Lets hear your ideas for a new Real Men of Genius commercial...
Here are a few to spark your imagination (These are actual commercials)
Mr. Way to Proud of Texas Guy
Mr. Hair Gel Over-Geller
Mr. Really Bad Toupe Wearer
Mr. Really, Really, Really Bad Dancer
Mr. Over-zealous Foul Ball Catcher
Mr. Nosebleed Section Ticket Holder Guy
Mr. Really Loud Cellphone Talker Guy
Mr. Hot Dog Eating Contest Contestant
Mr. Rolling Cooler Cooler Roller
Mr. Overly Competitive Touch Football Game Player
Mr. Baseball Glove Wearing Fan
Mr. Taxi Cab Over-accessorizer
Here are a few to spark your imagination (These are actual commercials)
Mr. Way to Proud of Texas Guy
Mr. Hair Gel Over-Geller
Mr. Really Bad Toupe Wearer
Mr. Really, Really, Really Bad Dancer
Mr. Over-zealous Foul Ball Catcher
Mr. Nosebleed Section Ticket Holder Guy
Mr. Really Loud Cellphone Talker Guy
Mr. Hot Dog Eating Contest Contestant
Mr. Rolling Cooler Cooler Roller
Mr. Overly Competitive Touch Football Game Player
Mr. Baseball Glove Wearing Fan
Mr. Taxi Cab Over-accessorizer