Biden fear mongering Covid hoax No. 2


It's in the interest of the politicians to keep us at each other's throats. It keeps us distracted and less critical of them.
It's in the interest of politicians NOT to resolve issues.

Allow me to explain:
If all of the sudden, a concrete deal was reached about immigration- those that were pro-immigrant and those that were anit- would simply stop donating money to the cause. If the issue is permanently resolved, what's the need to donate money towards the outcome?

Now apply that to gun control.
Now apply that to abortion.
Now apply it to any long time lingering argument that both sides spend billions on in donations.
If the problem is solved then those donations dry up. It's in their interest to NOT solve them. That's a usurping government.
I Ignore most of what most politicians say. Because most of them are saying what they are saying with intent to get someone’s vote.

So I am gleefully ignorant of that fact, that politicians are benefiting from us being at each other’s throats. I’m not anyone’s throat. Mostly because I guess I don’t watch enough TV news to be angry and frustrated about the way things are going. My life is kicking ass right now. So I guess I don’t have any reason to fight and be angry and be at anyone else’s throat. If someone views things differently than me, that’s not my problem, that’s their problem.

I just mind my business, go to work, pay my bills, take care of me and mine, and generally just do whatever the hell I want.

I’ve been able to do this when the country was run by Democrats, when it was run by Republicans, and when it was run by two of the most inept presidents we’ve ever had. I’ve always been able to do me.

But if anger needs to be had, I’ll let you do it for me. I’m sure you’ve got room. I’ll just continue living my life and enjoying doing whatever the hell I want while other people go to protests and rallies.
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I just mind my business, go to work, pay my bills, take care of me and mine, and generally just do whatever the hell I want
I'll admit that I kind of admire your attitude. To a degree. So when paying your bills -- are you ok when those bills go up? Or whenever you are not able to do whatever the hell you want because money is running a little short? And when you peel back the layers you can see that the inflation is a direct result of out of control government spending? BTW - I think for myself and figured this out. No one can possibly think that a $31 trillion debt is a good idea, or be happy that the government poured trillions onto the inflation fire with the "Inflation Reduction Act."
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I'll admit that I kind of admire your attitude. To a degree. So when paying your bills -- are you ok when those bills go up? Or whenever you are not able to do whatever the hell you want because money is running a little short? And when you peel back the layers you can see that the inflation is a direct result of out of control government spending? BTW - I think for myself and figured this out. No one can possibly think that a $31 trillion debt is a good idea, or be happy that the government poured trillions onto the inflation fire with the "Inflation Reduction Act."
Many costs always go up, that's inflation, that's the nature of economics, and I accept it as a cost of living in the first world. I'm German, and as a kid going between Germany and the US, I noticed the same thing existed EU and North America- prices would sometimes go up on goods/services.

I live within my means so I usually dont run short on funds, but if i do need more money, I live in such a way that i can generate more income when needed.

We all know the factors that lead to inflation. I dont care to play the blame game, i'm not political enough to care, this phenomenon has been around for my whole life.

But If you want someone to blame, start with Bush in 2000. He inherited 5.8T of debt and doubled it to 12T. Obama added 8T in 8 years and trunp added 8T in 4 years and now old man biden has added 4T so far in nearly 3 years. Then we talk about the congress who passed legislation allowing our debt to continue to mount. We can blame potus for signing it, the congress for authorizing it, the judiciary for allowing it as constitutional. We could even blame the people who gave these people power, and of course the fact that most of these folks enjoy a 90% re-election rate, thusly implying that we are in full approval of their actions despite the low approval ratings congress has.

Putting all this in perspective, it sure sounds nice when clinton and hwBush only added 3T combined over 12 years. Compared to the 20T added in less than 7 years under trump and biden.

So if we look at that and we still have folks who blame one side of the aisle, they are jsut being intellectually dishonest. both parties suck. they both find it easy to spend other peoples' money.

Of course we could get more nuanced and talk about debt as a percentage of GDP, but if we get into those weeds, it gets even murkier and more depressing.
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Ah, German. Now it all makes sense.
6 political parties and a desire to not see one party rise with too much power.
I totally get it now.

Wenn sie das gespräch mit der Tatsache beginnen, dass sie Deutscher sind, wäre die anreise zu unserem aktuellen ziel weniger beschwerlich gewesen.

I was just on Alsace for Christmas- I went across the Rhine to Offenburg for an authentic plate of Hackbraten and Spätzle... and I noticed something.
The German ppl are still (after all these years) guilt riddled about what happened 80 years ago. I'm German. My Grandfather came over from the Fatherland while still in his mother's womb. I've probably spent (in total) close to a year of my life in Germany. I watched (and learned) as a teenager about the German ppl making recompense for what happened. As I grew up, I expected the new generation to start letting go of the past. Moving forward.
I'm in my 40s now and I STILL see youth in Germany making apologies for something they had no part in. No involvement whatsoever.

