OT: Texit

2300 Nueces

Well-Known Member
Sep 27, 2015
Texas leaving the socialist USSA would be fantastic. Listen to what Congressman Biderman has to say. Looks like we will be voting on this soon. We have oil, ag, gold, and the list goes on. No question on whether this will pass or not. I am wondering which states leave with us. Any thoughts?

FU socialists
Texas leaving the socialist USSA would be fantastic. Listen to what Congressman Biderman has to say. Looks like we will be voting on this soon. We have oil, ag, gold, and the list goes on. No question on whether this will pass or not. I am wondering which states leave with us. Any thoughts?

FU socialists
This is a necessity. I see no other alternative. We cannot coexist with the socialist USSA.
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Fun to talk about it, but it ain't gonna happen without a major war and the collapse of the modern world as we know it....which might not be that far fetched right now.

Texas v White concluded that a state (or states) could secede by gaining approval of both houses of Congress and then obtaining ratification by three fourths of the nation's legislatures. Good luck with that path. The other path is through revolution. Basically Texas infighting would have to get so bad that the US and Texas mutually agree to part ways as to minimize disruption of the country. Another hail mary + 2pt conversion.

Article 1 Section 2 of the Texas constitution states:
“The faith of the people of Texas stands pledged to the preservation of a republican form of government, and, subject to this limitation only, they have at all times the inalienable right to alter, reform or abolish their government in such manner as they may think expedient.'”

In summary, we're stuck with what we've got unless everyone is willing to paint the streets red.
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Fun to talk about it, but it ain't gonna happen without a major war and the collapse of the modern world as we know it....which might not be that far fetched right now.

Texas v White concluded that a state (or states) could secede by gaining approval of both houses of Congress and then obtaining ratification by three fourths of the nation's legislatures. Good luck with that path. The other path is through revolution. Basically Texas infighting would have to get so bad that the US and Texas mutually agree to part ways as to minimize disruption of the country. Another hail mary + 2pt conversion.

Article 1 Section 2 of the Texas constitution states:
“The faith of the people of Texas stands pledged to the preservation of a republican form of government, and, subject to this limitation only, they have at all times the inalienable right to alter, reform or abolish their government in such manner as they may think expedient.'”

In summary, we're stuck with what we've got unless everyone is willing to paint the streets red.

Or the US government goes bankrupt and the dollar becomes worthless. Both are approaching quickly.
Fun to talk about it, but it ain't gonna happen without a major war and the collapse of the modern world as we know it....which might not be that far fetched right now.

Texas v White concluded that a state (or states) could secede by gaining approval of both houses of Congress and then obtaining ratification by three fourths of the nation's legislatures. Good luck with that path. The other path is through revolution. Basically Texas infighting would have to get so bad that the US and Texas mutually agree to part ways as to minimize disruption of the country. Another hail mary + 2pt conversion.

Article 1 Section 2 of the Texas constitution states:
“The faith of the people of Texas stands pledged to the preservation of a republican form of government, and, subject to this limitation only, they have at all times the inalienable right to alter, reform or abolish their government in such manner as they may think expedient.'”

In summary, we're stuck with what we've got unless everyone is willing to paint the streets red.
The EU had Britain by the short hair as well until the brits held a vote to leave. At that point, what would Europe do? Invade?

The same hold true with us. Get a petition started to hold a vote. Hold the vote. If more than 50% of the people vote to leave-- and they will-- then you just draft a resolution stating that US law holds no jurisdiction in the state of Texas. Nothing else changes. The US is free to use our land for military bases-- commerce stays the same-- we are simply not subject to US laws. Puerto Ricans pay no income tax-- so exceptions to laws can be made. Will they invade? Nope. They will cut their losses knowing that they will forever have control of the remainder of the US elections.

This is a win for socialists and progressives and a win for Texans.
The EU had Britain by the short hair as well until the brits held a vote to leave. At that point, what would Europe do? Invade?

The same hold true with us. Get a petition started to hold a vote. Hold the vote. If more than 50% of the people vote to leave-- and they will-- then you just draft a resolution stating that US law holds no jurisdiction in the state of Texas. Nothing else changes. The US is free to use our land for military bases-- commerce stays the same-- we are simply not subject to US laws. Puerto Ricans pay no income tax-- so exceptions to laws can be made. Will they invade? Nope. They will cut their losses knowing that they will forever have control of the remainder of the US elections.

This is a win for socialists and progressives and a win for Texans.

