Ok Guys The Friend of Mine ( Ginger Man Part II )

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Re: Ok Guys The Friend of Mine

My people will rule the world
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Re: Ok Guys The Friend of Mine

I'd love to see this story in MS Paint
Re: Ok Guys The Friend of Mine

Jamimer may be on to a new slogan... "get ur cheetohs ready!" Lol

And to get to classics, look at the top right portion where it says forums.. then just click it and a list should pop down and the bottm one should say classics..

Still cant believe noones found the mystery whore yet. He said none of the pictures posted are it, so can i still stick with my hunch on Libby Greer??? Heres a better idea. The guy who said he would offer 150 for pics, just offer to pay for whoever can get pictures of the cheetoh whore first.
Re: Ok Guys The Friend of Mine

Originally posted by Letter86:
I'd love to see this story in MS Paint

MS Paint would be good but the cartoon video thing like the "I am Greg Davis" would be even better.
Re: Ok Guys The Friend of Mine

Here is all we need to know:

College Station

Those have McAllister's Deli and LJS in close proximity. Longview is the only one with a mall within running distance as well.

The Jewelry store has to be close to the LJS because the Ginger is fat and can't run long distances.
Re: Ok Guys The Friend of Mine

keep picturing this guy saying "it ain't easy being cheesy."
Originally posted by downgoesfrazier:
Originally posted by EastTexasLonghorn:
Originally posted by OrangePhoenix:
So you have to be vague because this is all "fluid"? What the hell does that mean? You haven't posted one pic! Don't be a pansy and give us something we can work with!!
im fixing to have to go to work. i can't post pics until situation is over. i tell you what, i will post a picture of a guy that looks just like my friend. remember... it isn't him though.

This post was edited on 12/10 10:58 PM by EastTexasLonghorn

That dude looks like the Sherminator from American Pie.
Re: Ok Guys The Friend of Mine

Originally posted by 94Sip:
Here is all we need to know:

College Station

Those have McAllister's Deli and LJS in close proximity. Longview is the only one with a mall within running distance as well.

The Jewelry store has to be close to the LJS because the Ginger is fat and can't run long distances.
It's like you're not even paying attention 94. The cheeto-hoe's brother is the fat one. OP posted a pic of Ginger look-a-like and he's a skinny dude. Looks like the Sherminator.
Re: Ok Guys The Friend of Mine

Originally posted by rendavis25:
Originally posted by 94Sip:
Here is all we need to know:

College Station

Those have McAllister's Deli and LJS in close proximity. Longview is the only one with a mall within running distance as well.

The Jewelry store has to be close to the LJS because the Ginger is fat and can't run long distances.
It's like you're not even paying attention 94. The cheeto-hoe's brother is the fat one. OP posted a pic of Ginger look-a-like and he's a skinny dude. Looks like the Sherminator.

crap - bad reading comprehension skills. Either way, it is one of those 3 ET towns. He just needs to cough up which one. I have a bet with my wife that someone from OB will have "outed" this chick by the end of this weekend.
Re: Ok Guys The Friend of Mine

Originally posted by EastTexasLonghorn:
i don't even know where to start. came on here a little earlier and thought the thread had been deleted, so i figured i didn't need to post about the subject anymore ( might get the ban hammer dropped on me ). i just read that the thread was moved to classics. that's funny and ironically classic! anyway, so my friend brought my phone back. he told me when he got there they asked him what all had occurred ( the brother told them it was a misunderstanding and has been being held in the frunk tank )? i told him before he left my house that if he was given the option to get out without any charges filed against him from the cheeto incident, and the brother agreed to let everything go, then he should drop charges. i told him he didn't have to explain to the police why it had happened. he could just play dumb about the circumstances and just tell them he wanted to drop the charges. that's what he did. the brother was released. after the brother was released he called my friend and told him he wasn't paying to have my friends car fixed. he told my friend he wouldn't be back to finish the ass kicking, but the dents in his car were gonna stay to serve as his retribution. he then told my friend he could call his sister tomorrow morning to discuss the status of his employment. my friend wasn't happy and told the brother he'd call him back. he called me and asked what i thought and i told him that sounded fair. i told him to call the brother back and tell him he'd let him know what he decides after he talks to the sister tomorrow. i told him he needs to be sure the sister isn't planning to keep this going and totally destroy my ginger comrad. which is very possible. he called the brother back and told him that. the brother apparently got pissed and told him if he didn't get a phone call back by tomorrow afternoon, he'd be knocking on his door.
I really think Ginger needs to flip the script on this. He needs to go on all out attack. Think of it this way, they have much more to lose than he does, and he's only made one mistake - they've made many.
He can get she-hoe fired for sexual harrassment, and possibly get a nice pay-day out of that from the jewerly store.
He can get husband in major trouble with the Air Force over the threats he made.
He can have the brother put in jail for a while so he can have other prisoners POTJ on him (just like his sister).
And then he can file a civil suit to get his car paid for, and other damages.
(I'm not a lawyer, I just play one on OB)
Re: Ok Guys The Friend of Mine

Come on OP...we need more clues...more golden nuggets to carry on this EPIC story!!!
Re: Ok Guys The Friend of Mine

ok guys her shift starts at noon. he is planning to call her shortly after that. he said the brother is still texting him and telling him he needs to know something. as stated before, my friend doesn't want his job back.. he just wants to leave on his terms with the cheeto incident nowhere in the picture. i'm not feeling too confident on this one, so if it goes south, i have the actual city on stand by. i don't have pictures of the female, but once i drop the name of the city i know you orangeblood detectives can take over. my ginger friends brother is back today and said if stuff doesn't go as planned, he plans to call the chicks brother and tell him ( his exact words ) "come get some!".
Re: Ok Guys The Friend of Mine ( SATURDAY MORNING UPDATE )

Sh!t or get off the pot man.

