The rambling of an old fool. (long)

not constitutional...maybe so....It is apparently constitutional to cite drivers for speeding.....same thing really....we are frankly unconcerned with the safety of the driver, only the safety of the public.

Driving is a privilege not enumerated in the Bill of Rights or the Constitution and there are rules to driving. For example, I can't run you over because I want to. Breathing free air is part of being FREE. Breathing does not pose a hazard to anyone.
actually....I contend that your breathing free poses a hazard to me as well as anyone in your free breathing space.
Ron Paul was an OB/Gyn Dr and retired from Congress in 2013. I will agree he was one of the best of the best in Congress. He never took one dime of his Congressional pay. I wish we had more like him.
actually....I contend that your breathing free poses a hazard to me as well as anyone in your free breathing space.

This gets a bit dicey when in court.

Do you remember H1N1 in 2009? It killed an estimated 575,000 people on the high end. I don't remember anything shutting down over this flu. Oh wait, most of it's victims were kids and the elderly were mostly immune.... Hmmmm... seems the elderly are a bit selfish. No masks were worn in 2009.

I also recall that the heavenly BHO was potus at the time. We couldn't have him looking bad.
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interesting.....but totally irrelevant to the discussion at hand about wearing masks.
interesting.....but totally irrelevant to the discussion at hand about wearing masks.

Not really. The masks make people feel safe. They don't do much besides inhibiting oxygen intake and I'm talking about the N95 and N99's. The shit some people are wearing is downright funny. The homemade masks might as well be tampons with a string. They don't do anything.
I wish I knew more about physics. I would assume that a particle as small as a covid virus would weigh as close to nothing as possible. Does that mean it would travel unhindered in a straight line forever until it strikes something? Would the wind affect it at all? Do they travel singly or do they cluster up? If so, how many in a cluster , and how big does this cluster get? If it gets big the mask may trap it. Or, does it have to attach to a spit particle to "escape"

Seems to me that these questions have to be answered to determine the viability of a mask at all.
I wish I knew more about physics. I would assume that a particle as small as a covid virus would weigh as close to nothing as possible. Does that mean it would travel unhindered in a straight line forever until it strikes something? Would the wind affect it at all? Do they travel singly or do they cluster up? If so, how many in a cluster , and how big does this cluster get? If it gets big the mask may trap it. Or, does it have to attach to a spit particle to "escape"

Seems to me that these questions have to be answered to determine the viability of a mask at all.

The answer to all you questions are yes, no, and maybe. It just depends on who does the "study".
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Newtons 1st Law. Assuming a vacuum the virus would travel in a straight line unless acted upon by an outside force. Since we live on earth it would behave like any projectile and eventually gravity would pull it down to the surface. We don't live in a vacuum so the atmosphere does affect the trajectory of the virus but eventually the particles are large enough to fall back down to the Earth. How long will that take? Well dust particles which are much bigger than the virus and they can travel across the ocean and linger in the air for weeks. The question is how does the virus travel. The best science tells us they travel in larger respiratory droplets which fall to the surface rather quickly (usually 6ft). There is still some debate as to weather or not the virus can travel in smaller droplets like the measles virus. They are looking into it based on some anecdotal evidence but the size of the virus is much larger than the measles and most likely it only travels in the larger droplets.

That is why something as simple as a cloth mask can slow the spread of the virus. They can reduce the amount of respiratory droplets and they can cut down on how far those droplets travel.
Speedstrength….that was my roundabout way of saying that a mask would be effective to a degree. I have heard that the virus is smaller than a smoke particle(which does pass through a mask) but I suspected the virus does not just up a nd takeoff by itself without "hitching a ride" so to speak. Thanks for the information.