OT: Tourism = Terrorism in my town


Well-Known Member
Aug 25, 2014
Rant started---

I'm going to try and keep my profanity to a minimum during this rant because I know it turns both Metcalf and Bell on when I curse--- and we don't need that today--- and I'm also going to start with a plea to your humanity--

When you visit someone else's house, your momma should have taught you to treat their things exactly like you would treat your own stuff. That old adage has died on the vine. From now on if you visit my town, treat our town like it doesn't belong to you and there's a 6'6 300 pound dude with an axe handle standing behind you ready to bludgeon you to death if you get out of line.

Last night in my usually very subdued and quiet Tavern, not only did we have our first bar fight in 4 years-- we had 3 of them. 3-- in one night. All tourists that couldn't keep their mother fvcking hands in their pockets. Memo to self--- you grab one of the local girls on the tits and boyfriend or not, somebody is going to whip your ass.

Use your fvcking blinker. This isn't the Hardy toll road at midnight. Use your fvcking blinker you Houston and Dallas cvnt rags!

When driving through Gruene, SLOW the fvck down! I went for a jog this morning and when I finished I stopped at the shell station on 306 at the entrance to Gruene (the one Bell uses if the Valero isn't running specials on Virginia slims) and bought a big bottle of water and was going to cool off by walking home. As I'm walking on the shoulder of the road I got clipped by the side mirror of a passing SUV on my left arm (barely got me but still) doing at least 45 in posted limit of 20mph. As I rifled my bottle of water at the back window I noticed the license plate frame said DeMontrond on it (fvcking Houston pukes)--- the bottle smacks the back window and slap nuts slams the breaks and he and his twunt muffin wife/girlfriend both dismount the vehicle with "wtf" looks on their faces.

As I'm yelling "SLOW DOWN" he's yelling "What the fvck dude!". I yell " you clipped my left arm with your fvcking side mirror you dip shit! Slow the fvck down there are kids that live here!".

His response? "Whatever dude. Fvck off!" As he climbs back in his black suv. I'm too tired to chase after him so I go low brow on his twunt friend hoping to bait him (won't repeat my words) and they speed off down into Gruene.

Seriously---- if you have friends that come to NB for vacay, please take five seconds to remind them that we love our little town and would appreciate them minding their manners. Please? I'm not too old to whip someone's ass but I'm getting there.

Rant over
Get used to it, clob. If San Antone spends the extra time on their hands kicking out Chik Fil A from the airport, more bad things to come.
Empower the police force to highly regulate this behavior. It's a great source of revenue.
When 5G is implemented 100%, instant and cheap surveillance will be everywhere. There will be little privacy in the public square. It will be easy to track down these people with the right software. Drones will be their huckleberry and a lot of this nonsense will be prosecuted.
When 5G is implemented 100%, instant and cheap surveillance will be everywhere. There will be little privacy in the public square. It will be easy to track down these people with the right software. Drones will be their huckleberry and a lot of this nonsense will be prosecuted.
Funny thing----- if people didn't act like jack asses there'd be no need for all that.
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Hate to be the one to break it to ya but NB today isn't the same as recently as a few yrs back.
That's what happens when the area you live is leading the way with new residents multiple yrs. Couple that with SA, & Austin still expanding numbers like a pack of rabbits on Viagra.

Sucks man but it's getting hard to keep "small town Texas" alive anywhere within an hr drive of the cities.
We need to run your ass for Mayor!

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I have a good friend who runs a harbor on the coast. He said to me that his job was dealing with the best people in the world at their very worst. I think that is typical for tourist towns anymore.

Unfortunately that is how it is everywhere else too.
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I remember when there was nothing from 183 and 620 to Liberty Hill but, I blinking light at 1431 and Leander was just a Grocery store on the road, had to go that way to get to Georgetown or go all the way back to I35, turn right at the Y in Liberty hill and your on ya way to Georgetown
Hate to be the one to break it to ya but NB today isn't the same as recently as a few yrs back.
That's what happens when the area you live is leading the way with new residents multiple yrs. Couple that with SA, & Austin still expanding numbers like a pack of rabbits on Viagra.

Sucks man but it's getting hard to keep "small town Texas" alive anywhere within an hr drive of the cities.
Makes me beg to make them all HVTs. Expendable.
Hate to be the one to break it to ya but NB today isn't the same as recently as a few yrs back.
That's what happens when the area you live is leading the way with new residents multiple yrs. Couple that with SA, & Austin still expanding numbers like a pack of rabbits on Viagra.

