What will Bobby do?


Well-Known Member
Sep 3, 2005
OU star CB Jordan Thomas arrested for Assault and battery. Public intoxication. And interference with police in Cleveland county. (so the cops here won't hide videos like they do in Norman)

No word on if he assaulted a cop, male or female (this might get him a promotion to team captain), or other details.

We do know that he has been suspended twice previously by OU. Bobby was super tough on him in the past, choosing to selectively sit him for the long awaited Tulsa game.

And his last arrest was just this past Dec for missing court for a speeding violation....for which he got nothing since the team was busy gearing up for a meaningful game. And in reality this isn't that big of a transgression in itself, but was probably worthy of some suspension considering his past is starting to trend in the Manziel direction of not giving a damn.

He's bordering on recklessly not listening. And one would have to think about finally giving serious consequences. Especially when actions are getting more serious.
He needs to at least sit out several practices even though he needs all the reps he can get before OSU.
Is he eligible to RS?

Or is he too important of a commodity, so that punishment is ruled out?

In all seriousness, I think it depends on the details of that night. To me, you have to get suspended real games for assault.

Say it was a first time offender and the details were something like some commotion started outside a bar and he went from innocent bystander to sneezing on a cop and getting charged. Well he still gets 2-4 games for stupidity.

Same story for a guy who has prior arrests and teams suspensions, I'd be starting at 4 games if not considering permanent severing of ties.

If he smoked a person in the face, and or tackled or assaulted a cop......he'd have to go. I say that as if he was a player on the team that I root for. But that's just my standards.
Upon further review, I think he should be kicked off. Not for being intoxicated or fighting but for hanging around Zak Sanchez.
OU star CB Jordan Thomas arrested for Assault and battery. Public intoxication. And interference with police in Cleveland county. (so the cops here won't hide videos like they do in Norman)

No word on if he assaulted a cop, male or female (this might get him a promotion to team captain), or other details.

We do know that he has been suspended twice previously by OU. Bobby was super tough on him in the past, choosing to selectively sit him for the long awaited Tulsa game.

And his last arrest was just this past Dec for missing court for a speeding violation....for which he got nothing since the team was busy gearing up for a meaningful game. And in reality this isn't that big of a transgression in itself, but was probably worthy of some suspension considering his past is starting to trend in the Manziel direction of not giving a damn.

He's bordering on recklessly not listening. And one would have to think about finally giving serious consequences. Especially when actions are getting more serious.
This is bad....real bad. Stoops will not let him play the first defensive play of the year for this. No way out of it. So that is 1 start he won't have at the end of the year. Stoops don't play.
Look, we need to let all the facts come out before jumping to any conclusions and that could take months so.....
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since they play Houston first and could end up starting 2 new guys at CB does he pull a sumlin and suspend him for the second game and let him play against Houston?
Probably a 1+ game suspension. And, of course, making him think about his actions running til he pukes after every practice for the next couple months.

Now admittedly we don't know the details yet.

But seeing as he has already had 2 suspensions. And one for that length. You think he should again get the SAME punishment? Usually suspensions only get further in length as you rack them up again and again. You can't go backwards or stay the same....if so, you might as well not suspend him at all.

The Sumlin train of thought in suspending him a randomly picked game is something.

One would have to think, with all the heat around BU and other programs.....that they'd act quickly and harshly here so that people don't do digging. You wouldn't want Yahoo! reporters to start sleuthing OUs history of RS punishments and/or start digging up face caving videos. BUs biggest mistake was inaction.
Now admittedly we don't know the details yet.

But seeing as he has already had 2 suspensions. And one for that length. You think he should again get the SAME punishment? Usually suspensions only get further in length as you rack them up again and again. You can't go backwards or stay the same....if so, you might as well not suspend him at all.

The Sumlin train of thought in suspending him a randomly picked game is something.

One would have to think, with all the heat around BU and other programs.....that they'd act quickly and harshly here so that people don't do digging. You wouldn't want Yahoo! reporters to start sleuthing OUs history of RS punishments and/or start digging up face caving videos. BUs biggest mistake was inaction.

For me, the 1 game for being stupid and being in the situation he was in, and because it wasnt the first time he got in trouble. Probably more games depending on the nature of what happened in this incident. He's gonna be sorry for what he did regardless, there's all the punishment players face in the wrath of the coach's anger during the next couple months. IMO a simple bar fight is dumb and stupid, but not a huge deal. But since he's already been in trouble before, gotta give him a harsher punishment.

Meh, everyone knows about Mixon and has already moved on.
It's true. On our 5th birthday, if we happen to choose OU, all kids in the state of Oklahoma must simultaneously give up any propensity for reason, morality, and truthfulness. We play two truths and a lie, and if you happen to pick out the lie, you are disavowed and you must go be an osu fan, because OU fans aren't legally allowed to see the truth.

In regard to morality, we are subjected to watching a man wearing an OU football uniform stomping on the bodies of dead children at Owen field while wearing steal tipped cleats. Any person who objects to this is thrown out of the stadium and is forced again into the osu camp.

Finally, saving the best for last, reason. We lack reason because, again as young children just starting out our football fanhood, we are subjected to lectures and material that slowly wean us off a path of reason. We are taught that it is not only appropriate but absolutely expected that for every game OU loses in a given season, you must beat your wife, or in most cases, since incest is generally accepted, your sister-wife. If you bring your wife to the next game after a loss and she doesn't have either a broken nose, black eye, or at least 2 missing teeth, season tickets are revoked and given to previous Sooner players with felony convictions. For the 3% of us who can actually read, we are required to read the book of satan and commit the ritualistic murder of virgin texas fans.

That's just a basic run down though.
Texas fans seem obsessed with anything and everything OU. That's cute. They do realize they beat Ou last year right ? Their focus needs to be on Notre Dame
Cute. But you condone girls getting beat up by your players. Fact.

What proof do you have that proves that I , myself condone this? Lol, whatever answer you have, I dont care. I'm not going to have the same dumbass argument with you over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over again.
Your fanbase and administration and head coach are obviously fine with violence against women. You keep wifebeaters over and over and over again. Because football. Sorry you can't reconcile that fact in your frustrated head with your misguided sense of morality.
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Yeah that way you can spout your idiocy in silence like passive aggressive, girly Eddie Haskell here.
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Anyway, back to the original post, do any of you okies claim with a straight face that bob will punish this repeat criminal significantly? Maybe if he weren't a talented football player...
Heisenberg most here are knowledgeable and good posters. However you have 2 or 3 that are only here to cuss, rant and name call. Put those on ignore and it will be much more enjoyable. The best part? You know it eats them up ( the ignored posters ).