Ok Guys The Friend of Mine ( Ginger Man Part II )

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Re: Ok Guys The Friend of Mine ( THINGS WENT SOUTH. BROTHER ON THE WAY )

Originally posted by aldelgreco:
Originally posted by thehypemachine:
Originally posted by EastTexasLonghorn:
still on my phone, but 3 arrests were ginger, ex-marine, and donkey-lips. all the were brought in different cars. heres quick update from what i gathered when i got there. allegedly the brother pulled up and was met in yard by foul mouthed ginger. brother swung on ginger putting him down pretty quickly. brother then began kicking ginger. gingers brother ran out and speared attacker ( bill goldberg style ). neighbors called police. upon arrival the ginger had fled into the house and the ex-marine had donkey-lips pinned down trying to calm him down.
fixing to book ginger first. the other two are in holding tanks. i WILL post the booking photos as soon as they are accessible. give me a little longer guys and you will be able to put faces to these guys. for the record i always advised my ginger buddy against going this route. this was his choice and it was helped along by his bro. i didn't expect all this, but gotta finish what i started.

If he's on his phone, shouldn't it say wireless rivals under his post? I now call hoax.

you can get on the regular site from an iPhone. actually a necessity for a post like this b/c you can skip to the last page instead of waiting for whole thread to load.

You can also post pictures from an iphone right? Do we have any pictures? nope. Hilarious but I betting on hoax.
Re: Ok Guys The Friend of Mine ( THINGS WENT SOUTH. BROTHER ON THE WAY )

Not necessarily. If he has an iPhone he doesn't have to get on the wireless site to browse OB. Possibly some other phones as well. I get on OB from the phone just like a regular web browser.
Re: Ok Guys The Friend of Mine ( THINGS WENT SOUTH. BROTHER ON THE WAY )

Originally posted by wwVYd:
There are two things that are troubling me about Kay's Jewelers at the Broadway Square Mall.

First, the mall is less than 0.5 miles from the Long John Silvers. OP stated in the original thread that the ginger ran about a mile and a half to the LJS. Given that the OP is a cop (likely a patrol cop), I would think he would have a pretty good sense of mileage/distance. And the OP made the point of expressing the fact that the ginger ran a good distance before stopping at LJS and calling him. He wouldn't have mentioned the run if the ginger simply existed the mall and ran across the street to the LJS
Maybe he was running in a serpentine pattern. Serpentine! Serpentine!
Re: Ok Guys The Friend of Mine ( THINGS WENT SOUTH. BROTHER ON THE WAY )

Originally posted by joeywa:
Originally posted by smaulden:
Originally posted by Xminus6:
Originally posted by smaulden:
Not on linked in, either

LInkedIn? The guy bags grocery smaulden. Does he really need to network with other grocery baggers?

No, Jeff. I'm running cross-reference searches. LinkedIn for Kay Jewelers (Sterling Jewelers is parent company). They had 706 employees that were on there, but none in Tyler. Facebook for ginger Daniels in Tyler and also for Kayla's in Tyler, both of which turned up empty. The only real ginger Daniel in Tyler bags groceries (not looking for him on LinkedIn). There were a couple of other ginger possibilities, but they were all big enough to hold their own. I'm picturing our ginger as a scrawny kind of guy
Smauls, this it Tyler Texas we are talking about. They probably don't know what Facebook and LinkedIn is. You should focus your efforts on sites like MySpace.

Good point. Didn't think about that!
Re: Ok Guys The Friend of Mine ( THINGS WENT SOUTH. BROTHER ON THE WAY )

Originally posted by Xminus6:

Originally posted by wwVYd:
There are two things that are troubling me about Kay's Jewelers at the Broadway Square Mall.

First, the mall is less than 0.5 miles from the Long John Silvers. OP stated in the original thread that the ginger ran about a mile and a half to the LJS. Given that the OP is a cop (likely a patrol cop), I would think he would have a pretty good sense of mileage/distance. And the OP made the point of expressing the fact that the ginger ran a good distance before stopping at LJS and calling him. He wouldn't have mentioned the run if the ginger simply existed the mall and ran across the street to the LJS
Maybe he was running in a serpentine pattern. Serpentine! Serpentine!