Sucks man but it's getting hard to keep "small town Texas" alive anywhere within an hr drive of the cities.
Well said. I never bought into the "weird Austin" thing. I live in El Paso where democrats are a strong hold but, still not a liberal city. Beto doesn't speak for me or anybody in my circld.
Austin wasn't weird till the Computer Nerds hit town and Tech companies and Carpetbaggers, 6th and Congress was a Big ass Woolworth store with Soda Fountain and Good banana Splits and across the street was a Big Walgreens and further down was Galloway's, all of 6th street towards Interegional was Wino Heaven, cheap bars and hotel;s and Greyhound was at 5th and Congress then moved to 12th and Congress and Driskell was where ll the Important people stayed, and the best fried chicken was the Chicken Shack on North Lamar and the best subs was Ferrari's on Lamar, best CFS was The Stallion, just drive up and get a CFS and a six of beer and go to the Chief Drive in movie at Lamar and Koening,, 5.00 bucks a carload...LOL, right across the street from DPS and across from Stallion, still had curbhops back then

Good Days and not weird!

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I was going to say this is a local problem, but it's a Texas problem. Texas is being drown by all the influx of people from all over the Nation and world. Texas hospitality is no more, you can't tell a Texan from the rest of the pukes here.

For me, the absolute worst part is that they bring their problems, politics, and attitudes with them. They want to turn Texas into the shit storm they left, and they are succeeding.

Mark my words, in 10 years Texas will be a blue state, and then you will see State Income Tax, Gun control, and over spending just like you see in New York, California, Illinois, and other places.

It sucks, but there is nothing you can do about it.

What you are complaining about is just a small part of what is happening.
"It sucks, but there is nothing you can do about it."

Oh there's something that can be done. I'll end up in that supermax in colorado--- but there's things that can be done. The minute that 2A hammers drops------ nvm.
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Texas Set to Surpass California in Population by 2050

Texas is obviously tops in a great number of things. Cowboys, BBQ, Dr. Pepper, anything big and pretty soon - people. Right now, the number one state when it comes to population is that weird chunk of land on the Pacific coast - California. Currently, the Texas Department of Health and Human Services predictions put the Lone Star State at a population of close to 30 million by next year.

If the Texas population continues to grow at the current rate, experts say that it will surpass the current population champion. About 4 years ago, California experienced a massive drop in projected population which caused them to recalculate all of their people-counting numbers. That recalculation shows that the Golden State will reach a population of 50 million by the year 2054. Texas is projected to hit a whopping 54 million proud Texans by the year 2050. Texas is set to surpass California in total population by the year 2045. What I'm saying is: This might be a good time to invest in brisket futures.

FYI, Texas and California together will account for one quarter of the entire U.S. population by the year 2050.

Chances are I'll either be dead, or screaming at all those rat bastards to get off my yard.
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“Give me your tired, your poor,
Your huddled masses yearning to breathe free,
The wretched refuse of your teeming shore.
Send these, the homeless, tempest-tossed, to me:
I lift my lamp beside the golden door.”

― Emma Lazarus
And . . . If someone is in a vehicle, stopped for you to at a crosswalk or trying to turn right at a green light while you have the “walk” sign (State employees!), or even while you’re carrying your groceries across the walkway at HEB, at least fake a bit of a hustle. Unless your 70+, give me something. Fake jog, speed walk, some sort of acceleration is just common courtesy.

Also, if I let you borrow my chainsaw, return it to me with a new chain or at least sharpened.
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And . . . If someone is in a vehicle, stopped for you to at a crosswalk or trying to turn right at a green light while you have the “walk” sign (State employees!), or even while you’re carrying your groceries across the walkway at HEB, at least fake a bit of a hustle. Unless your 70+, give me something. Fake jog, speed walk, some sort of acceleration is just common courtesy.

Also, if I let you borrow my chainsaw, return it to me with a new chain or at least sharpened.
You let a tourist borrow your chainsaw? What were you thinking man!
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Sorry, I strayed from the context of your rant. My bad!
I had this vision of you getting gas at the Valero and some random walking up to you and being like "Hey there partner, that's a really nice chainsaw you got there. Mind of I borrow it for a day? I'm staying at the Faust Hotel and need to do some remodeling....."