You have to understand how a debt based currency system operates. Without increasing amounts of debt (to scale)(think cash in circulation) the system collapses from ever increasing interest payments payable and bad debts. The goal of central banking is to navigate this paradigm without giving up the farce. While people have been hiding in their bathrooms from Carona, the Fed has taken over the Treasury. Now think about that.... a wholly private banking cartel has taken over the money issuing part of our government. Pretty nice gig if you can get it.
The Fed has to greatly increase the money supply to outpace the interest payable and non performing loans. This is the reason for the helicopter money. They are going to flood the world with dollars..... so much so that at some point cost push inflation arrives. The next step will be to push the savings rate negative for everyone. For example, you have $100 in your checking account. In 1 year that will be worth $95. We already have this with the fees but it will get worse with negative rates. Next for all you hoarders, paper dollars will have a large fee attached to any deposits or conversion of "paper" dollars to "block chain" dollars. By doing this, they are able to create a new currency and then inflate the paper currency to pay down the national debt.
I only keep enough currency in the bank to pay bills, etc... My main goal is to keep value in real assets so that it will retain value in any currency. I don't buy gold or silver.... premiums are too high. I try to run small businesses that can adjust to inflation or deflation quickly and stay out of debt.