Re: Ok Guys The Friend of Mine ( THINGS WENT SOUTH. BROTHER ON THE WAY )

Originally posted by Xminus6:
Originally posted by wwVYd:
There are two things that are troubling me about Kay's Jewelers at the Broadway Square Mall.

First, the mall is less than 0.5 miles from the Long John Silvers. OP stated in the original thread that the ginger ran about a mile and a half to the LJS. Given that the OP is a cop (likely a patrol cop), I would think he would have a pretty good sense of mileage/distance. And the OP made the point of expressing the fact that the ginger ran a good distance before stopping at LJS and calling him. He wouldn't have mentioned the run if the ginger simply existed the mall and ran across the street to the LJS
Maybe he was running in a serpentine pattern. Serpentine! Serpentine!

It can be a good .5 miles getting out of the mall at the right entrance to head towards LJS- if he ran out at the wrong entrance, he might have had to haul ass around the mall thru the parking lots, etc.
Re: Ok Guys The Friend of Mine ( THINGS WENT SOUTH. BROTHER ON THE WAY )

We are all in the presence of greatness here. It is very possible that this is the greatest overall thread experience in OB history.

I few days ago, I'm sitting in the office laughing at this thread. Who knew that three days later I'd be sitting on the couch eating cheetos waiting on pictorial documentation.
Re: Ok Guys The Friend of Mine ( THINGS WENT SOUTH. BROTHER ON THE WAY )

I just called and I asked for Daniel. She said he's with a customer and we'll have to call you back. So....I asked for the cheetoh dust finger sucking whore that got the Ginger fired and she hung up on me.
Re: Ok Guys The Friend of Mine ( THINGS WENT SOUTH. BROTHER ON THE WAY )

Originally posted by RKirkD:
I just called and I asked for Daniel. She said he's with a customer and we'll have to call you back. So....I asked for the cheetoh dust finger sucking whore that got the Ginger fired and she hung up on me.

I really hope you didn't do that an jeopardize the mission that 2 fellow OBs are in.
Re: Ok Guys The Friend of Mine ( THINGS WENT SOUTH. BROTHER ON THE WAY )

Originally posted by RKirkD:
I just called and I asked for Daniel. She said he's with a customer and we'll have to call you back. So....I asked for the cheetoh dust finger sucking whore that got the Ginger fired and she hung up on me.

tell me you really did this.
Re: Ok Guys The Friend of Mine ( THINGS WENT SOUTH. BROTHER ON THE WAY )

Originally posted by RKirkD:
I just called and I asked for Daniel. She said he's with a customer and we'll have to call you back. So....I asked for the cheetoh dust finger sucking whore that got the Ginger fired and she hung up on me.

I call BS
Re: Ok Guys The Friend of Mine ( THINGS WENT SOUTH. BROTHER ON THE WAY )

Originally posted by RKirkD:
I just called and I asked for Daniel. She said he's with a customer and we'll have to call you back. So....I asked for the cheetoh dust finger sucking whore that got the Ginger fired and she hung up on me.

No you did'ent!
Re: Ok Guys The Friend of Mine ( THINGS WENT SOUTH. BROTHER ON THE WAY )

OP has stated that he has an iPhone.
Re: Ok Guys The Friend of Mine ( THINGS WENT SOUTH. BROTHER ON THE WAY )

The power of this thread compells me.

I. Am. IN!
Posted from wireless.rivals.com[/URL]
Re: Ok Guys The Friend of Mine ( THINGS WENT SOUTH. BROTHER ON THE WAY )

Originally posted by babyshoe:
Not necessarily. If he has an iPhone he doesn't have to get on the wireless site to browse OB. Possibly some other phones as well. I get on OB from the phone just like a regular web browser.
ditto. I've been using mine this entire time.
Re: Ok Guys The Friend of Mine ( THINGS WENT SOUTH. BROTHER ON THE WAY )

The video update was priceless!!!
Re: Ok Guys The Friend of Mine ( THINGS WENT SOUTH. BROTHER ON THE WAY )

IN just for history's sake!
Re: Ok Guys The Friend of Mine ( THINGS WENT SOUTH. BROTHER ON THE WAY )

Originally posted by RKirkD:
I just called and I asked for Daniel. She said he's with a customer and we'll have to call you back. So....I asked for the cheetoh dust finger sucking whore that got the Ginger fired and she hung up on me.