It's a very unique cultural trait and the dynamics of German politics are very nuanced. Except when it comes to football and France, (the one subject where all Germans unite).
Scheiß auf die Franzosen
Many costs always go up, that's inflation, that's the nature of economics, and I accept it as a cost of living in the first world. I'm German, and as a kid going between Germany and the US, I noticed the same thing existed EU and North America- prices would sometimes go up on goods/services.

I live within my means so I usually dont run short on funds, but if i do need more money, I live in such a way that i can generate more income when needed.

We all know the factors that lead to inflation. I dont care to play the blame game, i'm not political enough to care, this phenomenon has been around for my whole life.

But If you want someone to blame, start with Bush in 2000. He inherited 5.8T of debt and doubled it to 12T. Obama added 8T in 8 years and trunp added 8T in 4 years and now old man biden has added 4T so far in nearly 3 years. Then we talk about the congress who passed legislation allowing our debt to continue to mount. We can blame potus for signing it, the congress for authorizing it, the judiciary for allowing it as constitutional. We could even blame the people who gave these people power, and of course the fact that most of these folks enjoy a 90% re-election rate, thusly implying that we are in full approval of their actions despite the low approval ratings congress has.

Putting all this in perspective, it sure sounds nice when clinton and hwBush only added 3T combined over 12 years. Compared to the 20T added in less than 7 years under trump and biden.

So if we look at that and we still have folks who blame one side of the aisle, they are jsut being intellectually dishonest. both parties suck. they both find it easy to spend other peoples' money.

Of course we could get more nuanced and talk about debt as a percentage of GDP, but if we get into those weeds, it gets even murkier and more depressing.
Now you've insulted me.

a. We have not had inflation greater than 3% since 2011.

b. We have not had inflation greater than 4% since 1990.

c. It crossed the 9% barrier under Biden. Why? Do you think the "inflation reduction act" was good for inflation? What happened to transitory?

If you are looking for common ground, then we can agree that having a $31 trillion deficit is insane, and both sides are at fault. Absent a war, there is never a reason to spend more than you bring in - your "nuance" of "debt as a percentage of GDP" is great for the beltway cocktail circuit, but insane in the real world. This flare up is squarely on Biden and his insane spending policies.
Ah, German. Now it all makes sense.
6 political parties and a desire to not see one party rise with too much power.
I totally get it now.

Wenn sie das gespräch mit der Tatsache beginnen, dass sie Deutscher sind, wäre die anreise zu unserem aktuellen ziel weniger beschwerlich gewesen.

I was just on Alsace for Christmas- I went across the Rhine to Offenburg for an authentic plate of Hackbraten and Spätzle... and I noticed something.
The German ppl are still (after all these years) guilt riddled about what happened 80 years ago. I'm German. My Grandfather came over from the Fatherland while still in his mother's womb. I've probably spent (in total) close to a year of my life in Germany. I watched (and learned) as a teenager about the German ppl making recompense for what happened. As I grew up, I expected the new generation to start letting go of the past. Moving forward.
I'm in my 40s now and I STILL see youth in Germany making apologies for something they had no part in. No involvement whatsoever.

It's a very unique cultural trait and the dynamics of German politics are very nuanced. Except when it comes to football and France, (the one subject where all Germans unite).
Scheiß auf die Franzosen
That’s a really bizarre response to knowing where I’m from originally. I am German indeed, but I am not Germany.

Do you know what I mean when I say that?
It means you need not apply every German stereotype to me.

Else I might assume that since you are American, you speak only one language, you’re probably obese, and have thousands of dollars in unpaid credit card debt that’s costing you hundreds of dollars per month in interest fees. I might presume that you are only weeks away from your first heart attack or divorce. I might think that you carry a gun everywhere with you, and that you were likely xenophobic and don’t possess a passport. It would be easy to assume that since you are on a tx site youre from Texas, you are probably a conservative , a trump voter, a redneck and maybe you live in a trailer, and potentially lay hands on your sister wife from time to time when you’re drunk. Or maybe you’re from Austin, and you’re a naughty liberal who likes to watch his wife get banged by a transgender

But I wouldn’t do that because I don’t make generalizations about people based on where they are from, and I usually aren’t quite accurate.

But really that has nothing to do with my politics.
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That’s a really bizarre response to knowing where I’m from originally. I am German indeed, but I am not Germany.

Do you know what I mean when I say that?
It means you need not apply every German stereotype to me.

Else I might assume that since you are American, you speak only one language, you’re probably obese, and have thousands of dollars in unpaid credit card debt that’s costing you hundreds of dollars per month in interest fees. I might presume that you are only weeks away from your first heart attack or divorce. I might think that you carry a gun everywhere with you, and that you were likely xenophobic and don’t possess a passport. It would be easy to assume that since you are on a tx site youre from Texas, you are probably a conservative , a trump voter, a redneck and maybe you live in a trailer, and potentially lay hands on your sister wife from time to time when you’re drunk. Or maybe you’re from Austin, and you’re a naughty liberal who likes to watch his wife get banged by a transgender

But I wouldn’t do that because I don’t make generalizations about people based on where they are from, and I usually aren’t quite accurate.

But really that has nothing to do with my politics.
*chuckle* Well---- the part about being a Texan by birth and yes, I am guilty of redneck tendencies from time to time, and carrying a gun on me everywhere is true. BUT, the rest of those characterizations are a tad hyperbolic....

