OT - Coming to a neighborhood near you.

Did you get a knot on you? The yellow fever shot didn't bother me, neither did the typhoid shot. The twin rix (hepatitis) didn't bother me either. That anthrax sucked though. I heard they used to give the vaccine for Crimean Congo hemorrhagic fever, but they stopped giving it to dudes because it can fvck you up real bad.

We took it in 3 separate rounds. All in the tricep. I've fathered 2 great, smart, healthy and athletic children. I could be doing worse in regards to that.

I have some IBS stuff off and on but I don't think it's related. I'm also not the type of Veteran that runs to the Va because I feel like they owe me something.
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I had a friend that was a big wig on Johnson island and he told all the shit they dispose of...really scary shit!
My wife follows Russian news pretty closely. Russia is saying the virus shows signs of 3 other viruses that are completely separate in the hosts they infect. One is the bird flu, one is a strand that affects bats and the last is a virus that affects pigs.

In other words, the only way this is possible is if it was genetically modified.
Because nature doesn't know how to genetically modify anything, right? :rolleyes:
Because nature doesn't know how to genetically modify anything, right? :rolleyes:

If you have a virus that has the markers of 3 different very unique species of hosts, it tends to lead to questions. Sorta like winning the lottery 3 straight weeks.
The chicoms are the scum of the earth. Would they deliberately release an engineered bug to kill off the old in their own country so that the government would not be liable for their retirement? Of course they would.
We took it in 3 separate rounds. All in the tricep. I've fathered 2 great, smart, healthy and athletic children. I could be doing worse in regards to that.

I have some IBS stuff off and on but I don't think it's related. I'm also not the type of Veteran that runs to the Va because I feel like they owe me something.
3? Pretty sure we got 5 visits. I wonder if we were given weaker doses or something else too.
Triphenylmethyl chloride?
Umm maybe? The instructors always referred to it as "tri-pan". The kits have 2 injectors, 1 large and 1 small so it is possible that may be what's in one of them.
I might still have the MOPP booklet in storage and I think it says what they are. You've got me curious now. To be continued....
Tripanchloride spring loaded injector right into the meat of your thigh is akin to bringing in a hospital bedside priest.

believe it or not....that was how the Eppy pen was invented. The brass had to figure a way that troops would actually inject thenselves with what would save em….and they only had minutes or less to do it. It started with a toilet paper roll tube and crepe paper to hide the syringe. Otherwise guys that would charge a well defended bunker with only a bayonet would chase themselves all over the battlefield trying to give themselves a life saving shot.
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If you have a virus that has the markers of 3 different very unique species of hosts, it tends to lead to questions. Sorta like winning the lottery 3 straight weeks.
Well, I'm no expert, but they're not the same virus. Morphologically, they're similar, hence they share the name coronavirus. But they're not identical.

I'm a big believer in Occam's Razor, and skeptical of wild claims that cannot be proved.
Well, I'm no expert, but they're not the same virus. Morphologically, they're similar, hence they share the name coronavirus. But they're not identical.

I'm a big believer in Occam's Razor, and skeptical of wild claims that cannot be proved.

Occam's Razor doesn't prove or disprove the validity of a theory, all it does is state that the most likely scenario is probably the truth.

I tend to not trust a government that has committed many atrocities on it's own people without one bit of remorse. There is a lot of speculation that one of the reasons the Chinese government is not working with the WHO is they are hiding something with regards to the origin of this virus.
Occam's Razor doesn't prove or disprove the validity of a theory, all it does is state that the most likely scenario is probably the truth.

I tend to not trust a government that has committed many atrocities on it's own people without one bit of remorse. There is a lot of speculation that one of the reasons the Chinese government is not working with the WHO is they are hiding something with regards to the origin of this virus.
Thanks for that explanation of something I said I tend to follow.

I don't trust China, either, but nor do I trust Russian news sources.
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Occam's Razor doesn't prove or disprove the validity of a theory, all it does is state that the most likely scenario is probably the truth.

I tend to not trust a government that has committed many atrocities on it's own people without one bit of remorse. There is a lot of speculation that one of the reasons the Chinese government is not working with the WHO is they are hiding something with regards to the origin of this virus.

The problem is "Chinese Medicine" and the Chinese peoples' affinity for eating wild animals. They eat bats, snakes, pangolins and a plethora of other things not typically seen in the western diet. Its not hard for a virus to jump species if you are consuming raw or under-cooked parts of wild animals.
Umm maybe? The instructors always referred to it as "tri-pan". The kits have 2 injectors, 1 large and 1 small so it is possible that may be what's in one of them.
I might still have the MOPP booklet in storage and I think it says what they are. You've got me curious now. To be continued....
I remember you saying a while back that you had a mix tape in the same storage, of your greatest hits. I also remember telling you that you were a sorry excuse for an internet posting buddy for not finding said mix tape and sharing it with the rest of the class. Shall I continue??
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The problem is "Chinese Medicine" and the Chinese peoples' affinity for eating wild animals. They eat bats, snakes, pangolins and a plethora of other things not typically seen in the western diet. Its not hard for a virus to jump species if you are consuming raw or under-cooked parts of wild animals.
And storing the meats together.
The problem is "Chinese Medicine" and the Chinese peoples' affinity for eating wild animals. They eat bats, snakes, pangolins and a plethora of other things not typically seen in the western diet. Its not hard for a virus to jump species if you are consuming raw or under-cooked parts of wild animals.

