OT: Intel says ISIS blew up Russian plane

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Won't happen, but it would be a great time to tell Putin, that sucks what they did, and we are all in to help you rid the world of this filth. Putin would tell us to go to hell, but I'm just wishful thinking. I love how we have just sat back and waited for ISIS to come to us. It's not if, it's when they attack here on American soil again.
Many of you lads are well informed on Russian affairs. SoW, Clob and UT97 have excellent insight and knowledge. I worked in Russia for several years, I am married to a Russian, have a valid Russian visa, daughter is half Russian, have a house in Far East Russia and count many Russians as very good friends. DirecTV has a Russian package of channels which I get at home. Putin's reputation is exactly what he is and he does not deny his "legacy". He told the oligarchs to stay in their respective business and out of politics. When they defied him he threw them in jail and confiscated and sold their companies. $9B of Yukos (Khodorkovsky) to Rosneft (Bogdanchikov) for $6B. When the press went after Putin for his President to PM back to President scheme he had them shot while walking home from work. He made no attempt to hide of his actions. In spite of this Putin is hugely popular in Russia. The Chechen rebels often videoed the cutting of Russian military officers throats while begging for their lives. The rebels soon learned that Russia used these videos as propaganda to warrant mass destruction. The younger brother of one of the Chechen warlords was assassinated in Dubai a few years ago and it was common knowledge that FSB agents were probably responsible but it was reported to be internal disputes. As one of you stated, the US is effectively aiding ISIS an has been for years in the fight to unseat Assad. Russia's support is based on the fact that he is an elected official and should the people want him out they can vote him out. We all know this is BS as Syria is a one party (Ba'ath) one candidate country but is it our place to take Assad out? Did we not learn what happens when we take out a bad dictator? The void is filled by Muslim Brotherhood/ISIS or whatever you wish to call them an the USA seems to be aiding this process. It is no secret that Russia made every attempt to advise and consult the USA on their actions against ISIS in the last few weeks but the USA was not willing to sit at the same table. The USA elect to bomb a Medicines Sans Frontiere facility. For those of you that have the ability - watch Russian Today (RT) tv. It is very informative and neutral in view.
Many of you lads are well informed on Russian affairs. SoW, Clob and UT97 have excellent insight and knowledge. I worked in Russia for several years, I am married to a Russian, have a valid Russian visa, daughter is half Russian, have a house in Far East Russia and count many Russians as very good friends. DirecTV has a Russian package of channels which I get at home. Putin's reputation is exactly what he is and he does not deny his "legacy". He told the oligarchs to stay in their respective business and out of politics. When they defied him he threw them in jail and confiscated and sold their companies. $9B of Yukos (Khodorkovsky) to Rosneft (Bogdanchikov) for $6B. When the press went after Putin for his President to PM back to President scheme he had them shot while walking home from work. He made no attempt to hide of his actions. In spite of this Putin is hugely popular in Russia. The Chechen rebels often videoed the cutting of Russian military officers throats while begging for their lives. The rebels soon learned that Russia used these videos as propaganda to warrant mass destruction. The younger brother of one of the Chechen warlords was assassinated in Dubai a few years ago and it was common knowledge that FSB agents were probably responsible but it was reported to be internal disputes. As one of you stated, the US is effectively aiding ISIS an has been for years in the fight to unseat Assad. Russia's support is based on the fact that he is an elected official and should the people want him out they can vote him out. We all know this is BS as Syria is a one party (Ba'ath) one candidate country but is it our place to take Assad out? Did we not learn what happens when we take out a bad dictator? The void is filled by Muslim Brotherhood/ISIS or whatever you wish to call them an the USA seems to be aiding this process. It is no secret that Russia made every attempt to advise and consult the USA on their actions against ISIS in the last few weeks but the USA was not willing to sit at the same table. The USA elect to bomb a Medicines Sans Frontiere facility. For those of you that have the ability - watch Russian Today (RT) tv. It is very informative and neutral in view.

It's interesting how Putin's popularity has gone, he is a master at public image and it has done wonders in making him popular. My wife (also Russian) hates him as did many when he did the PM to President to PM thing, but for some reason his popularity has become so high most attribute it to his PR. He is a man's man, a leader among leaders. They eat up those images of him riding horses with no shirt on, or riding his Harley, or his judo.

He has even mastered social media where he employed a huge team that would attack anyone that said anything bad about him.

He is really a modern day Hitler in all intents and purposes.
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It's interesting how Putin's popularity has gone, he is a master at public image and it has done wonders in making him popular. My wife (also Russian) hates him as did many when he did the PM to President to PM thing, but for some reason his popularity has become so high most attribute it to his PR. He is a man's man, a leader among leaders. They eat up those images of him riding horses with no shirt on, or riding his Harley, or his judo.

He has even mastered social media where he employed a huge team that would attack anyone that said anything bad about him.

He is really a modern day Hitler in all intents and purposes.
Sounds like Hitler to me!

It is amazing that many dictators throughout the years controlled the media and used it to create the cult of personality around them in order to easily manage the masses.

Today in the US, the media does it of their own free will.
Homegrown white supremacist Christians are a much bigger threat to the homeland than any foreign Muslims.
I don't see Muslims shooting up black churches. Or malls. Or movie theaters. Or schools. That's all white dudes. Just sayin.
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