Biden fear mongering Covid hoax No. 2

I teach a graduate level law course on the side and spend a few weeks on the Constitution.

I can tell from the spirited discussion that it’s the first time many students have had these discussions . . . grad level students!

Is it because undergraduate professors are afraid of taking on what may be perceived as sensitive topics and making remarks that may come back to bite them? I.e., they’re afraid of being cancelled?
I've taught college level American and Modern European history for 12 years now. Most students at the graduate level are hearing these arguments for the first time for the reasons you suspect. Many professors are afraid of cancel culture. I was blessed enough to identify two others who shared my beliefs and we had discussions in the department, only behind closed doors. Later I learned two other colleagues shared our views but would never meet with us. That's a total of 5 professors and the institution I worked at, fired or refused tenure or failed to renew contracts on 3 of them.

On the other hand, the overwhelming majority of instructors at the college level, in my experience, actually subscribe to the progressive illiberal agenda. So many students have never been exposed to the ideas or processes you are advancing. The students live in a bubble, they do not watch nightly news, read a newspaper, or a textbook for that matter. They have access to the entire accumulated knowledge of mankind in a matter of minutes on their phone but they would rather use that device to play Minecraft, or watch Tik-Tok videos. Have you noticed the media use of a new term the last couple years; "influencer"? I have students whose career goals now include being an "influencer". Social media is making it easier and easier to alter reality, to find your own little bubble and exist therein. Students are bombarded by progressivism constantly, when they exist in their own little digital bubble, the impact is magnified. Hearing any other perspective is quite literally shocking to them.
I've taught college level American and Modern European history for 12 years now. Most students at the graduate level are hearing these arguments for the first time for the reasons you suspect. Many professors are afraid of cancel culture. I was blessed enough to identify two others who shared my beliefs and we had discussions in the department, only behind closed doors. Later I learned two other colleagues shared our views but would never meet with us. That's a total of 5 professors and the institution I worked at, fired or refused tenure or failed to renew contracts on 3 of them.

On the other hand, the overwhelming majority of instructors at the college level, in my experience, actually subscribe to the progressive illiberal agenda. So many students have never been exposed to the ideas or processes you are advancing. The students live in a bubble, they do not watch nightly news, read a newspaper, or a textbook for that matter. They have access to the entire accumulated knowledge of mankind in a matter of minutes on their phone but they would rather use that device to play Minecraft, or watch Tik-Tok videos. Have you noticed the media use of a new term the last couple years; "influencer"? I have students whose career goals now include being an "influencer". Social media is making it easier and easier to alter reality, to find your own little bubble and exist therein. Students are bombarded by progressivism constantly, when they exist in their own little digital bubble, the impact is magnified. Hearing any other perspective is quite literally shocking to them.

We hear the term "progressive" all the time. In order for someone to be progressive, they've got to actually make progress at something worthwhile and something that makes a positive impact. These "progressives" are really nothing but obstructionists to decency, good will, traditional values, business acumen and common sense.
Because it makes no sense; you and many others are choosing to go against the grain of science and the health of your fellow Americans. Focus on being the solution and not the problem; advocate vaccinations and Boosters. Cut the bs.
You want me to pump something into my body that has been proven NOT to work? Quit listening to the news and LOOK AROUND YOU. Check your friend that have been vaccinated and gotten pumped full of every booster they can get...yep, they are still getting it even with their masks and shields. Sometimes you have to just use plain old good common sense and figure this out all on your own.
We hear the term "progressive" all the time. In order for someone to be progressive, they've got to actually make progress at something worthwhile and something that makes a positive impact. These "progressives" are really nothing but obstructionists to decency, good will, traditional values, business acumen and common sense.
Right on. I always thought it was ironic that a “progressive”’s policies don’t result in any progress at a societal level. They only result in a degradation of cultural norms and standards. Take the “progressive” policies of the Soros-elected DAs around the country. They only result in improving the life of the thugs that spend little to no time in jail for criminal violations. Meanwhile, at a societal level, a sense of security is reduced due to increasing crime rates. And, there’s no deterrence when thugs commit a robbery of items below $900 and are not arrested and charged. That’s progress?
I've taught college level American and Modern European history for 12 years now. Most students at the graduate level are hearing these arguments for the first time for the reasons you suspect. Many professors are afraid of cancel culture. I was blessed enough to identify two others who shared my beliefs and we had discussions in the department, only behind closed doors. Later I learned two other colleagues shared our views but would never meet with us. That's a total of 5 professors and the institution I worked at, fired or refused tenure or failed to renew contracts on 3 of them.

