Netflix: The Social Dilemma PSA

One of the techies in the movie had the idea of taxing the data they collect, as a way to limit at least partially the vast amounts they collect and in turn use to manipulate the individual which I thought wasn't a bad idea.

I don't see our leaders , as in government leaders, really addressing this aspect of big tech. They are all seemingly caught up in the censorship aspect, which is only part of the tech problem we are facing.

I read something, and I cant recall where, and a futurist talked about how the processing capacity is going to outstrip our humanity and wisdom. If we cant correct the balance we were doomed. Our downfall wont be like the mechanical overlords in Terminator, they will be algorithms pushing civilization to extremes and we will tear it down ourselves.

After pushing to the extremes it will "correct" it by only allowing approved communication to propagate. We are seeing this in real time.
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Unfortunately, THIS place is where I spend too much time. I don't really do other social media. My wife is deleting Twitter and IG. 7She will have to ween off of FB.

I'm debating canceling because I spend too much time here and I'm becoming convinced that this site actually lessons my enjoyment of Longhorn football.
It only took 35% of the electorate to get Hitler appointed chancellor and that was that.

Yeah it’s scary. I mean, there was a lot of precipitating factors but still...

That scene at the Capitol when scumbags wearing 6 million not enough shirts mess not cool at all. Social media did not create that as it’s been around far too long, buts it’s amplified a message that shouldn’t be.
Yeah it’s scary. I mean, there was a lot of precipitating factors but still...

That scene at the Capitol when scumbags wearing 6 million not enough shirts mess not cool at all. Social media did not create that as it’s been around far too long, buts it’s amplified a message that shouldn’t be.

What I find worrying is the precipitating factors you mention. Germany had 10 years before been involved in a war where they suffered 7 million casualties. There were millions of disillusioned ex-soldiers on the streets that were pissed off they lost, and even that alone likely wouldn't have led anywhere if the currency and economy hadn't collapsed in the Great Depression.

I always thought therefore that some kind of national trauma was a pre requisite for people diving into the global fake conspiracy/fascist wormhole.

I'm no longer sure I believe that it takes that much.
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What I find terrifying is the precipitating factors you mention. Germany had 10 years before been involved in a war where they suffered 7 million casualties. There were millions of disillusioned ex-soldiers on the streets that were pissed off they lost, and even that alone likely wouldn't have led anywhere if the currency and economy hadn't collapsed in the Great Depression.

I always thought therefore that some kind of national trauma was a pre requisite for people diving into the global fake conspiracy/fascist wormhole.

I'm no longer sure that's the case.

Something that is often missed in that analysis is the role of the Marxist left that drew out the ex-soldiers. It was very much an authoritarian left and an authoritarian right battling it out with the classic Republic caught in the middle. What both of those voices had in common was that capitalism and republican form of government were no longer relevant.
You saw the results of that at the capital last week. This is how we can have people in this country living in their own, altered form of reality. I'm not immune from it, nor is anyone else. Truth and agreed upon facts have gone by the wayside. It's scary as hell.
A better, more informed example would be “the results of intersectionality and its false narratives that have led to violent organizations like antifa-BLM.” One is an instigator. The other is a reaction to the extremes of the other. Neither is good.
If you haven't watched it, please do yourself a favor and take the time. The movie has me deeply concerned and I'm not a huge social media user. The point it made which concerned me around social media, if its free then you and your attention are the product. More disconcerting is the idea of the AI behind the scenes watching what interests you, and giving you more and more of it, reinforcing those beliefs, whatever they are.

Some of the stats they sight regarding suicide and self harm among children.....all in the name of profit for big tech?!?

Please watch, I know some of the material is dramatized but the programing and algorithms behind this tech is only getting better and more powerful.
1000%! Wake up folks.
A better, more informed example would be “the results of intersectionality and its false narratives that have led to violent organizations like antifa-BLM.” One is an instigator. The other is a reaction to the extremes of the other. Neither is good.

THAT is how the Weimer Republic fell. Those two extremes fed off of each other. One of them was going to "win". And definitely what I am seeing take place here. The sane middle is collapsing.

And our kids will cheer it all on via their social media.
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You saw the results of that at the capital last week. This is how we can have people in this country living in their own, altered form of reality. I'm not immune from it, nor is anyone else. Truth and agreed upon facts have gone by the wayside. It's scary as hell.
Indeed! This is the only truth I know, that none of us can agree on facts anymore.
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What I find worrying is the precipitating factors you mention. Germany had 10 years before been involved in a war where they suffered 7 million casualties. There were millions of disillusioned ex-soldiers on the streets that were pissed off they lost, and even that alone likely wouldn't have led anywhere if the currency and economy hadn't collapsed in the Great Depression.

I always thought therefore that some kind of national trauma was a pre requisite for people diving into the global fake conspiracy/fascist wormhole.

I'm no longer sure I believe that it takes that much.

Well, I guess we will see as we are a living political science classroom right now. Looks like potentially armed protest at all 50 capitols and they are worried about inauguration now. When the POTUS and other stream lies about election fraud 24/7 through the giant megaphone that is social media this is what you get. I mean if I legitimately thought the election was stolen I would be similarly pissed.