And storing the meats together.

Very interesting, it's an angle to this I had not considered. It is very plausible for this to occur especially if animal meats are mixed together.

So if I mixed beef from a cow with Mad Cow Disease, with a chicken with Avian flu, will I get a crazy chicken flu?
I remember you saying a while back that you had a mix tape in the same storage, of your greatest hits. I also remember telling you that you were a sorry excuse for an internet posting buddy for not finding said mix tape and sharing it with the rest of the class. Shall I continue??
Preach on, preach on. I'll eventually dig through those Rubbermaid totes on a WARM do nothing weekend. There's a lot of vhs and those smaller camcorder tapes that I want to send in to get digitized if they aren't already ruined.
Tx heat + multiple years in a storage shed cant be good on physical pics & tapes. Kinda wish we had these smart phones back then instead of having to develop film but am also very glad we didn't.
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Very interesting, it's an angle to this I had not considered. It is very plausible for this to occur especially if animal meats are mixed together.

So if I mixed beef from a cow with Mad Cow Disease, with a chicken with Avian flu, will I get a crazy chicken flu?
Throw in some British pork with Hoof & Mouth disease for Crazy Chicken Foot Flu.
Preach on, preach on. I'll eventually dig through those Rubbermaid totes on a WARM do nothing weekend. There's a lot of vhs and those smaller camcorder tapes that I want to send in to get digitized if they aren't already ruined.
Tx heat + multiple years in a storage shed cant be good on physical pics & tapes. Kinda wish we had these smart phones back then instead of having to develop film but am also very glad we didn't.

I saw a history channel show on old and extremely old recordings. They said that most recorded material would be lost.....not because the recordings degraded, but rather the devices to play those recordings would be lost to history. For instance there are like 2 known devices that will play "wire recordings"....which did exist before tape recordings. So they have lots of wire records....only 2 players.

When is the last time you had a functioning VHS player?....a Beta player?....an RCA record disk player?
I saw a history channel show on old and extremely old recordings. They said that most recorded material would be lost.....not because the recordings degraded, but rather the devices to play those recordings would be lost to history. For instance there are like 2 known devices that will play "wire recordings"....which did exist before tape recordings. So they have lots of wire records....only 2 players.

When is the last time you had a functioning VHS player?....a Beta player?....an RCA record disk player?
My vcr in corpus still works. But only because I've only used it a handful of times and then DVD players came out.
Very interesting, it's an angle to this I had not considered. It is very plausible for this to occur especially if animal meats are mixed together.

So if I mixed beef from a cow with Mad Cow Disease, with a chicken with Avian flu, will I get a crazy chicken flu?
Not just the meats being stored together, but reportedly dead animals were being skinned as well as livestock, and their discarded carcasses littered the wet floor of the Huanan "Seafood" Wholesale Market. So put the carcasses of various animals together in a flooded area of a certain temperature, with one or more of those carcasses being diseased.

When most people or sources propose a conspiracy theory, or really any theory including the above one, ALL they're going to mention are details that support that theory. So, yeah, it can sound convincing. But a conspiracy theory has an angle that suggests that human beings of a certain sort had an intentional role. That's not always the case. In fact, an awful lot happens without any human intention whatsoever. Nature does it. *&)D happens. However you want to put it.

It's not to say that humans don't intentionally do anything. Yes, spies exist, and the nation-states they represent do all sorts of rogue things. Sometimes an activist from the left or the right or some religion or anti-religion will do something crazy, or a whacked out nut doodle. But the burden of proof is on those who claim human intervention of a certain sort. When it comes to diseases, nature reigns supreme.
Not just the meats, but reportedly dead animals were being skinned as well as livestock, and their discarded carcasses littered the wet floor of the Huanan "Seafood" Wholesale Market. So put the carcasses together in a flooded area.

When most people or sources propose a conspiracy theory, or really any theory including the above one, ALL they're going to mention are details that support that theory. So, yeah, it can sound convincing. But a conspiracy theory has an angle that suggests that human beings of a certain sort had an intentional role. That's not always the case. In fact, an awful lot happens without any human intention whatsoever. Nature does it. *&)D happens. However you want to put it.

It's not to say that humans don't intentionally do anything. Yes, spies exist, and the nation-states they represent do all sorts of rogue things. Sometimes an activist from the left or the right or some religion or anti-religion will do something crazy, or a whacked out nut doodle. But the burden of proof is on those who claim human intervention of a certain sort. When it comes to diseases, nature reigns supreme.
Nature does reign supreme.

Want proof?

Let's pretend you were house shopping in a neighborhood. What if I informed you that 97% of all the people that lived in this particular neighborhood had DIED. We both know you would look for another neighborhood to live in. Right?

Guess what?