The best time to do this is quickly approaching. The US government will be significantly weakened under a severe stagflationary event which is inevitable. The USD is toilet paper. It's time to strike.
The EU had Britain by the short hair as well until the brits held a vote to leave. At that point, what would Europe do? Invade?

The same hold true with us. Get a petition started to hold a vote. Hold the vote. If more than 50% of the people vote to leave-- and they will-- then you just draft a resolution stating that US law holds no jurisdiction in the state of Texas. Nothing else changes. The US is free to use our land for military bases-- commerce stays the same-- we are simply not subject to US laws. Puerto Ricans pay no income tax-- so exceptions to laws can be made. Will they invade? Nope. They will cut their losses knowing that they will forever have control of the remainder of the US elections.

This is a win for socialists and progressives and a win for Texans.
Cultural commonalities between the state and the USSA are being destroyed day by day. The House gender neutral language will spread. It wouldn't surprise me to see the Dept of Education mandate CRT or 1619-related education in the classrooms. 1776 will be banished from the country's history books. And, we may soon have a new National Hymn.
Culturally, we are two different republics.
The petition must be started.
Cultural commonalities between the state and the USSA are being destroyed day by day. The House gender neutral language will spread. It wouldn't surprise me to see the Dept of Education mandate CRT or 1619-related education in the classrooms. 1776 will be banished from the country's history books. And, we may soon have a new National Hymn.
Culturally, we are two different republics.
The petition must be started.

It already exists

Sign it!
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For goodness sakes people seriously? We've just hired a fb coach and you want to talk about something that doesn't even exist? This is about fb lets talk about this instead.
For goodness sakes people seriously? We've just hired a fb coach and you want to talk about something that doesn't even exist? This is about fb lets talk about this instead.
Having trouble walking and chewing gum at the same time? There are threads talking about football, this one is not. Don't like what's on the tv, change the channel. I have to do it all the time because my beliefs are not represented on 95% of media programs, social networks, public spaces, company unwritten policies ect ect..... Man, let us have our 5% crumbs, if it's even that much.

Everyone is being civil adults on this topic and you are more than welcome to join in the conversation even with opposing views. Cancel the cancel culture and let's talk.
Having trouble walking and chewing gum at the same time? There are threads talking about football, this one is not. Don't like what's on the tv, change the channel. I have to do it all the time because my beliefs are not represented on 95% of media programs, social networks, public spaces, company unwritten policies ect ect..... Man, let us have our 5% crumbs, if it's even that much.

Everyone is being civil adults on this topic and you are more than welcome to join in the conversation even with opposing views. Cancel the cancel culture and let's talk.
Well said. If we can’t acknowledge in one thread the state we’re in, then when? I’m afraid Cali may be taking pointers from Twitter, FB, and YouTube.
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This country is in big trouble. The hatred, immaturity, lack of common sense, lack of foresight, lack of integrity, ignorance, pettiness, arrogance, stupidity, misplaced priorities, classlessness, government control, and selfishness is downright scary and sad from the future government leaders of this country. America has never seen times like these. God help us. 😢
So, we've been "fighting" the Wuhan virus with money. Money that was "created" out of thin air yesterday. Democrats don't think Uncle Sugar is going broke fast enough. I find it intriguing that so many of the young (<40) are voting to bury their own future with debt.
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This country is in big trouble. The hatred, immaturity, lack of common sense, lack of foresight, lack of integrity, ignorance, pettiness, arrogance, stupidity, misplaced priorities, classlessness, government control, and selfishness is downright scary and sad from the future government leaders of this country. America has never seen times like these. God help us. 😢
All true MM ... sadly.
I remember reading a very social driven piece of literature once. It actually won several book awards and many consider it a masterpiece. It talked about "the greater good" in society. If something was good for 97% of the citizens and not so good for the other 3%, it was up to the 3% along with a "little" help from the 97%, to find a way to fit in for the greater good. If the minority 3% dug their heels in and refused to go along for the greater good, well, they would be left behind. You can't sacrifice an entire tribe for just 3%.

This piece of literature was exalted by many and awarded literary applause the world over.

Now we find ourselves in a completely different arena. There are .003% of the people in this country that control 100% of the media. There are 99.8% of the people in the country being made to suffer irreparable damage to accommodate .2% of the population, so they don't get the flu. 99.9998% of the population is being told where they can or can not urinate and who can or can not urinate next to them to accommodate .0002% of the population.

