Super Bowl

Yeah, I'm not trying to create two tiers of fans, have alums look down noses, or anything like that.

I'm just a recovering Houston Oilers fan, is all. Bum Phillips and Dan Pastorini and of course Earl moving the pile, but never quite getting there. Moses Malone and the Rockets almost making it, despite a losing record. And wishing for the 'stros to get some bats to match their pitching (which was never gonna happen since they played in the 'dome). The Warren Moon years. And then Bud Adams' decision. Other than Hakeem & Clyde's achievements, there weren't any championships, and suddenly "your" players are now playing for the Titans. And then my leaving that area to live in ATX and become a Longhorn. So, yeah, my interest in pro sports was replaced by all things burnt orange. Maybe some of you can relate.
Yeah, I'm not trying to create two tiers of fans, have alums look down noses, or anything like that.

I'm just a recovering Houston Oilers fan, is all. Bum Phillips and Dan Pastorini and of course Earl moving the pile, but never quite getting there. Moses Malone and the Rockets almost making it, despite a losing record. And wishing for the 'stros to get some bats to match their pitching (which was never gonna happen since they played in the 'dome). The Warren Moon years. And then Bud Adams' decision. Other than Hakeem & Clyde's achievements, there weren't any championships, and suddenly "your" players are now playing for the Titans. And then my leaving that area to live in ATX and become a Longhorn. So, yeah, my interest in pro sports was replaced by all things burnt orange. Maybe some of you can relate.
Horns-In same boat as you. Moved to Houston in '70 as a 5yr old and was die hard of all those teams. Moved to Austin in 1990 and married a Longhorn grad. I must admit I've converted to Spurs though, as I worked for them during David Robinson's rookie year. Class organization.
Texans are obviously fooked against the Gaytriot cheaters Saturday, but hopefully their badass defense can inflict some injuries to further enhance the Cowboys' chances down there.