This year


Well-Known Member
May 30, 2015
Heisman winner Jonathan Brooks
Doak Walker winner Jonathan Brooks
Davey O' Brian winner Quinn Ewers
Biletnekoff winner Xavier Worthy
Outland trophy winner Kevin Banks
Lombardi winner Baryn Sorrell
Butkus winner Jaylan Ford
Thorpe winner Ryan Watts
Groza winner carrot top
Ray Guy winner that guy from Stanford that transferred here.
Coach of the year Steve Sarkisian
National champions Texas

Broyles award winner they hear emotional testimony from every TX qb since 2010. Some testified of their concussions, others said they'll be in a wheel chair for the rest of their life, others say they talk with a lisp, slur their words. Many of these young men are net yet 30. One qb spoke of how he was watching tv and heard the name Derek and he screamed in terror and hid under his bed. Visibly moved by their testimony Kyle Flood becomes the first non coordinator to win the Broyles award.
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nothing like home cooking....comfort food.

Nooooooooooo! I thought y'all eloped with Brandon and were swapping diapers and pronouns on the Ukranian front lines.

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