RIP Brett Favre-- you will be missed

I wonder how much that dumb bitch spent on that weak ass weave?
We ain't got to make fun of her physical appearance to get our point across. Plenty of others things to point out about her so we don't stoop to her level.
We ain't got to make fun of her physical appearance to get our point across. Plenty of others things to point out about her so we don't stoop to her level.
Good point @clob94 "when they go low, we go high" besides, that's what we have Crazy Maxine for, her good looks I mean.....
Hey where else are they supposed to hold their organizational discussions on race baiting and new justified "homicide" cases to exploit ?
C’mon man ..... you wouldn’t expect this “grassroots” community-building organization to have a team building session at the south central LA Holiday Inn would you? What benefit would be gained from meeting in the community they’ve been investing in and building up? Oh wait ....
C’mon man ..... you wouldn’t expect this “grassroots” community-building organization to have a team building session at the south central LA Holiday Inn would you? What benefit would be gained from meeting in the community they’ve been investing in and building up? Oh wait ....
Exactly and spot freaking on. Even ‘they’ want the hell away from their own, she had every opportunity to set up shop and put down roots in a BLM stronghold community but Ironically she bought homes in nicer areas..,.just keep sending that money though.

She’s the female version of Jesse Jackson and Al Sharpton, a low rent thief basically
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Chauvin was absolutely wrong. The video evidence is clear and the justice system worked. The jury has spoken after reviewing all the facts and evidence. He deserves what he got.

What I completely disagree with is the notion that he was racially motivated to do what he did. There was no evidence that Chauvin would’ve acted differently if Floyd was white. Just another example of the media and racists on the left that want to keep our country divided.
George Floyd died of a self inflicted fentanyl overdose. The toxicology was clear. He couldn't breath because he had chest wall tightness from rapid administration. This was described in the cardiac anesthesia literature back in the 80s when I did that for a living. The medical examiner is a disgrace.
George Floyd died of a self inflicted fentanyl overdose. The toxicology was clear. He couldn't breath because he had chest wall tightness from rapid administration. This was described in the cardiac anesthesia literature back in the 80s when I did that for a living. The medical examiner is a disgrace.
Chauvin is an idiot but if you watch the video Chauvin is on the side of his neck not on his windpipe whatsoever. Chauvin should have already known which direction this altercation was going to go by the way drama queen Floyd acted when pulled over, he was in the middle of an overdose, fully evidenced by his difficulty breathing by simply sitting in the back of the police cruiser.I’d be embarrassed if I was related to Chauvin for his behavior and likewise for Floyd’s family. If the case is overturned the city needs to take back the money paid to Floyd's family.
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Chucklz they can’t get out of their own way. Between this and Water’s running her fat repulsive mouth, Chauvin’s going to get a new trial and that little drug overdose Floyd had on day of his arrest May play a prominent role. Good job libs
Uh oh they’re starting to turn on their own @outhereincali may want to ask for a refund