And, let's be honest- stereotypes exist for a reason. We have people here that probably did live in a trailer park at some point in their life. And my family does own cattle and oil wells too. (Texas stereotype in Germany)
I do wear ostrich and alligator boots dang near every day. But around the house I wear Birkenstocks like a good Austin hippie should.

Where we grew up has a definite impact on who we are, how we learn, and the values we develop. It's a cultural rudder that follows us for a lifetime. You obviously speak at least two languages- and depending on the area of Germany that you grew up in- you could speak 3 or 4. That's not a stereotype, that's just understanding the cultural make-up of that country. I know Alsatian speaking Germans, as well as Alsatian speaking French......why? Because they grew up near that area.

So..... no doubt you are not "Germany", BUT---being from Germany still had an impact on who you are now.
And while my intent was not to lump you into the schnitzel loving, lederhosen wearing, beer swilling, (I fvcking love German beer), polka dancing, Krampus fearing, Hänsul und Gretel reading Germans---- whether you admit it or not, being from Germany has shaped your political perspective differently than most Americans.

*chuckle* Well---- the part about being a Texan by birth and yes, I am guilty of redneck tendencies from time to time, and carrying a gun on me everywhere is true. BUT, the rest of those characterizations are a tad hyperbolic....

And, let's be honest- stereotypes exist for a reason. We have people here that probably did live in a trailer park at some point in their life. And my family does own cattle and oil wells too. (Texas stereotype in Germany)
I do wear ostrich and alligator boots dang near every day. But around the house I wear Birkenstocks like a good Austin hippie should.

Where we grew up has a definite impact on who we are, how we learn, and the values we develop. It's a cultural rudder that follows us for a lifetime. You obviously speak at least two languages- and depending on the area of Germany that you grew up in- you could speak 3 or 4. That's not a stereotype, that's just understanding the cultural make-up of that country. I know Alsatian speaking Germans, as well as Alsatian speaking French......why? Because they grew up near that area.

So..... no doubt you are not "Germany", BUT---being from Germany still had an impact on who you are now.
And while my intent was not to lump you into the schnitzel loving, lederhosen wearing, beer swilling, (I fvcking love German beer), polka dancing, Krampus fearing, Hänsul und Gretel reading Germans---- whether you admit it or not, being from Germany has shaped your political perspective differently than most Americans.

Rack ‘em!! (Copyright Jim Rome)
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Leonardo Dicaprio Calvin Candie GIF

.Clob debating a Millennial…..
That’s a really bizarre response to knowing where I’m from originally. I am German indeed, but I am not Germany.

Do you know what I mean when I say that?
It means you need not apply every German stereotype to me.

Else I might assume that since you are American, you speak only one language, you’re probably obese, and have thousands of dollars in unpaid credit card debt that’s costing you hundreds of dollars per month in interest fees. I might presume that you are only weeks away from your first heart attack or divorce. I might think that you carry a gun everywhere with you, and that you were likely xenophobic and don’t possess a passport. It would be easy to assume that since you are on a tx site youre from Texas, you are probably a conservative , a trump voter, a redneck and maybe you live in a trailer, and potentially lay hands on your sister wife from time to time when you’re drunk. Or maybe you’re from Austin, and you’re a naughty liberal who likes to watch his wife get banged by a transgender

But I wouldn’t do that because I don’t make generalizations about people based on where they are from, and I usually aren’t quite accurate.

But really that has nothing to do with my politics.
I gotta say most of your posts reek of “look at me” and how non binary you are. Or do the youngsters call that virtue signaling today? But if your tag has anything to do who you are just smoke another bowl and relax. You seem to be taking life way too seriously. Basically you’re being a buzz kill.
*chuckle* Well---- the part about being a Texan by birth and yes, I am guilty of redneck tendencies from time to time, and carrying a gun on me everywhere is true. BUT, the rest of those characterizations are a tad hyperbolic....

And, let's be honest- stereotypes exist for a reason. We have people here that probably did live in a trailer park at some point in their life. And my family does own cattle and oil wells too. (Texas stereotype in Germany)
I do wear ostrich and alligator boots dang near every day. But around the house I wear Birkenstocks like a good Austin hippie should.

Where we grew up has a definite impact on who we are, how we learn, and the values we develop. It's a cultural rudder that follows us for a lifetime. You obviously speak at least two languages- and depending on the area of Germany that you grew up in- you could speak 3 or 4. That's not a stereotype, that's just understanding the cultural make-up of that country. I know Alsatian speaking Germans, as well as Alsatian speaking French......why? Because they grew up near that area.

So..... no doubt you are not "Germany", BUT---being from Germany still had an impact on who you are now.
And while my intent was not to lump you into the schnitzel loving, lederhosen wearing, beer swilling, (I fvcking love German beer), polka dancing, Krampus fearing, Hänsul und Gretel reading Germans---- whether you admit it or not, being from Germany has shaped your political perspective differently than most Americans.

