I saw this story this morning and thought I would share it. While I personally would never vote for a Muslim, unless they publicly denounce Shiria law, I can definitely understand why some would cheer this young woman's election victory.
When John Kennedy was elected President in 1960 there were many who worried that he would follow the Pope more than the Constitution. That never occurred while the Catholic faith is socially conservative he didn't attempt to turn America into a Catholic nation. However, Muslims worldwide, even so-called moderate ones, do believe in a world dominated by Islam.
Islam does not seem compatible with any form of government except a theocracy. Can a Muslim taking an oath to uphold the Constitution of the United States actually mean that? Or would that individual put they teachings of their religion over the Constitution?
I am sure some will point that terrible things have been done in the name of Christianity. That is true. However, Christianity has progressed from, 'an eye for an eye'. Has Islam moved beyond the 7th century thinking when it was created?
When John Kennedy was elected President in 1960 there were many who worried that he would follow the Pope more than the Constitution. That never occurred while the Catholic faith is socially conservative he didn't attempt to turn America into a Catholic nation. However, Muslims worldwide, even so-called moderate ones, do believe in a world dominated by Islam.
Islam does not seem compatible with any form of government except a theocracy. Can a Muslim taking an oath to uphold the Constitution of the United States actually mean that? Or would that individual put they teachings of their religion over the Constitution?
I am sure some will point that terrible things have been done in the name of Christianity. That is true. However, Christianity has progressed from, 'an eye for an eye'. Has Islam moved beyond the 7th century thinking when it was created?