OT: I was thinking.....

Clob looks around the room and forgot that we were playing TCU this weekend.

I think I can finally get the folks in here that are experiencing more than a "healthy" amount if respect for covid (some would say fear) a way to quantify, in numbers, the odds you have with covid.

There's currently an asteroid coming around on an orbit that has a chance to hit the earth. Not a HUGE one by any means, but not one you'd want landing on your house if it survived re-entry.

Now kids, this is called "math". And while it's popular for the media to emphasize death (if it bleeds it leeds) that doesn't necessarily make it as bad as it sounds.

What if I told you that from Jan- Sept of 2020, there had been fewer overall recorded deaths in America, than from Jan-Sept of 2019?

Would you believe me? What if you didn't believe me, then did a simple Google search, only to discover that, yes, in fact there's about 90,000 give or take, fewer deaths this year than last year?

Are you still as afraid? Does 2019 seem scarier now than 2020?

Math is universal, folks. Math doesn't give a sh!t about your feelings. Math doesn't care about your emotions. Math does care about your fears.

Math is concrete. Not abstract. Math says more Americans died last year than this year, during a pandemic.

For all the "science" that certain factions put so much faith in, this is a scientifically undeniable fact.

The science is now settled.
Thanks @clob94 I feel better already just by reading your post. In all seriousness, that’s what’s so comical about this whole covid hoax. Fauci knows it’s overblown that’s why he’s not masked up, CNN knows 99.9% of people won’t die from it and probably most show little to no symptoms, maybe some unwanted flatulence But that’s about it but to see CNN ETAL coming out last night and today announcing that Trump tested positive for covid like he had just been diagnosed with stage 4 pancreatic cancer is why these liberal news media’s can’t be taken seriously.

I literally feel embarrassed for them acting thus way when the facts are right in front of them. Talk about ignoring the obvious
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Clob looks around the room and forgot that we were playing TCU this weekend.

I think I can finally get the folks in here that are experiencing more than a "healthy" amount if respect for covid (some would say fear) a way to quantify, in numbers, the odds you have with covid.

There's currently an asteroid coming around on an orbit that has a chance to hit the earth. Not a HUGE one by any means, but not one you'd want landing on your house if it survived re-entry.

Now kids, this is called "math". And while it's popular for the media to emphasize death (if it bleeds it leeds) that doesn't necessarily make it as bad as it sounds.

What if I told you that from Jan- Sept of 2020, there had been fewer overall recorded deaths in America, than from Jan-Sept of 2019?

Would you believe me? What if you didn't believe me, then did a simple Google search, only to discover that, yes, in fact there's about 90,000 give or take, fewer deaths this year than last year?

Are you still as afraid? Does 2019 seem scarier now than 2020?

Math is universal, folks. Math doesn't give a sh!t about your feelings. Math doesn't care about your emotions. Math does care about your fears.

Math is concrete. Not abstract. Math says more Americans died last year than this year, during a pandemic.

For all the "science" that certain factions put so much faith in, this is a scientifically undeniable fact.

The science is now settled.
Yep . . . the facts are what they are. No "it depends". There is one result . . . one conclusion.
Sort of like pregnancy . . . it's binary. You're either pregnant or you're not. There is no in-between or it depends.
Thanks @clob94 I feel better already just by reading your post. In all seriousness, that’s what’s so comical about this whole covid hoax. Fauci knows it’s overblown that’s why he’s not masked up, CNN knows 99.9% of people won’t die from it and probably most show little to no symptoms, maybe some unwanted flatulence But that’s about it but to see CNN ETAL coming out last night and today announcing that Trump tested positive for covid like he had just been diagnosed with stage 4 pancreatic cancer is why these liberal news media’s can’t be taken seriously.

I literally feel embarrassed for them acting thus way when the facts are right in front of them. Talk about ignoring the obvious

I am embarrass to Bell!

