Big 12 going the way of the SWC?

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So it's ok for Texas to look after their own well being and A&M shouldn't? More money for A&M in the SEC. Better situation. They took advantage of it. Good for them.
It's not THAT you left. It's HOW you left. You dishonestly took millions from the likes of ISU and KU under the guise of keeping the Big XII conference together, all the while knowing you were leaving. Then you and your bowtie president and fanboy chancellor lied through your teeth that it was UT's fault on your way out of the door. You're a bunch of despicable liars. The aggy honor code is the biggest crock of sh*t in the world.
It's not THAT you left. It's HOW you left. You dishonestly took millions from the likes of ISU and KU under the guise of keeping the Big XII conference together, all the while knowing you were leaving. Then you and your bowtie president and fanboy chancellor lied through your teeth that it was UT's fault on your way out of the door. You're a bunch of despicable liars. The aggy honor code is the biggest crock of sh*t in the world.
A&M moved for the money, I openly admit it. I think that is pretty obvious, you don't need to be an insider to know this. Texas went with the LHN for the money, and I don’t blame them. Every school follows the money, doesn't make them bad, just rational.
I believe the Big12 will implode at some point. It won't be because Okie or Texas is evil, just greedy. Which makes sense to me. Big time college football drives college sports, as it brings in the money.
Kansas state, Iowa state, Tech, etc. are just as greedy as the big boys. They just don't have as many options. This is a business, and ESPN makes the rules. The Schools just follow the money. If anyone is to blame it is ESPN, and I don’t even blame them. Wins are important to fans, $ is important to the people moving the chess pieces. Just the way it is.
Using this logic Texas would have little value to a conference, as they have sucked the last few years.
Umm, incorrect. Apples and oranges. Texas will always have value. TCU and Baylor have earned their seat at the table. Saying the Big XII is UT and OU and "not much else" is ridiculously dishonest. Per usual from an aggy. As an aside, they're both better than you as well. And if we sucked, why did your aggys run away scared from us in the 2014 bowl game? Also, your aggys won the Big XII a single time in 16 years so your condemnations of the conference ring hollow to say the least.
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A&M moved for the money, I openly admit it.
Good for you but that's not what your administration was saying on the way out of the door nor what the majority of your fanbase is still dishonestly selling.

Texas went with the LHN for the money, and I don’t blame them. Every school follows the money, doesn't make them bad, just rational.
Not just rational. It's what the conference members voted on for third tier media rights (including A&M, CU, Mizzou and Nebraska). Texas wanted to do a Texas tv channel with A&M and we were turned down but aggys still dishonestly blame TLN as the reason they left.

I believe the Big12 will implode at some point. It won't be because Okie or Texas is evil, just greedy.
An aggy believing the Big XII won't make it without them. Shocker. :rolleyes:
Bernie wants the successful to do things against their own self interest in order to help others.
You're incorrect here as well. The rich don't do as well without the working and middle classes having more expendable income. Trickle down economics has been proven to be a fraudulent scam.

"Hey, America so quickly grew into the richest, most powerful country in the world through capitalism. We're f*ckin up, we should do it the way the USSR did it......oh wait."
Yes, it's either unfettered, dog eat dog, I've got mine so f*ck the rest of you capitalism or state controlled communism. No middle ground. Intelligent response.
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Oh yes, f*ck you evil capitalist corporation. F*ck you for giving me jobs and healthcare. You should give me your money. Lol

Socialism is the only proven fraud.
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Good for you but that's not what your administration was saying on the way out of the door nor what the majority of your fanbase is still dishonestly selling.

Not just rational. It's what the conference members voted on for third tier media rights (including A&M, CU, Mizzou and Nebraska). Texas wanted to do a Texas tv channel with A&M and we were turned down but aggys still dishonestly blame TLN as the reason they left.

An aggy believing the Big XII won't make it without them. Shocker. :rolleyes:
On your first point. Schools build a narrative to spin the story. We do it, you do it, everyone does it. The schools understand that their fans will choose to believe the story that puts them in the best light. They understand that fans are biased and not very smart.