97% of all species that have ever existed on this planet, are GONE. All the life you see around you represent only 3% of the species that have ever existed. Wooly mammoths? Gone. T-Rex, gone too. Do-Do birds. Buh bye. Sabertooth tigers? Out.

We live on a serial killer. Our planet will straight up fvcking murder you. And after she's done with you, she hits the reset button and starts over. There have been 6 extinction level events since this planet was formed 4+ billion years ago. She has multiple ways to kill you and disease is only one of them. We humans THINK we can control her climate, her land, her water etc. We can't, and when this b!tch is done with us, there won't be a thing we can do to stop her. Nada. Zip. Zero.

The only way to survive as a species is to get the fvck off this murderous hag.
While everything appears to be peachy keen in the USA, as this ramps up the hospitals will fill up and then the shortages will begin. They should have cut off inbound air travel 3 weeks ago. It's certainly circulating in the public as we type. Watch for the government to repress the actual number of infections going forward. It's the only thing they have at this point. The hospitals are going to be turning away the infected elderly soon. I refuse to panic. Not going to do it. I am going to keep my routine. Any pertinent info on fighting viruses would be beneficial. Expect the good stuff to be hoarded by the $$$.
Just for some perspective there has been a virus that has hospitalized 280,000 people and killed 16,000 people in the US this year alone. Its called the Influenza. Yup the Flu but that's not new or exotic so people don't really pay attention to it. This new corona virus is a little less deadly than the Flu.

By the way it appears as though it jumped from bats. There are over 400 bat corona virus that are capable of infecting human respiratory cells. People go into bat caves to trap bats that are then sold, skinned, cooked and eaten. Its not hard for a virus to jump to a human at some point during that process.
The transmission and kill rates are much higher for Carona. The ChiCom stats are not to be trusted. The number of infections is x2 per day in S Korea. I just had the flu, hell my whole family did. Don't get me wrong, it was some nasty shit for sure but I didn't get pneumonia. There are 20 and 30 year old men croaking from CV.
The transmission and kill rates are much higher for Carona. The ChiCom stats are not to be trusted. The number of infections is x2 per day in S Korea. I just had the flu, hell my whole family did. Don't get me wrong, it was some nasty shit for sure but I didn't get pneumonia. There are 20 and 30 year old men croaking from CV.

For comparison there have been as many as 5000 18-49 year old individuals who die from influenza in the US during a flu season.

We don't know know about the transmission and kill rates until they can confirm if there is asymptomatic transfer. Right now the only ones showing up at hospitals are people who are really sick. The common cold is caused by a corona virus. There could be hundreds of thousands out there who have the covid 19 who have a cough and a runny nose. There could be hundreds of thousands of people who had a slight fever for a few hours and then were fine.
Umm maybe? The instructors always referred to it as "tri-pan". The kits have 2 injectors, 1 large and 1 small so it is possible that may be what's in one of them.
I might still have the MOPP booklet in storage and I think it says what they are. You've got me curious now. To be continued....
Nerve Agent Antidote Kits (NAAK Kits) has two drugs, atropine and 2PamChloride.

When you want your muscles to contract, your brain sends out a neurotransmitter, Acetylcholine. When you want your muscle to relax, it sends out Acetylcholinesterase. Nerve agents block the esterase, which causes your muscles to continue to contract. It doesn’t allow them to relax.

The NAAK kit helps stop that process.

There’s also a CANA kit, which helps with convulsions.
Nerve Agent Antidote Kits (NAAK Kits) has two drugs, atropine and 2PamChloride.

When you want your muscles to contract, your brain sends out a neurotransmitter, Acetylcholine. When you want your muscle to relax, it sends out Acetylcholinesterase. Nerve agents block the esterase, which causes your muscles to continue to contract. It doesn’t allow them to relax.

The NAAK kit helps stop that process.

There’s also a CANA kit, which helps with convulsions.
2Pam? Wow, either heard it all wrong or the young 3 striper said it wrong. Kinda in the ballpark though. Haha!
2Pam? Wow, either heard it all wrong or the young 3 striper said it wrong. Kinda in the ballpark though. Haha!
Taking chemical warfare atropine advice from a three striper instead of a flight surgeon. Gotta love that.
Taking chemical warfare atropine advice from a three striper instead of a flight surgeon. Gotta love that.
Nah, you have annual refresher training that consisted of various classes full of powerpoint slides and sleep inducing monotone narrators. The instructor of the day was mostly there for a sign-in sheet and application demonstration. Obviously the demo pens don't have the needles but it sure would have made class more exciting.
Corona Virus cases spike in Italy, South Korea and Iran.

Dow drops 1,000 points.

At what point do we start to take precautions?
I'm covered head to toe in hand sanitizer.

Seriously, not a bad idea to take inexpensive precautions. (Anti viral meds) I can't wait to see some of the goofy crap people wear once this breaks out. If you can't get anti viral meds, there are a whole bunch of herbs out there. I bet fb has some in the backyard.
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I've got some bad news for those people wearing the surgical masks around. Those don't prevent it. You've got to actually filter your air.