Ok Guys The Friend of Mine ( Ginger Man Part II )

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Re: Ok Guys The Friend of Mine

Originally posted by EastTexasLonghorn:
Originally posted by jjromo:
Just tell him to bring some Cheetos as a peace offering
he's actually out drinking and just texted me talking sh*t about the brother. it sounds like he might need to shut it down for the night. i told him if he continues to drink then does something stupid he's on his own. a few more beers and the peace option may be taken off the table due to his own stupidity. i'm debating if i should turn my phone off.
Your ginger Aggy friend is officially a Cheesedick.
Re: Ok Guys The Friend of Mine

Tell Ginger that I will pay for the pics, I am serious. He needs the cash and my curiosity needs to be sated.
Re: Ok Guys The Friend of Mine

Originally posted by OrangePhoenix:
So you have to be vague because this is all "fluid"? What the hell does that mean? You haven't posted one pic! Don't be a pansy and give us something we can work with!!
im fixing to have to go to work. i can't post pics until situation is over. i tell you what, i will post a picture of a guy that looks just like my friend. remember... it isn't him though.

This post was edited on 12/10 10:58 PM by EastTexasLonghorn
Re: Ok Guys The Friend of Mine

the "friend of mine" thread is back for round 2. IT WILL NOT BE DENIED!

got my cheetos ready.....
Re: Ok Guys The Friend of Mine

i need this thread like a hog needs slop. carry on OB detectives.
Re: Ok Guys The Friend of Mine

Great story, but I'm thinking paragraphs may be on the endangered species list in East Texas.
Re: Ok Guys The Friend of Mine

Back in 11 pages earlier than on the first thread!!!
Re: Ok Guys The Friend of Mine

"A Friend Of Mine part II: The Return Of The Brother"
Posted from wireless.rivals.com[/URL]
Re: Ok Guys The Friend of Mine

Originally posted by EastTexasLonghorn:
Originally posted by OrangePhoenix:
So you have to be vague because this is all "fluid"? What the hell does that mean? You haven't posted one pic! Don't be a pansy and give us something we can work with!!
im fixing to have to go to work. i can't post pics until situation is over. i tell you what, i will post a picture of a guy that looks just like my friend. remember... it isn't him though.

This post was edited on 12/10 10:58 PM by EastTexasLonghorn

That dude looks like the Sherminator from American Pie.
Re: Ok Guys The Friend of Mine

Still can't get the coconut shavings line outta my head...lmfao
Re: Ok Guys The Friend of Mine

Tell the brother to f'k off and mount a defense of some sort. If he can't kick his ass or have his brother do it,at least pull some Home Alone bullshit. If a 12 year old can do it.....
Re: Ok Guys The Friend of Mine

Just want to be in on this one. Missed my chance last time.

Godspeed, ginger friend.
Re: Ok Guys The Friend of Mine

Egg is right. If you do nothing, ten years from now you'll be sitting at a bar with ginger and you'll say "remember when.." and he'll say "yah, but..." and you'll say "I wish we had just...."

Well don't be that guy. Follow through and help out your pathetic friend to seize the moment!

Oh and be sure to come back here with pics.
Re: Ok Guys The Friend of Mine

This better result in some pictures or some sort of proper resolution

I've got internet blue balls and they need relief
Re: Ok Guys The Friend of Mine

I do not see this ending well at all for the OP if some pictures or verifying information are not posted in the next 24 hours. You can only keep these hooligans hanging by a thread for so long...
Re: Ok Guys The Friend of Mine

Some of you need to grow up. Go look up some porn or something. This is a sensitive situation.
Re: Ok Guys The Friend of Mine

Well my buddy is going Christmas shopping at the mall in Tyler and he is aware of the story and is going to be looking for a hot Kate Beckinsale look-a-like.

Now all we need is some of our Longview natives to do the same.
Re: Ok Guys The Friend of Mine

Originally posted by downgoesfrazier:

Originally posted by EastTexasLonghorn:

Originally posted by OrangePhoenix:
So you have to be vague because this is all "fluid"? What the hell does that mean? You haven't posted one pic! Don't be a pansy and give us something we can work with!!
im fixing to have to go to work. i can't post pics until situation is over. i tell you what, i will post a picture of a guy that looks just like my friend. remember... it isn't him though.

