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A few things to get us started...
* I hate to be a Debbie-Downer right at the top of the War Room, but the football program continues to lag in the kind of participation numbers in terms of monthly donations and the number of wealthy donors it needs in the long-term to compete at the highest levels nationally. Even more surprising is that the participation among Dallas alums is significantly behind the participation from the Houston. When it comes to NIL participation among both regular and affluent alums, Houston is greater than Dallas. Don't shoot the messenger.
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* If the latest numbers I was given this week about the number of monthly football donors is correct, the Longhorns currently have less active monthly donors than Kansas State does. Let that sink in while you're watching the No.1 team in the nation this week.
* There's not a lot new to report on the recruitment of 5-star Edge Javion Hilson (Cocoa, Florida) at the moment. The plan is to take a healthy number of visits before making a decision, although he's only officially locked in his visit to Texas in October and a visit to Texas A&M in November to take in the Texas game. He was scheduled to visit Florida last weekend, but ended up not making it.
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