I understand your words

But it doesn’t mean I agree with that sentiment. Influence may vary. People from all political persuasions come from Germany. I don’t think the political leanings that I’ve expressed would make more sense because of being German though. That’s more a me thing
I understand your words

But it doesn’t mean I agree with that sentiment. Influence may vary. People from all political persuasions come from Germany. I don’t think the political leanings that I’ve expressed would make more sense because of being German though. That’s more a me thing
I think-- and you can say I'm incorrect- that because you are from Germany, you have a different perspective of what it means to come from a nation where 6 political parties must learn to compromise more than 2 parties would have to.
While people from all political persuasions come from Germany- they also come from the United States as well.
The difference is, in Germany you have 5 or 6 major political parties, and several minor parties, that you can affiliate with.
Here-- we truly only have 2.

Yes-- this is unfortunate in many ways. Especially because of the media.

In Germany, the media attempts to give equal footing to most of the political parties. In the United States- the media is either left or right. There's no room for middle ground parties. If a party attempts to arise from the middle- it is quickly cut down by BOTH sides of the media.

You learned to hear about multiple points of perspective. We learned to hear about 2. You learned about nuance. We learned about black or white. You learned about compromise. We learned about dominance.

This is why I said "Oh..... you're from Germany". Not as an insult.... far from it.
Instead it was a way of saying to you "I am familiar with your people. I am familiar with your country. I am familiar with your political system. And I know you come from a very nuanced place that surely had an impact on you as a person."

For you to take that as me trying to "stereotype" you....... well, perhaps I'm not the one trying to stereotype the "stupid American"..................
Ah, German. Now it all makes sense.
6 political parties and a desire to not see one party rise with too much power.
I totally get it now.

Wenn sie das gespräch mit der Tatsache beginnen, dass sie Deutscher sind, wäre die anreise zu unserem aktuellen ziel weniger beschwerlich gewesen.

I was just on Alsace for Christmas- I went across the Rhine to Offenburg for an authentic plate of Hackbraten and Spätzle... and I noticed something.
The German ppl are still (after all these years) guilt riddled about what happened 80 years ago. I'm German. My Grandfather came over from the Fatherland while still in his mother's womb. I've probably spent (in total) close to a year of my life in Germany. I watched (and learned) as a teenager about the German ppl making recompense for what happened. As I grew up, I expected the new generation to start letting go of the past. Moving forward.
I'm in my 40s now and I STILL see youth in Germany making apologies for something they had no part in. No involvement whatsoever.

It's a very unique cultural trait and the dynamics of German politics are very nuanced. Except when it comes to football and France, (the one subject where all Germans unite).
Scheiß auf die Franzosen
The Christmas market on the Haupstrasse in Heidelberg was fantastic every year. Stop in to the Bier Brezel for a bite to eat and a couple pints of pilz. Effing delish. However, the Zum Roten Ochsen provided more of an old world German vibe if that’s your preference. The German and Belgian beers ruined my taste for all domestic beers and I’m ok with that.
The Christmas market on the Haupstrasse in Heidelberg was fantastic every year. Stop in to the Bier Brezel for a bite to eat and a couple pints of pilz. Effing delish. However, the Zum Roten Ochsen provided more of an old world German vibe if that’s your preference. The German and Belgian beers ruined my taste for all domestic beers and I’m ok with that.
The domestic “craft” beers are good. But the likes of bud, bud light, coors, Miller, etc, yes, are water. Yeah, I’m a beer snob, just no long beard on my chin.
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I think-- and you can say I'm incorrect- that because you are from Germany, you have a different perspective of what it means to come from a nation where 6 political parties must learn to compromise more than 2 parties would have to.
While people from all political persuasions come from Germany- they also come from the United States as well.
The difference is, in Germany you have 5 or 6 major political parties, and several minor parties, that you can affiliate with.
Here-- we truly only have 2.

Yes-- this is unfortunate in many ways. Especially because of the media.

In Germany, the media attempts to give equal footing to most of the political parties. In the United States- the media is either left or right. There's no room for middle ground parties. If a party attempts to arise from the middle- it is quickly cut down by BOTH sides of the media.

You learned to hear about multiple points of perspective. We learned to hear about 2. You learned about nuance. We learned about black or white. You learned about compromise. We learned about dominance.

This is why I said "Oh..... you're from Germany". Not as an insult.... far from it.
Instead it was a way of saying to you "I am familiar with your people. I am familiar with your country. I am familiar with your political system. And I know you come from a very nuanced place that surely had an impact on you as a person."

