Originally posted by EastTexasLonghorn:
still on my phone, but 3 arrests were ginger, ex-marine, and donkey-lips. all the were brought in different cars. heres quick update from what i gathered when i got there. allegedly the brother pulled up and was met in yard by foul mouthed ginger. brother swung on ginger putting him down pretty quickly. brother then began kicking ginger. gingers brother ran out and speared attacker ( bill goldberg style ). neighbors called police. upon arrival the ginger had fled into the house and the ex-marine had donkey-lips pinned down trying to calm him down.
fixing to book ginger first. the other two are in holding tanks. i WILL post the booking photos as soon as they are accessible. give me a little longer guys and you will be able to put faces to these guys. for the record i always advised my ginger buddy against going this route. this was his choice and it was helped along by his bro. i didn't expect all this, but gotta finish what i started.