OT: Ahmaud Arbery murder trial

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Never spent a day in jail.

Actually I am a white man fàthered 7 white kids have 4 biracial granddaughters. But I am angry about southern justice. When the judge encourages one of the convicted to clean up and originally drops charges that has happened for a long time in the south.

Liberal? I am is angry about raçial injustice. And I have no use for BLM. The prosecution was right not to bring race into the trial. But the defense did they manipulated the jury selection to where 11 out of 12 jurors were white.

There was no rise in crime in the area. The convicted admitted he got some of his information from Facebook.

On other matters have any of you ever spoken with someone who had an abortion? Their emotional response describing everything involved with it made it impossible to pass for me to pass judgement on them. But you guys don't have any problem with that. So go for that $10,000 reward you'll get for minding someone else's business.

And the KKK is a bunch of redneck crackers.

Liberals who have disagreed on this board have had to temper their comments. A couple of them are self described Reagan republicans who aren't happy with today's Republican leadership. A couple of us are liberals who have criticized some aspects of liberalism. But because this is a conservative board they don't have to show any restraint. And unless you agree with everything they stay you're a socialist.


Are you referring to the 11 white people from the racist south, that found the 3 "crackers" guilty on all counts?
You are full of shit wait until federal trial starts and you will see all the racist things they said.
Ok well enlighten us all. What investigation have you done in this case that has produced facts which show the convicted murderers were motivated to kill Arbery because he was black?

A confederate flag on their truck is not adequate evidence. Neither is a social media post critical of BLM. Unless there’s some direct evidence by way of a video or audio recording or texts/emails which all reflect their intention to find and kill a black person, it will be a tough hill to climb. If any such evidence exists it would have been presented by the prosecution. It was not because there was none.
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Yes they got all 3 of those redneck crackers. All convicted of murder.

Justice had been served.

I don't want them to be put on death row. Give them life without the possibility of parole. I've talked to people who've been in prison. They said the days are long and boring and each day is longer than the day before. Some of those people I've talked to have said they'd rather get the death penalty cause life is torture. Those crackers will get what they deserve. And prisoners like them will have to learn to eyes in the back of their heads and sleep with one eye open.

Justice has been served.

Disappointing sir.

We all have our prejudices, that's normal, but what makes us noble is when we fight to overcome them.
In the end I don’t really either but he should come out and admit what he’s doing, I don’t think anyone believes he is who he says he is. Plus when he starts getting outted and backed into corners on here he always has a sob story about how unhealthy debating is etc. man up
There are countless examples of him disparaging a poster's detailed views on a discrete policy (e.g., the need for voter ID or why open borders are bad for the country). When asked for detail on his views, he won't answer reasonable questions.

He bashed Abbott but wouldn't name his top 3 governors. He never answered whether his life is better today than it was 4 years ago in response to someone's question. He wouldn't provide a simple "yes" or "no."

Thread titles are not a secret. If one enters and proceeds to dismiss someone's detailed views/opinions without supporting analysis other than stating "I'm a liberal", motives become suspect. You're a liberal (whatever that is in today's world). Fine, we get it. But, answer people's questions. We open ourselves up. Do the same. Not too much to ask.
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I've asked you several times to quit name calling and stop with the racist comments. That has no place on the board. Take some time off.

Worse than name calling or making racist comments is attributing possible illegal acts to someone. In a different thread, he made the statement below. I asked him to show me the post or retract the libelous statement. I've received neither.

Call me names. Fine. But, don't attribute false statements of illegal acts to me.

What I said was in reference to the golfer accountant saying he'd have shot everyone in sight. And I was telling him he would have Punk'd out
There are countless examples of him disparaging a poster's detailed views on a discrete policy (e.g., the need for voter ID or why open borders are bad for the country). When asked for detail on his views, he won't answer reasonable questions.

He bashed Abbott but wouldn't name his top 3 governors. He never answered whether his life is better today than it was 4 years ago in response to someone's question. He wouldn't provide a simple "yes" or "no."

Thread titles are not a secret. If one enters and proceeds to dismiss someone's detailed views/opinions without supporting analysis other than stating "I'm a liberal", motives become suspect. You're a liberal (whatever that is in today's world). Fine, we get it. But, answer people's questions. We open ourselves up. Do the same. Not too much to ask.

This is my point.

He routinely makes dismissive statements without any evidence and when challenged, he tries to discredit the challenger.

He refuses to ever provide any evidence to support anything he posts.

If all of that fails, he will change the subject.

In one of the post above, he starts rambling about abortion.
You didn't answer the question.

I've lived in the South my entire life. My father's family is from Mississippi and my mother's from Kentucky.

I have multiple relatives that fought for the confederacy and owned slaves. I have ancestors that were part of the Free State of Jones.

I have been in an interracial marriage for 27 years and have 2 mixed children.

You are a massive hypocrite. If I posted what you did and replaced cracker with the N-word, you would have had an aneurism.
Don't you know that being in a mixed marriage has no bearing on whether or not you are a racist. The fact you are white confirms your biases and no words or actions beyond complete subjigation to the BLM movement can save your racist soul.
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Ok well enlighten us all. What investigation have you done in this case that has produced facts which show the convicted murderers were motivated to kill Arbery because he was black?

A confederate flag on their truck is not adequate evidence. Neither is a social media post critical of BLM. Unless there’s some direct evidence by way of a video or audio recording or texts/emails which all reflect their intention to find and kill a black person, it will be a tough hill to climb. If any such evidence exists it would have been presented by the prosecution. It was not because there was none.
Ok your right just keep Hating people for the color of their skin.
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