anyway , while his brother Andrew is on tv everyday in New York Chris is on tv with his own battle, showing the public how real this all is. So, you never see Andrew Cuomo wearing a mask or hazmat suit in his daily briefings and it appears Chris Cuomo has been caught with his pants down while “self quarantined” and “totally”separated from his family. Lol this charade has gone on long enough.

this has got to be very embarrassing for Brothers Cuomo and CNN.

Doesn't surprise me, the media is full of the worst people.
Like that means anything. Google and apple have been tracking us since gps was put in our phones. The NSA has been spying on our texts, emails, phone calls en masse since at least 2007 when phones got smart. If you know the mountain of data that's been collected about you already, this wouldnt even register. Contact tracing has been put to great use in south korea and taiwan. Check out their infection rates to verify their efficacy.

South Korea is one country that has gotten in front of the coronavirus successfully.
No, that's not what I said. On the flip side i can say that you think people unnecessarily dying is a perfectly acceptable side effect of opening up too early. Which is fine, it's a thing a lot of people feel, even if they wont admit it. Also, you call it china virus, so you have exposed yourself as a trumper. It's unfortunate, I would have liked this discussion to be outside of politics, or the dumb antagonistic shit politicians say to get a rise out of people. Rather if we can have discourse together without even knowing where the other person stands politically would be cool. Just an intersection of opinion an ideas without the antagonism we see in washington.

Yes extreme measures were necessary for this, but not the seasonal flu. 60k deaths is a big number. Doesnt mean the flu is more deadly than corona virus though. Keep a few factors in mind: seasonal flu kicks in usually around october. From october-april is where we get those 60k deaths in the flu season. imagine if covid hit us in october? holy shit. We have lost 25k people to covid19. First death confirmed February 29. It's been 6 weeks, and we have 25k now. The flu doesnt kill 25k people in 6 weeks. So that's one thing. Another thing is that our deaths are "only" 25k due to the extreme measures we have taken. Statistical models and common sense would tell us due to incubation time and rate of infection that we'd have at least twice the deaths, and who knows, maybe 3-4x more infections with the same measures that we take for the seasonal flu. (virtually none). Does this make sense to you or is that fake news? Cause i truly honestly feel that makes perfect sense. We'll know more as more data is made available- but i will say the data we are seeingout of different health agencies and countries, who dont necessarily coordinate, their data is pretty consistent, for the most part.

So that's my stance. Maybe you understand, maybe you'll be intentionally obtuse. Who knows.

Sadly as of this morning the count is now 27,000 plus. There is a link worldometers which provides an update on coronavirus cases around the world. And I almost forgot it gives the numbers for each state.

If you look at the states that have been hit hardest MI is interesting. There's a MI based magazine called Bridge Report. There is an article about the correlation between Detroit and Wuhan. Apparently Wuhan is the Detroit of China. I'm exaggerating a little bit but you know what I mean.

Another hard hit state is LA. You can read how New Orleans is like ground zero for the coronavirus in LA.

The states that have been hardest hit have a interesting story as to how it pertains to them.
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