99.998% of legal gun owners never commit crimes with their guns but because of .09% of the population, those that don't legally own a gun and commit crime can make it to where the rest of us can be punished for their bullsh!t.

Wake up my friends. It's one thing to be a marginalized part of society. It's quite another to try and marginalize the masses. We are living in backwards times.
I watched the movie Idiocracy a couple of weeks ago. Sadly, it is fitting in today's world. So many stupid, uniformed people voting with misguided liberalism and whack ideology. Traditional values and common sense are going away rapidly. It's truly sad. Taking God out of schools and out of America's fabric. Normalizing alternative lifestyles. No one standing up to trojan horse Islamic congress people trying to destroy America from within. SMDH. It just keeps getting worse day by day.
How can people not look at the democratic run states and not understand how f’ed up they are.
How can people not look at the democratic run states and not understand how f’ed up they are.
It's a pretty simple answer actually. People don't know what they don't know.
Naivety is proving to be the biggest obstacle we're facing, and you really can't blame people for it when almost every major media outlet pushes the same agenda.

Most young adults get their influences through social media algorithms that actively squash views that don't align.
Compound that with their friends who get fed the same agenda with little to no exposure to alternative views. The cycle is damn near bulletproof until someone has a personal experience that contradicts the fed agenda and they do their own research for facts, not opinions.
Take N Korea as a prime example. Their citizens believe all the insane propaganda crap they've been fed for generations now because outside media is prohibited. The ones that get smuggled movies and unlocked phones typically end up defecting once they realize everything they've ever been taught is all lies.
Democrats are masters of the long game my friend.
What I find equally disgusting and reprehensible over the past week is the coordinated censorship by Big tech of conservative speech. The hypocrisy of these companies is sickening.

I can recall WAY back in 2017 when Kathy Griffin called for The death of the sitting president on Twitter holding up a decapitated head of Trump for all her followers to see and enjoy. Her Twitter account is still active today. How does that not glorify violence? Also, supreme leader of Iran calls for the death of the Israeli people on a daily basis. But those examples are not nearly as threatening to the Left as Trump’s call not to put up with election fraud. For that he must be silenced in perpetuity.
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They a
What I find equally disgusting and reprehensible over the past week is the coordinated censorship by Big tech of conservative speech. The hypocrisy of these companies is sickening.

I can recall WAY back in 2017 when Kathy Griffin called for The death of the sitting president on Twitter holding up a decapitated head of Trump for all her followers to see and enjoy. Her Twitter account is still active today. How does that not glorify violence? Also, supreme leader of Iran calls for the death of the Israeli people on a daily basis. But those examples are not nearly as threatening to the Left as Trump’s call not to put up with election fraud. For that he must be silenced in perpetuity.

They do not want to just cancel Trump, they want to cancel us. He is just the one at the front right now. Once he is gone they will move on to someone else. Why would you impeach a president when he has been voted out and is leaving in a few days? To punish him and his voters, they want vengence for the fact someone pushed back against them.
Not to worry. The dems cannot change the rules of creation. Modern Monetary Theory is going to be their downfall. Stagflation is coming so prepare accordingly. The coming decade is probably not going to be peaceful, just a hunch. Personally, I am changing my normal temperament of kindness and charity toward those in need who are statists. Quite frankly, some of these people need a swift kick and some desperation. If you are a person of faith, persecution is coming from the statists. Yes Cali, this includes you. You voted for it, now reap the rewards. All institutions of faith are going to be taxed as corportations. This is a 2 edged sword. While tax receipts increase, there will be less help from Churches and Churches will be united and untied and will let loose unfettered political opinion against statists which will surely fan the flames of strife as happened during the Revolutionary War and Civil War (think George Whitefield).

Taxes are set to explode. Learn to produce on your own. They cannot tax what you create and consume.

The stock market consolidation and eventual crash will mark the top for many of these companies which have chosen a political side. Two things will happen. The state will try to take control of these companies as well as conservative minded people will withdraw from participation. These companies are doomed.
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Not to worry. The dems cannot change the rules of creation. Modern Monetary Theory is going to be their downfall. Stagflation is coming so prepare accordingly. The coming decade is probably not going to be peaceful, just a hunch. Personally, I am changing my normal temperament of kindness and charity toward those in need who are statists. Quite frankly, some of these people need a swift kick and some desperation. If you are a person of faith, persecution is coming from the statists. Yes Cali, this includes you. You voted for it, now reap the rewards. All institutions of faith are going to be taxed as corportations. This is a 2 edged sword. While tax receipts increase, there will be less help from Churches and Churches will be united and untied and will let loose unfettered political opinion against statists which will surely fan the flames of strife as happened during the Revolutionary War and Civil War (think George Whitefield).