For you to take that as me trying to "stereotype" you....... well, perhaps I'm not the one trying to stereotype the "stupid American"..................
I dont pay attention to German politics, I moved to the US when i was a teenager. I've only ever voted in American elections. Now when i visit, i dont pay attention to anything other than my visit. I dont watch DW, or pay attention to what's happening outside of friends and family. I'm barely fascinated by politics in the US

I know about perspective and nuance because that's who I am, i know Germans who are very black & white about issues. We have crazies and gun nuts and people who have secret bunkers

If the Americans can learn anything from Germans is that compromise and perspective is a good thing, that 'the other side' is not the enemy, and that one side does not have a monopoly on good ideas.
I dont pay attention to German politics, I moved to the US when i was a teenager. I've only ever voted in American elections. Now when i visit, i dont pay attention to anything other than my visit. I dont watch DW, or pay attention to what's happening outside of friends and family. I'm barely fascinated by politics in the US

I know about perspective and nuance because that's who I am, i know Germans who are very black & white about issues. We have crazies and gun nuts and people who have secret bunkers

If the Americans can learn anything from Germans is that compromise and perspective is a good thing, that 'the other side' is not the enemy, and that one side does not have a monopoly on good ideas.
Your last paragraph--

If the Americans can learn anything from Germans is that compromise and perspective is a good thing, that 'the other side' is not the enemy, and that one side does not have a monopoly on good ideas.

There. Right there you've done something incredible- you've driven nail home flush to the board- whilst simultaneously missing it completely.
"How's it possible to drive a nail in without actually hitting it?"--- THAT is an interesting feat.
We SHOULD learn to compromise. But-- one side feels as though it can't compromise. Not that they wouldn't-- just that they can't.
You can't negotiate with a Tiger when your head is in its mouth <--- Winston Churchill (but you knew this)
You have an "active" side of the political isle (the left) and you have a "reactive" side (the right).
The reactive side would do little to nothing about politics were it not for them being spurned to do so by the "active" side.
Don't believe me?

Who wants to change things more in this country? The left or the right?
The right wants to be left the fvck alone.
"Leave me alone. Stay out of my house. Stay off my lawn. Stay away from my kids. Leave my SUV alone. Let me eat my steak. Let me have my guns(responsibly). Let me talk to Jesus. I'll pay my taxes and leave you alone, just leave me alone."

^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ That is the overwhelming majority of the people that call themselves conservatives.

And if they'd been left the fvck alone, they wouldn't have RE-acted.

But now, slowly, throw taxes, laws, elections, protests, government regulations, media pressures, social media doxxing, and general assholiness- people have managed to upset their apple cart.
My guns have never hurt anyone. They can't sprout legs and run off and shoot people. So leave me out of the debate. You can't regulate me. I've done nothing wrong. Yet, here they come. (Or try)
We are a nation of laws. Entry into this nation requires adhering to those laws. But some administrations look the other way. And the drugs and poor people and government aid keep going up and up. And, here they come for more of MY money in the form of taxes.
We spent 20 years pouring trillions into 2 wars that cost us blood and treasure. We learned our lesson. Yet, here we go spending billions more on a border dispute to protect another nation's border, and we can't protect our own.
I'm being told I'm taking away the rights of LGBTQ ppl when 30 years ago, Clinton wouldn't let them get married. But they're coming after me because...... apparently I've wronged them somehow.
They want me to pay more taxes on my gas and oil, eat less meat and stop drinking from straws because.... China sure as heck isn't listening to them?
They demanded I stick something in my body that had a 50/50 chance of working, then tried to get my company canceled when I told them to fvck off.
Compromise indeed.

Yes--- Americans should learn to compromise. Butbin order to do so, you must have 2 parties that agree that good ideas can come from BOTH sides.
Right now we only have 1 side that is coming up with new ideas. And they THINK their ideas are best....... and everyone else's ideas are sh!t.
You can guess which side....
Your last paragraph--

If the Americans can learn anything from Germans is that compromise and perspective is a good thing, that 'the other side' is not the enemy, and that one side does not have a monopoly on good ideas.

There. Right there you've done something incredible- you've driven nail home flush to the board- whilst simultaneously missing it completely.
"How's it possible to drive a nail in without actually hitting it?"--- THAT is an interesting feat.
We SHOULD learn to compromise. But-- one side feels as though it can't compromise. Not that they wouldn't-- just that they can't.
You can't negotiate with a Tiger when your head is in its mouth <--- Winston Churchill (but you knew this)
You have an "active" side of the political isle (the left) and you have a "reactive" side (the right).
The reactive side would do little to nothing about politics were it not for them being spurned to do so by the "active" side.
Don't believe me?

Who wants to change things more in this country? The left or the right?
The right wants to be left the fvck alone.
"Leave me alone. Stay out of my house. Stay off my lawn. Stay away from my kids. Leave my SUV alone. Let me eat my steak. Let me have my guns(responsibly). Let me talk to Jesus. I'll pay my taxes and leave you alone, just leave me alone."

^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ That is the overwhelming majority of the people that call themselves conservatives.

And if they'd been left the fvck alone, they wouldn't have RE-acted.

