What's different that you cant say about annual flu deaths- Not sure what you mean. The flu has an incubation period of a couple days, with very few asymptomatic cases. Meaning it is easier to track community spread. We also have decades of research on the flu, and have been able to develop vaccines for most strains when they mutate and come back every year. This is a novel corona virus, meaning we have never seen it before. We have little in terms of options for treating infected folks. Plus it's an infection that causes severe respiratory distress that can end a person who would easily survive the flu. I mean, the experts are saying this stuff, and who am i to say the experts are lying? Most people who think this way arent qualified to even have those opinions.
The medical industry hasnt infused panic- that's the media. The medical experts are generally not trying to panic everyone, they are wanting us to take an abundance of caution because they know how sideways this can go. When have you seen Fauci causing panic? Birx? I havent seen it. Regular people dont have an education in the medical sciences.. THese folks, this is all they do, it's their entire life. I dont argue with the mechanic who is fixing my car.
Hospitals dont get inundated with flu people because a smaller percentage of people who get the flu actually need hospitalization. Another consideration is that the flu happens over the course of a whole season, our first corona case was not even 3 months ago and look where it's at now. I did some research in the 17-18 flu season- we had about 810,000 hospitalizations in the country for the whole season. Out of about 45 million cases. That's 1.8%. With covid19, CDC estimates hospitalization rate of 4.6%. They define it as being hospitalized for symptoms within 14 days of a positive covid 19 diagnosis.So we could be looking at as many as twice as many hospitalizations in this short period of time than the flu gives us during the whole season for a condition that has a higher mortality rate. This may not bother you or other individuals. But it bothers people whose jobs that are to look out for public health.
Is it oversensationalized? Sure, the media makes big money oversensationalizig things. I dont listen to them, I do however pay very close attention to what experts are saying though. On the other hand, we have many people who are the opposite and not taking it seriously enough. Oh this kills people? Yeah right, it wont kill me. That's a common thought by many people i have discussed this with.
Ive been working 60 hour weeks for the past month, dont tell me to get back to work. As far as why is the world shutdown, it's not because it's a big conspiracy by rich people hell bent on world domination.
One very important consideration is that all the Coronavirus statistics only include the number of confirmed cases. There's no telling how many people have already had it and didn't even realize it. That makes the mortality rate even lower than it already is.
This virus is serious without question but so is the flu. HIV is also serious. We don't even have vaccines for HIV and most flu strains. Yet, we've never had to go through these lengths to shut down the whole country and put millions out of work. This is asinine, arrogant and even diabolical.
If the Chinese would just regulate their strange eating habits this would never have happened. They eat dogs and wolf pups for crying out loud. They also eat bats, snakes and chicken testicles. Yes, chicken testicles.
HUSBAND: Oh honey, golden retriever again?
(Kids groan)
MOM: No not tonight. For a special treat, we're having CHICKEN TESTICLES!!
KIDS : Aw, you're the best Mom ever!
Where's PETA in all of this? I haven't heard a peep out of them.