Taxes are set to explode. Learn to produce on your own. They cannot tax what you create and consume.

The stock market consolidation and eventual crash will mark the top for many of these companies which have chosen a political side. Two things will happen. The state will try to take control of these companies as well as conservative minded people will withdraw from participation. These companies are doomed.
The IMF has been playing God in poor countries that have natural resources for years. With China being able to print money on demand, they are acting as a defacto IMF. Right now, the country of Angola, which is rich in oil, is billions in debt to the Chinese. The Chinese came in and "loaned" Angola billion and were also awarded construction contracts to build massive cities that-- wait for it-- nobody lives in.
Picture that in your head. Chinese workers were brought into a poor country and PAID to build massive concrete cities-- and nobody lives in these massive cities. Not a person. Not one. Don't believe me? Come on-- tell clob he's full of sh!t and there's no way this happened. Tell clob that nobody would build a huge city in Africa that housed zero people.

Did you say it out loud yet? Did you say there's no way this is real? Well, it is real. I've seen it with my own little eyes. Twice.

Have a look.

This article is over 8 years old. Those buildings are completely empty.
Now Angola owes China a sh!t pot of money. Does China take money as payment? Nope.
When 5 supertankers filled with oil leave Angola, only 1 tanker goes to market. The other 4 sail straight to China. It's payment of debt.

This is coming to the United States. We already owe China TRILLIONS in debt. We also owe Russia Trillions as well. They could combine their efforts and crater us economically whenever they wanted. The world bank couldn't bail us out. The Fed couldn't bail us out and the IMF could bail us out. If all three combined their efforts we still couldn't be bailed out.

The only way to prevent this is to continue to push back against China. It's our only chance at survival. And because most americans are dumber than a bag of hammers, they don't understand this. They just elected a guy that will literally send his VP to China so she can get on her knees and suck the wang of Mr Xi. That still won't be enough. We are fvcked under this administration.
The IMF has been playing God in poor countries that have natural resources for years. With China being able to print money on demand, they are acting as a defacto IMF. Right now, the country of Angola, which is rich in oil, is billions in debt to the Chinese. The Chinese came in and "loaned" Angola billion and were also awarded construction contracts to build massive cities that-- wait for it-- nobody lives in.
Picture that in your head. Chinese workers were brought into a poor country and PAID to build massive concrete cities-- and nobody lives in these massive cities. Not a person. Not one. Don't believe me? Come on-- tell clob he's full of sh!t and there's no way this happened. Tell clob that nobody would build a huge city in Africa that housed zero people.

Did you say it out loud yet? Did you say there's no way this is real? Well, it is real. I've seen it with my own little eyes. Twice.

Have a look.

This article is over 8 years old. Those buildings are completely empty.
Now Angola owes China a sh!t pot of money. Does China take money as payment? Nope.
When 5 supertankers filled with oil leave Angola, only 1 tanker goes to market. The other 4 sail straight to China. It's payment of debt.

This is coming to the United States. We already owe China TRILLIONS in debt. We also owe Russia Trillions as well. They could combine their efforts and crater us economically whenever they wanted. The world bank couldn't bail us out. The Fed couldn't bail us out and the IMF could bail us out. If all three combined their efforts we still couldn't be bailed out.

The only way to prevent this is to continue to push back against China. It's our only chance at survival. And because most americans are dumber than a bag of hammers, they don't understand this. They just elected a guy that will literally send his VP to China so she can get on her knees and suck the wang of Mr Xi. That still won't be enough. We are fvcked under this administration.

Yes, so is the scourge of fiat currency. Otherwise, known as debt money. Large central banks exert their power by issuing fiat and enslaving lesser countries as well as their own people. The USA does it as well. China learned from us. Anyway, our relationship with China and Russia are symbiotic. We, I will refer to the USA and Europe as Rome, the new Roman Empire. Same laws in many aspects but new. Rome is the host. Rome has developed credit-based societies that Russia and China can leech from. Russia and China do not have developed credit consumer societies so they have to take from Rome. Russia is a Gas/Oil-based economy and not much else. They could be a powerful agriculture state in the future but not now. China is basically a slave state. Their main resource is slave labor. They don't have many natural resources so they must force slavery and steal the profit margin to buy resources. Russia and China would be destroying themselves by destroying Rome. They leech from Rome and need Rome but do want a say in Roman affairs because the relationship is symbiotic. If they can weaken Rome while building their consumer societies then they can dominate.

