If you haven't watched it, please do yourself a favor and take the time. The movie has me deeply concerned and I'm not a huge social media user. The point it made which concerned me around social media, if its free then you and your attention are the product. More disconcerting is the idea of the AI behind the scenes watching what interests you, and giving you more and more of it, reinforcing those beliefs, whatever they are.
Some of the stats they sight regarding suicide and self harm among children.....all in the name of profit for big tech?!?
Please watch, I know some of the material is dramatized but the programing and algorithms behind this tech is only getting better and more powerful.
Some of the stats they sight regarding suicide and self harm among children.....all in the name of profit for big tech?!?
Please watch, I know some of the material is dramatized but the programing and algorithms behind this tech is only getting better and more powerful.