The Olympics are here

I love the olympics. I’ll watch the big 3, if it is on at the time I watch( track, gymnastics and swimming and also boxing. I will watch any of the volleyballs if the US team us doing well. No to basketball and women’s soccer
Favorite Olympic athlete?

Kris “Caitlyn” Jenner. Damn it was fun to watch.
Carl Lewis
Sugar Ray Leonard
Michael Phelps

Hands down 80 hockey team.

Used to make an effort to watch opening ceremonies, now almost couldn’t care less. Seems like they are giving out medals before the ceremony even happens.

Did you see they are dishing out something like 300,000 condoms in the Olympic village to the athletes? Should give out a medal to the biggest score card.
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I'll watch track n field and swimming. Brutal sports that are old school.

Doesn't the world burn out on kickball? Come on... it's year round.

Watch Miracle or Chariots of Fire to get you up for the Olympics.
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Love the Olympics!

A giant showcase to show the world that America is, in fact, the best country in the world!

Suck it China! lol
I'll watch track n field and swimming. Brutal sports that are old school.

Doesn't the world burn out on kickball? Come on... it's year round.

Watch Miracle or Chariots of Fire to get you up for the Olympics.
Kurt Russell did a great Herb Brooks.
If you're not watching the opening ceremonies turn it on it's like no other opening ceremonies I've ever seen.
Final thoughts on the opening ceremony. Did you see former Spurs great Tony Parker carry the torch on the final leg?

You know France could beat us for the gold in hoops.
I'm going to watch for 2 reasons-

1. Watching the Ream Team lose (they got no D).
2. When the terrorist attack happens, I want to know how the Hamas pacifists in France explain it away.
Aaaaaaaaaaand right on cue, we've already had our first terrorist attack.

High speed rail stations were set ablaze in Paris and other cities to stop the flow of the train network.

I'm betting there's more to come.
Guess that's what is meant by, "Gay Paree".
I watched alittle. Figured it'd normalize. It didn't. Turned the channel.
Bring back the Beijing drummers!
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Cali- I'm a lot of things- but I'm not bullsh!tting you one iota.
The part where the dancer was flipping around coming down the red carpet catwalk- the fat lady in the silver dress with the things protruding from her head--- that was a dude. In fact, all of those people next to her were dudes that were trans. And the fat lady/dude represented Jesus Christ, and the other trans people on his right and left were the disciples at the last supper.

The French are BIG on symbolism and the theme from their Olympic ceremony was "inclusion".

I thought at first she was a charachature of the statue of liberty--- but she wasn't.
He/she was a trans that was playing the roll of Jesus at the last supper. I know you don't want to believe me, but if you speak any French at all, go back and watch the broadcast and listen to the PA narrator in the background. He flat out says it.

Hell-- do a Google search. It's everywhere.

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I’ll watch almost everything I can. Star power is lacking though for sure. They market mostly women, which is cool, but that doesn’t resonate with the masses.
I think I'm going to watch as much as I can learn about other sports my wife and I are watching kayaking which I know nothing about but hey the scenery is great. Mostly I want to watch for 2 weeks and not think about or watch politics.
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Trans Last Supper, frolicking trans dancers, implied bisexual threesome, purposely showing book titles about taboo & forbidden sex, decapitated Marie Antoinettes singing metal (wtf?).

Yeah, I had to send my daughter to watch a movie in her room like I was about to watch an R rated slasher flick. Inclusion....we ALL get it. We're force fed this bs everywhere.

Never thought the Olympics wouldn't be family friendly, at least on broadcast. Cali, it lost its luster indeed. I miss watching for spectacular feats of athleticism. Now it has gone the way of the nba. Haven't seen a game since the blm fraud kicked off.

Beyond disappointed.
Trans Last Supper, frolicking trans dancers, implied bisexual threesome, purposely showing book titles about taboo & forbidden sex, decapitated Marie Antoinettes singing metal (wtf?).

Yeah, I had to send my daughter to watch a movie in her room like I was about to watch an R rated slasher flick. Inclusion....we ALL get it. We're force fed this bs everywhere.

Never thought the Olympics wouldn't be family friendly, at least on broadcast. Cali, it lost its luster indeed. I miss watching for spectacular feats of athleticism. Now it has gone the way of the nba. Haven't seen a game since the blm fraud kicked off.

Beyond disappointed.
But you just don't understand Fresh-- France has a long history of questioning religion, especially the Catholic faith. It's their duty as citizens to do so. And artistic expressionism and gauche displays of creativity were literally invented in France.....