There is a problem. The leeches have been taking too much blood and are killing the host too quickly. The host has begun to fight back. If China and Russia kill their host too quickly, then they die as well. Remember we are in a fiat system and the main fiat powers are the federal reserve bank and the European central bank.

The way Rome will fight back is 2 pronged. The central banks will damage China by inflating or devaluing the dollar therefore hurting China because China pegs its currency to the dollar. This will lessen China's purchasing power or cause their goods to become more expensive. The Chinese serfs get restless when their work buys less and less. Could China switch to a gold-backed currency? Yes, but remember the Chinese are savers and not spenders. It would be to their doom. Dollar inflation keeps China in its place by inciting internal tensions within its borders. The turmoil in China is about to explode.

Russia- The Abraham Accords are designed to neuter Russia. Israel is building a pipeline to Europe. The Israeli gas will be cheaper than the Russian gas. If there is one thing Jews are good at, it's undercutting the competition. This will hurt Russia badly.

Now you know. So being a thinking person, what pieces do you see moving in this game. Rome is in the process of trying to kill the leeches. Rome is going to destroy the Chinese currency and Rome is going to destroy the Russian gas economy.

How will China and Russia fight back?

China - China is much like Japan before WW2. China is trying to consolidate power in Asia and thereby control as many Asian natural resources as possible. I expect China to begin using its military to take over as much of Asia as possible. Rome will use the democracies in the region to wage war on China. I expect the Chinese people to break first as they are not a food-producing nation. There will be hundreds of millions starve in China but ultimately the Chinese people will revolt and China will become democratic.

Russia- It's a much harder ending for Russia. Russia is going to invade Israel. How will this end? I'll leave it to you to decide. (See Ez. 37-38) If Russia completes in hegemony over Europe then Russia and China can exert force upon Rome and break it into pieces. Texit and Brexit are examples. It would be best to decentralize power after this conflict ends. I think power will be decentralized because currencies are going to be abused less by law. I think there will be a 2nd great awakening in the USA and a huge Awakening in China. The impetus for positive change always comes from the Church. As I detailed earlier, persecution from the state will unshackle the Church. It grows exponentially under persecution.
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There are luxury condo towers throughout major cities in the US where only a few units have the lights turned on at night. One wonders about the vacancies in the buildings (e.g., think the Museum Tower in Dallas). Are the units vacant? . . . yes. Are the units for sale? . . . no. Chinese investors have been buying up real estate at an increasing rate over the last 10 years for, to them, pennies on the dollar. So, the units sit empty but owned by foreign investors that used to be considered the cultural, political, and financial enemy of this country.
Yet today, US citizens get kicked off of flights for singing the National Anthem. In some cities, folks are shamed for wearing a shirt with the US flag across the chest. Imagine that . . . US citizens that think twice about displaying their patriotic spirit for fear of being stared at or being shunned. And somehow we're supposed to push back against the evil empire? I agree Clob. We're so F'd.
People need something to fight for or against. There hasn't been a major enemy to fight for a few generations so the political sides made up a war. Far leftists are fighting sjw issues and i guess the right is fighting for normality. The result is the extreme infighting we have today. When there are no life depending problems to oppose, we make them. We see this to some extent in all modern nations.

There's one path that can get us back on track but it's not a win win. War. Not another expeditionary unit campaign in the middle east that half our country will protest but a full scale multi-front ww3.
Most will unite for a single cause, our existence.
Manufacturing would be forced to return overnight. Stockmarket would tank but eventually correct itself assuming our alliance comes out on top. Political bs would minimize with actual issues with real meaning at hand.

Nukes are to blame in a way. They have ushered in one of the longest periods of major conflict peace because nobody wants to use or be the target of nukes.
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This country is in big trouble. The hatred, immaturity, lack of common sense, lack of foresight, lack of integrity, ignorance, pettiness, arrogance, stupidity, misplaced priorities, classlessness, government control, and selfishness is downright scary and sad from the future government leaders of this country. America has never seen times like these. God help us. 😢
LMM this has been in place before Trump and it will continue after.
People need something to fight for or against. There hasn't been a major enemy to fight for a few generations so the political sides made up a war. Far leftists are fighting sjw issues and i guess the right is fighting for normality. The result is the extreme infighting we have today. When there are no life depending problems to oppose, we make them. We see this to some extent in all modern nations.

