Biden fear mongering Covid hoax No. 2

I'm not speaking on behalf of @diadevic -- but what I THINK he is trying to tell you is this---

Even people that are considered "moderate right" or maybe "Reagan Republicans", are being TREATED as though they are far right---- BY the people on the left.
In other words, if you aren't pro-abortion- anti-gun, pro-legalizing drugs, pro-government intrusion into your child's education, pro-BLM and "equity", and if you think the jury is still out on global warming--- then you're a "radical right MAGA fascist".

At least, that's how it feels for most.
I'm all for legalizing weed and I don't even smoke weed. Legalize it, tax the sh!t out of it, pay for Healthcare for kids.
But because I think some of the data about global warming has been manipulated and seems pretty fvcking suspect-- or because I chose not to be vaccinated and think most masks don't really work for sh!t..... I too am labeled a radical.

And you can't negotiate with people that believe anyone even slightly more conservative than them is a radical.

There's fvcking nutjobs I've met in Oregon and Seattle that think MSNBC is a radical conservative news organization. Can you imagine that?
And when I get shouted down, constantly, and told I'm a "radical conservative", my NATURE is to think "mother fvcker..... you want to SEE me be radical? I'll show you what a fvcking radical looks like."

But I don't. At least............ not yet.
It's the internet, the internet doesnt matter, it's not real.

People say things online they would never say in real life. Also, other people's opinions are irrelevant to how you live your life. There will always be people who disagree with you and your philosophy and your way of life.

It's just that now with all this technology and social media, they all have a voice and for the first time you are hearing more of it. But they've always existed.

So if someone says " if you aren't pro-abortion- anti-gun, pro-legalizing drugs, pro-government intrusion into your child's education, pro-BLM and "equity", and if you think the jury is still out on global warming--- then you're a "radical right MAGA fascist". " ---If someone says that to me, I dont take them seriously and i move on with my day. If you look for a fight you'll always find one.

You should too. They dont matter. the fact that they bother you.. well you are just giving them what you want- your anger. If you cant negotiate with radicals, do what i do, ignore them and live your life. if it angers you, stay off the internet for a while, come back to being 'you' again.
I didn’t say anything wildly fringe. Speaking/standing up for and defending one’s values isn’t fringe. The values I have aren’t fringe, they’re given to me by God and the constitution. Anyone with common sense realizes that, it’s not an echo chamber. The sh!t that is happening now isn’t common (allowing the border crisis to continue, allowing someone other than me speak to my children about sexual orientation, allowing biological males compete as females, on and on etc etc etc) nor is it sensible. My agenda is to live how the founding fathers intended with the creation of the constitution.

I stand by my earlier post. Anyone looking for a reason NOT to vote biden (worst president history, second at best) can’t be reasoned with. You have to know at a minimum that he doesnt have the mental faculty to be the current president, much less another term no matter who the options are. Left or right.
That's one of the primary issues- that people with a fringe ideology rarely ever realize it, they are convinced they are normal, and that it's other people "who disagree with me" are the enemy and nothing will change that. They get confirmation bias from fox, or newsmax, or cnn or msnbc telling them that indeed the way you feel is the right way. If that's how you live, i say get out now while you still can. Before your blood pressure gives you a stroke

Oh, i am sure he's lost many mental faculties. there are people i would still rather not see in power, and if he is my only ohther choice, I may hve to make it. if the Rs can nominate someone other than trunp, they could win a lot of independents like me over. They could very well win the election, but i will under no circumstance vote for him. I will under no circumstance vote for biden unless of cousre he's running against trunp. I will under no circumstance vote for harris, unless she's running against trunp.

But none of that really matters, I'm probably voting for RFK.
I live in a big city. I used to live in Gruene--- my little German bubble. I drank wassel every Christmas and ate bratwurst every fall and drank Ayinger and Augustiner year round.

Then I moved to San Antonio. And hyper liberal policies and progressive-ism is shoved right down your throat. I keep office in Austin. I see drag queens EVERY TIME I go to Austin. And honestly, I don't give a sh!t about drag queens. My better half is best friends with 2 of them and I've been to their shows a few times. Fvcking hilarious shows.
But there's only adults allowed. Just like strip clubs. Only adult allowed.
Sounds like it sucks for you.

Also, Augustiner is the best beer in the world.
Sounds like it sucks for you.

Also, Augustiner is the best beer in the world.
I love Augustiner. However, I'm sure there are some Belgians that would disagree with your sentiments. And I must admit, some of the Belgian trappists are especially good beers.

To name a few.
That's one of the primary issues- that people with a fringe ideology rarely ever realize it, they are convinced they are normal, and that it's other people "who disagree with me" are the enemy and nothing will change that. They get confirmation bias from fox, or newsmax, or cnn or msnbc telling them that indeed the way you feel is the right way. If that's how you live, i say get out now while you still can. Before your blood pressure gives you a stroke

Oh, i am sure he's lost many mental faculties. there are people i would still rather not see in power, and if he is my only ohther choice, I may hve to make it. if the Rs can nominate someone other than trunp, they could win a lot of independents like me over. They could very well win the election, but i will under no circumstance vote for him. I will under no circumstance vote for biden unless of cousre he's running against trunp. I will under no circumstance vote for harris, unless she's running against trunp.

But none of that really matters, I'm probably voting for RFK.
My BP is perfect lol I rarely watch news. Because we already know what we’re going to get.

Augustiner isn’t bad, Bitburger all day long.
So there I was....minding my own bidness....fat, dumb and happy....and then @clob94 drops this history lesson that makes me have to contribute. One historian I listen to a lot is Victor Davis Hanson. We are near enough in age and background that much of what he observes I can relate to from experience and a personal perspective. Professor Hanson has said repeatedly that today's Democratic party is in thrall to their Jacobin wing. Eventually this will demand a Thermidorian Reaction, which is what @clob94 has been saying for a long time. For those of you who are historically challenged, this is a reference to the French Revolution. What our Toker friend is missing is historical perspective. The prospective future that some here refer to is entirely possible given human nature and our own history.
Victor Davis Hanson is one of the most brilliant thinkers and historians alive today.
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I love Augustiner. However, I'm sure there are some Belgians that would disagree with your sentiments. And I must admit, some of the Belgian trappists are especially good beers.