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Thanks @clob94 I feel better already just by reading your post. In all seriousness, that’s what’s so comical about this whole covid hoax. Fauci knows it’s overblown that’s why he’s not masked up, CNN knows 99.9% of people won’t die from it and probably most show little to no symptoms, maybe some unwanted flatulence But that’s about it but to see CNN ETAL coming out last night and today announcing that Trump tested positive for covid like he had just been diagnosed with stage 4 pancreatic cancer is why these liberal news media’s can’t be taken seriously.

I literally feel embarrassed for them acting thus way when the facts are right in front of them. Talk about ignoring the obvious

But, wait, my weather app says that there's a 0.01% chance of rain today. I'm really pissed no one is using an umbrella and a rain coat outside. I should report them to the local authorities.
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Well well well our potus and the first lady have tested positive for the coronavirus the news was released this morning.

This same man who mocked the coronavirus. The same man who didn't wear a mask. There is a wh aid who caught it. Obviously the potus and nobody in the wh took this seriously.
Well well well our potus and the first lady have tested positive for the coronavirus the news was released this morning.

This same man who mocked the coronavirus. The same man who didn't wear a mask. There is a wh aid who caught it. Obviously the potus and nobody in the wh took this seriously.
I bet he catches the flu this year too, what’s your point? Are you saying he’s dying or something? I bet you want more shutdown “just in case” BTW he mocks it because it’s a 99% survival rate but snowflakes like yourself are hiding under your bed pushing an agenda.
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It's a matter of not showing the kind of leadership that we expect from a potus.

Second we now know that our potus knew as far back as February that the coronavirus knew that the coronavirus virus was far more deadly than the seasonal flu you know that's the disease you said was far more serious than the coronavirus.

In WW2 approx 418, 500 Americans died. But it took 4 years to reach that total. In 7 months approx 213,000 Americans have died from the coronavirus.
It's a matter of not showing the kind of leadership that we expect from a potus.

Second we now know that our potus knew as far back as February that the coronavirus knew that the coronavirus virus was far more deadly than the seasonal flu you know that's the disease you said was far more serious than the coronavirus.

In WW2 approx 418, 500 Americans died. But it took 4 years to reach that total. In 7 months approx 213,000 Americans have died from the coronavirus.
Dude it effects old people. You don’t shut the world down why can’t that get into your head? Have older folks shelter in place and wear masks.They’re saying due to Trump’s AGE they are taking precautions. Good grief man get off the fixed income, lose your job then tell me how happy you are to have unnecessary shutdiwns.
Dude it effects old people. You don’t shut the world down why can’t that get into your head? Have older folks shelter in place and wear masks.They’re saying due to Trump’s AGE they are taking precautions. Good grief man get off the fixed income, lose your job then tell me how happy you are to have unnecessary shutdiwns.

Melania is not old. And more and more people that aren't old are testing positive.
Melania is not old. And more and more people that aren't old are testing positive.
But they are not dying?!?!? Some old folks are because, we’ll, that’s what happens when we get old, we’re susceptible to viruses etc. Just because you test positive means nothing and you damn well know it.
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Whats this old folks shit? We maybe smarter than you young folks! We been thru more than you youngins and harder times and made it..seems like lately the fools are the young ones....
Whats this old folks shit? We maybe smarter than you young folks! We been thru more than you youngins and harder times and made it..seems like lately the fools are the young ones....
Not saying older folks are dumb hoss, I’m simply saying covid seems to select older folks to prey upon,
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It's a matter of not showing the kind of leadership that we expect from a potus.

Second we now know that our potus knew as far back as February that the coronavirus knew that the coronavirus virus was far more deadly than the seasonal flu you know that's the disease you said was far more serious than the coronavirus.

In WW2 approx 418, 500 Americans died. But it took 4 years to reach that total. In 7 months approx 213,000 Americans have died from the coronavirus.

You say "from the corona virus". Metric used would probably be more correct if it was "with the corona virus". The scoring system is all fouled up.

It would be like saying my Granddad died "from prostate cancer" when in fact he died from old age "with prostate cancer".
Dude apparently you're a vet it's all over your avatar. It doesn't even anger you that DT has made disparaging remarks about our troops? Or that he called John McCain a war hero, a universally admired respected man a loser?