Point two. I really don't know what each school was thinking. Maybe they wanted out, and needed political cover. Maybe they were smart enough to know what Texas wanted, and it gave them an out. Maybe they loved the Big12 and were just stupid. Who knows?

Point three. The Big12 already made it without us, Nebraska, Missouri, and Colorado. Their margin for error is just down to zero. If Okie left would you want to stay? At that point it would be a host/parasite situation. Unless the host valued being the boss over everything else. I would think Texas could tell the other schools that all Texas conference games would be played in Austin, I bet the other schools would say ok.
Yes, it's either unfettered, dog eat dog, I've got mine so f*ck the rest of you capitalism or state controlled communism. No middle ground. Intelligent response.
Are you feeling the Bern this morning?
Never said corporations were evil but nice strawman when you can't defend republican economic policies, Metcalf. And communism and socialism aren't the same thing but way change your talking point.

And no, trickle down economics is a proven fraud. A lie. A scam.
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Never said corporations were evil but nice strawman when you can't defend republican economic policies, Metcalf. And communism and socialism aren't the same thing but way change your talking point.

And no, trickle down economics is a proven fraud. A lie. A scam.
'80's and '90's were pretty good!
I don't have to defend Republican economic policies. Those policies resulted in the USA becoming the richest, most powerful country in the world. Democratic policies lead to disasters like the USSR and Cuba. Nuff said. Sorry brother, but you've been played for a fool.
The US economy does better with a Democrat in office. Fact. Try educating yourself. A simple google will do the trick. Comparing Democratic policies to the USSR is beyond retarded. You're not worth talking to about politics. Just retarded.
United Soviet SOCIALIST Republic. The Democratic Party has become SOCIALIST. Nuff said.
Never said corporations were evil but nice strawman when you can't defend republican economic policies, Metcalf. And communism and socialism aren't the same thing but way change your talking point.

And no, trickle down economics is a proven fraud. A lie. A scam.
The US is far from a pure Capitalist nation anymore. Social Security, Obama Care, medicare, medicaid, etc.. are all forms of Socialism in my opinion. A large portion of Americans don't even pay federal income tax. I don't think the country is ready for someone honest/nuts enough to admit he is a socialist. But both Hillary and the Donald are very left of center. I am not sure which is more so.
United Soviet SOCIALIST Republic. The Democratic Party has become SOCIALIST. Nuff said.
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The US is far from a pure Capitalist nation anymore. Social Security, Obama Care, medicare, medicaid, etc.. are all forms of Socialism in my opinion.
Social security, medicare and medicaid are. As are roads and firemen and police and libraries and... But of course the republican drones who vote on God, guns and abortion can only think in terms of black and white.

Obamacare is not state owned health care however no matter how many times it's repeated.
Obamacare is not state owned health care however no matter how many times it's repeated.
It may not be state owned, but subsidies make it socialism. We are a generous nation, too bad we are just about out of other people's money.

Also, their is a big difference between infrastructure and entitlements. Entitlements are the largest portion of the budget.
You can't change people's minds. I have accepted that. But arguing with people is fun.

FWIW.....I think the government should be limited to the things the "progressives" say we want to cut. (defense, soc-sec, police fire, roads, etc)

"A democracy cannot exist as a permanent form of government. It can only exist until the majority discovers it can vote itself largess out of the public treasury. After that, the majority always votes for the candidate promising the most benefits with the result the democracy collapses because of the loose fiscal policy ensuing, always to be followed by a dictatorship, then a monarchy." - Elmer T. Peterson - 1951
Yes, it's either unfettered, dog eat dog, I've got mine so f*ck the rest of you capitalism or state controlled communism. No middle ground. Intelligent response.
Scholz as you have seen me post on here multiple times....I hate the ALL or NOTHING crowd! There is no middle ground. God what has happened to the U.S.A.? People can't even talk about the issues and how to address them together. It is my way or no way. I hate it.