But now, slowly, throw taxes, laws, elections, protests, government regulations, media pressures, social media doxxing, and general assholiness- people have managed to upset their apple cart.
My guns have never hurt anyone. They can't sprout legs and run off and shoot people. So leave me out of the debate. You can't regulate me. I've done nothing wrong. Yet, here they come. (Or try)
We are a nation of laws. Entry into this nation requires adhering to those laws. But some administrations look the other way. And the drugs and poor people and government aid keep going up and up. And, here they come for more of MY money in the form of taxes.
We spent 20 years pouring trillions into 2 wars that cost us blood and treasure. We learned our lesson. Yet, here we go spending billions more on a border dispute to protect another nation's border, and we can't protect our own.
I'm being told I'm taking away the rights of LGBTQ ppl when 30 years ago, Clinton wouldn't let them get married. But they're coming after me because...... apparently I've wronged them somehow.
They want me to pay more taxes on my gas and oil, eat less meat and stop drinking from straws because.... China sure as heck isn't listening to them?
They demanded I stick something in my body that had a 50/50 chance of working, then tried to get my company canceled when I told them to fvck off.
Compromise indeed.

Yes--- Americans should learn to compromise. Butbin order to do so, you must have 2 parties that agree that good ideas can come from BOTH sides.
Right now we only have 1 side that is coming up with new ideas. And they THINK their ideas are best....... and everyone else's ideas are sh!t.
You can guess which side....
It's both sides, not just one side failing at compromise. You are just a microcosm of the bigger issue that most feel the same way you do - that "right now we only have 1 side with new ideas" or "they (the other side) think their ideas are best". ya, both sides think that sentiment of eachother.

they show it time and again. And then it's more whataboutism. Seen that movie tons of times, that's why we are having the same arguments for the last 30 years. i went and watched some rants by Rs and Ds from the 90s and it sounds all the same, the same general grievances each side has with each other ideologically. they seem to want you having the same arguments ad nauseam, predictably taking the same sides, with the same reworded talking points

You take the bait, you are anti 'the other side' so completely, and i dont mean that as an insult but to display where politics is now. so many people feel that same way on either side. I feel being pragmatic and moderate is the most safe place, but so many people see that as another side of the enemy. their safe place is on the fringe of their ideology, as a response to the other side is to lean even further into it. have you noticed? it's troubling. and it's the opposite of problem solving. it's more like they are trying to eliminate vs negotiate.

We are, all of us, being played.
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Yes--- we are being played. We are being pitted against each other in order to take the focus of the failed system that has governed us for the last 80 years. We reached our zenith as a democracy right after WWII. Since then, it has been a slow downward spiral. A spiral brought on by corruption, greed, power, hubris and blind ambition.
But I must reiterate--- we have gone SO far down this hole, we will be unable to vote ourselves out of it. Heels are firmly entrenched. There is not going to be a compromise.
Look back in history--- right now at this very moment, we as American citizens have 2 options.

1. Bloody or peaceful National Divorce. I'm not sure what a peaceful national divorce looks like--- but I would advocate for one over a bloody national divorce.

2. July 14, 1789. Right now @freeper is already waving his hands at the back of the classroom ready to tell us all EXACTLY what happened on that date in history, That was Bastille Day in France. The day the French people decided they were done with an oppressive ruling class. (I am on board with option 2)

There are 2 outcomes in any conflict.
Eliminate the perceived threat.
Be eliminated by the perceived threat.

In this instance though, there "could" be a 3rd option. Join forces and eliminate the over-arching threat.
Unfortunately, most Americans have neither the stomach nor the will to do this. So in reality what will happen? A small group of about 1500 people will continue to tighten the screws on your life until they have you completely in their indentured servitude.
You'll smile and be thankful for the crumbs they've allowed you to collect from beneath their feet. You'll give them all your money and live off their good will. You'll bow and you'll scrape for so long that your children, and their children won't know the difference between slavery and freedom.
And people are ok with that-- and it's sad.
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and that’s where the middle lives. And I dare say that most Americans aren’t being played. The meaning of being played is to be misled, deceived, or manipulated for someone else's needs, ends, or benefits. It’s my opinion most Americans know exactly what’s going on to a certain extent, both the left and the right. It’s not that hard to see things for what they actually are. Those that don’t know either choose not to because they don’t want to be involved in political discourse or head in the sand. Out of site out of mind. I mean no disrespect to anyone in the middle because everyone chooses their own path in life. However, it’s my opinion that those in the middle may lack the fortitude to stand up and do what’s necessary. Everyone will have their place in history, by choice. Even by not choosing is making a choice. There’s no escaping it.
and that’s where the middle lives. And I dare say that most Americans aren’t being played. The meaning of being played is to be misled, deceived, or manipulated for someone else's needs, ends, or benefits. It’s my opinion most Americans know exactly what’s going on to a certain extent, both the left and the right. It’s not that hard to see things for what they actually are. Those that don’t know either choose not to because they don’t want to be involved in political discourse or head in the sand. Out of site out of mind. I mean no disrespect to anyone in the middle because everyone chooses their own path in life. However, it’s my opinion that those in the middle may lack the fortitude to stand up and do what’s necessary. Everyone will have their place in history, by choice. Even by not choosing is making a choice. There’s no escaping it.
People in the middle, normal regular every day folks, who arent political junkies, who dont live on the fringe wild end of politics do not see that there is any "need for standing up to do what's necessary."