There's one path that can get us back on track but it's not a win win. War. Not another expeditionary unit campaign in the middle east that half our country will protest but a full scale multi-front ww3.
Most will unite for a single cause, our existence.
Manufacturing would be forced to return overnight. Stockmarket would tank but eventually correct itself assuming our alliance comes out on top. Political bs would minimize with actual issues with real meaning at hand.

Nukes are to blame in a way. They have ushered in one of the longest periods of major conflict peace because nobody wants to use or be the target of nukes.

Before I say anything explain to me exactly what you mean. Do you advocate Americans going to war against each other? If not than what?
Before I say anything explain to me exactly what you mean. Do you advocate Americans going to war against each other? If not than what?
I'll let him speak for himself but i believe he is saying that a larger country vs country war will be conjured to avoid civil war.
Before I say anything explain to me exactly what you mean. Do you advocate Americans going to war against each other? If not than what?
Bad pitch but you still swung. Thanks

Look at it this way, we (1st world countries) havn't had to REALLY be concerned about full scale conflict since nazi germany. This lessens the importance of our government so they constantly need something to fight for/against to prove their importance. Otherwise, nobody would give a rats a$$ who's running for congress if they are just arguing semantics.
The deeper they dive, the differences keep stacking until we all decide that our group of people are too different from the other group to live together.

We've hit a boiling point the last 2 administrations going on a 3rd. Remember how most everyone came together after 9-11? All the nit picky divisive stuff was no longer significant because we ALL had a common hurt, a common goal, a common enemy. We were united through tragedy.
I don't see how the 2 sides can reconcile without an outside event such as a ww3 forcing us to come together.....or perish.

I'm not insinuating or forecasting anything. I'm just trying to think of what it would take to move beyond the division we are currently in. It's not just here, it's going on in most modern countries to some extent.

Idle hands are the devils workshop, idle lips are his mouthpiece.
I'll let him speak for himself but i believe he is saying that a larger country vs country war will be conjured to avoid civil war.
wow, I hadn't really thought of that possibility. I'm more on the lines that the Chinas & Russias of the world are salivating at the potential of an American civil war to eliminate the sole superpower status
Bad pitch but you still swung. Thanks

Look at it this way, we (1st world countries) havn't had to REALLY be concerned about full scale conflict since nazi germany. This lessens the importance of our government so they constantly need something to fight for/against to prove their importance. Otherwise, nobody would give a rats a$$ who's running for congress if they are just arguing semantics.
The deeper they dive, the differences keep stacking until we all decide that our group of people are too different from the other group to live together.

We've hit a boiling point the last 2 administrations going on a 3rd. Remember how most everyone came together after 9-11? All the nit picky divisive stuff was no longer significant because we ALL had a common hurt, a common goal, a common enemy. We were united through tragedy.
I don't see how the 2 sides can reconcile without an outside event such as a ww3 forcing us to come together.....or perish.

I'm not insinuating or forecasting anything. I'm just trying to think of what it would take to move beyond the division we are currently in. It's not just here, it's going on in most modern countries to some extent.

Idle hands are the devils workshop, idle lips are his mouthpiece.

England hates each other too
Not to worry. The dems cannot change the rules of creation. Modern Monetary Theory is going to be their downfall. Stagflation is coming so prepare accordingly. The coming decade is probably not going to be peaceful, just a hunch. Personally, I am changing my normal temperament of kindness and charity toward those in need who are statists. Quite frankly, some of these people need a swift kick and some desperation. If you are a person of faith, persecution is coming from the statists. Yes Cali, this includes you. You voted for it, now reap the rewards. All institutions of faith are going to be taxed as corportations. This is a 2 edged sword. While tax receipts increase, there will be less help from Churches and Churches will be united and untied and will let loose unfettered political opinion against statists which will surely fan the flames of strife as happened during the Revolutionary War and Civil War (think George Whitefield).

Taxes are set to explode. Learn to produce on your own. They cannot tax what you create and consume.

The stock market consolidation and eventual crash will mark the top for many of these companies which have chosen a political side. Two things will happen. The state will try to take control of these companies as well as conservative minded people will withdraw from participation. These companies are doomed.

Don't forget they're also coming after our 401k's by seeking additional ways to tax millions of individual accounts before we even get to use them.
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If Texas left the Union all of the former CSA would follow except Virginia. I Strongly believe WV,KY,IN, KS.MO. IA.UT.ID, ND.SD. would certainly join in the new nation.

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