To name a few.
The Belgians have an interestingly high view of themselves, almost arrogant. But not quite like the french

Germans own beer superiority in Europe, there is no argument otherwise, if you try you are a nazi.
My BP is perfect lol I rarely watch news. Because we already know what we’re going to get.

Augustiner isn’t bad, Bitburger all day long.
Als eine gute Bayerisch, I will die on the hill that Augistiner is better Than Bitburger. In fact, Augistiner's 700th birthday is in 2028. I may have to go and celebrate. Bitburger is still a baby, just over 200 years old.

I also avoid the news. If I want to know what's going on, i'll go outside and talk to one of my retired cranky nosy neighbors
Many years ago when I was stationed in Germany I to enjoyed the joys of German beer. In Aschaffenburg where I was stationed there was a local beer I think it was Weisen it's been a long time I may have it wrong. But anyway you put a slice of lemon on top. You took a sip and it sucked your gums together lol. I remember it was heavy on yeast. I think every town had their own brewery. Memories.
Not that I needed more material to make @danhorn and all his fvcktard 9.95 buddies look dumber than they already do-- but here is some more so they can continue to be reminded how much I fvcking despise them as organisms that waste the oxygen around me.

And @danhorn -- I can forgive you for being old and scared. And it probably was the right thing for YOU to do-- because you're old, and have a weak immune system.
But coming here and flapping your cake hole with "holier than thou" bullsh!t while trying to shame people here--- well, ya-- you can still go fvck yourself in your partially clogged Carotid with a chainsaw.
@1consummate1 -- that includes you too you fvcking twunt nugget.
accidentally ended up in the wrong forum.....and now I remember why I never come here.
Hey you old fvcker.

Dan, we down here in the dungeon would like to get your opinion (again) on where the covid virus came from.

It seems you and some of your fellow pillow biting sperm-burpers from the $9.95 board ($19.95 now because of Bidenflation) were hot to trot on this whole "naturally occurring from a wetmarket" sack of horse-sh!t lies- and you shamed us for questioning that.

Well Danno- if your mom is still alive, please tell her I'm sending you over to go fvck her.

By the power vested in me, as a proxy board member and one of the founding Fathers of the Dungeon, I hereby revoke your pass. Never venture to these parts again lest ye bring a wheelchair for your extraction.

So, when's the new "dire" varient (that requires economic shutdown and unverifiable remote voting) going to arrive?
I'm guessing NLT 31 August.

as an aside: too bad Bell is no longer around...
soon there will be 1 lone stooge left that thinks Ivermectin doesn't work , but like so many other Liberal stooges, their self arrogance remains the problem
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soon there will be 1 lone stooge left that thinks Ivermectin doesn't work , but like so many other Liberal stooges, their self arrogance remains the problem
Will you do me a favor?

Will you go find @danhorn and @1consummate1 and some of those other anal bead using cvnt muffins and tell them to come on down here and take their ass whippings like men?

They spent 9 months or more harassing us and calling us names only to now vanish (like the fvcking little yellow bellied stink nuggets that they are) and now won't even return our phine calls.

What gives? They still kicking it around up there in $9.95 land? Pretending nothing ever happened. Like nothing was ever said? Like they don't deserve to stick the biggest piece of "I told you so" cock right down their throats?

Please- copy this post. Shame them with it. Goad them to come down here and be a man. They deserve every fvcking ounce of ridicule they having coming to them.
Will you do me a favor?

Will you go find @danhorn and @1consummate1 and some of those other anal bead using cvnt muffins and tell them to come on down here and take their ass whippings like men?

They spent 9 months or more harassing us and calling us names only to now vanish (like the fvcking little yellow bellied stink nuggets that they are) and now won't even return our phine calls.

What gives? They still kicking it around up there in $9.95 land? Pretending nothing ever happened. Like nothing was ever said? Like they don't deserve to stick the biggest piece of "I told you so" cock right down their throats?

Please- copy this post. Shame them with it. Goad them to come down here and be a man. They deserve every fvcking ounce of ridicule they having coming to them.
don't forget @FWHORN

these Liberals are just not normal people

there was a Doctor on the site that chastised me for stating what my group of Doctors had said early on about IVERMECTIN and HTDRXCHL

what type of man does that and then never apologizes

i just cant imagine their life and their mental state be wrong so often and so consistently and then just vanish like a mongrel.... then, as if nothing was ever said, pick up and start the process over again DCI is another one

don't forget @FWHORN

these Liberals are just not normal people

there was a Doctor on the site that chastised me for stating what my group of Doctors had said early on about IVERMECTIN and HTDRXCHL

what type of man does that and then never apologizes

i just cant imagine their life and their mental state be wrong so often and so consistently and then just vanish like a mongrel.... then, as if nothing was ever said, pick up and start the process over again DCI is another one

It blows me away that these poonwagons think that I'm going to forget the absolute torrent of shitpostings, name calling, and overall fvcktardery that they displayed for 18 months in the face of obvious facts. Fvck I'd fight every one of them if they had the balls to accept. I'll never let these assholes forget. Ever.

Nobody should.
It blows me away that these poonwagons think that I'm going to forget the absolute torrent of shitpostings, name calling, and overall fvcktardery that they displayed for 18 months in the face of obvious facts. Fvck I'd fight every one of them if they had the balls to accept. I'll never let these assholes forget. Ever.

Nobody should.
but but but orange man is racist and Lord Fauci said we were helping keep people safe! AT LEAST WE CARE!!!!

