This going on all over Colleges. Athletes are popular. They like to party. They pick some girl at the party and drug her and drag her off and act likes dogs in the street. The little girl wakes up sober and blames herself for not keeping her drink in her hand and for accepting a drink from some jerk she did not know. Maybe she has a Daddy like me.
I had no girls, but if some lady in my family was done like that, the only safe place for the perps would be one pistol shot deep in a prison until they got word I had stepped off the earth.
I think Rape and ESPECIALLY gang rape should be declared a Capitol offense. Rape is not about sex. It's about domination or revenge and sometimes a combination of the two.
If you recall, at the beginning of Strong's time with us. two of our Wide receivers played that so well, I would say they had probably done it before in High School. Read the APD on that case. Right after that, Strong started mentioning respect for women.
I'm a country boy and I think getting a woman drunk or drugged up and raping her is much like tying one of a horse's back legs up by it's belly and later claiming you are a bronc busting Cowboy.
We need to treat the girls like they were our Mother, Sister, or Daughter and quit blaming the victim when the real truth is she probably was too trusting and had something dropped in her drink while she wasn't looking.