Lost jobs from Coronavirus chaos

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What's different that you cant say about annual flu deaths- Not sure what you mean. The flu has an incubation period of a couple days, with very few asymptomatic cases. Meaning it is easier to track community spread. We also have decades of research on the flu, and have been able to develop vaccines for most strains when they mutate and come back every year. This is a novel corona virus, meaning we have never seen it before. We have little in terms of options for treating infected folks. Plus it's an infection that causes severe respiratory distress that can end a person who would easily survive the flu. I mean, the experts are saying this stuff, and who am i to say the experts are lying? Most people who think this way arent qualified to even have those opinions.

The medical industry hasnt infused panic- that's the media. The medical experts are generally not trying to panic everyone, they are wanting us to take an abundance of caution because they know how sideways this can go. When have you seen Fauci causing panic? Birx? I havent seen it. Regular people dont have an education in the medical sciences.. THese folks, this is all they do, it's their entire life. I dont argue with the mechanic who is fixing my car.

Hospitals dont get inundated with flu people because a smaller percentage of people who get the flu actually need hospitalization. Another consideration is that the flu happens over the course of a whole season, our first corona case was not even 3 months ago and look where it's at now. I did some research in the 17-18 flu season- we had about 810,000 hospitalizations in the country for the whole season. Out of about 45 million cases. That's 1.8%. With covid19, CDC estimates hospitalization rate of 4.6%. They define it as being hospitalized for symptoms within 14 days of a positive covid 19 diagnosis.So we could be looking at as many as twice as many hospitalizations in this short period of time than the flu gives us during the whole season for a condition that has a higher mortality rate. This may not bother you or other individuals. But it bothers people whose jobs that are to look out for public health.

Is it oversensationalized? Sure, the media makes big money oversensationalizig things. I dont listen to them, I do however pay very close attention to what experts are saying though. On the other hand, we have many people who are the opposite and not taking it seriously enough. Oh this kills people? Yeah right, it wont kill me. That's a common thought by many people i have discussed this with.

Ive been working 60 hour weeks for the past month, dont tell me to get back to work. As far as why is the world shutdown, it's not because it's a big conspiracy by rich people hell bent on world domination.

One very important consideration is that all the Coronavirus statistics only include the number of confirmed cases. There's no telling how many people have already had it and didn't even realize it. That makes the mortality rate even lower than it already is.

This virus is serious without question but so is the flu. HIV is also serious. We don't even have vaccines for HIV and most flu strains. Yet, we've never had to go through these lengths to shut down the whole country and put millions out of work. This is asinine, arrogant and even diabolical.

If the Chinese would just regulate their strange eating habits this would never have happened. They eat dogs and wolf pups for crying out loud. They also eat bats, snakes and chicken testicles. Yes, chicken testicles.

HUSBAND: Oh honey, golden retriever again?

(Kids groan)

MOM: No not tonight. For a special treat, we're having CHICKEN TESTICLES!!

KIDS : Aw, you're the best Mom ever!

Where's PETA in all of this? I haven't heard a peep out of them.
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I saw that the gang bangers who were murdered while coughing are being included in the Covid-19 deaths.
The End Game of the Bretton Woods agreement.

The anal ass raping that is about to occur is going to be monumental. The FED is printing like there is no tomorrow. They are buying junk bonds, lol. They are about to be buying stocks outright... lol. Bell, oil will be sky high in short order. What will not be sky high are the living conditions of all the laid off. Most of the small businesses will not come back. There are going to be shortages with HIGH inflation in short order. The jobs won't come back. All the old people on this forum, get ready. Your monthly check will not get an adjustment for inflation but you won't be able to afford the basics in the years to come. Time to learn to live off the land or be swept away by the cessation of free markets and inflation.
Well hell, maybe I want to die from this Coronavirus after all, since you put it that way.
But it's irrelevant because you dont make those decisions. As the data becomes available they'll be able to make informed decisions to the appropriate timeline to get things back going with minimal risk of another wave hitting people who dont have immunity. We can follow the examples being set in the rest of the world.
So an unelected government bureaucrat who has collected a big government paycheck since the Reagan era, who is on record as saying this shouldn’t end until there are no more Covid-19 cases period, is now given complete control over our lives??? We should follow examples of the rest of the world? Isn’t the only one declaring victory China? It’s one thing to be cautious. It’s another to end the US as we know it. Enjoy watching LHN network reruns of Peter Gardere the 2nd Saturday in October!
One very important consideration is that all the Coronavirus statistics only include the number of confirmed cases. There's no telling how many people have already had it and didn't even realize it. That makes the mortality rate even lower than it already is.