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Not surprising. Cuomo has turned into a full-blown nutcase since his fall from grace.
So, I’m not saying you are wrong or Cuomo, and I’m admittedly left leaning- not hard left but educated and believe in a blend of capitalism and a social conscience. But the research on how effective it was against COVID-19 is still in doubt. This is from National Institute of Health (yes I do believe that government while it can be highly inefficient has a big and mostly positive role in our society) last updated in 12/23:


Last Updated: December 20, 2023

Ivermectin is a Food and Drug Administration (FDA)-approved antiparasitic drug used to treat several neglected tropical diseases, including onchocerciasis, helminthiases, and scabies.1 For these indications, ivermectin has been widely used and is generally well tolerated.1,2 Ivermectin is not approved by the FDA for the treatment of any viral infection, including COVID-19.
Ivermectin has been shown to inhibit the replication of SARS-CoV-2 in cell cultures.3 However, pharmacokinetic and pharmacodynamic studies suggest that achieving the plasma concentrations necessary for the antiviral efficacy detected in vitro would require administration of doses up to 100-fold higher than those approved for use in humans.4,5
The safety and efficacy of ivermectin for the prevention and treatment of COVID-19 have been evaluated in clinical trials and observational cohorts. Summaries of the studies that informed the COVID-19 Treatment Guidelines Panel’s (the Panel) recommendation can be found in Table 7b. The Panel reviewed additional studies, but these studies are not summarized in Table 7b because they have study design limitations or results that make them less definitive and informative.


  • The Panel recommends against the use of ivermectin for the treatment of COVID-19 ().


The Panel’s recommendation is primarily informed by adequately powered, randomized trials of ivermectin that reported clinical outcomes. Studies that randomized participants to receive ivermectin or a matched placebo had the greatest impact on the Panel’s recommendation.6-13
Trials have failed to find a clinical benefit of using ivermectin to treat COVID-19 in outpatients. In TOGETHER, an adaptive platform trial conducted in Brazil, there was no apparent difference between the ivermectin and placebo arms for the primary outcome of risk of emergency department visits or hospitalization (14.7% vs. 16.4%).14 In addition, there was no statistically significant difference between the ivermectin and placebo arms in mortality (3.1% vs. 3.5%). In COVID-OUT, a randomized factorial trial, the use of ivermectin did not reduce the occurrence of a composite outcome of emergency department visits, hospitalization, or death when compared with a matched control (5.7% vs. 4.1%).6
The ACTIV-6 trial was an adaptive platform trial conducted in outpatients with mild to moderate COVID-19 in the United States.15,16 Participants were randomized to receive an ivermectin regimen (either 400 μg/kg for 3 days or 600 μg/kg for 6 days) or a matching placebo. In the 400 μg/kg phase of the study, the median time to sustained recovery was 12 days for the ivermectin arm and 13 days for the placebo arm. In the 600 μg/kg phase of the study, the median time to sustained recovery was 11 days for both arms.
I-TECH, an open-label trial conducted in Malaysia, found no difference between the ivermectin and standard of care arms in the occurrence of the primary outcome of risk of progression to severe COVID-19 (21.6% vs. 17.3%).17 Patients in the ivermectin arm had a lower risk of mortality than those in the standard of care arm (relative risk 0.31; 95% CI, 0.09–1.11; P = 0.09), but this difference was not statistically significant.
The study populations in most of the reviewed trials were patients with mild to moderate COVID-19 who had a relatively low risk of disease progression, and the number of deaths was low (as expected). In these randomized trials, completely excluding an effect of ivermectin on COVID-19 disease progression is difficult because the trials were not powered to detect differences in secondary outcomes, such as death. However, data from these trials do not provide evidence that the use of ivermectin is effective for the treatment of COVID-19. For this reason, and because other medications now have demonstrated clear clinical benefits for the treatment of COVID-19, the Panel recommends against the use of ivermectin for the treatment of COVID-19 ().
See Table 7b for summaries of key studies that informed the Panel’s recommendation.

Now if your saying Big Pharma influenced these studies … well I’m not going to say your wrong but this was the information we were working from at the time…and they didn’t recommend ingesting disinfectant or shining a light inside your body. Just sayin’…Fire away. 😊🤘🏼
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So, I’m not saying you are wrong or Cuomo, and I’m admittedly left leaning- not hard left but educated and believe in a blend of capitalism and a social conscience. But the research on how effective it was against COVID-19 is still in doubt. This is from National Institute of Health (yes I do believe that government while it can be highly inefficient has a big and mostly positive role in our society) last updated in 12/23:


Last Updated: December 20, 2023

Ivermectin is a Food and Drug Administration (FDA)-approved antiparasitic drug used to treat several neglected tropical diseases, including onchocerciasis, helminthiases, and scabies.1 For these indications, ivermectin has been widely used and is generally well tolerated.1,2 Ivermectin is not approved by the FDA for the treatment of any viral infection, including COVID-19.
Ivermectin has been shown to inhibit the replication of SARS-CoV-2 in cell cultures.3 However, pharmacokinetic and pharmacodynamic studies suggest that achieving the plasma concentrations necessary for the antiviral efficacy detected in vitro would require administration of doses up to 100-fold higher than those approved for use in humans.4,5
The safety and efficacy of ivermectin for the prevention and treatment of COVID-19 have been evaluated in clinical trials and observational cohorts. Summaries of the studies that informed the COVID-19 Treatment Guidelines Panel’s (the Panel) recommendation can be found in Table 7b. The Panel reviewed additional studies, but these studies are not summarized in Table 7b because they have study design limitations or results that make them less definitive and informative.


  • The Panel recommends against the use of ivermectin for the treatment of COVID-19 ().