On the other hand, the overwhelming majority of instructors at the college level, in my experience, actually subscribe to the progressive illiberal agenda. So many students have never been exposed to the ideas or processes you are advancing. The students live in a bubble, they do not watch nightly news, read a newspaper, or a textbook for that matter. They have access to the entire accumulated knowledge of mankind in a matter of minutes on their phone but they would rather use that device to play Minecraft, or watch Tik-Tok videos. Have you noticed the media use of a new term the last couple years; "influencer"? I have students whose career goals now include being an "influencer". Social media is making it easier and easier to alter reality, to find your own little bubble and exist therein. Students are bombarded by progressivism constantly, when they exist in their own little digital bubble, the impact is magnified. Hearing any other perspective is quite literally shocking to them.
Let’s connect sometime. Maybe MM can provide you with my email.
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So just when you thought members of our society couldn't stoop any lower-- Rasmussen conducted a poll--

Turns out, about 51% of Biden voters support having the "unvaxxed" sent to "incarceration facilities" against their will.

54% support fines or prison terms for people that say negative things about the vaccines on social media.

You know what-- I won't spoil the surprise. Read through this and find the little tidbits that speak to you.

Read about the part where they take your kids.
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So just when you thought members of our society couldn't stoop any lower-- Rasmussen conducted a poll--

Turns our, about 51% of Biden voters support having the "unvaxxed" sent to "incarceration facilities" against their will.

54% support fines or prison terms for people that say negative things about the vaccines on social media.

You know what-- I won't spoil the surprise. Read through this and find the little tidbits that speak to you.

Read about the part where they take your kids.
Biased conservative polls (Rasmussen) are going to give biased conservative results.
Biased conservative polls (Rasmussen) are going to give biased conservative results.
Well, yeah. There's not one single poll that isn't influenced by bias to some extent because humans are involved, some much more than others.

The pandemic is pretty much over because the Rona is now endemic like the flu. Even the most corrupt little liar fauci is saying we're all going to catch it and it's here to stay. There's a special place in hell for that punk for funding all of this. I hope his fraud gets publicly exposed while he's still alive so he can feel the shame.
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I've taught college level American and Modern European history for 12 years now. Most students at the graduate level are hearing these arguments for the first time for the reasons you suspect. Many professors are afraid of cancel culture. I was blessed enough to identify two others who shared my beliefs and we had discussions in the department, only behind closed doors. Later I learned two other colleagues shared our views but would never meet with us. That's a total of 5 professors and the institution I worked at, fired or refused tenure or failed to renew contracts on 3 of them.

On the other hand, the overwhelming majority of instructors at the college level, in my experience, actually subscribe to the progressive illiberal agenda. So many students have never been exposed to the ideas or processes you are advancing. The students live in a bubble, they do not watch nightly news, read a newspaper, or a textbook for that matter. They have access to the entire accumulated knowledge of mankind in a matter of minutes on their phone but they would rather use that device to play Minecraft, or watch Tik-Tok videos. Have you noticed the media use of a new term the last couple years; "influencer"? I have students whose career goals now include being an "influencer". Social media is making it easier and easier to alter reality, to find your own little bubble and exist therein. Students are bombarded by progressivism constantly, when they exist in their own little digital bubble, the impact is magnified. Hearing any other perspective is quite literally shocking to them.

Check your IM.
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So this whole week I’ve had 2 members in my household sick, running fever, sore throat, chills, body aches etc. we assume it’s the omicron but did not and won’t be getting tested. Both people stayed home all week. I continued to go to work everyday because I feel fine. We didn’t get any prescriptions just let it run it’s course. It’s been just like the flu people get every year.
So this whole week I’ve had 2 members in my household sick, running fever, sore throat, chills, body aches etc. we assume it’s the omicron but did not and won’t be getting tested. Both people stayed home all week. I continued to go to work everyday because I feel fine. We didn’t get any prescriptions just let it run it’s course. It’s been just like the flu people get every year.