This virus is serious without question but so is the flu. HIV is also serious. We don't even have vaccines for HIV and most flu strains. Yet, we've never had to go through these lengths to shut down the whole country and put millions out of work. This is asinine, arrogant and even diabolical.

If the Chinese would just regulate their strange eating habits this would never have happened. They eat dogs and wolf pups for crying out loud. They also eat bats, snakes and chicken testicles. Yes, chicken testicles.

HUSBAND: Oh honey, golden retriever again?

(Kids groan)

MOM: No not tonight. For a special treat, we're having CHICKEN TESTICLES!!

KIDS : Aw, you're the best Mom ever!

Where's PETA in all of this? I haven't heard a peep out of them.
I was going to bring this up the other day but I refrained but since you brought it up I’m going to tell a Belldozer story as it relates to this.

Back about 1985-1986 when I was in highschool in Unicorn Country, USA, my dad said “ Belldozer you’re going to get a job on the weekends and the summer because I’m not paying for your truck or gas” so he arranged for me to go to work for a family friend here in New Braunfels who has a company called D&M Services. Now D&M is still around and does a lot of big projects around NB these days but back then we poured alot of concrete/asphalt for the City and if anyone has floated the Comal within the last 30 years has seen a lot of Belldozers work from back then in the many concrete sack retaining walls you see along the River.

Well another service D&M performs is digging graves. I dug alot of graves in my time from the mid to late 80’s up through the early 90’s. We used heavy equipment to dig those graves and set up the funeral tent and everything you see at a funeral and we were also on hand when the funeral home showed up to place the body on the lowering device and then obviously lowering the body and burying the deceased. I have a ton of interesting stories from those days.

Now we dug graves everywhere within a 1 hour radius around NB but D&M had a contract to dig graves at Austin Memorial Cemetery and I was up there quite a bit. Well, about 1985ish we started seeing some deaths and digging graves for another little silly virus that had been popping up called HIV. At that time there were very few funeral homes that would handle deaths from AIDS due to the unknown and just sheer fear because as everyone remembers, contracting AIDS at that time was pretty much a death sentence.

So I said all of that to say this, even with all of the uncertainty about AIDS back then and it was a death sentence, and as involved as I was with the burial process, I never saw anyone wearing face masks, we didn’t wear hazmats suits to dig these graves there was not crapping all over yourself even when they medical community weren’t sure if it could spread through air, touch etc. This country really needs to get a grip and calm down.

As im typing this CNN has Magic Johnson on and he is somehow trying to compare this virus to the virus he contracted. No Magic there is no comparison whatsoever LUlz
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I was going to bring this up the other day but I refrained but since you brought it up I’m going to tell a Belldozer story as it relates to this.

Back about 1985-1986 when I was in highschool in Unicorn Country, USA, my dad said “ Belldozer you’re going to get a job on the weekends and the summer because I’m not paying for your truck or gas” so he arranged for me to go to work for a family friend here in New Braunfels who has a company called D&M Services. Now D&M is still around and does a lot of big projects around NB these days but back then we poured alot of concrete/asphalt for the City and if anyone has floated the Comal within the last 30 years has seen a lot of Belldozers work from back then in the many concrete sack retaining walls you see along the River.

Well another service D&M performs is digging graves. I dug alot of graves in my time from the mid to late 80’s up through the early 90’s. We used heavy equipment to dig those graves and set up the funeral tent and everything you see at a funeral and we were also on hand when the funeral home showed up to place the body on the lowering device and then obviously lowering the body and burying the deceased. I have a ton of interesting stories from those days.