Re: Ok Guys The Friend of Mine ( THINGS WENT SOUTH. BROTHER ON THE WAY )

Im posting from an iPhone and never use the wireless site. Also never used it with the any of the phones i've had the last few years. Not an issue.
Re: Ok Guys The Friend of Mine ( THINGS WENT SOUTH. BROTHER ON THE WAY )

Video Update is absolutely great.....we need more videos like this to tell the whole story. Who's doing it?
Re: Ok Guys The Friend of Mine ( THINGS WENT SOUTH. BROTHER ON THE WAY )

fantastic. greatest spin-off thread ever.
Re: Ok Guys The Friend of Mine ( THINGS WENT SOUTH. BROTHER ON THE WAY )

Only posted a few times in nearly five years, but I have to be in on this thread!!
Re: Ok Guys The Friend of Mine ( THINGS WENT SOUTH. BROTHER ON THE WAY )

Originally posted by St. Vince 4 Prez:

Originally posted by GG4Heismanfor1K:
Pulling into Tyler now, about 15 minutes from the mall

Ask for Vicki...........just got off the phone with her after Kayla said that Daniel still worked there.......which I replied, "earlier I called in and asked for him and was told he didnt work there anymore."

Vicki got on the phone and said she was a co-manager and would be there the rest of the day

Boom motherf******

Just to give you the complete update since i was trying to hurry and get it on the board so that the guy who is at the mall could have a name.

I called and Kayla answered. I asked for a manager. I was put on hold, when she comes back she says all the managers are currently busy.

I said well I called in earlier and asked for a Daniel and someone told me that he didnt work there anymore. She replies he still works here......I said "well earlier I believe you told me he didnt, I would like to speak with a manager because Daniel and I was working on a deal together." Once again I was put on hold

Minutes later a girl gets on the phone and she says, "Hi my name is Vicki, how can i help you.?" I replied, "well are you a manager?" She said, "yes." I said, "well earlier i called and asked for Daniel and Kayla told me he doesnt work there anymore. I was working with him on a deal for a 14k gold engagement ring and I was planning on coming into today to conclude our deal." "Now that he doesnt work there anymore I wanted to talk to a manager to see if I could still get the same deal, because I didnt want to show up and there not be anyone with any type of authority there to see my deal through."

She said, "Well I'm a co-manager and I can help you." I said, "and you said your name was Vicki right." She replied "yes". She then asked if I had my tag for the deal and what all we were going to do with the diamond.

I told her that I didnt have it on me and that Daniel and I had been working on a couple things and I wanted to come up there and conclude the deal today. I then asked how long she would be there and she replied, "the rest of the day."

I told her thank you and that I would see here soon
Re: Ok Guys The Friend of Mine ( THINGS WENT SOUTH. BROTHER ON THE WAY )

Walking in Tyler mall right now. As we pulled into the mall we passed a mcalisters and a LJS all within walking distance. Bide your time boys
Re: Ok Guys The Friend of Mine ( THINGS WENT SOUTH. BROTHER ON THE WAY )

For any doubters. This message posted from my Android phone.
Re: Ok Guys The Friend of Mine ( THINGS WENT SOUTH. BROTHER ON THE WAY )

Originally posted by GG4Heismanfor1K:
Walking in Tyler mall right now. As we pulled into the mall we passed a mcalisters and a LJS all within walking distance. Bide your time boys

Good sir, if we ever meet, your drinks are on me!
Re: Ok Guys The Friend of Mine ( THINGS WENT SOUTH. BROTHER ON THE WAY )

Originally posted by viejid:
Originally posted by RKirkD:
I just called and I asked for Daniel. She said he's with a customer and we'll have to call you back. So....I asked for the cheetoh dust finger sucking whore that got the Ginger fired and she hung up on me.

I really hope you didn't do that an jeopardize the mission that 2 fellow OBs are in.
Exactly. Well played but it needed to wait on the two guys on the ground to complete their mission. You may have just ran some serious interference.
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