Someone tell me about the culture at Texas--

No. It is an internal entitlement, not an external force driven progressive policies, and having a different opinion than you does not make me ignorant or ignorant to what you perceive are the facts. I just disagree with you. Have a nice day.

You were saying?

I encourage everyone to read this. It's from a professor, a Doctor actually, in the journalism department-- she talks about how Texas is teaching journalism majors NOT TO BE OBJECTIVE anymore, but to instead focus on reporting from the social justice angle.

This cancer that is progressive-ism will not stop until it is forcefully carved out and destroyed.

You @fwahbevo -- whether through innocent ignorance or blind ignorance-- you're completely missing what environment is being fomented on our campus. We are starting to choose equity over merit. We are closing feelings over objectivity. We are entitled because of race and creed-- instead of achievement.

If you can't see this or you refuse to acknowledge it, it's because you agree with it. If you agree with it, you're part of the cancer that needs to be permanently lanced.

You were saying?

I encourage everyone to read this. It's from a professor, a Doctor actually, in the journalism department-- she talks about how Texas is teaching journalism majors NOT TO BE OBJECTIVE anymore, but to instead focus on reporting from the social justice angle.

This cancer that is progressive-ism will not stop until it is forcefully carved out and destroyed.

You @fwahbevo -- whether through innocent ignorance or blind ignorance-- you're completely missing what environment is being fomented on our campus. We are starting to choose equity over merit. We are closing feelings over objectivity. We are entitled because of race and creed-- instead of achievement.

If you can't see this or you refuse to acknowledge it, it's because you agree with it. If you agree with it, you're part of the cancer that needs to be permanently lanced.
Sorry, but I'm unable to respond to you in the same disrespectful tone in which you address me since your little friend has threatened to ban me. Have a nice day.
Sorry, but I'm unable to respond to you in the same disrespectful tone in which you address me since your little friend has threatened to ban me. Have a nice day.
Please explain the disrespectful words I used to offend your sensitivities?

Or could it perhaps be that you finally realize that the Pollyanna ideas you have about progressive-ism and equity entitlement being spewed on campus are, in fact real, and now you're choosing not to engage. I can insure you with 100% certainty that our MOD will not reprimand you regardless of what you say to me. MM, he has my permission to address me in any way he sees fit without repercussion.
Please explain the disrespectful words I used to offend your sensitivities?

Or could it perhaps be that you finally realize that the Pollyanna ideas you have about progressive-ism and equity entitlement being spewed on campus are, in fact real, and now you're choosing not to engage. I can insure you with 100% certainty that our MOD will not reprimand you regardless of what you say to me. MM, he has my permission to address me in any way he sees fit without repercussion.

I know that you're in it for the entertainment value. His only goal here is to be contrarian and get a reaction out of people. He's a troll. Your choice whether or not if you want to feed the troll. If you ignore them they will go away. That, or they'll eventually hang themselves.
So a friend of mine who is a girl happened to be married to an Austin cop several years back. She started noticing that her makeup and clothes were moved around from where she left them. One day she came home and husband was dabbling in the makeup. He came out as gay/trans, they divorced. They had a 17 year old son at the time, it devastated him. The son didn't talk to his dad for a couple of years. One day he gets a friends request from his dad, who is now a full blown he/she, had the surgery and all. Devastated him all over again. Dude is still a cop in Austin and the APD/taxpayer footed the bill for his crossover.
I’m gonna have to raise the BS flag on this one. I’ve been with APD for 22 years and I don’t know of any male officer who transitioned. I do know of 2 female officers who transitioned, and neither of their bills were footed by the department.
I’m gonna have to raise the BS flag on this one. I’ve been with APD for 22 years and I don’t know of any male officer who transitioned. I do know of 2 female officers who transitioned, and neither of their bills were footed by the department.
Tell BK I said "what's up"---- assuming he's still there.
I’m gonna have to raise the BS flag on this one. I’ve been with APD for 22 years and I don’t know of any male officer who transitioned. I do know of 2 female officers who transitioned, and neither of their bills were footed by the department.
If it’s not Austin it’s right around there in a surrounding area It’s been a couple years ago and I’ve seen the before and after pics. I can’t confirm who paid for what but it absolutely happened and ruined her sons life
Tell BK I said "what's up"---- assuming he's still there.
Man, I haven’t seen BK in a minute. It’s kinda sad that with all the retirements we’ve had lately, I don’t even know if he retired. It’s funny how such a big guy can slip by unnoticed.
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