Now we dug graves everywhere within a 1 hour radius around NB but D&M had a contract to dig graves at Austin Memorial Cemetery and I was up there quite a bit. Well, about 1985ish we started seeing some deaths and digging graves for another little silly virus that had been popping up called HIV. At that time there were very few funeral homes that would handle deaths from AIDS due to the unknown and just sheer fear because as everyone remembers, contracting AIDS at that time was pretty much a death sentence.

So I said all of that to say this, even with all of the uncertainty about AIDS back then and it was a death sentence, and as involved as I was with the burial process, I never saw anyone wearing face masks, we didn’t wear hazmats suits to dig these graves there was not crapping all over yourself even when they medical community weren’t sure if it could spread through air, touch etc. This country really needs to get a grip and calm down.

As im typing this CNN has Magic Johnson on and he is somehow trying to compare this virus to the virus he contracted. No Magic there is no comparison whatsoever LUlz

That's a great observation. I remember all the panic surrounding HIV and people were even suggesting that those inflicted should be permanently isolated from society. Just crazy stuff. Sometimes I look at where we are today and can't believe what I'm seeing.

Clearly social media and 24 hour news have helped to enable all the hysteria behind Covid 19.

Now we know where your Bobcat skills were honed and refined. I must say that is an extremely valuable skill these days. I know a guy who owns a Bobcat with all kinds of different attachments. He has about a 4th grade education and has been digging holes and clearing lots for about 20 years. He makes a damn good living doing it and he absolutely loves what he does. Much respect for that guy.
That's a great observation. I remember all the panic surrounding HIV and people were even suggesting that those inflicted should be permanently isolated from society. Just crazy stuff. Sometimes I look at where we are today and can't believe what I'm seeing.

Clearly social media and 24 hour news have helped to enable all the hysteria behind Covid 19.

Now we know where your Bobcat skills were honed and refined. I must say that is an extremely valuable skill these days. I know a guy who owns a Bobcat with all kinds of different attachments. He has about a 4th grade education and has been digging holes and clearing lots for about 20 years. He makes a damn good living doing it and he absolutely loves what he does. Much respect for that guy.
I’ll tell you what you are correct, I owe all of my ditch digging, bobcat, backhoe skills to D&M Services. And I also owe them for helping me realize I didn’t want to do that the rest of my life.
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I was going to bring this up the other day but I refrained but since you brought it up I’m going to tell a Belldozer story as it relates to this.

Back about 1985-1986 when I was in highschool in Unicorn Country, USA, my dad said “ Belldozer you’re going to get a job on the weekends and the summer because I’m not paying for your truck or gas” so he arranged for me to go to work for a family friend here in New Braunfels who has a company called D&M Services. Now D&M is still around and does a lot of big projects around NB these days but back then we poured alot of concrete/asphalt for the City and if anyone has floated the Comal within the last 30 years has seen a lot of Belldozers work from back then in the many concrete sack retaining walls you see along the River.

Well another service D&M performs is digging graves. I dug alot of graves in my time from the mid to late 80’s up through the early 90’s. We used heavy equipment to dig those graves and set up the funeral tent and everything you see at a funeral and we were also on hand when the funeral home showed up to place the body on the lowering device and then obviously lowering the body and burying the deceased. I have a ton of interesting stories from those days.

Now we dug graves everywhere within a 1 hour radius around NB but D&M had a contract to dig graves at Austin Memorial Cemetery and I was up there quite a bit. Well, about 1985ish we started seeing some deaths and digging graves for another little silly virus that had been popping up called HIV. At that time there were very few funeral homes that would handle deaths from AIDS due to the unknown and just sheer fear because as everyone remembers, contracting AIDS at that time was pretty much a death sentence.

So I said all of that to say this, even with all of the uncertainty about AIDS back then and it was a death sentence, and as involved as I was with the burial process, I never saw anyone wearing face masks, we didn’t wear hazmats suits to dig these graves there was not crapping all over yourself even when they medical community weren’t sure if it could spread through air, touch etc. This country really needs to get a grip and calm down.

As im typing this CNN has Magic Johnson on and he is somehow trying to compare this virus to the virus he contracted. No Magic there is no comparison whatsoever LUlz
I was hunting on the NRA Whitington Center when Magic made his announcement. Heard it on my truck radio from the PBS station in Raton. Got home, talked to my bro in law, who's a production manager in movies and tv. He said that rumor in Hollywood for years had Magic liking boys. The story since is all lies.
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This is the most shocking statistic I have read since all of this started:

45% of Americans say they have $0 in savings.