The Panel’s recommendation is primarily informed by adequately powered, randomized trials of ivermectin that reported clinical outcomes. Studies that randomized participants to receive ivermectin or a matched placebo had the greatest impact on the Panel’s recommendation.6-13
Trials have failed to find a clinical benefit of using ivermectin to treat COVID-19 in outpatients. In TOGETHER, an adaptive platform trial conducted in Brazil, there was no apparent difference between the ivermectin and placebo arms for the primary outcome of risk of emergency department visits or hospitalization (14.7% vs. 16.4%).14 In addition, there was no statistically significant difference between the ivermectin and placebo arms in mortality (3.1% vs. 3.5%). In COVID-OUT, a randomized factorial trial, the use of ivermectin did not reduce the occurrence of a composite outcome of emergency department visits, hospitalization, or death when compared with a matched control (5.7% vs. 4.1%).6
The ACTIV-6 trial was an adaptive platform trial conducted in outpatients with mild to moderate COVID-19 in the United States.15,16 Participants were randomized to receive an ivermectin regimen (either 400 μg/kg for 3 days or 600 μg/kg for 6 days) or a matching placebo. In the 400 μg/kg phase of the study, the median time to sustained recovery was 12 days for the ivermectin arm and 13 days for the placebo arm. In the 600 μg/kg phase of the study, the median time to sustained recovery was 11 days for both arms.
I-TECH, an open-label trial conducted in Malaysia, found no difference between the ivermectin and standard of care arms in the occurrence of the primary outcome of risk of progression to severe COVID-19 (21.6% vs. 17.3%).17 Patients in the ivermectin arm had a lower risk of mortality than those in the standard of care arm (relative risk 0.31; 95% CI, 0.09–1.11; P = 0.09), but this difference was not statistically significant.
The study populations in most of the reviewed trials were patients with mild to moderate COVID-19 who had a relatively low risk of disease progression, and the number of deaths was low (as expected). In these randomized trials, completely excluding an effect of ivermectin on COVID-19 disease progression is difficult because the trials were not powered to detect differences in secondary outcomes, such as death. However, data from these trials do not provide evidence that the use of ivermectin is effective for the treatment of COVID-19. For this reason, and because other medications now have demonstrated clear clinical benefits for the treatment of COVID-19, the Panel recommends against the use of ivermectin for the treatment of COVID-19 ().
See Table 7b for summaries of key studies that informed the Panel’s recommendation.

Now if your saying Big Pharma influenced these studies … well I’m not going to say your wrong but this was the information we were working from at the time…and they didn’t recommend ingesting disinfectant or shining a light inside your body. Just sayin’…Fire away. 😊🤘🏼
Fwiw the first one in DC who advocated for ivermectin was an aggie (Louis Gohmert). Draw your own conclusion.
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don't forget @FWHORN

these Liberals are just not normal people

there was a Doctor on the site that chastised me for stating what my group of Doctors had said early on about IVERMECTIN and HTDRXCHL

what type of man does that and then never apologizes

i just cant imagine their life and their mental state be wrong so often and so consistently and then just vanish like a mongrel.... then, as if nothing was ever said, pick up and start the process over again DCI is another one

Was that the x-Ray tech guy that pretended to be a DR? He was a real winner.
So, I’m not saying you are wrong or Cuomo, and I’m admittedly left leaning- not hard left but educated and believe in a blend of capitalism and a social conscience. But the research on how effective it was against COVID-19 is still in doubt. This is from National Institute of Health (yes I do believe that government while it can be highly inefficient has a big and mostly positive role in our society) last updated in 12/23:


Last Updated: December 20, 2023

Ivermectin is a Food and Drug Administration (FDA)-approved antiparasitic drug used to treat several neglected tropical diseases, including onchocerciasis, helminthiases, and scabies.1 For these indications, ivermectin has been widely used and is generally well tolerated.1,2 Ivermectin is not approved by the FDA for the treatment of any viral infection, including COVID-19.
Ivermectin has been shown to inhibit the replication of SARS-CoV-2 in cell cultures.3 However, pharmacokinetic and pharmacodynamic studies suggest that achieving the plasma concentrations necessary for the antiviral efficacy detected in vitro would require administration of doses up to 100-fold higher than those approved for use in humans.4,5
The safety and efficacy of ivermectin for the prevention and treatment of COVID-19 have been evaluated in clinical trials and observational cohorts. Summaries of the studies that informed the COVID-19 Treatment Guidelines Panel’s (the Panel) recommendation can be found in Table 7b. The Panel reviewed additional studies, but these studies are not summarized in Table 7b because they have study design limitations or results that make them less definitive and informative.


  • The Panel recommends against the use of ivermectin for the treatment of COVID-19 ().


The Panel’s recommendation is primarily informed by adequately powered, randomized trials of ivermectin that reported clinical outcomes. Studies that randomized participants to receive ivermectin or a matched placebo had the greatest impact on the Panel’s recommendation.6-13
Trials have failed to find a clinical benefit of using ivermectin to treat COVID-19 in outpatients. In TOGETHER, an adaptive platform trial conducted in Brazil, there was no apparent difference between the ivermectin and placebo arms for the primary outcome of risk of emergency department visits or hospitalization (14.7% vs. 16.4%).14 In addition, there was no statistically significant difference between the ivermectin and placebo arms in mortality (3.1% vs. 3.5%). In COVID-OUT, a randomized factorial trial, the use of ivermectin did not reduce the occurrence of a composite outcome of emergency department visits, hospitalization, or death when compared with a matched control (5.7% vs. 4.1%).6
The ACTIV-6 trial was an adaptive platform trial conducted in outpatients with mild to moderate COVID-19 in the United States.15,16 Participants were randomized to receive an ivermectin regimen (either 400 μg/kg for 3 days or 600 μg/kg for 6 days) or a matching placebo. In the 400 μg/kg phase of the study, the median time to sustained recovery was 12 days for the ivermectin arm and 13 days for the placebo arm. In the 600 μg/kg phase of the study, the median time to sustained recovery was 11 days for both arms.
I-TECH, an open-label trial conducted in Malaysia, found no difference between the ivermectin and standard of care arms in the occurrence of the primary outcome of risk of progression to severe COVID-19 (21.6% vs. 17.3%).17 Patients in the ivermectin arm had a lower risk of mortality than those in the standard of care arm (relative risk 0.31; 95% CI, 0.09–1.11; P = 0.09), but this difference was not statistically significant.
The study populations in most of the reviewed trials were patients with mild to moderate COVID-19 who had a relatively low risk of disease progression, and the number of deaths was low (as expected). In these randomized trials, completely excluding an effect of ivermectin on COVID-19 disease progression is difficult because the trials were not powered to detect differences in secondary outcomes, such as death. However, data from these trials do not provide evidence that the use of ivermectin is effective for the treatment of COVID-19. For this reason, and because other medications now have demonstrated clear clinical benefits for the treatment of COVID-19, the Panel recommends against the use of ivermectin for the treatment of COVID-19 ().
See Table 7b for summaries of key studies that informed the Panel’s recommendation.

