Possible coordinators to be hired?

I was never a team mate of major's but some of my team mates that were younger were, obviously. The major/ricky incident was handled well in house and Ricky never let it affect his play.
But when major was coaching here, while his wife was pregnant, 7 or 8 months I believe, he had an inappropriate sexual relationship with one of the student trainers. Now I grant you, she was of the age of consent-- and there was nothing illegal about the tryst. And I also grant you that people sometimes make stupid decisions. But as the adult in the room, you can't do that. It's just not worth it. He was supposed to be the adult in the room, and he wasn't.

Let's look at another co-ed boinker-- Layne kiffin. Now I ask you, do you really think that guy has changed his ways? Dude had a smoking hot wife and kids and masqueraded around on social media as a guy named Joey freshwater so he could shag local college girls. And now he's the head coach of perhaps the most trophy wife university in america--- Ol Miss. Do you honestly believe that Joey won't be hitting everything in sight like a pinata? Of course he will. But he's Ol Miss's problem. Major can't just water under te bridge this. He made a serious mistake and as far as I know, never made a public acknowledgement of it or an apology. (As far as I know)

So how do you reconcile that? I don't think it's possible. There just too much stank on that carcass.

Let me tell you a little bit more about Major and his wife that's a matter of record. His wife wasn't 7 or 8 months pregnant she was just a few days away from giving birth. He got pumped after TX beat tOSU in a very exiting FB and persuaded a student manager to give him a bj which she did.

And did you hear what happened to LK in the divorce settlement? She ended up with 34.5% of his net worth a $10,000 a month house in Manhattan Beach and physical custody of all 3 kids. You're right a beautiful wife but men sometimes we just don't get it and I'm serious when I say that.
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Let me tell you a little bit more about Major and his wife that's a matter of record. His wife wasn't 7 or 8 months pregnant she was just a few days away from giving birth. He got pumped after TX beat tOSU in a very exiting FB and persuaded a student manager to give him a bj which she did.

And did you hear what happened to LK in the divorce settlement? She ended up with 34.5% of his net worth a $10,000 a month house in Manhattan Beach and physical custody of all 3 kids. You're right a beautiful wife but men sometimes we just don't get it and I'm serious when I say that.


also clob, what is this Ricky/Major incident you speak of? Either never knew or have forgotten
Bell i love ya but you're an ass!
In my defense, my reassuring comment was made BEFORE Herman’s latest snafu, the double middle finger salute on national tv. So, after reviewing evrrything in its entirety, I concur, you’re fercked, you should probably consider that cliff dive.
In my defense, my reassuring comment was made BEFORE Herman’s latest snafu, the double middle finger salute on national tv. So, after reviewing evrrything in its entirety, I concur, you’re fercked, you should probably consider that cliff dive.

Cliff diving would be too easy . . . Im thinking dull rusty butter knife to the abdomen at this point! If the internal bleeding doesn't get me then the Tetnus surely will. And both would be less painful than watching ole Tommy screw up again!
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Majors photo on the home page. OC candidate?
Well, I don't think anybody is going to jump for joy around here. But, if it pans out this way, then I can understand why they didn't release any info until after signing day. Pretty blah and definitely not news that would generate any excitement among recruits.
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Lashley has worked with Herb Hand at Auburn and runs the power spread TH likes and has a proven ability I think he is a good fit if Tom can let him do the job .
Lashley has worked with Herb Hand at Auburn and runs the power spread TH likes and has a proven ability I think he is a good fit if Tom can let him do the job .
I don't disagree. The question becomes--- will Tom let go of his controlling mindset and allow someone to actually run the offense. I think Tom is better calling plays when he's up in the booth. Some guys just have a better feel for the game when they have a bird's eye view. I think Tom is one of those guys.