69% of Americans have less than $1,000 in savings.

This article was written December 18, 2019. So basically --- 7 out of 10 Americans have nothing! And that was with an unemployment rate of 3.5%!

The longer this goes on, the greater chance for civil unrest and massive upheaval.

I’ll tell you what you are correct, I owe all of my ditch digging, bobcat, backhoe skills to D&M Services. And I also owe them for helping me realize I didn’t want to do that the rest of my life.

Career change Bell? You oughta try Caddying at Muni!..LOL
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This is the most shocking statistic I have read since all of this started:

45% of Americans say they have $0 in savings.

69% of Americans have less than $1,000 in savings.

This article was written December 18, 2019. So basically --- 7 out of 10 Americans have nothing! And that was with an unemployment rate of 3.5%!

The longer this goes on, the greater chance for civil unrest and massive upheaval.


It went all to the grocery stores!
This is the most shocking statistic I have read since all of this started:

45% of Americans say they have $0 in savings.

69% of Americans have less than $1,000 in savings.

This article was written December 18, 2019. So basically --- 7 out of 10 Americans have nothing! And that was with an unemployment rate of 3.5%!

The longer this goes on, the greater chance for civil unrest and massive upheaval.

Another month of this and some that are on the bubble mentally may start to really act out when they realize their whole future life was just decided for them by the medical community and they lose all they have.
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Career change Bell? You oughta try Caddying at Muni!..LOL
Career change Bell? You oughta try Caddying at Muni!..LOL
In another month I may welcome a job caddying.
Actually if I’m to believe everything Dr. Fauci says, which I don’t, I’d be better off going back into the grave digging business.

And btw @StrangerHorn if your kids try to convince you to buy one of those $15,000 “water tight” caskets, tell them to keep your money. We exhumed a number of folks for various reasons and some were buried in those caskets and as you can imagine after a couple years in the ground the rubber gaskets all disintegrate and dear old Aunt Bee is left underwater just like all the rest of the normal caskets beside her.

Your best bet is a water tight casket in a madueleum if you’re worried about being remotely preserved. Lol

And speaking of water, in the solid rock Texas hill country and specific Austin Memorial cemetery, when you dig a grave you will have water come rushing in that grave from the graves around it. That rock is not porous. If it has rained the day of the service or heavy for a couple of days before the service you will be pumping water for hours just to try to keep the casket from popping out of the hole.

just some things for everyone to think about ....
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I’ll tell you what you are correct, I owe all of my ditch digging, bobcat, backhoe skills to D&M Services. And I also owe them for helping me realize I didn’t want to do that the rest of my life.
I know what ya mean Bell! Back in 70's I had 3 JD 455 Backhoes and 2 JD 755 Track Loaders and I 750 Dozer and 3 BobCats, and I had contracts to cut them lots and Hoes Ram the utitlites on all them homes on the Hill offa MoPac, for Randy Morine , plud HoeRaming the lines for $90 a ft and and cut lots for Bill Milburn in 6 Subs, plus all the dirt work, I made a shitload of money, but, I got tired of the Hot days and Long Days and sold it, me and tom Fairy got to be good friends as well as Holt, I woke up one morn and just said Fit! and sold everything , I saved a lotta money and today I am glad I did, but, to do it the rest of my life? It served its purpose for its time
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All of the deaths worldwide can be blamed on the overreaction to this virus. There are going to be millions die of starvation and dysentery because of fvcktards like fauci, gates, and the rest of the ilk who want to push the old dead ideology of the trilateral commission. These people should be burned at the stake.


Lucky that I bought a Case of TP at Sams 5 months ago!
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One very important consideration is that all the Coronavirus statistics only include the number of confirmed cases. There's no telling how many people have already had it and didn't even realize it. That makes the mortality rate even lower than it already is.

This virus is serious without question but so is the flu. HIV is also serious. We don't even have vaccines for HIV and most flu strains. Yet, we've never had to go through these lengths to shut down the whole country and put millions out of work. This is asinine, arrogant and even diabolical.

