This Was Payback Delayed....


Well-Known Member
Jan 6, 2005
History lesson time me boyos....The football talking heads kept telling us all week how this was only the 2nd time that Texas and Michigan had met. Incorrect.

You see Texas and Michigan battled on a neutral field 161 years ago. On that occasion, a powerful Texas ground game came up just short despite some support from Alabama. I'm talking about the pivotal contest for Little Round Top during the Battle of Gettysburg. It was a close-run thing and most people point to the stout defense put up by the 20th Maine regiment as being the critical factor in that battle when they checked the spirited charge of Alabamians. Maybe so, but had the 4th and 5th Texas managed to push the 16th Michigan back that day, to the right of the 20th Maine, Vincent's brigade would have been flanked and the Second Day might have had a very different outcome.

Today was payback....and unlike that neutral field contest those many years ago, this one wasn't close....time to enjoy some leisurely viewing now.....
Freeper…. I always come away from your post a smarter person. You are the reason they came up with the saying “You are a scholar and a gentleman”.
I grew up a semi Michigan fan. My dad and grandparents are from Midland Michigan, home of and my grandfathers employer Dow Chemical. My dad was a Bronco at Western Michigan in Kalamazoo. Anyone ever heard of Mackinaw Island? Beautiful place at the northern part of the state. Last time there in early 90’s, they didn’t allow motorized vehicles.
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