No Longhorn Band at the Baylor game Saturday

Can anyone think of a parallel situation, where 2 employees could display the level of subversive behavior and create the level of discord that these 2 professors have and still keep their jobs?

There is an employee at our university that has created a website to inform people about how racist the school is and we're fing paying him to do it.
College is supposed to be that time in life where you're becoming and adult-- you're not quite there yet as you don't have a mortgage, pay taxes, fly around the country doing sales meetings etc etc-- all the stuff you do when you grow up...

And you're supposed to figure out who you are as person. And what you love. And where you want to go in life.

Kids now are treating it like it's their chance to make adult decisions and take stands like adults do, without the consequences of BEING an adult.

As an adult, if you don't do what your boss tells you to do, he doesn't negotiate with you and change the terms to suit you and your morals.

He fvcking fires you and hires someone who will tow the company line.

Fresh--- seriously now-- you spent YEARS just TRAINING your skill set so you could EARN the opportunity to put those skills to use. You didn't get hired and trained for a few weeks (like a normal job) and turned loose on the job world.

Can you imagine how long you'd have lasted in your profession if you turned to your superiors and said "nah bruh, I'm good. Ima do me. Oh and BTW--- this training stuff you air force jagoffs have going on here is totally racist...."
Air man Fresh would have learned what article 92 was, ricky tick.

These kids want to be treated as adults. Sooooooo..... They should face adult consequences.
You're absolutely right. The problem is that the overwhelming majority involved in academia do not see it that way.

Trying not to get political here but there's no way to get around it. Progressives and socialists played the long game with education and media outlets while the rest of us brushed them off as outliers. They are now 1 VP Kamala Harris + senate majority away from checkmate.

Kids fed how and what to think before they've had any real life experiences have skewed perceptions and in numbers, have power to persuade.

Not many early twenty-somthings have the fortitude to stand tall before a lynch mob and openly dissent. Sam did. He's become one of my favorite Longhorns, not because of his football ability but because of his 10lb brass balls to oppose the tide of an entire university to include his very teammates for what he believes is right.

Don't know & don't care where Sam sits on the political spectrum but I do know if half the football team were somewhat like him we'd all be singing Eyes of Texas while hoisting numerous trophies.
You're absolutely right. The problem is that the overwhelming majority involved in academia do not see it that way.

Trying not to get political here but there's no way to get around it. Progressives and socialists played the long game with education and media outlets while the rest of us brushed them off as outliers. They are now 1 VP Kamala Harris + senate majority away from checkmate.

Kids fed how and what to think before they've had any real life experiences have skewed perceptions and in numbers, have power to persuade.

Not many early twenty-somthings have the fortitude to stand tall before a lynch mob and openly dissent. Sam did. He's become one of my favorite Longhorns, not because of his football ability but because of his 10lb brass balls to oppose the tide of an entire university to include his very teammates for what he believes is right.

Don't know & don't care where Sam sits on the political spectrum but I do know if half the football team were somewhat like him we'd all be singing Eyes of Texas while hoisting numerous trophies.
You are correct. It is damn hard to stand against the masses. But when you're asked as a player to do one simple thing, stand before YOUR band and YOUR fans and win, lose, or draw, show THEM your appreciation for coming to the game and supporting YOU, the players- and thanking the band for blasting tunes at 140 decibels that distracts the living crap out of opposing offenses-- to take that field before the game and pound those drums that set the TONE for your heart to beat along side with-- making your adrenal gland kick into over drive because you KNOW it's game time-- the band is here! Time to crank it up!

It's the God damn least an athlete can do. Pay homage to those that pay big dollars and sweat and go hoarse yelling March around in uncomfortable uniforms practically passing out carrying fvcking tubas and a fifty pounds of drums while banging the ever living sh!t out of them-- all with one common purpose-- to inspire YOU to go out there and wreck shop so they can go to class on Monday morning with their chests stuck out just a little further.
You're absolutely right. The problem is that the overwhelming majority involved in academia do not see it that way.

Trying not to get political here but there's no way to get around it. Progressives and socialists played the long game with education and media outlets while the rest of us brushed them off as outliers. They are now 1 VP Kamala Harris + senate majority away from checkmate.

Kids fed how and what to think before they've had any real life experiences have skewed perceptions and in numbers, have power to persuade.

Not many early twenty-somthings have the fortitude to stand tall before a lynch mob and openly dissent. Sam did. He's become one of my favorite Longhorns, not because of his football ability but because of his 10lb brass balls to oppose the tide of an entire university to include his very teammates for what he believes is right.

Don't know & don't care where Sam sits on the political spectrum but I do know if half the football team were somewhat like him we'd all be singing Eyes of Texas while hoisting numerous trophies.
I don’t know Sam but I do have a daughter the same age. He appears to share some of my daughter’s values: work hard and earn everything you get; be a person of integrity; stand up for your principles and tradition; be self reliant and accept no excuses.
I know where my daughter fits within the political spectrum so I wouldn’t be surprised if he sits there as well. Here’s why it’s relevant:
if the Democrats take the WH and Congress, then my daughter (who does not have a political bone in her body) and persons with similar values becomes the “resistance.” In a way, Sam is the resistance within the locker room. That’s only one reason among many I respect him.
I feel horrible for players like Sam. I'm sure there are others on the team who feel the same way he does. I bet Sam is feeling incredibly frustrated with the way his final year is unfolding. He was hoping to compete for at least a Big 12 title and instead is probably feeling ashamed to be part of this dumpster fire. He's demonstrating 100 times more leadership than our freaking head coach!!

Can you imagine how our season would play out if everyone on the team were genuinely all in like Sam? We'd kick everyone's ass.
I think he came back with the " I did it for my father thing" so he wouldn't have to seem like a traitor to the team and alienate himself from the team point of view because of the publicity he got for doing it. I have no doubts that hes a Orange Blood, but maybe it put him in a situation, this Fing team is so Fuked up , I would not bet on them....
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Probably half of the football team don't even know the words to the Eyes...anyway....but they know the words to Young Boy Never Broke and Lil Thug!
Probably half of the football team don't even know the words to the Eyes...anyway....but they know the words to Young Boy Never Broke and Lil Thug!
You used to have to sing every night for your dinner as a freshman. Unless they've stopped doing that, those kids know the words.
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You used to have to sing every night for your dinner as a freshman. Unless they've stopped doing that, those kids know the words.
It will be interesting to see what the cheerleaders do? You all watch the guys and I'll keep an eye on the gals.
What you need at UT is an Abner McCall. Anyone remember when Playboy announced they were going to release a girls of the Southwest Conference issue in 1980? President McCall at Baylor immediately responded that anyone who appeared would be kicked out of school. The editorial board of the Baylor newspaper, the Lariat, came out with a scathing editorial. President McCall knew how to handle it - he revoked the scholarships of the editorial board. You can agree or disagree with the stance, but THAT is leadership.

yes and the editoral writers all transfered to UT
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