If the Chinese would just regulate their strange eating habits this would never have happened. They eat dogs and wolf pups for crying out loud. They also eat bats, snakes and chicken testicles. Yes, chicken testicles.

HUSBAND: Oh honey, golden retriever again?

(Kids groan)

MOM: No not tonight. For a special treat, we're having CHICKEN TESTICLES!!

KIDS : Aw, you're the best Mom ever!

Where's PETA in all of this? I haven't heard a peep out of them.

Certainly the more time goes by the more we will learn about it. We do have treatment for HIV and a 20 year old man being diagnosed is expected to live 50 years with current advancements. Most flu strains we have a vaccine or treatment for that year, it's easier and quicker to develop vaccines for new strains that evolve from previous ones. But with a novel virus like this, we start almost from scratch. So it's moreso serious. And its even worse because you can be asymptomatic for up to two weeks infecting everyones grandma. I dont think it's arrogant or diabolical. I think it's an unfortunate necessity. I dont have the education to tell health experts that they are wrong here. I work in IT, an when they need me, they listen to my expertise so i can resolve the issue the right way. Because i know what I am doing and they dont. They dont see all the nuance like I do, they just know it doesnt work. So if you can educate and inform me in a way that these experts arent, you can convince me to see things the way you do. Right now though my impression that this is a better alternative to doing nothing. I've seen the projections for that and it's not pretty. I suspect so have all the world leaders who are making decisions based on those models So my question is, what do you know that all the worlds infectious disease experts dont know? I love learning new things.

China recently, as in in the last couple of days finally joined civilized society and determiend dogs are pets and not to be eaten. So we can finally find a single good thing that has come of this fiasco.

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interesting read on Iceland.


the difference between Iceland and here is that they basically have an honest population that will adhere to the rules. Even still.....backs up Bell pretty well.

Like the austerity rules in 2008? I believe it was Iceland that told tptb to take a hike.


I advise everyone here to read Ron Paul's book, End the Fed. He has clear examples of fiscal disobedience that can kill the banks and Iceland was a great example.
Certainly the more time goes by the more we will learn about it. We do have treatment for HIV and a 20 year old man being diagnosed is expected to live 50 years with current advancements. Most flu strains we have a vaccine or treatment for that year, it's easier and quicker to develop vaccines for new strains that evolve from previous ones. But with a novel virus like this, we start almost from scratch. So it's moreso serious. And its even worse because you can be asymptomatic for up to two weeks infecting everyones grandma. I dont think it's arrogant or diabolical. I think it's an unfortunate necessity. I dont have the education to tell health experts that they are wrong here. I work in IT, an when they need me, they listen to my expertise so i can resolve the issue the right way. Because i know what I am doing and they dont. They dont see all the nuance like I do, they just know it doesnt work. So if you can educate and inform me in a way that these experts arent, you can convince me to see things the way you do. Right now though my impression that this is a better alternative to doing nothing. I've seen the projections for that and it's not pretty. I suspect so have all the world leaders who are making decisions based on those models So my question is, what do you know that all the worlds infectious disease experts dont know? I love learning new things.

China recently, as in in the last couple of days finally joined civilized society and determiend dogs are pets and not to be eaten. So we can finally find a single good thing that has come of this fiasco.

You have a lot more faith in Bureaucrats (yes, Dr. Fauci is one, just do the research) and the Government than I do. Yes, there are treatments for HIV and the Flu along with Vaccines; however you can still get both and there are No cures. You can't cure a Virus, you can only treat it. I agree that doing nothing isn't the answer, but I don't think destroying the economy and people's lives are either. There has to be a happy medium when taking action. As for Models, I don't believe or trust those either. They are based on selected data and can't possibly take every factor into consideration. Just look at the US deaths, nobody really talks about how 40% are in the State of New York. Why is that? Show me one Model that has been right.
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So an unelected government bureaucrat who has collected a big government paycheck since the Reagan era, who is on record as saying this shouldn’t end until there are no more Covid-19 cases period, is now given complete control over our lives??? We should follow examples of the rest of the world? Isn’t the only one declaring victory China? It’s one thing to be cautious. It’s another to end the US as we know it. Enjoy watching LHN network reruns of Peter Gardere the 2nd Saturday in October!