I guess we will see how our Republic withstands this. It either falls or we make some changes. I do think a tax on use of content and ownership of personal data would help. Also, we need to improve civics education at the HS level and quit telling people they are special because they are American. They aren’t. If I hear one more person complain about people taking away their freedoms...
Something that is often missed in that analysis is the role of the Marxist left that drew out the ex-soldiers. It was very much an authoritarian left and an authoritarian right battling it out with the classic Republic caught in the middle. What both of those voices had in common was that capitalism and republican form of government were no longer relevant.

That's fair. I'd say both Marxist and fascist ranks swelled during the depression and both were reactions to the collective German trauma.

I guess I always presupposed therefore that those responses required a spectacular political/economic failure to be birthed. That appears incorrect on my part.
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That's fair. I'd say both Marxist and fascist ranks swelled during the depression and both were reactions to the collective German trauma.

I guess I always presupposed therefore that those responses required a spectacular political/economic failure to be birthed. That appears incorrect on my part.

I agree. Maybe what we are seeing is more akin to the slow crumble of an empire, maybe a victim of our own past successes? I haven't figured it out yet.
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Also, we need to improve civics education at the HS level and quit telling people they are special because they are American. They aren’t.

I think there is a lot of truth to what you say there.

The focus should be on the very special thing that was accomplished in the US Constitution and to focus that it isn't guaranteed.... Our government is only as strong as we are and no amount of institutional strength will be able to resist if the people themselves lose faith. We have a duty to uphold and defend that system and instead of treating it like a rich kid does a trust fund, we need to be aware that it needs respect and attention.

The US economy will no longer be the largest in the world in 2-3 years. We've never had to live in a world where we are past the zenith of our power and I'm extremely concerned with how we're going to handle it.
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I agree. Maybe what we are seeing is more akin to the slow crumble of an empire, maybe a victim of our own past successes? I haven't figured it out yet.

I think the "pax Americana" is dying. I hope we age as the UK did where our way of life and democratic system remain. But fear we don't have the millennium of collective heritage to draw upon as Britain did/does.

Feels like it could get kinda bumpy.
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I think the "pax Americana" is dying. I hope we age as the UK did where our way of life and democratic system remain. But fear we don't have the millennium of collective heritage to draw upon as Britain did/does.

Feels like it could get kinda bumpy.

We don't have the center England does. Their monarchy serves that purpose. I think our "king" is some kind of external threat. Manifest Destiny I suppose. But considering who those really are, that's pretty scary too, especially if that is used simply to keep the country together. Those scenarios create desperate actions not measured ones.
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If you haven't watched it, please do yourself a favor and take the time. The movie has me deeply concerned and I'm not a huge social media user. The point it made which concerned me around social media, if its free then you and your attention are the product. More disconcerting is the idea of the AI behind the scenes watching what interests you, and giving you more and more of it, reinforcing those beliefs, whatever they are.

Some of the stats they sight regarding suicide and self harm among children.....all in the name of profit for big tech?!?

Please watch, I know some of the material is dramatized but the programing and algorithms behind this tech is only getting better and more powerful.

I watched this after reading your post today. It was actually shocking. I was half expecting a bunch of conspiracy theorists but to see people who were presidents of and soft ware engineers of those Facebook, Twitter, Pentrest and others telling their stories was shocking to say the least. I've been off Facebook for a couple of months and recently been trying to drop Twitter.
I read both CNN and Fox, laugh at the extremists on both sides, and then read BBC. I miss Al Jazeera. They had pretty good objective news reporting but that is also probably why they failed in the US. Everyone wants affirmation of their beliefs and they'd rather watch an extremist version of their beliefs on the news rather than a more moderate source that slightly challenges their beliefs.

People don't like their beliefs to be challenged which is odd in my opinion. I love it when people challenge my beliefs because that's how I learn new things and make myself better.

I generally agree with your points here, but Al Jazeera and BBC are state run media. They also have their biases, and while they may be fair about international news, how can you trust state media to report on domestic affairs?
Cnn and fox are perfect examples of diametrically opposed and terrible "news". No wonder some of you guys are completely unhinged.
I think there is a lot of truth to what you say there.

The focus should be on the very special thing that was accomplished in the US Constitution and to focus that it isn't guaranteed.... Our government is only as strong as we are and no amount of institutional strength will be able to resist if the people themselves lose faith. We have a duty to uphold and defend that system and instead of treating it like a rich kid does a trust fund, we need to be aware that it needs respect and attention.

The US economy will no longer be the largest in the world in 2-3 years. We've never had to live in a world where we are past the zenith of our power and I'm extremely concerned with how we're going to handle it.

Well I am a Zeihanist so I don’t believe we are at the Zenith. But it won’t matter if a bunch of spoiled idiots run around screaming about “rights” and “freedoms” in a nation of laws. We need to respect each other’s differences and find a way to live our neighbor as we do ourselves.
Well I am a Zeihanist so I don’t believe we are at the Zenith. But it won’t matter if a bunch of spoiled idiots run around screaming about “rights” and “freedoms” in a nation of laws. We need to respect each other’s differences and find a way to live our neighbor as we do ourselves.

Fwiw I hope zeihan is right.

Agree with your other points completely.
I generally agree with your points here, but Al Jazeera and BBC are state run media. They also have their biases, and while they may be fair about international news, how can you trust state media to report on domestic affairs?

Because BBC reports news and is not simply a series of opinion shows designed to do your thinking for you.

BBC is the gold standard