Only people on the far left and far right see that the country is being torn asunder. They are the only ones who want/gearing up for/believe there willbe/shouldbe a civil war. If that's what you are seeing in your echo chamber, you might be one of them. I say, get out while you still can.
Yes--- we are being played. We are being pitted against each other in order to take the focus of the failed system that has governed us for the last 80 years. We reached our zenith as a democracy right after WWII. Since then, it has been a slow downward spiral. A spiral brought on by corruption, greed, power, hubris and blind ambition.
But I must reiterate--- we have gone SO far down this hole, we will be unable to vote ourselves out of it. Heels are firmly entrenched. There is not going to be a compromise.
Look back in history--- right now at this very moment, we as American citizens have 2 options.

1. Bloody or peaceful National Divorce. I'm not sure what a peaceful national divorce looks like--- but I would advocate for one over a bloody national divorce.

2. July 14, 1789. Right now @freeper is already waving his hands at the back of the classroom ready to tell us all EXACTLY what happened on that date in history, That was Bastille Day in France. The day the French people decided they were done with an oppressive ruling class. (I am on board with option 2)

There are 2 outcomes in any conflict.
Eliminate the perceived threat.
Be eliminated by the perceived threat.

In this instance though, there "could" be a 3rd option. Join forces and eliminate the over-arching threat.
Unfortunately, most Americans have neither the stomach nor the will to do this. So in reality what will happen? A small group of about 1500 people will continue to tighten the screws on your life until they have you completely in their indentured servitude.
You'll smile and be thankful for the crumbs they've allowed you to collect from beneath their feet. You'll give them all your money and live off their good will. You'll bow and you'll scrape for so long that your children, and their children won't know the difference between slavery and freedom.
And people are ok with that-- and it's sad.
Only the fringe elements not to be taken seriously want a, or believe there will be a "bloody or peaceful national divorce".

Maybe Get out more out of your bubble and talk to more normal folks. Go a few days without thinking about politics, see how real life tastes and feels.
Look at the polls.
I dont watch enough tv news to know which polls I am supposed to believe or dismiss.

I also dont take the opinions of someone who believes this way seriously. Like if someone voted yes in a poll saying 'civil war is coming', I wouldnt take that person seriously anyway. so i certainly wouldnt take the results seriously considering the kind of person who would say yes to that is what I would believe to be an extremist political thinker.
The polls will tell you that the country is extremely polarized. Last election had the most voters ever. It does not appear there is much of a "middle" left. What you call "fringe" on the left burned cities in the summer of '21 - there appeared to be hundreds of thousands, if not millions. The "fringe" on the right, which is virtually every conservative, believes that the "right of the people to keep and bear shall not be infringed" means exactly what it says - and most on the left (I would guess you too, but don't know for sure) would label this view as "fringe."
Only the fringe elements not to be taken seriously want a, or believe there will be a "bloody or peaceful national divorce".

Maybe Get out more out of your bubble and talk to more normal folks. Go a few days without thinking about politics, see how real life tastes and feels.
It's hard to not be exposed to politics given my line of work.
But let me ask you this. Surely you have a firm grasp of history from your native home--
Do you think the German citizens that DIDN'T agree with the direction Germany was headed- did they see the writing on the wall after the Reichstagsbrand?
Or did they try and stay in the "middle" and not be concerned?
What about Nacht der langen Messer?
Did the people in the "middle" of the German political spectrum fight against the coming storm?
Would the world be a better or worse place now if those people in the "middle" rose up against what was becoming a very oppressive regime?
A regime that began by usurping the rights of a significant portion of their population?
Did those people in the middle just turn a blind eye? Go along to get along? Not get involved?
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So there I was....minding my own bidness....fat, dumb and happy....and then @clob94 drops this history lesson that makes me have to contribute. One historian I listen to a lot is Victor Davis Hanson. We are near enough in age and background that much of what he observes I can relate to from experience and a personal perspective. Professor Hanson has said repeatedly that today's Democratic party is in thrall to their Jacobin wing. Eventually this will demand a Thermidorian Reaction, which is what @clob94 has been saying for a long time. For those of you who are historically challenged, this is a reference to the French Revolution. What our Toker friend is missing is historical perspective. The prospective future that some here refer to is entirely possible given human nature and our own history.
I know at Lockheed we are talking about rolling furloughs on employees starting January 2024...doesn't sound great and hoping it doesnt happen. This world is going to shyt and i started going to school ( Lockheed's money) to learn Cyber Defense and Coding.
The polls will tell you that the country is extremely polarized. Last election had the most voters ever. It does not appear there is much of a "middle" left. What you call "fringe" on the left burned cities in the summer of '21 - there appeared to be hundreds of thousands, if not millions. The "fringe" on the right, which is virtually every conservative, believes that the "right of the people to keep and bear shall not be infringed" means exactly what it says - and most on the left (I would guess you too, but don't know for sure) would label this view as "fringe."
When have polls said otherwise? of course it's polarized, because most people feel that they have to be on one side or the other. because compromise and moderation are long gone. but we are also having some of the same arguments we had back in the 90s. it's not getting worse, it's a further recycling of the same sh8t except now everyone in the world has a camera in their pocket. so now we are seeing it

Polarity is not the same as 'a civil war is coming'. Thats kids talk.