Now if your saying Big Pharma influenced these studies … well I’m not going to say your wrong but this was the information we were working from at the time…and they didn’t recommend ingesting disinfectant or shining a light inside your body. Just sayin’…Fire away. 😊🤘🏼
I’m not going to blast you. You had the balls to come down to the Dungeon and own where you stand politically and I don’t recall you being one of the pack of vermin that lectured us daily about what pathetic excuses for humans we were. Honestly I think a lot of guys down here probably agree with your take on 90% of the world. I will however ask the following question.
How much trust should we have in their recommendation about Ivermectin when this group is part of the same bunch of slap nuts that told us dust masks will stop a virus, the Covid virus couldn’t go more than 5’11” to spread to someone else, their shot is better than natural immunity, and the whole came from a bunch of guys cooking up bat soup at the local meat market?
Great points. I think that information mutated along with the virus. The virus early on didn’t spread as much as we thought but was deadlier to those that were immune-compromised than the later versions of the virus that spread faster but less fatal.

Masks were some defense but K1N1 were necessary to really be an effective barrier- unfortunately we didn’t have what we needed to protect most of the masses.

The shots prevented many, many more deaths but the combination of natural immunity and vaccines ultimately ended the risk to most (although ANY vaccine will have negative effects on a small percentage of mass populations).

Wet markets are horrible but ultimately a politically expedient scapegoat because all governments are playing around with bad shit and no one wants to a point finger lest their four others get exposed pointing back at them.

I don’t trust the government, I hate the bureaucracy, believe we waste too much, know that the tax laws are written by rich people who don’t want to be taxed and believe that the elimination of government won’t solve what we need to solve to be the great country that I love.

3 things that won’t happen that will solve many of our problems:

1. All national and state elections are publicly funded. The ultimate campaign finance reform.

2. Term limits on all congressional seats. 4 terms for the house 3 terms for the senate.

3. If we don’t have a balanced budget - every member of congress gets fired and we start over.
Great points. I think that information mutated along with the virus. The virus early on didn’t spread as much as we thought but was deadlier to those that were immune-compromised than the later versions of the virus that spread faster but less fatal.

Masks were some defense but K1N1 were necessary to really be an effective barrier- unfortunately we didn’t have what we needed to protect most of the masses.

The shots prevented many, many more deaths but the combination of natural immunity and vaccines ultimately ended the risk to most (although ANY vaccine will have negative effects on a small percentage of mass populations).

Wet markets are horrible but ultimately a politically expedient scapegoat because all governments are playing around with bad shit and no one wants to a point finger lest their four others get exposed pointing back at them.

I don’t trust the government, I hate the bureaucracy, believe we waste too much, know that the tax laws are written by rich people who don’t want to be taxed and believe that the elimination of government won’t solve what we need to solve to be the great country that I love.

3 things that won’t happen that will solve many of our problems:

1. All national and state elections are publicly funded. The ultimate campaign finance reform.

2. Term limits on all congressional seats. 4 terms for the house 3 terms for the senate.

3. If we don’t have a balanced budget - every member of congress gets fired and we start over.
1. The virus did change- so did the info. However, there were an elite group claiming they had all the answers- every time. Instead of saying "hey guys, this is the best we can do right now"- they said "you can't spread it, it's not airborne" then "Well you can spread it, but it's not airborne". Then "if you get the Vax you won't get it". Then "if you get the Vax and GET it, it DIES in you and you won't spread it". Then "if you get the Vax and catch it, you can spread it BUT it won't kill you".
It was a bunch of bullsh!t from start to finish.
Early on (and you can research it here) this group figured out that the old, sick, fat, and weak, were those at most risk. We laid it out.
We laid out that "not just any mask would work".
We laid out that, unlike EVERY OTHER disease, where folks have similar symptoms, this one was different. Everyone was having different symptoms. Well by golly, that doesn't happen in nature. If you get the flu you get THESE symptoms. Everyone does.

If you get chicken pox you get THESE symptoms..... Everyone does.

If you get Malaria-- you get THESE symptoms.... etc. In fact, that's how 99% of illnesses are diagnosed by Doctors-- by looking at the symptoms.

But not covid- if hit people differently.

The first round of covid (you said it was the worst)---- hell I had it-- didn't even KNOW I had it. Got tested because a family members got sick and they told me I'd had it. I didn't even know.
.the second round, I had a runny nose for a day.
The 3rd round, I got SICK. Like, on the couch woth 102 fever sick for 4 days.

The last round, I sneezed for 2 days. No fever, some runny nose stuff- and it was over.
And here was sat, a group of dudes made up of Doctors, engineers, teachers, military personnel, law enforcement, etc-- and as we discussed what we were seeing in the world daily, we were attacked by dudes that were simply towing a political line out of (mostly) fear and ignorance-- but moreso a rebuff of a cult of personality that was dominating the political landscape at the time.

I don't give a shit what horse de-wormer worked or didn't work- what I care about is the fact that people tried to take away the freedom of choice of their fellow man. It reminds me of the books I've read about WWII and how Jews shamed other Jews onto trains that led them to their demise. I lost a family member a few weeks ago that was the LAST person I'll probably ever know that ACTUALLY lived a brief portion of her life under Nazi control. Before she lost her mental faculties, she told me that this whole "covid reaction by the powers that be" reminded her of the rise of the Reichstag.
And before you discount that opinion, remember- she lived through BOTH of these occurrences. (Cool story about how she used to man the Cathedral tower lookout in Strasbourg as a pre-teen).

We shut the world down at the behest of people that assured us of "certainties".
Many of these people deserve a bullet.

2. 4 terms in the house, 2 in the Senate.

3. If we don't have a balanced budget, we start shooting.

Go back and read the Declaration. There's a few sentences in there that say "Hey guys, when your government starts usurping you and acting like controlling assholes, your have a DUTY and a RIGHT to THROW THEM OFF".
I ask you-- what does "throw them off" mean, in 1776?

Does it mean "vote them out".