I support our troops I myself took the step on 3/31/78 and served 4 years. DT was the real draft dodger claimed he had bone spurs.

Your replies are so predictable basically rants and insults. Try to answer this one without it.
First, you believe a bs news article about 4 un-named sources but there are 19 other named sources who said President Trump did not make such remarks. Second, President Trump has said and done actions to only help and support our Troops and Vets, as well as First Responders. Third, I actually met a Vet at the VA today who said McCain's nickname at the Hanoi Hilton was "Songbird", oh they said he talked and talked to the VC. Many of McCain's actions can be questioned as well as his petty actions as a Senator. McCain was a sore loser and acted like a middle school kid in getting his "revenge" when he voted to end the Unaffordable Care Act. Note, McCain ran on ending it but in the end he lied to his own voters. Fourth, YEP I am an Army Veteran. I am proud to be a Combat Vet, does that bother you? As far as President Trump getting out of service, it does not bother me. I prefer the Volunteer Army over the Drafted one.
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It doesn't even anger you that DT has made disparaging remarks about our troops?

This is a lie and it's been debunked by those soldiers who were with him.

he called John McCain a war hero, a universally admired respected man a loser?

Set aside his status during the war, he had been a terrible senator the last few years he was in office.

DT was the real draft dodger claimed he had bone spurs.

Do you have proof or are you still throwing crap against the wall and hoping it will stick.
This is a lie and it's been debunked by those soldiers who were with him.

Set aside his status during the war, he had been a terrible senator the last few years he was in office.

Do you have proof or are you still throwing crap against the wall and hoping it will stick.

Why because he voted against DT?

Here's something that I know you won't watch but its true. There's a channel Republicans against Trump. It was founded by well known conservatives like William Krystal, Mona Charen, Linda Chavez, and others.

It's people who are proud, lifelong conservative Republicans. People who believe in Republican values. They explain why they hate Trump for who he is and his presidency

But not only that they have said they will vote for Biden some are voting blue for the first time in their life.

And some of them are saying that they have contempt for DT disparaging remarks about the military. These are veterans saying this

Some have said that Biden has.more character than DT.

It's all there on numerous videos. I dare you to read it.

PS this is for you and horn 101. In these videos you will hear veterans and career military people who in their words said that DT has made disparaging remarks about the military. And its in one of these videos where these people, men who served in combat, are calling him cadet bone spurs.
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Why because he voted against DT?

Here's something that I know you won't watch but its true. There's a channel Republicans against Trump. It was founded by well known conservatives like William Krystal, Mona Charen, Linda Chavez, and others.

It's people who are proud, lifelong conservative Republicans. People who believe in Republican values. They explain why they hate Trump for who he is and his presidency

But not only that they have said they will vote for Biden some are voting blue for the first time in their life.

And some of them are saying that they have contempt for DT disparaging remarks about the military. These are veterans saying this

Some have said that Biden has.more character than DT.

It's all there on numerous videos. I dare you to read it.