For the most part, that's all you can do. It kicked my butt for a solid two weeks, and I still have a lingering cough, but feel fine now.
For the most part, that's all you can do. It kicked my butt for a solid two weeks, and I still have a lingering cough, but feel fine now.
As you and I both know, it is what it is and you live with it, you don’t shut the world down over it, just like we haven’t for the flu, unless you have an agenda. There’s been a lot of people make tremendous amounts of money over fear mongering. There’s also been a hell of a lot of people lose their jobs and their businesses all in the name of Covid fear mongering.
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So this whole week I’ve had 2 members in my household sick, running fever, sore throat, chills, body aches etc. we assume it’s the omicron but did not and won’t be getting tested. Both people stayed home all week. I continued to go to work everyday because I feel fine. We didn’t get any prescriptions just let it run it’s course. It’s been just like the flu people get every year.
Had dinner at a local restaurant the other night with a buddy and his daughters. He calls me two days later… his youngest (24) just tested positive for Omicron (she lives with him while attending grad school. They are both fully vaxxed, as he has COPD, heart issues and is 80-90lbs overweight). Two days later I had a low-grade fever, sore throat, chills, body ache, headache and mild cough.

Next day… gone. Or so I thought. Three more days, mostly spent dry-coughing all day and late into the night. A little over a week later and all symptoms have disappeared… except for the dry-cough. It’ll disappear for a few hours, then start kicking my ass for five/ten minute spells.

I caught a bad case of the flu about 6-7 yrs ago while visiting my mother in Albuquerque. Omicron is similar, if not nearly as severe as the flu.

This cough is wearing my ass out, but I’ve got to believe that it’s on its way out. Then… SUPER IMMUNITY. 🙌🏻
Had dinner at a local restaurant the other night with a buddy and his daughters. He calls me two days later… his youngest (24) just tested positive for Omicron (she lives with him while attending grad school. They are both fully vaxxed, as he has COPD, heart issues and is 80-90lbs overweight). Two days later I had a low-grade fever, sore throat, chills, body ache, headache and mild cough.

Next day… gone. Or so I thought. Three more days, mostly spent dry-coughing all day and late into the night. A little over a week later and all symptoms have disappeared… except for the dry-cough. It’ll disappear for a few hours, then start kicking my ass for five/ten minute spells.

I caught a bad case of the flu about 6-7 yrs ago while visiting my mother in Albuquerque. Omicron is similar, if not nearly as severe as the flu.

This cough is wearing my ass out, but I’ve got to believe that it’s on its way out. Then… SUPER IMMUNITY. 🙌🏻
My 11 year old nephew calls me today--

"Uncle Clob-- guess what? I caught the China flu. I'm kicking its butt..."

Kid had a low grade fever and a cough.
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Anybody know if the terrorist (who had a criminal record and was on the watch list) was wearing his mask through the hostage taking?

Or was he hell bent on killing Mee Maw?

Anyone seen @danhorn or @dkrieger or their ilk? Haven’t really seen them much since CDC has come out and confirmed what the majority of us knew about deaths attributed to Covid hoax. I guess they’re still hiding under their beds or perhaps waiting 6 hours in the long line at a testing station in NB Texas getting a Covid Test just in case. Oh LOL at some of the fear mongering on here.
Anyone seen @danhorn or @dkrieger or their ilk? Haven’t really seen them much since CDC has come out and confirmed what the majority of us knew about deaths attributed to Covid hoax. I guess they’re still hiding under their beds or perhaps waiting 6 hours in the long line at a testing station in NB Texas getting a Covid Test just in case. Oh LOL at some of the fear mongering on here.
We ran them off. When hit with facts about Beto, Biden, Covid etc-- they couldn't take it anymore and had to retreat to their bubble of safety where everyone pees glitter, sh!ts cupcakes and farts rainbows.
The only dipshit here is you. 605,000 covid related deaths in the U.S. spell hoax only to an imbecile such as yourself
Since the CDC has come out and outed themselves let’s re-work your fake news numbers slappy:

Using your fake 605,000 total here’s how it breaks down:

Covid related deaths: 1210+/_

Cancer, murders, anal warts, drug overdoses(George Floyd) and every other ailment known to mankind including pneumonia and flu that Covid tried to take credit for: 603,790+/-

And you stooges tried to ruin the economy and fear monger everyone into perpetual lockdown over this? How embarrassing some of you have pushed this agenda.
Someone help me out here, I thought the recent Supreme Court ruling vacated Traitor Joe’s vaccine mandate except for healthcare workers? If what is being said in this video is correct regarding vaccines and truckers then this country is ****ed all in the name of Covid hoax.
Someone help me out here, I thought the recent Supreme Court ruling vacated Traitor Joe’s vaccine mandate except for healthcare workers? If what is being said in this video is correct regarding vaccines and truckers then this country is ****ed all in the name of Covid hoax.
Ok-- my girl is a hired gun in logistics. Right now she is consulting for one of the 5 largest logistic companies in America. Their focus is OTR (over the road long haul) intermodal (train to truck) and cartage (think HEB delivery trucks).