It means exactly like it sounds.
1. The virus did change- so did the info. However, there were an elite group claiming they had all the answers- every time. Instead of saying "hey guys, this is the best we can do right now"- they said "you can't spread it, it's not airborne" then "Well you can spread it, but it's not airborne". Then "if you get the Vax you won't get it". Then "if you get the Vax and GET it, it DIES in you and you won't spread it". Then "if you get the Vax and catch it, you can spread it BUT it won't kill you".
It was a bunch of bullsh!t from start to finish.
Early on (and you can research it here) this group figured out that the old, sick, fat, and weak, were those at most risk. We laid it out.
We laid out that "not just any mask would work".
We laid out that, unlike EVERY OTHER disease, where folks have similar symptoms, this one was different. Everyone was having different symptoms. Well by golly, that doesn't happen in nature. If you get the flu you get THESE symptoms. Everyone does.

If you get chicken pox you get THESE symptoms..... Everyone does.

If you get Malaria-- you get THESE symptoms.... etc. In fact, that's how 99% of illnesses are diagnosed by Doctors-- by looking at the symptoms.

But not covid- if hit people differently.

The first round of covid (you said it was the worst)---- hell I had it-- didn't even KNOW I had it. Got tested because a family members got sick and they told me I'd had it. I didn't even know.
.the second round, I had a runny nose for a day.
The 3rd round, I got SICK. Like, on the couch woth 102 fever sick for 4 days.

The last round, I sneezed for 2 days. No fever, some runny nose stuff- and it was over.
And here was sat, a group of dudes made up of Doctors, engineers, teachers, military personnel, law enforcement, etc-- and as we discussed what we were seeing in the world daily, we were attacked by dudes that were simply towing a political line out of (mostly) fear and ignorance-- but moreso a rebuff of a cult of personality that was dominating the political landscape at the time.

I don't give a shit what horse de-wormer worked or didn't work- what I care about is the fact that people tried to take away the freedom of choice of their fellow man. It reminds me of the books I've read about WWII and how Jews shamed other Jews onto trains that led them to their demise. I lost a family member a few weeks ago that was the LAST person I'll probably ever know that ACTUALLY lived a brief portion of her life under Nazi control. Before she lost her mental faculties, she told me that this whole "covid reaction by the powers that be" reminded her of the rise of the Reichstag.
And before you discount that opinion, remember- she lived through BOTH of these occurrences. (Cool story about how she used to man the Cathedral tower lookout in Strasbourg as a pre-teen).

We shut the world down at the behest of people that assured us of "certainties".
Many of these people deserve a bullet.

2. 4 terms in the house, 2 in the Senate.

3. If we don't have a balanced budget, we start shooting.

Go back and read the Declaration. There's a few sentences in there that say "Hey guys, when your government starts usurping you and acting like controlling assholes, your have a DUTY and a RIGHT to THROW THEM OFF".
I ask you-- what does "throw them off" mean, in 1776?

Does it mean "vote them out".


It means exactly like it sounds.
Early morning baby feeding? I’ve got a swim meet in an hour.
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1. The virus did change- so did the info. However, there were an elite group claiming they had all the answers- every time. Instead of saying "hey guys, this is the best we can do right now"- they said "you can't spread it, it's not airborne" then "Well you can spread it, but it's not airborne". Then "if you get the Vax you won't get it". Then "if you get the Vax and GET it, it DIES in you and you won't spread it". Then "if you get the Vax and catch it, you can spread it BUT it won't kill you".
It was a bunch of bullsh!t from start to finish.
Early on (and you can research it here) this group figured out that the old, sick, fat, and weak, were those at most risk. We laid it out.
We laid out that "not just any mask would work".
We laid out that, unlike EVERY OTHER disease, where folks have similar symptoms, this one was different. Everyone was having different symptoms. Well by golly, that doesn't happen in nature. If you get the flu you get THESE symptoms. Everyone does.

If you get chicken pox you get THESE symptoms..... Everyone does.

If you get Malaria-- you get THESE symptoms.... etc. In fact, that's how 99% of illnesses are diagnosed by Doctors-- by looking at the symptoms.

But not covid- if hit people differently.

The first round of covid (you said it was the worst)---- hell I had it-- didn't even KNOW I had it. Got tested because a family members got sick and they told me I'd had it. I didn't even know.
.the second round, I had a runny nose for a day.
The 3rd round, I got SICK. Like, on the couch woth 102 fever sick for 4 days.

The last round, I sneezed for 2 days. No fever, some runny nose stuff- and it was over.
And here was sat, a group of dudes made up of Doctors, engineers, teachers, military personnel, law enforcement, etc-- and as we discussed what we were seeing in the world daily, we were attacked by dudes that were simply towing a political line out of (mostly) fear and ignorance-- but moreso a rebuff of a cult of personality that was dominating the political landscape at the time.

I don't give a shit what horse de-wormer worked or didn't work- what I care about is the fact that people tried to take away the freedom of choice of their fellow man. It reminds me of the books I've read about WWII and how Jews shamed other Jews onto trains that led them to their demise. I lost a family member a few weeks ago that was the LAST person I'll probably ever know that ACTUALLY lived a brief portion of her life under Nazi control. Before she lost her mental faculties, she told me that this whole "covid reaction by the powers that be" reminded her of the rise of the Reichstag.
And before you discount that opinion, remember- she lived through BOTH of these occurrences. (Cool story about how she used to man the Cathedral tower lookout in Strasbourg as a pre-teen).

We shut the world down at the behest of people that assured us of "certainties".
Many of these people deserve a bullet.

2. 4 terms in the house, 2 in the Senate.

3. If we don't have a balanced budget, we start shooting.

Go back and read the Declaration. There's a few sentences in there that say "Hey guys, when your government starts usurping you and acting like controlling assholes, your have a DUTY and a RIGHT to THROW THEM OFF".
I ask you-- what does "throw them off" mean, in 1776?

Does it mean "vote them out".


It means exactly like it sounds.
Ok, I totally understand many of your points. But this wasn’t a US disease, it was a worldwide pandemic. My cousin was one of the first to get ill in NYC-hit him like a ton of bricks but he was young (although a type 1 diabetic) and relatively healthy (he doesn’t drink or smoke) and survived it. So many died a very horrible death though and not just those that were very old and unhealthy.