Oh-- and the director of this is named Thomas Jolly--- a lapsed Jewish guy who also likes it in the bum.
So somewhere in his life, someone that was catholic made this Jewish kid feel inferior- and some straight kid picked on him for being gay-- and then one day, he got his BIG chance.......

And he decided to fvck up the opening ceremony of the Olympics to get even with his childhood slighters.
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Trans Last Supper, frolicking trans dancers, implied bisexual threesome, purposely showing book titles about taboo & forbidden sex, decapitated Marie Antoinettes singing metal (wtf?).

Yeah, I had to send my daughter to watch a movie in her room like I was about to watch an R rated slasher flick. Inclusion....we ALL get it. We're force fed this bs everywhere.

Never thought the Olympics wouldn't be family friendly, at least on broadcast. Cali, it lost its luster indeed. I miss watching for spectacular feats of athleticism. Now it has gone the way of the nba. Haven't seen a game since the blm fraud kicked off.

Beyond disappointed.
Yep. An entire theme centered around less than 1% of the population. Just so everyone can show how enlightened they are.
Trans Last Supper, frolicking trans dancers, implied bisexual threesome, purposely showing book titles about taboo & forbidden sex, decapitated Marie Antoinettes singing metal (wtf?).

Yeah, I had to send my daughter to watch a movie in her room like I was about to watch an R rated slasher flick. Inclusion....we ALL get it. We're force fed this bs everywhere.

Never thought the Olympics wouldn't be family friendly, at least on broadcast. Cali, it lost its luster indeed. I miss watching for spectacular feats of athleticism. Now it has gone the way of the nba. Haven't seen a game since the blm fraud kicked off.

Beyond disappointed.
I think it's going to make a comeback this time. Instead of parading into the stadium they on the Seine. I thought it was so cool. And I chuckled about the trans gender people it certainly didn't ruin the ceremonies at least not for me.
I think it's going to make a comeback this time. Instead of parading into the stadium they on the Seine. I thought it was so cool. And I chuckled about the trans gender people it certainly didn't ruin the ceremonies at least not for me.
And if they would have mocked Islam? Black people? Gays?
Would that have been OK with you?
But you just don't understand Fresh-- France has a long history of questioning religion, especially the Catholic faith. It's their duty as citizens to do so. And artistic expressionism and gauche displays of creativity were literally invented in France.....

Oh-- and the director of this is named Thomas Jolly--- a lapsed Jewish guy who also likes it in the bum.
So somewhere in his life, someone that was catholic made this Jewish kid feel inferior- and some straight kid picked on him for being gay-- and then one day, he got his BIG chance.......

And he decided to fvck up the opening ceremony of the Olympics to get even with his childhood slighters.

Just not Islam lol
I think it's going to make a comeback this time. Instead of parading into the stadium they on the Seine. I thought it was so cool. And I chuckled about the trans gender people it certainly didn't ruin the ceremonies at least not for me.

It’s grotesque Cali. What in tha actual ****?

It’s network TV in the afternoon Cali. Kids don’t need to be watching that shit. Trans is sick and evil. Get your shit together man.
It’s grotesque Cali. What in tha actual ****?

It’s network TV in the afternoon Cali. Kids don’t need to be watching that shit. Trans is sick and evil. Get your shit together man.
It blows my mind how a certain politically aligned segment of western nations are so pro-sexualizing children.

If only I were given 5 minutes alone with each of these mental f*ks.'d all be in line begging Jesus to forgive their sickness. I'd glady be the appointment setter.
I think it's going to make a comeback this time. Instead of parading into the stadium they on the Seine. I thought it was so cool. And I chuckled about the trans gender people it certainly didn't ruin the ceremonies at least not for me.
To each their own. I have no problem with anybody enjoying the olympics and I am not even upset with Jolly. The idiot I have an issue with is whoever hired Jolly. Jolly is just being himself and what he is known for. So, if you are the one hiring, you know what you are getting. The man/woman who thought it was a great idea to hire Jolly should be the poster child of this whole groteaque mess
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To each their own. I have no problem with anybody enjoying the olympics and I am not even upset with Jolly. The idiot I have an issue with is whoever hired Jolly. Jolly is just being himself and what he is known for. So, if you are the one hiring, you know what you are getting. The man/woman who thought it was a great idea to hire Jolly should be the poster child of this whole groteaque mess
Who's Jolly?