They are NOT going to enforce the trucking mandate. Now-- Canada is saying that you can't come to Canada w/o a vaccination. But there is so much pushback by the trucking and manufacturing companies, this may not hold. BUT-- you need to research who owns the railways from the US into Canada. These few select companies are pushing for the vaccine mandate for truckers because they know truckers will tell them to fvck off-- and the railroad can then ship the load at triple their price.

People are getting fvcked during this deal. Once it all shakes out and the price gouging and predatory business practices are exposed, I expect there will be folks getting shot over this. I'm talking like-- disgruntled small trucking owner put out of business, losing everything, wife leaves him, IRS audits him-- he loses hope, buys a Glock and ambushes the CEO of the company that bankrupted him--- and puts a 9mm right in the guys ear as he's leaving his office and walking to his new SUV.
Ok-- my girl is a hired gun in logistics. Right now she is consulting for one of the 5 largest logistic companies in America. Their focus is OTR (over the road long haul) intermodal (train to truck) and cartage (think HEB delivery trucks).

They are NOT going to enforce the trucking mandate. Now-- Canada is saying that you can't come to Canada w/o a vaccination. But there is so much pushback by the trucking and manufacturing companies, this may not hold. BUT-- you need to research who owns the railways from the US into Canada. These few select companies are pushing for the vaccine mandate for truckers because they know truckers will tell them to fvck off-- and the railroad can then ship the load at triple their price.

People are getting fvcked during this deal. Once it all shakes out and the price gouging and predatory business practices are exposed, I expect there will be folks getting shot over this. I'm talking like-- disgruntled small trucking owner put out of business, losing everything, wife leaves him, IRS audits him-- he loses hope, buys a Glock and ambushes the CEO of the company that bankrupted him--- and puts a 9mm right in the guys ear as he's leaving his office and walking to his new SUV.
So basically the shelves will be stocked, though lacking like they are now, but whether by Truck or Railcar, the American people are fixing to get royally screwed with inflated costs of delivery. This is all on Biden and he may put the Dem’s totally out of political business. You hit people in the wallet and you’ll pay the price.
So basically the shelves will be stocked, though lacking like they are now, but whether by Truck or Railcar, the American people are fixing to get royally screwed with inflated costs of delivery. This is all on Biden and he may put the Dem’s totally out of political business. You hit people in the wallet and you’ll pay the price.
Here's the scoop--

What's about to get worse is anything that requires aluminum. Like-- every car.

In order to make aluminum, you need this rare earth element called manganese. Guess who is far and away the largest producer of manganese.......


32 mil metric tonnes annually.

2nd place? South Africa-- 16 mil metric tonnes.

China has temporarily closed half of its producing facilities. You figure out why..... SA is not the most stable of places right now-- in case you haven't been reading the news.

So if you had any thoughts of buying a car anytime in the next year--- good luck with that.
After a 2 year absence, the flu has reemerged. I don’t know of a single person (and I know a buttload of people) that was diagnosed with influenza from March 2020 to Nov 2021. But, in the last couple of months, I know of at least 5 people that have been diagnosed with the flu.

Could it be that President Poopy Pants has conquered the Chinese Rona? I see a Nobel Prize nomination for physiology/medicine in the near future.
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After a 2 year absence, the flu has reemerged. I don’t know of a single person (and I know a buttload of people) that was diagnosed with influenza from March 2020 to Nov 2021. But, in the last couple of months, I know of at least 5 people that have been diagnosed with the flu.

Could it be that President Poopy Pants has conquered the Chinese Rona? I see a Nobel Prize nomination for physiology/medicine in the near future.
I haven't even heard the word flu in 2 years lol
So basically the shelves will be stocked, though lacking like they are now, but whether by Truck or Railcar, the American people are fixing to get royally screwed with inflated costs of delivery. This is all on Biden and he may put the Dem’s totally out of political business. You hit people in the wallet and you’ll pay the price.

I wish and hope that this will be the case that every nut job Democrat is voted out of office, but you have liberal minded people who were dropped on their head and drank bleach growing up who, sadly, will continue to vote for incompetent Democrats and their whacko ideology. We are literally living in "Idiocracy" times. If you've seen the movie, you'll understand. Common sense is becoming more and more rare in today's society. Carter and Obama are regarded by many as the worst presidents in US history. Biden said, "hold my beer, I've got this". Then you've got the Pelosi's, Schumer's, AOC's, Newsome's, etc. God help us!
Click on and read through this thread I found on Twitter. There are really people who think Biden has done a good job. I got some ocean front property in Nebraska I would like to sell them while they are at it.

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