I have issues on both sides of the spectrum that I believe in. I do not believe trickle down works. The gap between the wealthy and poor is too large and in fact is the largest in our history. The laws are stacked in favor of the wealthy. Whether you are republican or democrat or an independent you should see that the very wealthy are gaining more and more wealth and power which is being taken away from the vast majority of the population. When you see the other side as the "only problem" then we will never fix these issues. BOTH sides have some right and some wrong.
Depends. Are you more concerned about what the government will do for you or to you?
Is this truly the way you see it? If a person votes Democrat then they are voting to get themselves something...and if a person votes Republican he is voting so the government will not do something to him? Really?
It may not be state owned, but subsidies make it socialism. We are a generous nation, too bad we are just about out of other people's money.

Also, their is a big difference between infrastructure and entitlements. Entitlements are the largest portion of the budget.
It's not state owned. It's not "may". It's simply not. It's private health care. I would prefer Medicare for all as it's the most efficient system but that's not what we have. And this system was a republican idea when Romney was doing it in Mass. It was people taking responsibility for their health care and paying their own way back then.

Saying we are out of money is ridiculous. Billionaires and corporations aren't paying their fair share. Their money is in the Caymans and Switzerland and jobs are in China and Singapore. But that's patriotic capitalism to republicans.

And "entitlements" is such as dishonest, right wing propaganda word. People pay into these systems their entire working lives. Calling them entitlements makes them sound like a free giveaway. It's not.
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Scholz as you have seen me post on here multiple times....I hate the ALL or NOTHING crowd! There is no middle ground. God what has happened to the U.S.A.? People can't even talk about the issues and how to address them together. It is my way or no way. I hate it.
Well personally I'm tired of the notion that both sides are to blame. One side IS to blame. They get elected on the notion that government is bad and people are shocked when government doesn't work with them in there. It's not a pox on both of the houses. One side is obstructionist and IMO unpatriotic. They don't care about the good of the country, only staying in power. Watch as they hold their noses as their nominee is the racist xenophobe with fascist tendancies. It's all good as long as the rich get their tax breaks and republicans get elected though. Gah!
Well personally I'm tired of the notion that both sides are to blame. One side IS to blame. They get elected on the notion that government is bad and people are shocked when government doesn't work with them in there. It's not a pox on both of the houses. One side is obstructionist and IMO unpatriotic. They don't care about the good of the country, only staying in power. Watch as they hold their noses as their nominee is the racist xenophobe with fascist tendancies. It's all good as long as the rich get their tax breaks and republicans get elected though. Gah!

Then why are places such as Chicago, Detroit, New Orleans, etc.....places with no opposition party......places where your side has unobstructed such bad shape?

Poverty Rank - City - Democrat Since
1 Detroit, MI 1961
2 Buffalo, NY 1954
3 Cincinnati, OH 1984
4 Cleveland, OH 1989
5 Miami, FL forever
6 St. Louis, MO 1949
7 El Paso, TX forever
8 Milwaukee, WI 1908
9 Philadelphia, PA 1952
10 Newark, NJ 1907
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Yes, blame the black people. Dog whistle. Typical. :rolleyes: We want our country back, amirite? And gays too? And women's health care? Christ on a cracker.

Jerry Brown saved California from the right wing. Don't hear any right wingers talking about that little civics lesson. Nor why right wing Kansas and Wisconsin are in the economic toilet.
Sorry....I added a few other places. Not sure if everyone is black in those places.

And I would like to enter into evidence Scholz adding race to the discussion. I will not speak of it any further, I will speak in terms of liberal vs. non liberal. If he would like to beat up on straw racists he can do that.
The president really doesn't have much of an affect on the economy, unless he is passing unfunded mandates and executive orders. Typically most fiscal policy comes from Congress. And I'd be interested to see what the makeup of the Congress was in your example. (didn't read....I'm not real big on internet message board posters sending me elsewhere to find info)

And a personal question. Why would someone so enlightened such as yourself have such trouble discussing these things without insulting people? I would think if your arguments had such a foundation in truth it would stand on its own?
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