What was troubling is that the government had prepared for something like this but because it was an election year there was a denial that it was deadly or even that anything other than a normal flu was happening and we didn’t execute a plan of containment.

That being said, we have to understand we have personal freedoms but not at cost of collective freedoms. We have laws that ban driving a car without seatbelts being worn. Why? Because we analyzed the science and found that damage that was being done by not wearing seatbelts was hurting us collectively- we had hospitals full of head injured vegetables who needed full-time care that we collectively had to pay for for the rest of their lives.

For Covid-yes you got it and were fine and I’m sure you chose not to wear a mask and were pissed that society was asking that of you. But did you think about who you could have passed it to that then they passed it to their grandparents who got sick and died before their time?

No, cloth masked didn’t provide much protection but medical marks did (not 100% but decent protection) and by the time we caught up there wasn’t the supply needed to protect us.

The world shut down not just us, because we didn’t know and the best scientists of the world were (mostly) all saying the same thing as they were working to understand a once in a century pandemic that was mutating.

Personal freedoms should balance with societal freedoms in my opinion and that balance is sometimes very hard to find - especially in the midst of a crisis.

Comparing it to the Nazis who were committing genocide because of a bigoted ideology is a pretty harsh world view and definitely not how I see it but that is why this country is still great (but always flawed) we can have these debates without fear of one of us winding up in the gulag.
Was that the x-Ray tech guy that pretended to be a DR? He was a real winner.
there always seems to be a story behind Democrats and Liberals ( i am assuming he is)
just like the Democratic Party itself, they don't have logic or honesty as pillars of their foundation

its why you see repeatedly what you describe....big, unsupportable statements , a lot of misdirection and striation when asked to support their statements and then fly away to the next thread

its a scumbag move and i cant envision the type of human that lives with that disparity and never reconciles

but that's evidently where we are as a society
1. The virus did change- so did the info. However, there were an elite group claiming they had all the answers- every time. Instead of saying "hey guys, this is the best we can do right now"- they said "you can't spread it, it's not airborne" then "Well you can spread it, but it's not airborne". Then "if you get the Vax you won't get it". Then "if you get the Vax and GET it, it DIES in you and you won't spread it". Then "if you get the Vax and catch it, you can spread it BUT it won't kill you".
It was a bunch of bullsh!t from start to finish.
Early on (and you can research it here) this group figured out that the old, sick, fat, and weak, were those at most risk. We laid it out.
We laid out that "not just any mask would work".
We laid out that, unlike EVERY OTHER disease, where folks have similar symptoms, this one was different. Everyone was having different symptoms. Well by golly, that doesn't happen in nature. If you get the flu you get THESE symptoms. Everyone does.

If you get chicken pox you get THESE symptoms..... Everyone does.

If you get Malaria-- you get THESE symptoms.... etc. In fact, that's how 99% of illnesses are diagnosed by Doctors-- by looking at the symptoms.

But not covid- if hit people differently.

The first round of covid (you said it was the worst)---- hell I had it-- didn't even KNOW I had it. Got tested because a family members got sick and they told me I'd had it. I didn't even know.
.the second round, I had a runny nose for a day.
The 3rd round, I got SICK. Like, on the couch woth 102 fever sick for 4 days.

The last round, I sneezed for 2 days. No fever, some runny nose stuff- and it was over.
And here was sat, a group of dudes made up of Doctors, engineers, teachers, military personnel, law enforcement, etc-- and as we discussed what we were seeing in the world daily, we were attacked by dudes that were simply towing a political line out of (mostly) fear and ignorance-- but moreso a rebuff of a cult of personality that was dominating the political landscape at the time.

I don't give a shit what horse de-wormer worked or didn't work- what I care about is the fact that people tried to take away the freedom of choice of their fellow man. It reminds me of the books I've read about WWII and how Jews shamed other Jews onto trains that led them to their demise. I lost a family member a few weeks ago that was the LAST person I'll probably ever know that ACTUALLY lived a brief portion of her life under Nazi control. Before she lost her mental faculties, she told me that this whole "covid reaction by the powers that be" reminded her of the rise of the Reichstag.
And before you discount that opinion, remember- she lived through BOTH of these occurrences. (Cool story about how she used to man the Cathedral tower lookout in Strasbourg as a pre-teen).

We shut the world down at the behest of people that assured us of "certainties".
Many of these people deserve a bullet.

2. 4 terms in the house, 2 in the Senate.

3. If we don't have a balanced budget, we start shooting.

Go back and read the Declaration. There's a few sentences in there that say "Hey guys, when your government starts usurping you and acting like controlling assholes, your have a DUTY and a RIGHT to THROW THEM OFF".
I ask you-- what does "throw them off" mean, in 1776?

Does it mean "vote them out".


It means exactly like it sounds
Those "experts" created the COVID virus...with OUR money. Without the NIH and Fauci the dark prince, there would have been no pandemic.
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Those "experts" created the COVID virus...with OUR money. Without the NIH and Fauci the dark prince, there would have been no pandemic.
try getting any of the party of science to debate the Covid debacle ( on any of the numerous fronts available )

these people are scum

  • quick to parrot the Washington bureaucrats
  • quick to condemn those that were skeptical ( to include keeping them out of traveling /grocery stores/schools /life)
  • bought and repeated the hysteria over Ivermectin/Hydroxychloroquine, ridiculed those of us that had tried it and never did basic search on the drug ( Noble Prize winner for human consumption and river almost 450 independent reports confirming efficacy ) rather bought their media "hose paste" label
  • never said a word as "flu" patients were brought into old folks centers and incubated
  • applauded the gov't who outlawed drugs that were shown to have significant impact against the disease
  • lied about health effects of jab
  • lied about massive negative effects of jab
  • never apologized or acknowledged

the last item illustrates the modern day Liberals callous disregard for morals

they think they are smarter and morally superior ( though they struggle to support it in debate)
therefore their actions ( all their actions) are ok because they were trying to do and be for the right things

that is mental illness and the very definition of delusional
Ok, I totally understand many of your points. But this wasn’t a US disease, it was a worldwide pandemic. My cousin was one of the first to get ill in NYC-hit him like a ton of bricks but he was young (although a type 1 diabetic) and relatively healthy (he doesn’t drink or smoke) and survived it. So many died a very horrible death though and not just those that were very old and unhealthy.