He doesnt have complete control over our lives, he is an advisor to the people who are making those decisions. He also thinks we should stop shaking hands permanently, but doctors are known for their abundance of caution. So lets not take every idea he has as an edict. And yes since humans live in other countries, we can learn from their experience as to how to treat our response to this issue. Other countries are faring better than others, usually due to their approach.
You have a lot more faith in Bureaucrats (yes, Dr. Fauci is one, just do the research) and the Government than I do. Yes, there are treatments for HIV and the Flu along with Vaccines; however you can still get both and there are No cures. You can't cure a Virus, you can only treat it. I agree that doing nothing isn't the answer, but I don't think destroying the economy and people's lives are either. There has to be a happy medium when taking action. As for Models, I don't believe or trust those either. They are based on selected data and can't possibly take every factor into consideration. Show me one that has been right.

You can call him whatever you want , what do i care? I have a tendency to listen to the advice of people who know better than I do in a certain subject. And i supplement that with my own research. If we cant trust the experts, then who do you trust? I dont trust politicians, they are always more worried about how decisions will affect their electability- guys like Fauci dont have those concerns, their only job is to just do their job. The guy is highly respected and you dont serve under as many presidents as he has without being one of the world's best at what he does.

Projections and models are based on the best information available, a for a novel virus there will be a lot of new information coming up all the time that can affect those models as the data changes. Since those models are based on the best data available, there really is no better way to make predictions. So while you can reserve the right to be skeptical about the best possible thing we are capable of, the alternative is to believe what? Fringe internet scientists?
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He doesnt have complete control over our lives, he is an advisor to the people who are making those decisions. He also thinks we should stop shaking hands permanently, but doctors are known for their abundance of caution. So lets not take every idea he has as an edict. And yes since humans live in other countries, we can learn from their experience as to how to treat our response to this issue. Other countries are faring better than others, usually due to their approach.
Your comment was that "they'll be able to make informed decisions", Bell (and anyone else) doesn't get to make it. So my interpretation of your comment is that you ARE giving complete control. Regardless - stay safe. I don't want to watch LHN Network reruns on October 10 - we need the real deal!
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You can call him whatever you want , what do i care? I have a tendency to listen to the advice of people who know better than I do in a certain subject. And i supplement that with my own research. If we cant trust the experts, then who do you trust? I dont trust politicians, they are always more worried about how decisions will affect their electability- guys like Fauci dont have those concerns, their only job is to just do their job. The guy is highly respected and you dont serve under as many presidents as he has without being one of the world's best at what he does.

Projections and models are based on the best information available, a for a novel virus there will be a lot of new information coming up all the time that can affect those models as the data changes. Since those models are based on the best data available, there really is no better way to make predictions. So while you can reserve the right to be skeptical about the best possible thing we are capable of, the alternative is to believe what? Fringe internet scientists?

The following aren't my words, but my thoughts as well and well said:

Dr. Fauci, in particular, is guaranteed never to miss a penny of his very nice salary since he’s the most “essential” bureaucrat of all. His three decades of no experience whatsoever outside the federal bureaucracy means that neither his record of wildly exaggerating the threat of AIDS nor the disastrous job he did crafting a response negatively affected his career. In fact, results matter so little for “essential” people like Dr. Fauci that he still openly brags about his risibly false prediction that “AIDS would not stay confined to the populations where it first appeared” and become “a disaster for society.” Dr. Fauci’s bold lack of concern for epidemiological reality is exactly what’s needed to guide us through this crisis.

He’s also understandably proud that, after years of being vilified by AIDS activists for “killing people with red tape,” he eventually realized that “much of their criticism was absolutely valid” and held off on killing any more. Who said noblesse oblige was dead?

Dr. Fauci’s completely bogus scare-mongering and deadly policy recommendations the last time he directed our efforts against a new pathogen aren’t the only reason we need to blindly follow his advice about this one. Though curing AIDS was his number-one priority, it was left to scientists in Europe to discover an effective treatment. But you know what they completely failed to do? Spend unimaginably large sums of money. Their successful treatment barely cost a dime compared to the tens of billions of your tax dollars Dr. Fauci pried from Congress to fund his failure. That’s the true measure of success for any “essential” bureaucrat.