Youve turned a great story into a beating. Someone needs to Ari Gold OP.
Re: Ok Guys The Friend of Mine ( SATURDAY MORNING UPDATE )

I think I speak for everyone when I say that I really hope things go south...for all of our sake (except ginger, obviously).
Re: Ok Guys The Friend of Mine ( SATURDAY MORNING UPDATE )

Just video tape it for crying out loud!!!!
Re: Ok Guys The Friend of Mine ( SATURDAY MORNING UPDATE )

"Its too sensitive of a situation."

Im from ETX, fights like this are not a sensitive situation.

Pulling your cheetoh out, maybe. But it seems like that issue is dealt with according to OP.
This post was edited on 12/11 10:13 AM by bevo4117
Re: Ok Guys The Friend of Mine ( SATURDAY MORNING UPDATE )

Please let this situation go south. Please go south please go south.
Posted from wireless.rivals.com[/URL]
Re: Ok Guys The Friend of Mine

Originally posted by Sharp Productions:
Jamimer may be on to a new slogan... "get ur cheetohs ready!" Lol

And to get to classics, look at the top right portion where it says forums.. then just click it and a list should pop down and the bottm one should say classics..

Still cant believe noones found the mystery whore yet. He said none of the pictures posted are it, so can i still stick with my hunch on Libby Greer??? Heres a better idea. The guy who said he would offer 150 for pics, just offer to pay for whoever can get pictures of the cheetoh whore first.

I'll add a bill to that total!
Re: Ok Guys The Friend of Mine ( SATURDAY MORNING UPDATE )

South is good in this situation. But as soon as noon rolls around,i think i speak for everyone that we need a city!!!

Btw- this might be the greatest thing to ever happen to OB's.
Re: Ok Guys The Friend of Mine

Originally posted by eggroll:
Tell the brother to f'k off and mount a defense of some sort. If he can't kick his ass or have his brother do it,at least pull some Home Alone bullshit. If a 12 year old can do it.....

Re: Ok Guys The Friend of Mine ( SATURDAY MORNING UPDATE )

Damn it I can't get off work fast enough. As soon a's i do I'm headed to Longview to do some recon work. Pray for me to get off work by 1 or so, cuz I'm gonna enjoy this if I cN ever get off work. Damn the man for making me pay bills.
Have we figured out if it's Kate beckingsale or Kate bozworth for sure yet?
Re: Ok Guys The Friend of Mine ( SATURDAY MORNING UPDATE )

Posted from wireless.rivals.com[/URL]
Re: Ok Guys The Friend of Mine ( SATURDAY MORNING UPDATE )

Originally posted by GG4Heismanfor1K:
Damn it I can't get off work fast enough. As soon a's i do I'm headed to Longview to do some recon work. Pray for me to get off work by 1 or so, cuz I'm gonna enjoy this if I cN ever get off work. Damn the man for making me pay bills.
Have we figured out if it's Kate beckingsale or Kate bozworth for sure yet?
don't go to longview. east.
Re: Ok Guys The Friend of Mine ( SATURDAY MORNING UPDATE )

Holy smokes! Getting the name of the city would be a game changer. Chesta Cheater and her donkey spanking brother have no idea their world is teetering on the brink.
Posted from wireless.rivals.com[/URL]
Re: Ok Guys The Friend of Mine ( SATURDAY MORNING UPDATE )

After being on the road all week, I'm finally caught up...I'm almost ready to drive down East Texas
Re: Ok Guys The Friend of Mine ( SATURDAY MORNING UPDATE )

So now your saying go east of longview.
Re: Ok Guys The Friend of Mine ( SATURDAY MORNING UPDATE )

He's dropping hints. He said don't go to Longview. East. It's east of Longview!!!!! Go boys. Get us some pictures.
Re: Ok Guys The Friend of Mine ( SATURDAY MORNING UPDATE )

Originally posted by EastTexasLonghorn:
Originally posted by GG4Heismanfor1K:
Damn it I can't get off work fast enough. As soon a's i do I'm headed to Longview to do some recon work. Pray for me to get off work by 1 or so, cuz I'm gonna enjoy this if I cN ever get off work. Damn the man for making me pay bills.
Have we figured out if it's Kate beckingsale or Kate bozworth for sure yet?
don't go to longview. east.

East of Longview? The only town east of Longview is Marshall.
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