This post was edited on 12/10 10:58 PM by EastTexasLonghorn

That dude looks like the Sherminator from American Pie.

No he doesn't, are you suggesting that all gingers look alike?
Re: Ok Guys The Friend of Mine

Tell your buddy if he lets you post the pic of the girl or divulge her location, we will have his back. We will come to your house, call the brother and tell him he is a fat pr*ck and to bring it on. When he gets to your house about 2389 of us will come out and kick his A**. Sound like a plan?
Re: Ok Guys The Friend of Mine


Lmao at responses in the original thread
Re: Ok Guys The Friend of Mine

Seriously, tomorrow is Saturday and Kate Dickensales works in a retail business at a mall most likely. We already know the friend is supposed to call her tomorrow to discuss his job which again affirms she'll be at work tomorrow.

I'm halfway to driving myself up there and going to every jewelry store in the greater Tyler area and asking for the manager at each store until I get confirmation one way or the other. I'm in Houston and I know there are people either in Dallas or actually in East Texas that can do this much easier.

It's very simple. Follow these instructions:

1) Google list of jewelry stores and go to them one by one
2) Ask for the manager each time you walk in
2a) If male, say the word "Cheetos" and leave the store without explanation.
2b) If female, determine Beckensale-whorishness (consult picture in your pocket if unsure).
3) If you believe she has even a 50% likelihood, ask for her business card. If, and only if, you should find yourself at this point in the process proceed to #4.
4) Leave the store.
5) Waste 5-10 minutes, possibly by getting your coat out of your car and checking your handheld camera battery life and zoom function.
6) Return to the outskirts of the store or store itself keeping a distance of no more than 15 to 20 feet between you and the nearest exit.
7) Capture the suspected cheetah on camera.
8) Exit immediately.

I have faith someone can do this and catapult themselves into Orangebloods lore. The opportunity alone should have some jumping.
Re: Ok Guys The Friend of Mine

That's Bryan Harsin type coordinating right there
Originally posted by utexashorns88:
Seriously, tomorrow is Saturday and Kate Dickensales works in a retail business at a mall most likely. We already know the friend is supposed to call her tomorrow to discuss his job which again affirms she'll be at work tomorrow.

I'm halfway to driving myself up there and going to every jewelry store in the greater Tyler area and asking for the manager at each store until I get confirmation one way or the other. I'm in Houston and I know there are people either in Dallas or actually in East Texas that can do this much easier.

It's very simple. Follow these instructions:

1) Google list of jewelry stores and go to them one by one
2) Ask for the manager each time you walk in
2a) If male, say the word "Cheetos" and leave the store without explanation.
2b) If female, determine Beckensale-whorishness (consult picture in your pocket if unsure).
3) If you believe she has even a 50% likelihood, ask for her business card. If, and only if, you should find yourself at this point in the process proceed to #4.
4) Leave the store.
5) Waste 5-10 minutes, possibly by getting your coat out of your car and checking your handheld camera battery life and zoom function.
6) Return to the outskirts of the store or store itself keeping a distance of no more than 15 to 20 feet between you and the nearest exit.
7) Capture the suspected cheetah on camera.
8) Exit immediately.

I have faith someone can do this and catapult themselves into Orangebloods lore. The opportunity alone should have some jumping.
Re: Ok Guys The Friend of Mine

I'm a patient man. I'm in the Middle-East and have no choice but to be patient. I appreciate that tonight will make the fourth straight night I have this story to entertain me but this thing has got to get some kind of closure. I'm almost willing to go in on a reward for the pictures.

Also, in several times as early as page three on Part I and in on page two of Part II.
Re: Ok Guys The Friend of Mine

where is the rest of the freakin thread?
Re: Ok Guys The Friend of Mine

So the brother is a curly headed donkey spanker?
Posted from wireless.rivals.com[/URL]
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