PS this is for you and horn 101. In these videos you will hear veterans and career military people who in their words said that DT has made disparaging remarks about the military. And its in one of these videos where these people, men who served in combat, are calling him cadet bone spurs.
RINO Reps are just that. They sold out our country to the global elite. Kind of like the NBA with China. Those Woke NBA players do not say anything negative about China, their Master. Remember when the Rockets general manager tweeted a few words to support Hong Kong protestors fighting for their freedom? Where were these RINOs on that? Where were the RINOs when factories left our country and we had one bad trade deal after another? No where to be found. President Trump cares about the working man and woman and is making our country great again with Trade, Less Regulations, and less taxes. What is wrong with that? I told you that 19 named persons dispute the lies about Trump saying anything negative about our troops. Yet, you try to sell it over and over. If you do not want to hear the truth, then that is your loss. You hate him, we get it. He is our President and has made great progress despite a bogus investigation bought by Hillary campaign, a pandemic, and angry leftists. Be proud of our country and stand for our flag. Many men have died so you can live the American Dream, show respect to them by standing for the flag. Also, hate less and try to actually learn the facts so you do not sound like a broken record of hate all the time.
RINO Reps are just that. They sold out our country to the global elite. Kind of like the NBA with China. Those Woke NBA players do not say anything negative about China, their Master. Remember when the Rockets general manager tweeted a few words to support Hong Kong protestors fighting for their freedom? Where were these RINOs on that? Where were the RINOs when factories left our country and we had one bad trade deal after another? No where to be found. President Trump cares about the working man and woman and is making our country great again with Trade, Less Regulations, and less taxes. What is wrong with that? I told you that 19 named persons dispute the lies about Trump saying anything negative about our troops. Yet, you try to sell it over and over. If you do not want to hear the truth, then that is your loss. You hate him, we get it. He is our President and has made great progress despite a bogus investigation bought by Hillary campaign, a pandemic, and angry leftists. Be proud of our country and stand for our flag. Many men have died so you can live the American Dream, show respect to them by standing for the flag. Also, hate less and try to actually learn the facts so you do not sound like a broken record of hate all the time.

Wtf is a rino?

I'm America to except I'm the America that you think doesn't have the right to express themselves. And I'm the America that doesn't hate our troops, just because I'm not afraid to speak out against injustices, doesn't mean I hate my country because I don't. But in your eyes were the Americans who are traitors because we disagree peaceful protest is as American as apple pie and you resent that.

I dare you to watch those videos and not just one but at least 3 of them they're not long about 6 to 7 minutes. And if you insult them for their opinions about our potus then you're the one who hates our country not us.
If the Republican Senate does not pass the Crornovirus relief bill, I am voting Democrat as there is too many children hungry and people need Medical help and people outa jobs and getting laid off, the people are more important and people losing their homes, we need the money to help the fires burning and disaster relief from the Hurricanes, we need to take care of the people more than big business...... ...I imagine there will not be very many Republicans reelected if this fails...I am not crazy about either Potus candidate just the people..
Diadevic and I want to have a calm conversation with you without insults and I think you are the kind of person that can reciprocate.g That being said

The 4 most populated states are the ones with the most cases. Ok most of these cases are in densely populated like big cities and that's probably true in every state. In the case of NY it's probably the smallest of the 4 states most affected. I don't know how big FL is but it's probably bigger than NY. And then you have CA and TX the 2 biggest and most populated. And I think that's why the numbers in TX are low and it's probably the same in CA.

And in regards to the other 3. Those are 3 of the 10 smallest states. And I think that's probably the case in those states.

Btw did you ever notice that of the 10 smallest states most of them were among the 13 colonies? Lets see


Wtf is a rino?

I'm America to except I'm the America that you think doesn't have the right to express themselves. And I'm the America that doesn't hate our troops, just because I'm not afraid to speak out against injustices, doesn't mean I hate my country because I don't. But in your eyes were the Americans who are traitors because we disagree peaceful protest is as American as apple pie and you resent that.

I dare you to watch those videos and not just one but at least 3 of them they're not long about 6 to 7 minutes. And if you insult them for their opinions about our potus then you're the one who hates our country not us.
So more than a mask or a vaccine, the surest protection is to take it seriously?

The main thing I got from this thread is that Stranger gets LOTS better cable than I do.
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Stop the Press!!! OUTinCalifornia does not know what RINO means? Also, he not address prior arguments and points I made re:China and NBA etc. Instead he says watch some rando videos.

A RINO means Republican In Name Only. It means douche bags like Mitt Romney or any other long term Republican Washington DC politician who pretends to be conservative but when chips are down they are just another liberal douche. Like McCain was a RINO. He violated his campaign promise to get rid of Obamacare.

Also, the peaceful protests you mention, why do they always turn into constant riots, violence, burning down businesses and cars, threats to law enforcement, threats to people eating their dinners, and etc etc etc? I am all for you to peaceful Protest. I defend your right to peaceful protest with my life. But you lose me and others when the riots start and the threats of violence are screamed and acted upon.