Without Dr. Fauci, who’ll save you the next time some computer model produces scary numbers that its designers explicitly admit depend on “very large uncertainties”? Who’ll destroy the economy and confine you to house arrest based on the work of people explicitly warning that it’s “not at all certain” such measures will even accomplish anything?

One shudders to think what someone lacking Dr. Fauci’s expertise might have done upon learning that the predicted number of hospitalizations solely responsible for generating the scary death rate he’s putting us through hell to avoid were inflated almost tenfold. A lesser man might stupidly think eliminating any rationale for the misery he’s inflicting on us means we need to reverse course immediately instead of wisely insisting that his pointlessly destructive policies continue indefinitely.


Before this is all said and done, I’m willing to make a small wager that Dr. Fauci will be walking around with Trump’s size 12 EEE’s sticking out his ass. Anyone disagree?
The following aren't my words, but my thoughts as well and well said:

Dr. Fauci, in particular, is guaranteed never to miss a penny of his very nice salary since he’s the most “essential” bureaucrat of all. His three decades of no experience whatsoever outside the federal bureaucracy means that neither his record of wildly exaggerating the threat of AIDS nor the disastrous job he did crafting a response negatively affected his career. In fact, results matter so little for “essential” people like Dr. Fauci that he still openly brags about his risibly false prediction that “AIDS would not stay confined to the populations where it first appeared” and become “a disaster for society.” Dr. Fauci’s bold lack of concern for epidemiological reality is exactly what’s needed to guide us through this crisis.

He’s also understandably proud that, after years of being vilified by AIDS activists for “killing people with red tape,” he eventually realized that “much of their criticism was absolutely valid” and held off on killing any more. Who said noblesse oblige was dead?

Dr. Fauci’s completely bogus scare-mongering and deadly policy recommendations the last time he directed our efforts against a new pathogen aren’t the only reason we need to blindly follow his advice about this one. Though curing AIDS was his number-one priority, it was left to scientists in Europe to discover an effective treatment. But you know what they completely failed to do? Spend unimaginably large sums of money. Their successful treatment barely cost a dime compared to the tens of billions of your tax dollars Dr. Fauci pried from Congress to fund his failure. That’s the true measure of success for any “essential” bureaucrat.

Without Dr. Fauci, who’ll save you the next time some computer model produces scary numbers that its designers explicitly admit depend on “very large uncertainties”? Who’ll destroy the economy and confine you to house arrest based on the work of people explicitly warning that it’s “not at all certain” such measures will even accomplish anything?

One shudders to think what someone lacking Dr. Fauci’s expertise might have done upon learning that the predicted number of hospitalizations solely responsible for generating the scary death rate he’s putting us through hell to avoid were inflated almost tenfold. A lesser man might stupidly think eliminating any rationale for the misery he’s inflicting on us means we need to reverse course immediately instead of wisely insisting that his pointlessly destructive policies continue indefinitely.


It will take a lot longer, but if you want a more comprehensive view of AIDS, read Randy Shilt's AND THE BAND PLAYED ON. Randy was the gay scene columnist for the San Francisco Chronicle. The CDC figured out early on the role of "semen depositors" in the transmission. The gay lobby took umbrage at this attack on their "lifestyle" and fought closing the bathhouses, contact tracing, and labeling anal intercourse and sharing needles as the main modes of transmission. They campaigned for "the virus doesn't discriminate" and all the other claptrap. Unnecessary universal precautions were instituted. The CDC caved in under the pressure. It became the first STD with civil rights. Robert Gallo did not wish to acknowledge the Pasteur Institute's identification of the virus, so he didn't. The gay community was proud of their blood donations as a community service. Gallo delayed the approval of a test. Thus we lost a generation of hemophiliacs and Arthur Ashe. Randy died of AIDS about the time his book came out. Sad but true.
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So I'm at the Dollar store today and I see this. No food, just 64 rolls of TP. He must be expecting a blowout.
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