OT: Stim Payout


Well-Known Member
Jan 6, 2020
I wonder how they paying out? I have seen them go alphabet backwards to post them, I thought they was gonna get SS out 1st then this yr and last yr filers, then the checks, anyway its a Cluster moment, supposed to be another wave on 20th, I dunno...sending chks to Dead People, hope someone can tell me????...They could not get a Volunteer to drive Shuttle to Audie to take the Vets , so I volunteers to drive, gonna leave at 10, got 6 to take, I am going into the fiery depths of Hell...LOL Somebodies got to Drive them, might as well die for something good! See yA!
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I’m still trying to understand why people who are still working are getting a stimulus check? I get the whole”it’ll encourage them to spend the money to stimulate the economy” deal but I would think a lot of people who are still working will hold on to that money instead of spend it? And then the whole deal about we have to pay this money back at some point
I’m still trying to understand why people who are still working are getting a stimulus check? I get the whole”it’ll encourage them to spend the money to stimulate the economy” deal but I would think a lot of people who are still working will hold on to that money instead of spend it? And then the whole deal about we have to pay this money back at some point

You have to understand how a debt based currency system operates. Without increasing amounts of debt (to scale)(think cash in circulation) the system collapses from ever increasing interest payments payable and bad debts. The goal of central banking is to navigate this paradigm without giving up the farce. While people have been hiding in their bathrooms from Corona, the Fed has taken over the Treasury. Now think about that.... a wholly private banking cartel has taken over the money issuing part of our government. Pretty nice gig if you can get it.

The Fed has to greatly increase the money supply to outpace the interest payable and non performing loans. This is the reason for the helicopter money. They are going to flood the world with dollars..... so much so that at some point cost push inflation arrives. The next step will be to push the savings rate negative for everyone. For example, you have $100 in your checking account so in 1 year that will be worth $95. We already have this with the fees but it will get worse with negative rates. Next for all you hoarders, paper dollars will have a large fee attached to any deposits or conversion of "paper" dollars to "block chain" dollars. By doing this, they are able to create a new currency and then inflate the paper currency to pay down the national debt.

I only keep enough currency in the bank to pay bills, etc... My main goal is to keep value in real assets so that it will retain value in any currency. I don't buy gold or silver.... premiums are too high. I try to run small businesses that can adjust to inflation or deflation quickly and stay out of debt.
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A Sooner Lawn Boy!

You have to understand how a debt based currency system operates. Without increasing amounts of debt (to scale)(think cash in circulation) the system collapses from ever increasing interest payments payable and bad debts. The goal of central banking is to navigate this paradigm without giving up the farce. While people have been hiding in their bathrooms from Carona, the Fed has taken over the Treasury. Now think about that.... a wholly private banking cartel has taken over the money issuing part of our government. Pretty nice gig if you can get it.

The Fed has to greatly increase the money supply to outpace the interest payable and non performing loans. This is the reason for the helicopter money. They are going to flood the world with dollars..... so much so that at some point cost push inflation arrives. The next step will be to push the savings rate negative for everyone. For example, you have $100 in your checking account. In 1 year that will be worth $95. We already have this with the fees but it will get worse with negative rates. Next for all you hoarders, paper dollars will have a large fee attached to any deposits or conversion of "paper" dollars to "block chain" dollars. By doing this, they are able to create a new currency and then inflate the paper currency to pay down the national debt.

I only keep enough currency in the bank to pay bills, etc... My main goal is to keep value in real assets so that it will retain value in any currency. I don't buy gold or silver.... premiums are too high. I try to run small businesses that can adjust to inflation or deflation quickly and stay out of debt.
I have a way around that for the "hoarders" you describe in your second paragraph. I'm not going to post it on here but it's very simple and clean. Well, not THAT simple. But very clean.
… now the time to buy ranch and farm land?
Farm land looks like the biggest bubble of all to me. A friend of mine has a contract on 1000 acres of farm land in the Panhandle. No minerals, cash lease of $58,000. Sale price $3 million. Does not compute.
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Farm land looks like the biggest bubble of all to me. A friend of mine has a contract on 1000 acres of farm land in the Panhandle. No minerals, cash lease of $58,000. Sale price $3 million. Does not compute.

Ya, not for me. A place to live that is safe and has advantages.... like room for a large garden, access to free water, and most important - is paid off. If it has access to meat, even better. I live on a lake so I snare fish legally with cut bait and a hook. I showed the pictures last summer.
Farm land looks like the biggest bubble of all to me. A friend of mine has a contract on 1000 acres of farm land in the Panhandle. No minerals, cash lease of $58,000. Sale price $3 million. Does not compute.

Farmers been going in the red for yrs now, if not for Subs from the Gov, they could not pay the Light Bill or buy food, Farming used to be the Back Bone of America, but, no more...If I bought land I would damn sure want Mineral Rights and a good Creek with flowing water...etc and a New John Deer paid off and the other Implements and a trophy wife for the long nights in the Winter and be on Shiner Beer Route or ya could stick it up your ass!
Farmers been going in the red for yrs now, if not for Subs from the Gov, they could not pay the Light Bill or buy food, Farming used to be the Back Bone of America, but, no more...If I bought land I would damn sure want Mineral Rights and a good Creek with flowing water...etc and a New John Deer paid off and the other Implements and a trophy wife for the long nights in the Winter and be on Shiner Beer Route or ya could stick it up your ass! are far, far more likely to find a trophy wife than to find land that you can get the mineral rights to....Most owners don't have the rights themselves, so when they sell they cant even be talked into it....
  • Like
Reactions: StrangerHorn are far, far more likely to find a trophy wife than to find land that you can get the mineral rights to....Most owners don't have the rights themselves, so when they sell they cant even be talked into it....

Well, I guess I would have to get 32 T-wives then! To hell with them minerals! I will just Farm and drill some Snatch then! Or go find a shitty piece of land that I can get Mineral rights to and drill the shit outa it, wear my boots with the pants tucked in and wear a Stetson and smoke Cubanos and get me a driver for my Expedition and install a Shiner Tap in back seat or jump into my G5 and fly to my Ranch in Montana...with my T-wives...after all Cattle is King!
If you have been watching cattle prices lately, that aint the answer either. Down 50% from 3 months ago....

Its bad I know all over, even the whores in Brazil are making 1 house call a day and make their 20 and thats it, they are starving!

But, I think Guns are the profit maker nowadays, all the gun shops down here are almost empty, if ya have a case of Ak's , you could retire good!
Found this on Wash Post website, for those who wanna know!

Here is the planned weekly schedule for the IRS to mail stimulus checks based on annual adjusted gross income, as first reported by The Washington Post. All dates represent the “week ending” (for example, the week ending April 24) and the IRS could change this schedule at any time.
  • Less than $10,000: April 24
  • $10,001 - $20,000: May 1
  • $20,001 - $30,000: May 8
  • $30,001 - $40,000: May 15
  • $40,001 - $50,000: May 22
  • $50,001 - $60,000: May 29
  • $60,001 - $70,000: June 5
  • $70,001 - $80,000: June 12
  • $80,001 - $90,000: June 19
  • $90,001 - $100,000: June 26
  • $100,001 - $110,000: July 3
  • $110,001 - $120,000: July 10
  • $120,001 - $130,000: July 17
  • $130,001- $140,000: July 24
  • $140,001 - $150,000: July 31
  • $150,001 - $160,000: August 7
  • $160,001 - $170,000: August 14
  • $170,001 - $180,000: August 21
  • $180,001 - $190,000: August 28
  • $190,001 - $198,000: September 4
  • Remaining checks: September 11

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