OT: Intel says ISIS blew up Russian plane

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Well-Known Member
Aug 25, 2014
All major networks as well as MI-6 are reporting that a bomb went off that dowed that Russian airplane over Egypt.

Russia is about to take off the gloves. Stand back....
Interesting. Wonder why ISIS didn't claim it then? None of those radical groups ever appear to be tight lipped about their perceived conquests.
Oh sorry I didn't realize they claimed it. I have to admit I admire the way Putin is not all PC in his war on ISIS.
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I went to the border when I was in Hungary and saw one of the refugee camps and I can assure you of one thing: those weren't refugees. Those were young warriors.

I spoke to a BBC reporter there and she informed me that the group that was there, about 8000, we're 15 to 1 man to woman. The nen patrolled the perimeter of the camp and kept the women huddled in the center- not out of some chivalrous gesture, but to prevent the women from fleeing and ratting on the men.

She informed me that these men were many of the men on the ground fighting against US forces. Our soldiers have rules. We kick a door in and you don't have a gun, we don't shoot you. Russia on the other hand, they shwack everyone. Man, woman and child.

ISIS fighters dress like civilians and pop out from behind corners and take pop shots at our troops then drop their guns and run into a crowd of civilians to escape. Our troops don't shoot back for fear of hitting innocent civilians.

Russian Spetznaz will shoot everyone in the crowd just to get the a$$hole that shot at them.

So these hard core jihad d-bags have figured out that Russia gives zero fvcks and will go megaton on everyone at the drop of a hat. So they've tucked tail to run to Europe where, you know, there's rules.

Russia be like, "Rules? Nyet rules."
Clob with said BBC reporters.
Growing up I never would have believed that communist, atheist Russia would one day be the bulwark of Christendom in the struggle with Islam. Not that Putin is any religious zealot or that Russia is suddenly the paragon of faith but simply that secular, Western Europe is no longer inclined to recognize the threat, much less do something about it. The Russians play a different game. They have long memories and the recollection of the Beslan Massacre is only yesterday to them. The gloves will definitely come off, there is no politically correct shackles on the Russian forces. The struggle that has gone on for 1400 years will only continue.
Gotta love the troll coming in with an inaccurate first post. Shocking really.

To the thread. The tensions all over Eurasia are rising.
Growing up I never would have believed that communist, atheist Russia would one day be the bulwark of Christendom in the struggle with Islam. Not that Putin is any religious zealot or that Russia is suddenly the paragon of faith but simply that secular, Western Europe is no longer inclined to recognize the threat, much less do something about it. The Russians play a different game. They have long memories and the recollection of the Beslan Massacre is only yesterday to them. The gloves will definitely come off, there is no politically correct shackles on the Russian forces. The struggle that has gone on for 1400 years will only continue.

Islam is one of the state religions of Russia. Keep in mind, with Russia being so big it has about 6 religions that it recognizes. 75% of the country that professes religion is Orthodox Christian. 5% are Islamic, 5% are Judiasm with the rest made up of Budist, Catholic, Protestant, or Paganism. Only about 40% of the population consider themselves to be religious.

In truth the attitude towards religion is pretty much the same as you would find in Western culture, the big difference is they are more honest about religion than Americans. Americans when you ask them about religion tend to claim belief in religion yet generally don't align with religion or practice a religion. Russians are much more open and truthful when it comes their feelings about religion, where we don't like talking about our feelings toward religion.

For Putin, it's a fine line, the majority of Russians do remember Beslan and still have very bitter feelings about it.

For those that don't know Muslim extremist Took over 1100 hostages in an elementary school in Beslan, it was a 3 day standoff, when the government tried to rescue them it resulted in 385 deaths the vast majority being the elementary school children. My wife still cries when she talks about it.

With Islam being a recognized state religion, he has to be careful or he will have a civil war on his hands again down south.
Dozer, ISIS did claim responsibility for it. Hopefully the Russians will rain hell on ISIS and will do what we won't do and wipe these scumbags off of the face of the earth.

FIFY: you mean clean up the mess that the US made??
Oh sorry I didn't realize they claimed it. I have to admit I admire the way Putin is not all PC in his war on ISIS.

putin is a dooooshbag dictator...why would he ever need to be PC, if he doesn't like you he will kill you, and your family. If you are a little tiny country he will just invade you.
Wasatch, in soviet Russia you hit nail on head. I do however think the Chechens never stopped fighting. I have friends that are current and former SOF that have actually squared off with blonde haired, blue eyed, dressed in all black Chechen fighters the stories go that the afgan freedom fighters, when deployed along side some of our SOF guys, would stand and fight if it were against regular Al Q or taliban troops. But when the dudes in all black showed up, they'd tuck tail and run because of the brutal reputation of the Chechen fighters. And when a pashtun fighter calls someone else brutal, you gotta believe they are twisted fvcks.

Comrade Putin HATES all things Chechen and being they are all Caucasian Muslims (for those that don't know that word comes from the Caucasus Mountains) it's more difficult to tell friend from foes at times. A simple solution in Putin's mind is just shwack everyone. I say let Comrade Putin go a few rounds and let us catch our collective breaths.
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No the Chechens have never called off the war, however Moscow has learned to back off a bit. Also remember that the leader of that area Ramzan Kadyrov is someone Putin hand picked and is a vicious MF. He rules that area with an Iron fist, and at the same time he doesn't take shit from Moscow either. In truth he has done more to stop the fighting in that area than anything Putin has done. I know Islamics there hate him seeing as they have a 5 million dollar bounty on his head, but they can't touch him.
There are millions of blue-eyed blonde Muslims in places like Bosnia, Albania, Russia, and former-Soviet nations, and have been for centuries.

ISIS is a Saudi-US-Israeli proxy to take out Assad, with John McCain as CEO. The West rails against islamists yet backs Saudi, and attacks secular regimes in Iraq, Libya, and Syria. Money talks. Even more strange, what kind of barbaric mideast terror group like ISIS threatens Europe, Christians, Shias, Kurds, Yadzi, other muslim minorities, but has no quarrel with Israel?
There are millions of blue-eyed blonde Muslims in places like Bosnia, Albania, Russia, and former-Soviet nations, and have been for centuries.

ISIS is a Saudi-US-Israeli proxy to take out Assad, with John McCain as CEO. The West rails against islamists yet backs Saudi, and attacks secular regimes in Iraq, Libya, and Syria. Money talks. Even more strange, what kind of barbaric mideast terror group like ISIS threatens Europe, Christians, Shias, Kurds, Yadzi, other muslim minorities, but has no quarrel with Israel?

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