What was troubling is that the government had prepared for something like this but because it was an election year there was a denial that it was deadly or even that anything other than a normal flu was happening and we didn’t execute a plan of containment.

That being said, we have to understand we have personal freedoms but not at cost of collective freedoms. We have laws that ban driving a car without seatbelts being worn. Why? Because we analyzed the science and found that damage that was being done by not wearing seatbelts was hurting us collectively- we had hospitals full of head injured vegetables who needed full-time care that we collectively had to pay for for the rest of their lives.

For Covid-yes you got it and were fine and I’m sure you chose not to wear a mask and were pissed that society was asking that of you. But did you think about who you could have passed it to that then they passed it to their grandparents who got sick and died before their time?

No, cloth masked didn’t provide much protection but medical marks did (not 100% but decent protection) and by the time we caught up there wasn’t the supply needed to protect us.

The world shut down not just us, because we didn’t know and the best scientists of the world were (mostly) all saying the same thing as they were working to understand a once in a century pandemic that was mutating.

Personal freedoms should balance with societal freedoms in my opinion and that balance is sometimes very hard to find - especially in the midst of a crisis.

Comparing it to the Nazis who were committing genocide because of a bigoted ideology is a pretty harsh world view and definitely not how I see it but that is why this country is still great (but always flawed) we can have these debates without fear of one of us winding up in the gulag.
Personal freedoms vs societal freedoms is great- but this wasn't about P vs S freedoms- it was about control. I see that as clear as day.
Look, I get the whole "don't wear a mask, get someone sick and gam-gam dies". I just don't buy into it.



Covid was dangerous for those over 60, and those in poor health OR with a health defect like your Type 1 diabetes buddy.
The overwhelming majority of deaths from covid were folks that fell into those categories. Surely you can agree that healthy young people dying FROM covid (not with) were outliers.
Because they were.

Children didn't die from covid. I mean, maybe 1 or 2-- but healthy children simply didn't die of covid.
So why, as we were SCREAMING for at the time, not do this----
Quarantine the weak, and the young, healthy, and strong will keep the world spinning.
Don't want gam-gam to die? Put her in the back bedroom. Don't go around her. You've got pulmonary problems? Stay home. Get your food delivered. You're orca fat worh diabetes, stay home. Work from home. The rest of us will pick up the slack until this passes.

But that's not what was done. In fact, it was almost the opposite. By forcing masks on people it made the weak and sick feel like it was OK to go out into public. Like this mask would protect them (it really didn't).

And it wasn't that the experts were wrong-- ppl are wrong all the time. It was that they tried to be SO convincing that they were RIGHT, when common sense told you "hey, these fvcking guys claiming to be experts are full of sh!t. This sh!t being sold by the media is total propaganda."
Yet they did it with such bravado and confidence (selling their lies) that they convinced half the population that their bullsh!t was real.
It was a guess. And why not simply say "folks, we aren't sure, this is our best guess".....?

You know why.

Personal freedoms vs societal freedoms is great- but this wasn't about P vs S freedoms- it was about control. I see that as clear as day.
Look, I get the whole "don't wear a mask, get someone sick and gam-gam dies". I just don't buy into it.



Covid was dangerous for those over 60, and those in poor health OR with a health defect like your Type 1 diabetes buddy.
The overwhelming majority of deaths from covid were folks that fell into those categories. Surely you can agree that healthy young people dying FROM covid (not with) were outliers.
Because they were.

Children didn't die from covid. I mean, maybe 1 or 2-- but healthy children simply didn't die of covid.
So why, as we were SCREAMING for at the time, not do this----
Quarantine the weak, and the young, healthy, and strong will keep the world spinning.
Don't want gam-gam to die? Put her in the back bedroom. Don't go around her. You've got pulmonary problems? Stay home. Get your food delivered. You're orca fat worh diabetes, stay home. Work from home. The rest of us will pick up the slack until this passes.

But that's not what was done. In fact, it was almost the opposite. By forcing masks on people it made the weak and sick feel like it was OK to go out into public. Like this mask would protect them (it really didn't).

And it wasn't that the experts were wrong-- ppl are wrong all the time. It was that they tried to be SO convincing that they were RIGHT, when common sense told you "hey, these fvcking guys claiming to be experts are full of sh!t. This sh!t being sold by the media is total propaganda."
Yet they did it with such bravado and confidence (selling their lies) that they convinced half the population that their bullsh!t was real.
It was a guess. And why not simply say "folks, we aren't sure, this is our best guess".....?

You know why.

While I'm at it, after COVID escaped from the Wuhan lab, it started evolving towards more infectivity and less mortality. More evidence that it was lab created. When syphilis came to Europe from the western hemisphere, it often killed people in weeks to months. The early AIDS patients died quickly, now it's a chronic disease.
I’m socially liberal - meaning I try not to judge what people do in their personal lives and I’m fiscally more conservative. I believe that we should balance a budget by increasing revenue and decreasing expenses.

I try not to call people names and try to understand before being understood.

Dr Fauci worked for 7 different administrations both Republican and Democrat. He served this country and you may not agree with his real time analysis- that was a world view not just a US view - but it seemed to me he was working for a population's safety more so than an individual’s freedom which was his job.

Basic research was done on drugs and were found at the time with the strains of COVID that were being tested to not be as effectual as other drugs - was that the influence of Big Pharma - perhaps - but if you research who they back politically with their money it is very much BOTH sides of the aisle. If you research who got rid of campaign finance reform…both sides with the help of a right leaning Supreme Court.

We are the most medically advanced country on earth (broadly speaking) but we had a death rate from Covid that resembled the 3rd world.

I don’t hate the other side or believe everything I hear, see, or read from one source. I do believe in facts and I also believe that “alternative facts” were introduced by the Trump campaign to explain some inconvenient truths about their 2016 victory.

I hate where we are as a country because unless we lower the temperature and start governing from the middle our future will be challenging.


The pinko, liberal, scum of the earth.
(Really I’m just center left which used to be ok)
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