Peace be with you, is Earl's favorite phrase and I will say the same to you.
Stop the Press!!! OUTinCalifornia does not know what RINO means? Also, he not address prior arguments and points I made re:China and NBA etc. Instead he says watch some rando videos.

A RINO means Republican In Name Only. It means douche bags like Mitt Romney or any other long term Republican Washington DC politician who pretends to be conservative but when chips are down they are just another liberal douche. Like McCain was a RINO. He violated his campaign promise to get rid of Obamacare.

Also, the peaceful protests you mention, why do they always turn into constant riots, violence, burning down businesses and cars, threats to law enforcement, threats to people eating their dinners, and etc etc etc? I am all for you to peaceful Protest. I defend your right to peaceful protest with my life. But you lose me and others when the riots start and the threats of violence are screamed and acted upon.

Peace be with you, is Earl's favorite phrase and I will say the same to you.

Once again wtf does China and the NBA have to do with the election?

And I have offered for you and others to read about right wing violence. In the last 10 years 119 people have died as a result of right wing violence people like proud boys, militia groups people like that 17 year old punk in WI. You can read it in the NYT, the WP, Business Insider hell you can even read it in the wiki. They are the real un Americans not us. Hell DHS has cited these people as the biggest threat to national security

Also they are the ones who start the fights in counter protests against BLM which lead to fights and chaos. Those protests are peaceful.

Lastly you know how many people have died as a result of left wing violence in that same 10 year period? 21 and that's not good but its not 119.
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Attempting to talk to a liberal about common sense issues is maddening and mind numbing. They. Don't. Get. It. 🤡
If the Republican Senate does not pass the Crornovirus relief bill, I am voting Democrat as there is too many children hungry and people need Medical help and people outa jobs and getting laid off, the people are more important and people losing their homes, we need the money to help the fires burning and disaster relief from the Hurricanes, we need to take care of the people more than big business...... ...I imagine there will not be very many Republicans reelected if this fails...I am not crazy about either Potus candidate just the people..
I agree Stranger. In my state, there are significant issues with unemployment and homelessness. Yet, the state and local administration are doing everything they can to keep the economy closed. LA County (a democratic administration) has a $600 million annual budget to address homelessness yet the problem keeps getting worse not better. It's because the local homeless department is bloated with employees and not enough of the dollars get to address the real homeless problem.
In the area where I live, the Democrats have the control of government but are not addressing any of the issues you point out above. The issues in my state are a local and state issue, not a federal issue. It's really a shame to watch the needs of the citizenry not being taken care of.
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Hehe, now now 1972, we will not allow you to post anymore of those pesky facts, it’s hurts the narrative!

McCain was a titty baby from the moment he lost the nomination to Bush. Dude did nothing but divide and cause problems. He’s was about as bad a Presidential candidate as Beijing Biden is
I have a friend who was in the Hilton w McCain. When McCain was running for pres and was ahead, I said to John, "your man's doing well." His reply:" he's not my man." No one without his pedigree would have still been flying after 3 plane wrecks. Then he returns and leaves his dying wife for the beer distributor's daughter.
I agree Stranger. In my state, there are significant issues with unemployment and homelessness. Yet, the state and local administration are doing everything they can to keep the economy closed. LA County (a democratic administration) has a $600 million annual budget to address homelessness yet the problem keeps getting worse not better. It's because the local homeless department is bloated with employees and not enough of the dollars get to address the real homeless problem.
In the area where I live, the Democrats have the control of government but are not addressing any of the issues you point out above. The issues in my state are a local and state issue, not a federal issue. It's really a shame to watch the needs of the citizenry not being taken care of.

... and devil Pelosi insists any stimulus bill include funds for state and local governments so that their bloated agencies don't have to accept cuts and act fiscally responsible.
If her bill is passed texas tax dollars would be directed to the likes of California, new York, illinois... THAT IS SO WRONG.
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