Trump Designates Mexican Cartels as Terrorist Organizations

War with Mexico/Mexican cartels is coming.

Fentenyl overdoses alone in the US are greater than all of our war dead combined.

The US Navy needs to be looking for SAMS being sent to Mexico from China/Russia.
Does Russia or China send SAMS to Mexico. Not a chance in hell...... there's no possible way to do that.

Now- if you were referring to MANPADs... that presents it's own dice roll. There's only a few systems on the planet that are accurate. They are all easily identifiable by just looking at them. It's like telling the different between a Glock and a 1911. So the first time a catlrtel member fires one and drops it- everybody is going to know what make, model and manufacturer it is. That's bad.

And those things have limited range. So you'd have to be near an airport and fire it off during take-off or landing. Yes- they could target rotor wings. But someone correct me if I'm wrong, I think most troop carrying helo craft have counter measures to defend.

Tell you this much- some asshat on the ground fires an anti-air missile at one of our fixed wing or rotor wing craft- Trump will go megaton on errrrrrrrrbody.
But someone correct me if I'm wrong, I think most troop carrying helo craft have counter measures to defend.
Yessir, chaff & flares. Many commercial aircraft that routinely fly in questionable areas also have radar deployed flares now as well. Sign of the times