Strong officially targeting Cumbie

I prefer the Offense of bailor over TT myself anyways...although if Cumbie is the guy he will be better than what we have had the last 2 years......I would bet on that.
Like all the guys beating down your door to fill the OC job???

1) Gilbert would also be a home run for us. It is a matter of his skills.

2) I know you don't understand this. But OC jobs are not like the ones you are used to applying for. You don't just walk in to Texas and knock on their you do when you walk in to Walmart and McDonalds with an application hoping to get hired. We'll call you, don't call us.

3) I see your bitterness and obsession. You just can't quit living here. Not our fault ATM isn't going to win any titles during your lifetime and you are jelly of us still??????