People who subscribe to the bill of rights are not fringe. jesus f7ciking christ man. no virtually every conservative is not a fringe nut. not even close. what the hell

I am not on the left. i have repeatedly said i am a moderate, but more to the point i am a centrist. centrist is what it sounds like, i am pretty much in the middle and moderate means i reject extremism and the fringe element of both parties.
It's hard to not be exposed to politics given my line of work.
But let me ask you this. Surely you have a firm grasp of history from your native home--
Do you think the German citizens that DIDN'T agree with the direction Germany was headed- did they see the writing on the wall after the Reichstagsbrand?
Or did they try and stay in the "middle" and not be concerned?
What about Nacht der langen Messer?
Did the people in the "middle" of the German political spectrum fight against the coming storm?
Would the world be a better or worse place now if those people in the "middle" rose up against what was becoming a very oppressive regime?
A regime that began by usurping the rights of a significant portion of their population?
Did those people in the middle just turn a blind eye? Go along to get along? Not get involved?
I find it easy to avoid politics. Just getting off the internet does it for me. If i didnt get on the internet to be told how bad things are, i wouldnt know any better. Apparently living in a small podunk town insulates me from the fighting, riots, terrorist attacks, and roving street gangs. I certainly wouldnt know that drag queens, and transgenders are utterly destroying America.

I dont know but it sounds like you watch a lot of tv news.
When have polls said otherwise? of course it's polarized, because most people feel that they have to be on one side or the other. because compromise and moderation are long gone.

Polarity is not the same as 'a civil war is coming'. Thats kids talk.

People who subscribe to the bill of rights are not fringe. jesus f7ciking christ man. no virtually every conservative is not a fringe nut. not even close. what the hell

I am not on the left. i have repeatedly said i am a moderate, but more to the point i am a centrist. centrist is what it sounds like, i am pretty much in the middle and moderate means i reject extremism and the fringe element of both parties.
I'm not speaking on behalf of @diadevic -- but what I THINK he is trying to tell you is this---

Even people that are considered "moderate right" or maybe "Reagan Republicans", are being TREATED as though they are far right---- BY the people on the left.
In other words, if you aren't pro-abortion- anti-gun, pro-legalizing drugs, pro-government intrusion into your child's education, pro-BLM and "equity", and if you think the jury is still out on global warming--- then you're a "radical right MAGA fascist".

At least, that's how it feels for most.
I'm all for legalizing weed and I don't even smoke weed. Legalize it, tax the sh!t out of it, pay for Healthcare for kids.
But because I think some of the data about global warming has been manipulated and seems pretty fvcking suspect-- or because I chose not to be vaccinated and think most masks don't really work for sh!t..... I too am labeled a radical.

And you can't negotiate with people that believe anyone even slightly more conservative than them is a radical.

There's fvcking nutjobs I've met in Oregon and Seattle that think MSNBC is a radical conservative news organization. Can you imagine that?
And when I get shouted down, constantly, and told I'm a "radical conservative", my NATURE is to think "mother fvcker..... you want to SEE me be radical? I'll show you what a fvcking radical looks like."

But I don't. At least............ not yet.
I find it easy to avoid politics. Just getting off the internet does it for me. If i didnt get on the internet to be told how bad things are, i wouldnt know any better. Apparently living in a small podunk town insulates me from the fighting, riots, terrorist attacks, and roving street gangs. I certainly wouldnt know that drag queens, and transgenders are utterly destroying America.

I dont know but it sounds like you watch a lot of tv news.
I live in a big city. I used to live in Gruene--- my little German bubble. I drank wassel every Christmas and ate bratwurst every fall and drank Ayinger and Augustiner year round.

Then I moved to San Antonio. And hyper liberal policies and progressive-ism is shoved right down your throat. I keep office in Austin. I see drag queens EVERY TIME I go to Austin. And honestly, I don't give a sh!t about drag queens. My better half is best friends with 2 of them and I've been to their shows a few times. Fvcking hilarious shows.
But there's only adults allowed. Just like strip clubs. Only adult allowed.
People in the middle, normal regular every day folks, who arent political junkies, who dont live on the fringe wild end of politics do not see that there is any "need for standing up to do what's necessary."

Only people on the far left and far right see that the country is being torn asunder. They are the only ones who want/gearing up for/believe there willbe/shouldbe a civil war. If that's what you are seeing in your echo chamber, you might be one of them. I say, get out while you still can.
I didn’t say anything wildly fringe. Speaking/standing up for and defending one’s values isn’t fringe. The values I have aren’t fringe, they’re given to me by God and the constitution. Anyone with common sense realizes that, it’s not an echo chamber. The sh!t that is happening now isn’t common (allowing the border crisis to continue, allowing someone other than me speak to my children about sexual orientation, allowing biological males compete as females, on and on etc etc etc) nor is it sensible. My agenda is to live how the founding fathers intended with the creation of the constitution.

I stand by my earlier post. Anyone looking for a reason NOT to vote biden (worst president history, second at best) can’t be reasoned with. You have to know at a minimum that he doesnt have the mental faculty to be the current president, much less another term no matter who the options are. Left or right.